問題 | No.1595 The Final Digit |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2021-07-09 21:46:00 |
言語 | C++17(gcc12) (gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 2 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 6,157 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 18,699 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 224,984 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2025-01-22 21:24:12 |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge2 / judge5 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 3 |
other | AC * 17 |
main.cpp:123: warning: "dbg" redefined 123 | #define dbg(x) (x) | main.cpp:120: note: this is the location of the previous definition 120 | #define dbg(x) (debug_h(__FILE__, __LINE__, "" #x),dbg_(x)) | main.cpp:124: warning: "debug" redefined 124 | #define debug(...) ((void)0) | main.cpp:117: note: this is the location of the previous definition 117 | #define debug(...) (debug_h(__FILE__, __LINE__, "" #__VA_ARGS__),debug_(__VA_ARGS__)) | main.cpp:126: warning: "clk" redefined 126 | #define clk(...) ((void)0) | main.cpp:121: note: this is the location of the previous definition 121 | #define clk(...) (cerr << __VA_ARGS__ " @ " << (clock()-clock0) <<endl,(void)0) |
#pragma GCC target("avx2") //#pragma GCC target("avx") //#pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native") #pragma GCC optimize("O3") //#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") //#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") // #include<bits/stdc++.h> // #include <array> #include <vector> // #include <list> // #include <forward_list> #include <deque> #include <queue> #include <stack> // #include <bitset> #include <unordered_map> #include <map> #include <unordered_set> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // #include <sstream> // #include <bit> // #include <complex> // #include <exception> // #include <fstream> // #include <functional> // #include <iosfwd> // #include <iterator> // #include <limits> // #include <locale> // #include <memory> // #include <new> // #include <numeric> // #include <stdexcept> // #include <typeinfo> // #include <utility> // #include <valarray> // #include <atomic> // #include <chrono> // #include <condition_variable> // #include <future> // #include <mutex> // #include <random> // #include <ratio> // #include <regex> // #include <scoped_allocator> // #include <system_error> // #include <thread> // #include <tuple> // #include <typeindex> // #include <type_traits> // #include <cctype> // #include <cerrno> // #include <cfloat> // #include <ciso646> // #include <climits> // #include <clocale> // #include <cmath> // #include <csetjmp> // #include <csignal> // #include <cstdarg> // #include <cstddef> // #include <cstdio> // #include <cstdlib> // #include <cstring> #include <ctime> // #include <ccomplex> // #include <cfenv> // #include <cinttypes> // #include <cstdbool> // #include <cstdint> // #include <ctgmath> // #include <cwchar> // #include <cwctype> using namespace std; #include <atcoder/all> using namespace atcoder; #define STRINGIFY(n) #n #define TOSTRING(n) STRINGIFY(n) using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; template<typename T> using maxque = priority_queue<T>; template<typename T> using minque = priority_queue<T,vector<T>,greater<T>>; #define int ll #define endl "\n" #define unless(cond) if(!(cond)) #define until(cond) while(!(cond)) #define rep(i,s,e) for(ll i = (s); i < (e); ++i) #define repR(i,s,e) for(ll i = (e)-1; (s) <= i; --i) #define repE(i,s,e) for(ll i = (s); i <= (e); ++i) #define repER(i,s,e) for(ll i = (e); (s) <= i; --i) #define repSubsetR(set,super) for(ll _super=super,set = _super; 0 <= set; --set)if(set &= _super, true) #define ALL(xs) (xs).begin(), (xs).end() #define ALLR(xs) (xs).rbegin(), (xs).rend() #define ALLC(xs) (xs).cbegin(), (xs).cend() #define ALLCR(xs) (xs).crbegin(), (xs).crend() template<typename C> void uniq(C &xs){ xs.erase(unique(ALL(xs)), xs.end()); } template<typename C> constexpr ll len(C &&xs){ return size(forward<C>(xs)); } ll BIT(ll n){ return 1LL<<n; } auto clock0 = clock(); void debug_h(const char *file, signed line, const char *str_args){ cerr << file << ":" << line << ": " << str_args << " => "; } template<class X, class... Xs> void debug_(const X &x, const Xs&... xs){ cerr << x; (void)initializer_list<int>{ (cerr << ", " << xs,0)... };cerr << endl; }void debug_(){ cerr << endl; } #define debug(...) (debug_h(__FILE__, __LINE__, "" #__VA_ARGS__),debug_(__VA_ARGS__)) #define ASSERT(pred,...) (static_cast<bool>(pred) ? void(0) : (debug_h(__FILE__, __LINE__, "ASSERT FAIL! " #pred "; " #__VA_ARGS__),debug_(__VA_ARGS__),exit(1))) template<class X> X &&dbg_(X &&x){ cerr<<x<<endl; return forward<X>(x); } #define dbg(x) (debug_h(__FILE__, __LINE__, "" #x),dbg_(x)) #define clk(...) (cerr << __VA_ARGS__ " @ " << (clock()-clock0) <<endl,(void)0) #ifndef DEBUG #define dbg(x) (x) #define debug(...) ((void)0) //#define ASSERT(pred,...) ((void)0) #define clk(...) ((void)0) #endif template<class C> auto operator<<(ostream &os, const C &xs) -> enable_if_t<!is_same_v<typename iterator_traits<decltype(begin(xs))>::value_type,char>,ostream&> { os<<"[ "; for(auto&&x:xs)os<<x<<", "; return os<<"]"; } template<typename MINT, typename = internal::is_modint_t<MINT>> ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, MINT x){ return out << x.val(); } template<typename F> struct Fix : F { template<typename G> Fix(G &&g) : F{forward<G>(g)} {} template<typename... Xs> decltype(auto) operator()(Xs&&... xs)const{ return F::operator()(*this, forward<Xs>(xs)...); } }; template<typename F> Fix(F&&) -> Fix<decay_t<F>>; template<typename T,typename U> bool chmin(T &a, U b){ if(a <= b)return false; a = b; return true; } template<typename T,typename U> bool chmax(T &a, U b){ if(a >= b)return false; a = b; return true; } //const signed MOD = 998244353; const signed MOD = 10; using mint = static_modint<MOD>; // using mint = dynamic_modint<-1>; // mint::set_mod(mod); // using mint0 = dynamic_modint<0>; // mint0::set_mod(mod); const ll INF = BIT(60); struct Mat{ vector<vector<mint>> xs; Mat(ll n):xs(n, vector<mint>(n)){} Mat(vector<vector<mint>> const& xs):xs(xs){} Mat operator*(Mat const& b)const{ Mat c(len(xs)); rep(i,0,len(xs))rep(j,0,len(xs))rep(k,0,len(xs)){ c.xs[i][k] += xs[i][j] * b.xs[j][k]; } return c; } Mat &operator*=(Mat const& b){ return *this = *this * b; } Mat pow(ll n)const{ Mat a(3); rep(i,0,3) a.xs[i][i]=1; auto x = *this; for(;n;n>>=1,x*=x)if(n&1)a*=x; return a; } }; mint solve(){ ll p,q,r,k;cin>>p>>q>>r>>k;--k; debug(p,q,r,k); mint xs[3][3]={ { 0,1,0,}, { 0,0,1,}, { 1,1,1,}, }; Mat m(3); rep(i,0,3)rep(j,0,3) m.xs[i][j] = xs[i][j]; auto mm = m.pow(k); debug(mm.xs); debug(m.xs[0][0]*p+m.xs[0][1]*q+m.xs[0][2]*r); debug(m.xs[1][0]*p+m.xs[1][1]*q+m.xs[1][2]*r); return mm.xs[0][0]*p+mm.xs[0][1]*q+mm.xs[0][2]*r; } signed main(){ cin.tie(nullptr);ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cout << fixed << setprecision(15); try{ cout << solve() << endl; return 0; }catch(exception& e){ cerr << e.what() << endl; }catch(char *s){ cerr << s << endl; } return 1; }