
問題 No.1578 A × B × C
ユーザー Lorenzo FioriniLorenzo Fiorini
提出日時 2021-07-02 22:00:58
言語 Python3
(3.12.2 + numpy 1.26.4 + scipy 1.12.0)
実行時間 -
コード長 3,627 bytes
コンパイル時間 308 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 12,800 KB
実行使用メモリ 11,136 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-06-29 11:32:48
合計ジャッジ時間 1,540 ms
judge2 / judge5


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 27 ms
11,136 KB
testcase_01 AC 26 ms
11,008 KB
testcase_02 WA -
testcase_03 WA -
testcase_04 WA -
testcase_05 WA -
testcase_06 WA -
testcase_07 WA -
testcase_08 WA -
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testcase_14 WA -
testcase_15 WA -
testcase_16 WA -
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testcase_22 WA -
testcase_23 WA -
testcase_24 WA -


diff #

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division, print_function

import os
import sys
from io import BytesIO, IOBase
# Imports
import math

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    from __builtin__ import xrange as range
    from future_builtins import ascii, filter, hex, map, oct, zip

def bin_pow(a, b):

def main():
	mod = 1000000007
	v = list(map(int, input().split()))
	k = int(input())
	a = b = c = 1
	if k & 1:
		a = (v[0] ** (k-1)) * (v[1] ** k) * (v[2] ** k)
		a %= mod
		b = (v[0] ** k) * (v[1] ** (k-1)) * (v[2] ** k)
		b %= mod
		c = (v[0] ** k) * (v[1] ** k) * (v[2] ** (k-1))
		c %= mod
		a = (v[0] ** k) * (v[1] ** (k-1)) * (v[2] ** (k-1))
		a %= mod
		b = (v[0] ** (k-1)) * (v[1] ** k) * (v[2] ** (k-1))
		b %= mod
		c = (v[0] ** (k-1)) * (v[1] ** (k-1)) * (v[2] ** k)
		c %= mod
	ans = a * b * c
	ans %= mod

def binpow(a, b):
	mod = 1000000007
	a %= mod
	ans = 1
	while b > 0:
		if b % 2 == 1:
			ans = ans * a % mod
		a = a * a % mod
		b //= 2
	return ans
def main():
	mod = 1000000007
	v = list(map(int, input().split()))
	k = int(input())
	a = binpow(v[0], k + 1)
	b = binpow(v[1], k + 1)
	c = binpow(v[2], k + 1)
	ans = a * b * c 
	ans %= mod

# region fastio

BUFSIZE = 8192

class FastIO(IOBase):
    newlines = 0

    def __init__(self, file):
        self._fd = file.fileno()
        self.buffer = BytesIO()
        self.writable = "x" in file.mode or "r" not in file.mode
        self.write = self.buffer.write if self.writable else None

    def read(self):
        while True:
            b = os.read(self._fd, max(os.fstat(self._fd).st_size, BUFSIZE))
            if not b:
            ptr = self.buffer.tell()
            self.buffer.seek(0, 2), self.buffer.write(b), self.buffer.seek(ptr)
        self.newlines = 0
        return self.buffer.read()

    def readline(self):
        while self.newlines == 0:
            b = os.read(self._fd, max(os.fstat(self._fd).st_size, BUFSIZE))
            self.newlines = b.count(b"\n") + (not b)
            ptr = self.buffer.tell()
            self.buffer.seek(0, 2), self.buffer.write(b), self.buffer.seek(ptr)
        self.newlines -= 1
        return self.buffer.readline()

    def flush(self):
        if self.writable:
            os.write(self._fd, self.buffer.getvalue())
            self.buffer.truncate(0), self.buffer.seek(0)

class IOWrapper(IOBase):
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.buffer = FastIO(file)
        self.flush = self.buffer.flush
        self.writable = self.buffer.writable
        self.write = lambda s: self.buffer.write(s.encode("ascii"))
        self.read = lambda: self.buffer.read().decode("ascii")
        self.readline = lambda: self.buffer.readline().decode("ascii")

def print(*args, **kwargs):
    """Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default."""
    sep, file = kwargs.pop("sep", " "), kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout)
    at_start = True
    for x in args:
        if not at_start:
        at_start = False
    file.write(kwargs.pop("end", "\n"))
    if kwargs.pop("flush", False):

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    sys.stdin, sys.stdout = FastIO(sys.stdin), FastIO(sys.stdout)
    sys.stdin, sys.stdout = IOWrapper(sys.stdin), IOWrapper(sys.stdout)

input = lambda: sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")

# endregion

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Lorenzo Fiorini