問題 | No.1636 森 |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2021-09-10 18:01:56 |
言語 | C++17 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 2 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 14,070 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,968 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 213,384 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2025-01-24 09:18:08 |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge2 / judge2 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 2 |
other | AC * 20 |
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <queue>#include <climits>#include <set>#include <map>#include <stack>#include <iomanip>#include <tuple>#include <cstdio>#include <numeric>#include <unordered_set>#include <unordered_map>#include <cstdint>#include <cfenv>#include <list>#include<string.h>#include <iterator>#include <bits/stdc++.h>#define ll long long#define rep(i, s, n) for (ll i = (ll)(s); i < (ll)(n); i++)#define rrep(i, s, n) for (ll i = (ll)(s); i > (ll)(n); i--)#define all(a) (a).begin(), a.end()#define rall(a) (a).rbegin(),(a).rend()#define PI 3.14159265359#define mod 1000000007#define P pair<ll, ll>#define V vector<ll>#define C vector<char>#define B vector<bool>#define endl '\n'const ll MAX = 510000;const ll MOD =1000000007;using namespace std;using graph = vector<vector<ll>>;struct edge{//辺の重みを管理できるような構造体//コンストラクタによって簡単に値を入れられるようにしている//operatorは辺の重みでソート出来るようにしているll from, to;ll cost;ll capa;edge(ll s, ll d) : from(s), to(d) { cost = 0; capa = 0; }edge(ll s, ll d, ll w) : from(s), to(d), cost(w) { capa = 0; }edge(ll s, ll d, ll x, ll y) :from(s), to(d), cost(x), capa(y) {}bool operator < (const edge& x) const {return cost < x.cost;}};using Graph=vector<vector<edge>>;//重み付きグラフ//ダイクストラ法vector<ll> Dijkstra(ll i, vector<vector<edge>> Graph) {//i:始点//Graph:重み付きグラフll n =Graph.size();vector<ll> d(n, LONG_MAX);d[i] = 0;priority_queue<pair<ll, ll>,//pair型vector<pair<ll, ll>>,//内部コンテナgreater<pair<ll, ll>>//昇順> q;q.push({0, i});//第一引数:コスト 第二引数:頂点while (!q.empty()) {pair<ll, ll> p = q.top();q.pop();int v = p.second;if (d[v] < p.first) {continue;}for (auto x : Graph[v]) {if (d[x.to] > d[v] + x.cost) {d[x.to] = d[v] + x.cost;q.push({d[x.to], x.to});}}}return d;}ll fac[MAX], finv[MAX], inv[MAX];// テーブルを作る前処理void cominit(){fac[0] = fac[1] = 1;finv[0] = finv[1] = 1;inv[1] = 1;for (ll i = 2; i < MAX; i++){fac[i] = fac[i - 1] * i% MOD;inv[i] = MOD - inv[MOD % i] * (MOD / i)% MOD;finv[i] = finv[i - 1] * inv[i]% MOD;}}// mod. m での a の逆元 a^{-1} を計算するll modinv(ll a, ll m){ll b = m, u = 1, v = 0;while (b){ll t = a / b;a -= t * b;swap(a, b);u -= t * v;swap(u, v);}u %= m;if (u < 0)u += m;return u;}// 二項係数計算nCk,n<=10^7,k<=10^7までll com(ll n, ll k){if (n < k)return 0;if (n < 0 || k < 0)return 0;return fac[n] * (finv[k] * finv[n - k]% MOD) % MOD;}//二項係数nCk,n<=10^9,k<=10^7までll com2(ll n,ll k){ll res,bs=1,bb=1;for(ll i=0;i<k;i++){bs=(bs*(n-i))%mod;bb=(bb*(i+1))%mod;}res=modinv(bb,mod)%mod;res=(res*bs)%mod;return res;}// 二項係数計算nPkll per(ll n, ll k){if (n < k)return 0;if (n < 0 || k < 0)return 0;return fac[n] * (finv[n - k] % MOD) % MOD;}/* ユークリッドの互除法 最大公約数*/ll gcd(ll a, ll b){return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a;}/*最小公倍数*/ll lcm(ll a, ll b){return a / gcd(a, b) * b;}/*二点間の距離*/double dist(pair<double, double> a, pair<double, double> b){return sqrt(pow((a.first - b.first), 2) + pow((a.second - b.second), 2));}//繰り返し自乗法double ism(double aa, ll p){double ap = aa;double ans = 1;while (p > 0){//cout<<"p="<<p<<",ap="<<ap<<endl;if (p & 1){ //奇数が真ans *= ap;}p /= 2;ap = ap * ap;}return ans;}//繰り返し自乗法(アマリトリバージョン)ll ismm(ll aa, ll p,ll m){ll ap = aa;ll ans = 1;while (p > 0){//cout<<"p="<<p<<",ap="<<ap<<endl;if (p & 1){ //奇数が真ans = (ans * ap) % m;}p /= 2;ap = (ap * ap) % m;}return ans;}ll oddXOR(ll a) { return (a+1)/2 % 2; }ll XOR(ll a) {if (a % 2 == 1) return oddXOR(a);else return oddXOR(a+1) ^ (a+1);}double median(V a){//中央値sort(all(a));if(a.size()%2==1){return a[(a.size()-1)/2];}else{return (a[(a.size()-1)/2]+a[(a.size()-1)/2+1])/2.0;}}struct UnionFind{vector<ll> par;ll forest;UnionFind(ll n) : par(n, -1) {forest=n;}ll root(ll x){if (par[x] < 0)return x;elsereturn par[x] = root(par[x]);}bool issame(ll x, ll y){return root(x) == root(y);}bool merge(ll x, ll y){x = root(x);y = root(y);if (x == y){return false;}if (par[x] > par[y]){swap(x, y); // merge technique}forest--;par[x] += par[y];par[y] = x;return true;}ll size(ll x){return -par[root(x)];}};//素因数分解の関数vector<pair<long long, long long> > prime_factorize(long long N) {vector<pair<long long, long long> > res;for (long long a = 2; a * a <= N; ++a) {if (N % a != 0) continue;long long ex = 0; // 指数// 割れる限り割り続けるwhile (N % a == 0) {++ex;N /= a;}// その結果を pushres.push_back({a, ex});}// 最後に残った数についてif (N != 1) res.push_back({N, 1});return res;}//約数列挙vector<long long> enum_divisors(long long N) {vector<long long> res;for (long long i = 1; i * i <= N; ++i) {if (N % i == 0) {res.push_back(i);// 重複しないならば i の相方である N/i も pushif (N/i != i){res.push_back(N/i);}}}// 小さい順に並び替えるsort(res.begin(), res.end());return res;}//桁数ll Keta(ll x){ll cnt=1;while(x>=10){x/=10;cnt++;}return cnt;}bool is_prime(long long N) {if (N == 1) return false;for (long long i = 2; i * i <= N; ++i) {if (N % i == 0) return false;}return true;}//多倍長整数対策std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &dest, __int128_t value) {std::ostream::sentry s(dest);if (s) {__uint128_t tmp = value < 0 ? -value : value;char buffer[128];char *d = std::end(buffer);do {--d;*d = "0123456789"[tmp % 10];tmp /= 10;} while (tmp != 0);if (value < 0) {--d;*d = '-';}int len = std::end(buffer) - d;if (dest.rdbuf()->sputn(d, len) != len) {dest.setstate(std::ios_base::badbit);}}return dest;}__int128 parse(string &s) {__int128 ret = 0;for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)if ('0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9')ret = 10 * ret + s[i] - '0';return ret;}//10の9乗+7でmodをとるtemplate <std::uint_fast64_t Modulus> class modint {using u64 = std::uint_fast64_t;public:u64 a;constexpr modint(const u64 x = 0) noexcept : a(x % Modulus) {}constexpr u64 &value() noexcept { return a; }constexpr const u64 &value() const noexcept { return a; }constexpr modint operator+(const modint rhs) const noexcept {return modint(*this) += rhs;}constexpr modint operator-(const modint rhs) const noexcept {return modint(*this) -= rhs;}constexpr modint operator*(const modint rhs) const noexcept {return modint(*this) *= rhs;}constexpr modint operator/(const modint rhs) const noexcept {return modint(*this) /= rhs;}constexpr modint &operator+=(const modint rhs) noexcept {a += rhs.a;if (a >= Modulus) {a -= Modulus;}return *this;}constexpr modint &operator-=(const modint rhs) noexcept {if (a < rhs.a) {a += Modulus;}a -= rhs.a;return *this;}constexpr modint &operator*=(const modint rhs) noexcept {a = a * rhs.a % Modulus;return *this;}constexpr modint &operator/=(modint rhs) noexcept {u64 exp = Modulus - 2;while (exp) {if (exp % 2) {*this *= rhs;}rhs *= rhs;exp /= 2;}return *this;}};//小数点12桁struct all_init{all_init(){cout << fixed << setprecision(30);}} All_init;//Bit// 1-indexedなので注意。struct BIT {private:vector<int> bit;int N;public:BIT(int size) {N = size;bit.resize(N + 1);}// 一点更新ですvoid add(int a, int w) {for (int x = a; x <= N; x += x & -x) bit[x] += w;}// 1~Nまでの和を求める。int sum(int a) {int ret = 0;for (int x = a; x > 0; x -= x & -x) ret += bit[x];return ret;}};/* SegTree<X>(n,fx): モノイド(集合X, 二項演算fx)についてサイズnで構築set(int i, X x), build(): i番目の要素をxにセット。まとめてセグ木を構築する。O(n)update(i,x): i 番目の要素を x に更新。O(log(n))query(a,b): [a,b) 全てにfxを作用させた値を取得。O(log(n))*/template <typename X>struct SegTree {using FX = function<X(X, X)>;int n;FX fx;vector<X> dat;SegTree(int n_, FX fx_): n(), fx(fx_),dat(n_ * 4) {int x = 1;while (n_ > x) {x *= 2;}n = x;}void set(int i, X x) { dat[i + n - 1] = x; }void build() {for (int k = n - 2; k >= 0; k--) dat[k] = min(dat[2 * k + 1], dat[2 * k + 2]);}void update(int i, X x) {i += n - 1;dat[i] = x;while (i > 0) {i = (i - 1) / 2; // parentdat[i] = fx(dat[i * 2 + 1], dat[i * 2 + 2]);}}// the minimum element of [a,b)X query(int a, int b) { return query_sub(a, b, 0, 0, n); }X query_sub(int a, int b, int k, int l, int r) {if (r <= a || b <= l) {return pow(2,31);} else if (a <= l && r <= b) {return dat[k];} else {X vl = query_sub(a, b, k * 2 + 1, l, (l + r) / 2);X vr = query_sub(a, b, k * 2 + 2, (l + r) / 2, r);return fx(vl, vr);}}/* debug */inline X operator[](int a) { return query(a, a + 1); }void print() {for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {cout << (*this)[i];if (i != n) cout << ",";}cout << endl;}};struct Zip{map<ll,ll>mp;Zip(vector<ll>a){rep(i,0,a.size()){mp[a[i]]=0;}ll size=0;for(auto &x:mp){//&はコンテナの値変更可能x.second=size;size++;}}ll zip(ll n){return mp[n];}ll size(){return mp.size();}};// 以下に、24時間表記の時計構造体 Clock を定義するstruct Clock{int hour; //時間を表す (0~23の値をとる)int minute; //分を表す (0~59の値をとる)int second; //秒を表す (0~59の値をとる)// メンバ関数 set の定義を書く// 関数名: set// 引数: int h, int m, int s (それぞれ時、分、秒を表す)// 返り値: なし// 関数の説明:// 時・分・秒を表す3つの引数を受け取り、// それぞれ、メンバ変数 hour, minute, second に代入するvoid set(int h,int m,int s){hour=h;minute=m;second=s;}// メンバ関数 to_str の定義を書く// 関数名: to_str// 引数: なし// 返り値: string型// 関数の仕様:// メンバ変数が表す時刻の文字列を返す// 時刻の文字列は次のフォーマット// "HH:MM:SS"// HH、MM、SSはそれぞれ時間、分、秒を2桁で表した文字列string to_str(){string res;if(hour<10){res+="0";}res+=to_string(hour);res+=":";if(minute<10){res+="0";}res+=to_string(minute);res+=":";if(second<10){res+="0";}res+=to_string(second);return res;}// メンバ関数 shift の定義を書く// 関数名: shift// 引数: int diff_second// 返り値: なし// 関数の仕様:// diff_second 秒だけメンバ変数が表す時刻を変更する(ただし、日付やうるう秒は考えない)// diff_second の値が負の場合、時刻を戻す// diff_second の値が正の場合、時刻を進める// diff_second の値は -86400 ~ 86400 の範囲を取とりうるvoid shift(int diff_second){int diff_hour=diff_second/3600;diff_second%=3600;int diff_minute=diff_second/60;diff_second%=60;second+=diff_second;if(second>=60){second-=60;minute+=1;}else if(second<0){second+=60;minute-=1;}minute+=diff_minute;if(minute>=60){minute-=60;hour+=1;}else if(minute<0){minute+=60;hour-=1;}hour+=diff_hour;if(hour>=24){hour-=24;}else if(hour<0){hour+=24;}}};int main() {ll n;cin>>n;cout<<(n-1)*(n-1)<<endl;}