問題 | No.1740 Alone 'a' |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2021-11-12 22:50:53 |
言語 | C++17 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 21 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 31,707 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,814 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 153,388 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2025-01-25 17:18:08 |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge5 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 3 |
other | AC * 38 |
main.cpp: In member function ‘lib::static_modint<modulo, <anonymous> > lib::static_modint<modulo, <anonymous> >::pow(Tp) const’: main.cpp:632:49: warning: expected ‘template’ keyword before dependent template name [-Wmissing-template-keyword] 632 | return static_modint(value, true).inv().pow<true>(-index); | ^~~ | template
#pragma region template// clang-format off#ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE#pragma GCC optimize "fast-math"#endif#ifdef LOCAL_NDEBUG#include <headers.hpp>#endif// #define USE_EXTERNAL_CONTAINERS// #define NO_PRINT_INF#ifdef USE_EXTERNAL_CONTAINERS#define PROPER#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>template <class T> using tree = __gnu_pbds::tree<T, __gnu_pbds::null_type, std::less<T>, __gnu_pbds::rb_tree_tag, __gnu_pbds::tree_order_statistics_node_update>;template <class S, class T> using hash_table = __gnu_pbds::gp_hash_table<S, T>;#endif#ifdef LOCAL_DEBUG#if (defined USE_EXTERNAL_CONTAINERS) || (defined NO_PRINT_INF)#include <../src/debugger.hpp>#else#include <debugger.hpp>#endif#endif// #define PROPER#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES#if (defined __INTELLISENSE__) && (!defined PROPER)#define NDEBUGnamespace std {#endif#include <cassert>#include <cctype>#include <cmath>#include <cstddef>#include <cstdint>#include <cstdlib>#include <algorithm>#include <array>#include <bitset>#include <charconv>#include <complex>#include <deque>#include <functional>#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <iterator>#include <limits>#include <list>#include <map>#include <numeric>#include <queue>#include <regex>#include <set>#include <sstream>#include <stack>#include <string>#include <string_view>#include <tuple>#include <typeinfo>#include <type_traits>#include <utility>#include <vector>#if (defined __INTELLISENSE__) && (!defined PROPER)using namespace std;}#endifusing namespace std::literals;#ifdef LOCAL_DEBUG#define CP_LIBRARY_DEBUG_LEVEL 2#define STR(x) #x#define STRINGIFY(x) STR(x)#define FILE_LINE "[Debug] ./" __FILE__ ":" STRINGIFY(__LINE__)#define see(...) debugger::multi_print(#__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)#define see2(arg) arg.debug_print(#arg)#define here(...) debugger::os << FILE_LINE << " in " << __func__ << ": \033[32mReached\033[39m\n"#define com(msg) debugger::os << FILE_LINE << " in " << __func__ << ":\n \033[36mComment:\033[39m " << msg << "\n"#define err(msg) debugger::os << FILE_LINE << " in " << __func__ << ":\n \033[31mError:\033[39m " << msg << "\n"#define local(...) do { __VA_ARGS__ } while (0)#define alter(x, y) x#define pass (com("ToDo: Fill here"), true)#else#define see(...) (static_cast<void>(0))#define see2(arg) (static_cast<void>(0))#define here(...) (static_cast<void>(0))#define com(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))#define err(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))#define local(...) (static_cast<void>(0))#define alter(x, y) y#ifdef __INTELLISENSE__#define pass (static_cast<void>(0))#else#define pass static_assert(false)#endif#endif#if (defined LOCAL_DEBUG) && (!defined NOWARN)#define warn(msg) debugger::os << FILE_LINE << " in " << __func__ << ":\n \033[33mWarning:\033[39m " << msg << "\n"#else#define warn(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))#endif#if (defined LOCAL_DEBUG) || (defined LOCAL_NDEBUG) || (defined __INTELLISENSE__)#define NOEXCEPT#define M_assert(expr) assert(expr)#define O_assert(expr) assert(expr)#else#define NOEXCEPT noexcept#define M_assert(expr) do {if(__builtin_expect(!(expr), 0)) {auto p = static_cast<std::int64_t*>(std::malloc(1 << 30)); for (int i = 0; i < (1 << 27); p[i] = 1, i += (1 << 9)); std::cerr << (*p);}} while (0)#define O_assert(expr) do {if(__builtin_expect(!(expr), 0)) {const auto X = std::string(1000, '-'); for(int i = 0; i < (1 << 18); i++) std::cout << X;}} while (0)#endif#define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) warn(msg)#define CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT(...) O_assert(__VA_ARGS__)#define as(type, val) static_cast<std::decay_t<type>>(val)#define INDIRECT(...) __VA_ARGS__#define rep(loop_var, loop_end) \for ( \auto loop_var = as(std::make_signed_t<decltype(loop_end)>, 0); \loop_var < as(decltype(loop_var), loop_end); \++loop_var \)#define rng(loop_var, loop_start, loop_end, loop_increment) \for ( \auto loop_var = as(INDIRECT(std::make_signed_t<std::common_type_t<decltype(loop_start), decltype(loop_end)>>), loop_start); \((loop_increment) > 0) ? (loop_var < as(decltype(loop_var), loop_end)) : (loop_var > as(decltype(loop_var), loop_end)); \loop_var += (loop_increment) \)#define erng(loop_var, loop_start, loop_end, loop_increment) \for ( \auto loop_var = as(INDIRECT(std::make_signed_t<std::common_type_t<decltype(loop_start), decltype(loop_end)>>), loop_start); \((loop_increment) > 0) ? (loop_var <= as(decltype(loop_var), loop_end)) : (loop_var >= as(decltype(loop_var), loop_end)); \loop_var += (loop_increment) \)[[maybe_unused]] constexpr int INF = 1000000005;[[maybe_unused]] constexpr long long LINF = 1000000000000000005LL;[[maybe_unused]] constexpr double EPS = 1e-9;[[maybe_unused]] constexpr long double LEPS = 1e-14L;[[maybe_unused]] constexpr int dy[9] = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0};[[maybe_unused]] constexpr int dx[9] = {0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0};template <class... Ts>[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto Min(const Ts... args) { return std::min({ as(std::common_type_t<Ts...>, args) ... }); }template <class... Ts>[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto Max(const Ts... args) { return std::max({ as(std::common_type_t<Ts...>, args) ... }); }// clang-format on#pragma endregion//! @file static_modint.hpp#ifndef CP_LIBRARY_STATIC_MODINT_HPP# define CP_LIBRARY_STATIC_MODINT_HPP# include <cassert># include <cstdint># include <iostream># include <limits># include <type_traits># define CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR# ifndef CP_LIBRARY_WARN# if (CP_LIBRARY_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1)//! @brief Print warning message//! @note You can suppress the warning by uncommenting the following line# define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (std::cerr << (msg) << '\n')// # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))# else# define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))# undef CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR# define CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR constexpr# endif# define CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED# endif# ifndef CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT//! @brief Assert macro# define CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT(...) assert(__VA_ARGS__)# define CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT_NOT_DEFINED# endifnamespace lib {//! @brief modint (for compile-time constant modulo)//! @tparam modulo modulo (e.g. 1000000007).template <std::int_least32_t modulo,std::enable_if_t<(1 < modulo) && (modulo < std::numeric_limits<std::int_least32_t>::max() / 2),std::nullptr_t> = nullptr>struct static_modint {private:std::int_least32_t value;//! @param n non-zero integer//! @return multiplicative inverse of ntemplate <typename Tp>[[nodiscard]] static std::int_least32_t calc_inverse(Tp n) {CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT(n != 0);Tp b = modulo, u = 1, v = 0, t;while (b > 0) {t = n / b;// std::swap is not necessarily constexpr in C++17// std::swap(n -= t * b, b);Tp tmp = std::move(n -= t * b);n = std::move(b);b = std::move(tmp);// std::swap(u -= t * v, v);tmp = std::move(u -= t * v);u = std::move(v);v = std::move(tmp);}if (u < 0)u += modulo;return static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(u);}//! @brief Calculate modulo and keep the value within [0, modulo)//! @param v integer//! @return integer within [0, modulo)//! @note Time complexity: O(1)template <typename Tp>[[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::int_least32_t clamp_ll(Tp v) noexcept {# pragma GCC diagnostic push# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"if (modulo <= v || v < -modulo)v %= modulo;# pragma GCC diagnostic popif (v < 0)v += modulo;return static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(v);}//! @brief Calculate modulo and keep the value within [0, modulo)//! @note Time complexity: O(1)constexpr void clamp_self() noexcept {if (0 <= value) {if (value < modulo)return;if (value < modulo * 2)value -= modulo;elsevalue -= modulo * 2;} else {if (-modulo < value)value += modulo;else if (-modulo * 2 < value)value += modulo * 2;else {value += modulo;value += modulo * 2;}}}public://! @brief underlying integer typeusing type = std::int_least32_t;//! @return modulo (e.g. 1000000007)[[nodiscard]] static constexpr type mod() noexcept {return modulo;}//! @brief Create a modint of value 0constexpr static_modint() noexcept : value(0) {}//! @brief Create a modint without taking moduloconstexpr static_modint(const type v, bool) noexcept : value(v) {}//! @brief Create a modinttemplate <typename ValueType>constexpr static_modint(const ValueType v) noexcept : value() {if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<ValueType> && (std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::digits <= 32)) {value = v;clamp_self();} else {value = clamp_ll(v);}}[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint operator+(const static_modint rhs) const noexcept {return static_modint(value + rhs.value);}[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint operator-(const static_modint rhs) const noexcept {return static_modint(value - rhs.value);}[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint operator*(const static_modint rhs) const noexcept {return static_modint(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) * rhs.value);}[[nodiscard]] static_modint operator/(const static_modint rhs) const {return static_modint(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) * calc_inverse(rhs.value));}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator%(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value % rhs.value);}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator&(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator& : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value & rhs.value, true);}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator|(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator| : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value | rhs.value);}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator^(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator^ : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value ^ rhs.value);}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator<<(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) << rhs.value);}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator>>(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value >> rhs.value, true);}constexpr static_modint& operator+=(const static_modint rhs) noexcept {value += rhs.value;if (value >= modulo)value -= modulo;return *this;}constexpr static_modint& operator-=(const static_modint rhs) noexcept {value -= rhs.value;if (value < 0)value += modulo;return *this;}constexpr static_modint& operator*=(const static_modint rhs) noexcept {value = clamp_ll(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) * rhs.value);return *this;}static_modint& operator/=(const static_modint rhs) {value = clamp_ll(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) * calc_inverse(rhs.value));return *this;}CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator%=(const static_modint rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value %= rhs.value;if (value < 0)value += modulo;return *this;}CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator&=(const static_modint rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value &= rhs.value;return *this;}CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator|=(const static_modint rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value |= rhs.value;clamp_self();return *this;}CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator^=(const static_modint rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value ^= rhs.value;clamp_self();return *this;}CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator<<=(const static_modint rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value = clamp_ll(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) << rhs.value);return *this;}CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator>>=(const static_modint rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value >>= rhs.value;return *this;}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint operator+(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept {return static_modint(value + clamp_ll(rhs));}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint operator-(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept {return static_modint(value - clamp_ll(rhs));}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint operator*(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept {return static_modint(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) * clamp_ll(rhs));}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] static_modint operator/(const RhsType rhs) const {std::int_least64_t mul = (rhs > 0) ? calc_inverse(rhs) : -calc_inverse(-rhs);return static_modint(value * mul);}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator%(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value % rhs, true);}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator&(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator& : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value & rhs, true);}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator|(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator| : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value | rhs);}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator^(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator^ : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value ^ rhs);}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator<<(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) << rhs);}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator>>(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(value >> rhs, true);}template <typename RhsType>constexpr static_modint& operator+=(const RhsType rhs) noexcept {value = clamp_ll(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) + rhs);return *this;}template <typename RhsType>constexpr static_modint& operator-=(const RhsType rhs) noexcept {value = clamp_ll(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) - rhs);return *this;}template <typename RhsType>constexpr static_modint& operator*=(const RhsType rhs) noexcept {value = clamp_ll(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) * clamp_ll(rhs));return *this;}template <typename RhsType>static_modint& operator/=(const RhsType rhs) {std::int_least64_t mul = (rhs > 0) ? calc_inverse(rhs) : -calc_inverse(-rhs);value = clamp_ll(value * mul);return *this;}template <typename RhsType>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator%=(const RhsType rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value %= rhs;return *this;}template <typename RhsType>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator&=(const RhsType rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value &= rhs;return *this;}template <typename RhsType>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator|=(const RhsType rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value |= rhs;clamp_self();return *this;}template <typename RhsType>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator^=(const RhsType rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value ^= rhs;clamp_self();return *this;}template <typename RhsType>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator<<=(const RhsType rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value = clamp_ll(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(value) << rhs);return *this;}template <typename RhsType>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint& operator>>=(const RhsType rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?");value >>= rhs;return *this;}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator!() const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator! : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value == 0;}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint operator~() const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator~ : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint(~value);}[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint operator-() const noexcept {return static_modint(value == 0 ? 0 : modulo - value, true);}[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint& operator+() const noexcept {return *this;}constexpr static_modint& operator++() noexcept {value = ((value + 1 == modulo) ? 0 : value + 1);return *this;}constexpr static_modint& operator--() noexcept {value = ((value == 0) ? modulo - 1 : value - 1);return *this;}constexpr static_modint operator++(int) noexcept {std::int_least32_t res = value;++(*this);return static_modint(res, true);}constexpr static_modint operator--(int) noexcept {std::int_least32_t res = value;--(*this);return static_modint(res, true);}[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const static_modint rhs) const noexcept {return value == rhs.value;}[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const static_modint rhs) const noexcept {return value != rhs.value;}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value < rhs.value;}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value <= rhs.value;}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value > rhs.value;}[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(const static_modint rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value >= rhs.value;}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept {return value == rhs;}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept {return value != rhs;}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value < rhs;}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value <= rhs;}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value > rhs;}template <typename RhsType>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(const RhsType rhs) const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return value >= rhs;}[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator std::int_least32_t() const {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("A value of type static_modint has been cast to type std::int_lease32_t.");return value;}//! @brief Read value (64-bit signed integer) from std::istream& is, take modulo, and store it in rhs.//! @return std::istream& isfriend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, static_modint& rhs) {std::int_least64_t tmp;is >> tmp;if (tmp < -modulo || modulo <= tmp)tmp %= modulo;if (tmp < 0)tmp += modulo;rhs.value = static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(tmp);return is;}//! @brief Print value to std::ostream& os//! @return std::ostream& osfriend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, static_modint rhs) {return os << rhs.value;}//! @return multiplicative inverse[[nodiscard]] static_modint inv() const {return static_modint(calc_inverse(value), true);}//! @tparam index_positive_guaranteed set true if and only if you can promise that index is positive//! @tparam Tp integer type (deduced from parameter)//! @param index index. This must be an integer, but doesn't have to be primitive.//! @return index-th power of the value//! @note Time complexity: O(log(index))template <bool index_positive_guaranteed = true, typename Tp = std::int_least32_t>[[nodiscard]] static_modint pow(Tp index) const noexcept {if constexpr (!index_positive_guaranteed) {if (value == 0)return static_modint(0, true);if (index == 0)return static_modint(1, true);if (index < 0)return static_modint(value, true).inv().pow<true>(-index);}static_modint res(1, true), base(value, true);while (index > 0) {if ((index & 1) == 1)res *= base;base *= base;index >>= 1;}return res;}//! @return a pair (a, b) such that b > 0, value is equal to a * (mult inverse of b), and (a + b) is minimal[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::pair<std::int_least32_t, std::int_least32_t> to_frac() const noexcept {std::int_least32_t x = modulo - value, y = value, u = 1, v = 1;std::pair<std::int_least32_t, std::int_least32_t> res {value, 1};std::int_least32_t num = value, den = 1;std::int_least32_t cost = num + den;while (x > 0) {if (x <= num) {std::int_least32_t q = num / x;num = num % x;den += q * u;if (num == 0)break;if (num + den < cost) {cost = num + den;res.first = num;res.second = den;}}std::int_least32_t q = y / x;y = y % x;v += q * u;q = x / y;x = x % y;u += q * v;}return res;}};template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint<modulo> operator+(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) noexcept {return rhs + lhs;}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint<modulo> operator-(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) noexcept {return -rhs + lhs;}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] constexpr static_modint<modulo> operator*(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) noexcept {return rhs * lhs;}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] static_modint<modulo> operator/(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {return rhs.inv() * lhs;}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint<modulo>operator%(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint<modulo>(lhs % static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs), true);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<LhsType>, std::nullptr_t> = nullptr>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint<modulo>operator<<(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint<modulo>(static_cast<std::int_least64_t>(lhs) << static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs));}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<LhsType>, std::nullptr_t> = nullptr>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR static_modint<modulo>operator>>(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?");return static_modint<modulo>(lhs >> static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs));}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>constexpr LhsType& operator+=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) noexcept {return lhs += static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>constexpr LhsType& operator-=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) noexcept {return lhs -= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>constexpr LhsType& operator*=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) noexcept {return lhs *= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>constexpr LhsType& operator/=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {return lhs /= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator%=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs %= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator&=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs &= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator|=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs |= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator^=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs ^= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator<<=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs <<= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator>>=(LhsType& lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs >>= static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs < static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs < static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs < static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}template <typename LhsType, std::int_least32_t modulo>[[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(const LhsType lhs, const static_modint<modulo> rhs) {CP_LIBRARY_WARN("static_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?");return lhs < static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(rhs);}} // namespace lib# undef CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR# ifdef CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED# undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN# undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED# ifdef CP_LIBRARY_WARN# undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN# endif# endif# ifdef CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT_NOT_DEFINED# undef CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT# undef CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT_NOT_DEFINED# endif#endif // CP_LIBRARY_STATIC_MODINT_HPPvoid solve() {int N;std::string S;std::cin >> N >> S;using mint = lib::static_modint<998244353>;std::vector<mint> lock_unused(N + 1), lock_used__(N + 1), free_unused(N + 1), free_used__(N + 1);lock_unused[0] = 1;rep(i, N) {if (S[i] == 'a') {here();lock_used__[i + 1] += lock_unused[i];free_used__[i + 1] += free_unused[i];} else {here();// afree_used__[i + 1] += lock_unused[i];free_used__[i + 1] += free_unused[i];// S[i]lock_unused[i + 1] += lock_unused[i];lock_used__[i + 1] += lock_used__[i];free_unused[i + 1] += free_unused[i];free_used__[i + 1] += free_used__[i];}// for (char c = 'b'; c < S[i]; ++c) {// free_unused[i + 1] += free_unused[i];// free_unused[i + 1] += lock_unused[i];// free_used__[i + 1] += free_used__[i];// free_used__[i + 1] += lock_used__[i];// }int d = Max(0, S[i] - 'b');see(S[i], d);free_unused[i + 1] += free_unused[i] * d;free_unused[i + 1] += lock_unused[i] * d;free_used__[i + 1] += free_used__[i] * d;free_used__[i + 1] += lock_used__[i] * d;d = Max(0, 'z' - S[i]);see(S[i], d);free_unused[i + 1] += free_unused[i] * d;free_used__[i + 1] += free_used__[i] * d;}see(lock_unused, lock_used__, free_unused, free_used__);std::cout << free_used__.back() << "\n";}int main() {std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);std::cin.tie(nullptr);std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(25);solve();}