問題 | No.1297 銅像 |
ユーザー |
👑 |
提出日時 | 2020-11-24 12:22:38 |
言語 | D (dmd 2.109.1) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 200 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 5,929 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 891 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 125,104 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 22,876 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-06-22 10:02:06 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 4,352 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge1 / judge5 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 2 |
other | AC * 21 |
import std.conv, std.functional, std.range, std.stdio, std.string;import std.algorithm, std.array, std.bigint, std.bitmanip, std.complex, std.container, std.math, std.mathspecial, std.numeric, std.regex, std.typecons;import core.bitop;class EOFException : Throwable { this() { super("EOF"); } }string[] tokens;string readToken() { for (; tokens.empty; ) { if (stdin.eof) { throw new EOFException; } tokens = readln.split; } auto token = tokens.front; tokens.popFront; return token; }int readInt() { return readToken.to!int; }long readLong() { return readToken.to!long; }real readReal() { return readToken.to!real; }bool chmin(T)(ref T t, in T f) { if (t > f) { t = f; return true; } else { return false; } }bool chmax(T)(ref T t, in T f) { if (t < f) { t = f; return true; } else { return false; } }int binarySearch(alias pred, T)(in T[] as) { int lo = -1, hi = cast(int)(as.length); for (; lo + 1 < hi; ) { const mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;(unaryFun!pred(as[mid]) ? hi : lo) = mid; } return hi; }int lowerBound(T)(in T[] as, T val) { return as.binarySearch!(a => (a >= val)); }int upperBound(T)(in T[] as, T val) { return as.binarySearch!(a => (a > val)); }// class Func = TX -> TY// for any f, g: Func, x -> sgn(g(x) - f(x)) must be monotoneclass LiChaoTree(Func) {import std.algorithm : swap;alias TX = Func.TX;alias TY = Func.TY;const(TX) L, R;class Tree {Tree l, r;Func f;this(Func f) {this.f = f;}}Tree root;// [L, R)this(TX L, TX R) {assert(L < R, "LiChaoTree: L < R must hold");this.L = L;this.R = R;}// Add g to the whole [L, R)void add(Func g) {root = add(root, L, R, g);}// Add g to [a, b)void add(TX a, TX b, Func g) {root = add(root, L, R, a, b, g);}// Get max at aTY opCall(TX a) {TY mx = TY.min;TX l = L, r = R;for (Tree u = root; u; ) {if (u.f) {const fX = u.f(a);if (mx < fX) mx = fX;}const mid = l + (r - l) / 2;if (a < mid) {u = u.l; r = mid;} else {u = u.r; l = mid;}}return mx;}private:Tree add(Tree u0, TX l, TX r, Func g) {if (!u0) return new Tree(g);TY gL = g(l), gR = g(r);for (Tree u = u0; ; ) {TY fL = u.f ? u.f(l) : TY.min, fR = u.f ? u.f(r) : TY.min;if (fL >= gL && fR >= gR) return u0;if (fL <= gL && fR <= gR) { u.f = g; return u0; }if (r - l == 1) { if (fL <= gL) { u.f = g; } return u0; }const mid = l + (r - l) / 2;TY fMid = u.f(mid), gMid = g(mid);if (fMid < gMid) {swap(u.f, g);if (!g) return u0;if (gL < fL) {if (!u.l) { u.l = new Tree(g); return u0; }u = u.l; r = mid; gL = fL; gR = fMid;} else {if (!u.r) { u.r = new Tree(g); return u0; }u = u.r; l = mid; gL = fMid; gR = fR;}} else {if (fL < gL) {if (!u.l) { u.l = new Tree(g); return u0; }u = u.l; r = mid; gR = gMid;} else {if (!u.r) { u.r = new Tree(g); return u0; }u = u.r; l = mid; gL = gMid;}}}}Tree add(Tree u, TX l, TX r, TX a, TX b, Func g) {if (b <= l || r <= a) return u;if (a <= l && r <= b) return add(u, l, r, g);if (u && u.f && u.f(l) >= g(l) && u.f(r) >= g(r)) return u;if (!u) u = new Tree(null);const mid = l + (r - l) / 2;u.l = add(u.l, l, mid, a, b, g);u.r = add(u.r, mid, r, a, b, g);return u;}}// y = p x + qclass Line {alias TX = long;alias TY = long;long p, q;this(long p, long q) {this.p = p;this.q = q;}TY opCall(TX x) {return p * x + q;}}enum INF = 10L^^18;enum LIM_CN = 10L^^12 + 10L^^11 + 10;void main() {try {for (; ; ) {const N = readInt();const C = readLong();auto A = new long[N];auto B = new long[N];foreach (i; 0 .. N) {A[i] = readLong();B[i] = readLong();}/*min_{j<=i} (dp[j] + A[i] (i - j) + C (i - j) (i - j + 1) / 2)= min_{j<=i} ((dp[j] + C j (j - 1) / 2) - j (A[i] + C i))+ A[i] i + C i (i + 1) / 2min_i (DP[i] + A[i] (j - i - 1) + C (j - i - 1) (j - i) / 2)= min_i ((DP[i] - A[i] (i + 1) + C i (i + 1) / 2) + (A[i] - C i) j)+ C j (j - 1) / 2*/auto lct = new LiChaoTree!Line(-LIM_CN, LIM_CN);auto LCT = new LiChaoTree!Line(0, N + 1);void add(int j, long val) {lct.add(new Line(-(-j), -(val + C * j * (j - 1) / 2)));}void ADD(int i, long val) {LCT.add(new Line(-(A[i] - C * i), -(val - A[i] * (i + 1) + C * i * (i + 1) / 2)));}auto dp = new long[N + 1];dp[] = INF;foreach (i; 0 .. N + 1) {dp[i] = (i == 0) ? 0 : (-LCT(i) + C * i * (i - 1) / 2);add(i, dp[i]);if (i == N) {break;}long mn = -lct(A[i] + C * i) + A[i] * i + C * i * (i + 1) / 2;debug {writeln(i, ": ", mn, " ", mn + A[i] + B[i]);}ADD(i, mn + A[i] + B[i]);}debug {writeln("dp = ", dp);}writeln(dp[N]);debug {auto brt = new long[N + 1];brt[] = INF;brt[0] = 0;foreach (i; 0 .. N) {long mn = INF;foreach (j; 0 .. i + 1) {// [j, i)const long l = i - j;chmin(mn, brt[j] + A[i] * l + C * (l * (l + 1) / 2));}writeln(i, ": ", mn, " ", mn + A[i] + B[i]);mn += A[i] + B[i];foreach (j; i + 1 .. N + 1) {// [i + 1, j)const long l = j - (i + 1);chmin(brt[j], mn + A[i] * l + C * (l * (l + 1) / 2));}}writeln("brt = ", brt);}}} catch (EOFException e) {}}