問題 | No.741 AscNumber(Easy) |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2021-03-16 10:02:12 |
言語 | C++17(clang) (17.0.6 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 129 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 10,050 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 3,448 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 163,528 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 73,472 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-07 20:51:22 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 6,372 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge3 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
other | AC * 55 |
#include <bits/stdc++.h>namespace {using i32 = int32_t;using i64 = int64_t;} // namespace#define BIN_OPS(F) F(+) F(-) F(*) F(/)#define CMP_OPS(F) F(!=) F(<) F(<=) F(==) F(>) F(>=)template <i32 Mod = 1000000007>class ModInt {public:ModInt() : n_(0) {}ModInt(i64 n) : n_(n % Mod) {if (n_ < 0) {// In C++, (-n)%m == -(n%m).n_ += Mod;}}ModInt& operator+=(const ModInt& m) {n_ += m.n_;if (n_ >= Mod) {n_ -= Mod;}return *this;}ModInt& operator++() { return (*this) += 1; }ModInt& operator-=(const ModInt& m) {n_ -= m.n_;if (n_ < 0) {n_ += Mod;}return *this;}ModInt& operator--() { return (*this) -= 1; }ModInt& operator*=(const ModInt& m) {n_ = i64(n_) * m.n_ % Mod;return *this;}ModInt& operator/=(const ModInt& m) {*this *= m.Inv();return *this;}#define DEFINE(op) \ModInt operator op(const ModInt& m) const { return ModInt(*this) op## = m; }BIN_OPS(DEFINE)#undef DEFINE#define DEFINE(op) \bool operator op(const ModInt& m) const { return n_ op m.n_; }CMP_OPS(DEFINE)#undef DEFINEModInt operator-() const { return ModInt(-n_); }ModInt Pow(i64 n) const {if (n < 0) {return Inv().Pow(-n);}// a * b ^ n = answer.ModInt a = 1, b = *this;while (n != 0) {if (n & 1) {a *= b;}n /= 2;b *= b;}return a;}ModInt Inv() const {#if DEBUGassert(n_ != 0);#endifif (n_ > kMaxCacheSize) {// Compute the inverse based on Fermat's little theorem. Note that this// only works when n_ and Mod are relatively prime. The theorem says that// n_^(Mod-1) = 1 (mod Mod). So we can compute n_^(Mod-2).return Pow(Mod - 2);}for (i64 i = inv_.size(); i <= n_; ++i) {inv_.push_back(i <= 1 ? i : (Mod / i * -inv_[Mod % i]));}return inv_[n_];}i64 value() const { return n_; }static ModInt Fact(i64 n) {for (i64 i = fact_.size(); i <= n; ++i) {fact_.push_back(i == 0 ? 1 : fact_.back() * i);}return fact_[n];}static ModInt InvFact(i64 n) {for (i64 i = inv_fact_.size(); i <= n; ++i) {inv_fact_.push_back(i == 0 ? 1 : inv_fact_.back() / i);}return inv_fact_[n];}static ModInt Comb(i64 n, i64 k) { return Perm(n, k) * InvFact(k); }static ModInt CombSlow(i64 n, i64 k) { return PermSlow(n, k) * InvFact(k); }static ModInt Perm(i64 n, i64 k) {#if DEBUGassert(n <= kMaxCacheSize &&"n is too large. If k is small, consider using PermSlow.");#endifreturn Fact(n) * InvFact(n - k);}static ModInt PermSlow(i64 n, i64 k) {ModInt p = 1;for (i64 i = 0; i < k; ++i) {p *= (n - i);}return p;}private:i32 n_;inline static std::vector<ModInt> fact_;inline static std::vector<ModInt> inv_fact_;inline static std::vector<ModInt> inv_;static const i64 kMaxCacheSize = 1000000;};#define DEFINE(op) \template <i32 Mod, typename T> \ModInt<Mod> operator op(const T& t, const ModInt<Mod>& m) { \return ModInt<Mod>(t) op m; \}BIN_OPS(DEFINE)CMP_OPS(DEFINE)#undef DEFINEtemplate <i32 Mod>std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ModInt<Mod>& m) {out << m.value();return out;}#include <boost/hana/functional/fix.hpp>template <typename T, typename = void>struct is_dereferenceable : std::false_type {};template <typename T>struct is_dereferenceable<T, std::void_t<decltype(*std::declval<T>())>>: std::true_type {};template <typename T, typename = void>struct is_iterable : std::false_type {};template <typename T>struct is_iterable<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::begin(std::declval<T>())),decltype(std::end(std::declval<T>()))>>: std::true_type {};template <typename T, typename = void>struct is_applicable : std::false_type {};template <typename T>struct is_applicable<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::tuple_size<T>::value)>>: std::true_type {};template <typename T, typename... Ts>void debug(const T& value, const Ts&... args);template <typename T>void debug(const T& v) {if constexpr (is_dereferenceable<T>::value) {std::cerr << "{";if (v) {debug(*v);} else {std::cerr << "nil";}std::cerr << "}";} else if constexpr (is_iterable<T>::value &&!std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {std::cerr << "{";for (auto it = std::begin(v); it != std::end(v); ++it) {if (it != std::begin(v)) std::cerr << ", ";debug(*it);}std::cerr << "}";} else if constexpr (is_applicable<T>::value) {std::cerr << "{";std::apply([](const auto&... args) { debug(args...); }, v);std::cerr << "}";} else {std::cerr << v;}}template <typename T, typename... Ts>void debug(const T& value, const Ts&... args) {debug(value);std::cerr << ", ";debug(args...);}#if DEBUG#define dbg(...) \do { \cerr << #__VA_ARGS__ << ": "; \debug(__VA_ARGS__); \cerr << " (L" << __LINE__ << ")\n"; \} while (0)#else#define dbg(...)#endifvoid read_from_cin() {}template <typename T, typename... Ts>void read_from_cin(T& value, Ts&... args) {std::cin >> value;read_from_cin(args...);}#define rd(type, ...) \type __VA_ARGS__; \read_from_cin(__VA_ARGS__);#define ints(...) rd(int, __VA_ARGS__);#define strings(...) rd(string, __VA_ARGS__);template <typename T>void write_to_cout(const T& value) {if constexpr (std::is_same<T, bool>::value) {std::cout << (value ? "Yes" : "No");} else if constexpr (is_iterable<T>::value &&!std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {for (auto it = std::begin(value); it != std::end(value); ++it) {if (it != std::begin(value)) std::cout << " ";std::cout << *it;}} else {std::cout << value;}}template <typename T, typename... Ts>void write_to_cout(const T& value, const Ts&... args) {write_to_cout(value);std::cout << ' ';write_to_cout(args...);}#define wt(...) \do { \write_to_cout(__VA_ARGS__); \cout << '\n'; \} while (0)#define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()#define eb(...) emplace_back(__VA_ARGS__)#define pb(...) push_back(__VA_ARGS__)#define dispatch(_1, _2, _3, name, ...) name#define as_i64(x) \( \[] { \static_assert( \std::is_integral< \typename std::remove_reference<decltype(x)>::type>::value, \"rep macro supports std integral types only"); \}, \static_cast<std::int64_t>(x))#define rep3(i, a, b) for (std::int64_t i = as_i64(a); i < as_i64(b); ++i)#define rep2(i, n) rep3(i, 0, n)#define rep1(n) rep2(_loop_variable_, n)#define rep(...) dispatch(__VA_ARGS__, rep3, rep2, rep1)(__VA_ARGS__)#define rrep3(i, a, b) for (std::int64_t i = as_i64(b) - 1; i >= as_i64(a); --i)#define rrep2(i, n) rrep3(i, 0, n)#define rrep1(n) rrep2(_loop_variable_, n)#define rrep(...) dispatch(__VA_ARGS__, rrep3, rrep2, rrep1)(__VA_ARGS__)#define each3(k, v, c) for (auto&& [k, v] : c)#define each2(e, c) for (auto&& e : c)#define each(...) dispatch(__VA_ARGS__, each3, each2)(__VA_ARGS__)template <typename T>std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, std::vector<T>& v) {for (T& vi : v) is >> vi;return is;}template <typename T, typename U>std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, std::pair<T, U>& p) {is >> p.first >> p.second;return is;}template <typename T, typename U>bool chmax(T& a, U b) {if (a < b) {a = b;return true;}return false;}template <typename T, typename U>bool chmin(T& a, U b) {if (a > b) {a = b;return true;}return false;}template <typename T, typename U>auto max(T a, U b) {return a > b ? a : b;}template <typename T, typename U>auto min(T a, U b) {return a < b ? a : b;}template <typename T>std::int64_t sz(const T& v) {return std::size(v);}template <typename T>std::int64_t popcount(T i) {return std::bitset<std::numeric_limits<T>::digits>(i).count();}template <typename T>bool hasbit(T s, int i) {return std::bitset<std::numeric_limits<T>::digits>(s)[i];}template <typename T, typename U>auto div_floor(T n, U d) {if (d < 0) {n = -n;d = -d;}if (n < 0) {return -((-n + d - 1) / d);}return n / d;};template <typename T, typename U>auto div_ceil(T n, U d) {if (d < 0) {n = -n;d = -d;}if (n < 0) {return -(-n / d);}return (n + d - 1) / d;}template <typename T>bool even(T x) {return x % 2 == 0;}const std::int64_t big = std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max() / 4;using i64 = std::int64_t;using i32 = std::int32_t;template <typename T>using low_priority_queue =std::priority_queue<T, std::vector<T>, std::greater<T>>;template <typename T>using V = std::vector<T>;template <typename T>using VV = V<V<T>>;void Main();int main() {std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);std::cin.tie(NULL);std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(20);Main();return 0;}const auto& Fix = boost::hana::fix;using namespace std;#define int i64using mint = ModInt<>;void Main() {ints(n);vector dp(n + 1, vector(10, mint(0)));dp[0][0] = 1;rep(i, n) rep(j, 10) rep(k, j, 10) dp[i + 1][k] += dp[i][j];wt(accumulate(all(dp[n]), mint(0)));}