問題 | No.1064 ∪∩∩ / Cup Cap Cap |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2021-08-24 11:44:43 |
言語 | Crystal (1.14.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 2 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 8,412 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 15,706 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 299,836 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 6,820 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-14 04:17:34 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 17,094 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge3 / judge2 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 4 |
other | AC * 36 |
# require "/template"# require "./tuple/times"struct Tupledef times(&block) : Nil{% begin %}{% for i in 0...@type.size %}{% if @type[i].has_method?(:each) %}self[{{i}}].each do |i{{i}}|{% else %}self[{{i}}].times do |i{{i}}|{% end %}{% end %}yield({% for i in 0...@type.size %} i{{i}}, {% end %}){% for i in 0...@type.size %} end {% end %}{% end %}endprivate class TimesIterator(T)include Iterator(T)def initialize(@n : T)tuple = {% begin %}{ {% for i in 0...T.size %} T[{{i}}].zero, {% end %} }{% end %}@index = tuple.as(T)@first = trueenddef nextif @first@first = falsereturn @indexend{% begin %}{%type = @type.type_vars[0]size = type.size%}{% for i in 1..size %}if @index[{{size - i}}] < @n[{{size - i}}] - 1@index = {{% for j in 0...size %}{% if j < size - i %}@index[{{j}}],{% elsif j == size - i %}@index[{{j}}] + 1,{% else %}{{type[j]}}.zero,{% end %}{% end %}}return @indexend{% end %}stop{% end %}endenddef timesTimesIterator(self).new(self)endend# require "./comparable/min_max"module Comparable(T)def min(x : T)self > x ? x : selfenddef max(x : T)self < x ? x : selfendend# require "./array/new"class Arraydef self.new(sizes : Tuple(*T), initial_value) forall T{% begin %}{% for i in 0...T.size %} Array.new(sizes[{{i}}]) { {% end %}initial_value{% for i in 0...T.size %} } {% end %}{% end %}enddef self.new(sizes : Tuple(*T), &block) forall T{% begin %}{% for i in 0...T.size %} Array.new(sizes[{{i}}]) { |index{{i}}| {% end %}yield({% for i in 0...T.size %} index{{i}}, {% end %}){% for i in 0...T.size %} } {% end %}{% end %}endend# require "./array/change"class Array(T)def chmin(i : Int, value : T)(self[i] > value).tap do |f|self[i] = value if fendendprotected def chmin(i : Int, *indexes, value)self[i].chmin(*indexes, value: value)enddef chmin(indexes : Tuple, value)chmin(*indexes, value: value)enddef chmax(i : Int, value : T)(self[i] < value).tap do |f|self[i] = value if fendendprotected def chmax(i : Int, *indexes, value)self[i].chmax(*indexes, value: value)enddef chmax(indexes : Tuple, value)chmax(*indexes, value: value)endend# require "./scanner"# ### Specifications## ```plain# Inside input macro | Expanded code# -------------------------------------+---------------------------------------# Uppercase string: Int32, Int64, etc. | {}.new(Scanner.s)# s | Scanner.s# c | Scanner.c# Other lowercase string: i, i64, etc. | Scanner.s.to_{}# operator[]: type[size] | Array.new(input(size)) { input(type) }# Tuple literal: {t1, t2, t3} | {input(t1), input(t2), input(t3)}# Array literal: [t1, t2, t3] | [input(t1), input(t2), input(t3)]# Range literal: t1..t2 | input(t1)..input(t2)# If: cond ? t1 : t2 | cond ? input(t1) : input(t2)# Assign: target = value | target = input(value)# ```## ### Examples## Input:# ```plain# 5 3# foo bar# 1 2 3 4 5# ```# ```# n, m = input(Int32, Int64) # => {5, 10i64}# input(String, Char[m]) # => {"foo", ['b', 'a', 'r']}# input(Int32[n]) # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]# ```# ```# n, m = input(i, i64) # => {5, 10i64}# input(s, c[m]) # => {"foo", ['b', 'a', 'r']}# input(i[n]) # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]# ```## Input:# ```plain# 2 3# 1 2 3# 4 5 6# ```## ```# h, w = input(i, i) # => {2, 3}# input(i[h, w]) # => [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]# ```# ```# input(i[i][i]) # => [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]# ```## Input:# ```plain# 5 3# 3 1 4 2 5# 1 2# 2 3# 3 1# ```# ```# n, m = input(i, i) # => {5, 3}# input(i.pred[n]) # => [2, 0, 3, 1, 4]# input({i - 1, i - 1}[m]) # => [{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 0}]# ```## Input:# ```plain# 3# 1 2# 2 2# 3 2# ```# ```# input({tmp = i, tmp == 1 ? i : i.pred}[i]) # => [{1, 2}, {2, 1}, {3, 1}]# ```## Input:# ```plain# 3# 1 2# 2 3# 3 1# ```# ```# n = input(i)# input_column({Int32, Int32}, n) # => {[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 1]}# ```class Scannerprivate def self.skip_to_not_spacepeek = STDIN.peeknot_space = peek.index { |x| x != 32 && x != 10 } || peek.sizeSTDIN.skip(not_space)enddef self.cskip_to_not_spaceSTDIN.read_char.not_nil!enddef self.sskip_to_not_spacepeek = STDIN.peekif index = peek.index { |x| x == 32 || x == 10 }STDIN.skip(index + 1)return String.new(peek[0, index])endString.build do |buffer|loop dobuffer.write peekSTDIN.skip(peek.size)peek = STDIN.peekbreak if peek.empty?if index = peek.index { |x| x == 32 || x == 10 }buffer.write peek[0, index]STDIN.skip(index)breakendendendendendmacro internal_input(type, else_ast){% if Scanner.class.has_method?(type.id) %}Scanner.{{type.id}}{% elsif type.stringify == "String" %}Scanner.s{% elsif type.stringify == "Char" %}Scanner.c{% elsif type.stringify =~ /[A-Z][a-z0-9_]*/ %}{{type.id}}.new(Scanner.s){% elsif String.has_method?("to_#{type}".id) %}Scanner.s.to_{{type.id}}{% else %}{{else_ast}}{% end %}endmacro internal_input_array(type, args){% for i in 0...args.size %}%size{i} = input({{args[i]}}){% end %}{% begin %}{% for i in 0...args.size %} Array.new(%size{i}) { {% end %}input({{type.id}}){% for i in 0...args.size %} } {% end %}{% end %}endmacro input(type){% if type.is_a?(Call) %}{% if type.receiver.is_a?(Nop) %}internal_input({{type.name}}, {{type.name}}({% for argument in type.args %} input({{argument}}), {% end %})){% elsif type.name.stringify == "[]" %}internal_input_array({{type.receiver}}, {{type.args}}){% else %}input({{type.receiver}}).{{type.name.id}}({% for argument in type.args %} input({{argument}}), {% end %}) {{type.block}}{% end %}{% elsif type.is_a?(TupleLiteral) %}{ {% for i in 0...type.size %} input({{type[i]}}), {% end %} }{% elsif type.is_a?(ArrayLiteral) %}[ {% for i in 0...type.size %} input({{type[i]}}), {% end %} ]{% elsif type.is_a?(RangeLiteral) %}Range.new(input({{type.begin}}), input({{type.end}}), {{type.excludes_end?}}){% elsif type.is_a?(If) %}{{type.cond}} ? input({{type.then}}) : input({{type.else}}){% elsif type.is_a?(Assign) %}{{type.target}} = input({{type.value}}){% else %}internal_input({{type.id}}, {{type.id}}){% end %}endmacro input(*types){ {% for type in types %} input({{type}}), {% end %} }endmacro input_column(types, size){% for type, i in types %}%array{i} = Array({{type}}).new({{size}}){% end %}{{size}}.times do{% for type, i in types %}%array{i} << input({{type}}){% end %}end{ {% for type, i in types %} %array{i}, {% end %} }endmodule Math# Solve `x = ax^2 + bx + c`.def quadratic_equation(a : Int64, b : Int64, c : Int64)if a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 0nilelsif a == 0 && b == 0[] of Float64elsif a == 0[-(c / b)]elsif (d = b * b - 4 * a * c) < 0[] of Float64elsif d == 0[-b / (a * 2)]elsex1 = (b > 0) ? (-b - Math.sqrt(d)) / (a * 2) : (-b + Math.sqrt(d)) / (a * 2)x2 = (c / a) / x1[*{x1, x2}.minmax]endendenda, b, c, d = read_line.split.map(&.to_i64)ans = Math.quadratic_equation(2, a - c, b - d).not_nil!case ans.sizewhen 0puts "No"when 1puts "Yes"when 2x1, x2 = ansy1, y2 = {x1, x2}.map { |x| x * x + a * x + b }p = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)q = y1 - x1 * pputs "#{p} #{q}"end