
問題 No.777 再帰的ケーキ
ユーザー koba-e964
提出日時 2021-11-15 23:28:28
言語 Rust
(1.83.0 + proconio)
実行時間 207 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 3,534 bytes
コンパイル時間 12,593 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 402,584 KB
実行使用メモリ 16,556 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-12-15 08:04:02
合計ジャッジ時間 15,900 ms
judge5 / judge4
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 4
other AC * 33


diff #

use std::cmp::*;
// https://qiita.com/tanakh/items/0ba42c7ca36cd29d0ac8
macro_rules! input {
($($r:tt)*) => {
let stdin = std::io::stdin();
let mut bytes = std::io::Read::bytes(std::io::BufReader::new(stdin.lock()));
let mut next = move || -> String{
bytes.by_ref().map(|r|r.unwrap() as char)
input_inner!{next, $($r)*}
macro_rules! input_inner {
($next:expr) => {};
($next:expr,) => {};
($next:expr, $var:ident : $t:tt $($r:tt)*) => {
let $var = read_value!($next, $t);
input_inner!{$next $($r)*}
macro_rules! read_value {
($next:expr, ( $($t:tt),* )) => { ($(read_value!($next, $t)),*) };
($next:expr, [ $t:tt ; $len:expr ]) => {
(0..$len).map(|_| read_value!($next, $t)).collect::<Vec<_>>()
($next:expr, $t:ty) => ($next().parse::<$t>().expect("Parse error"));
* Segment Tree. This data structure is useful for fast folding on intervals of an array
* whose elements are elements of monoid I. Note that constructing this tree requires the identity
* element of I and the operation of I.
* Verified by: yukicoder No. 259 (http://yukicoder.me/submissions/100581)
* AGC015-E (http://agc015.contest.atcoder.jp/submissions/1461001)
* yukicoder No. 833 (https://yukicoder.me/submissions/703521)
struct SegTree<I, BiOp> {
n: usize,
dat: Vec<I>,
op: BiOp,
e: I,
impl<I, BiOp> SegTree<I, BiOp>
where BiOp: Fn(I, I) -> I,
I: Copy {
pub fn new(n_: usize, op: BiOp, e: I) -> Self {
let mut n = 1;
while n < n_ { n *= 2; } // n is a power of 2
SegTree {n: n, dat: vec![e; 2 * n - 1], op: op, e: e}
/* ary[k] <- v */
pub fn update(&mut self, idx: usize, v: I) {
let mut k = idx + self.n - 1;
self.dat[k] = v;
while k > 0 {
k = (k - 1) / 2;
self.dat[k] = (self.op)(self.dat[2 * k + 1], self.dat[2 * k + 2]);
/* [a, b) (note: half-inclusive)
* http://proc-cpuinfo.fixstars.com/2017/07/optimize-segment-tree/ */
pub fn query(&self, mut a: usize, mut b: usize) -> I {
let mut left = self.e;
let mut right = self.e;
a += self.n - 1;
b += self.n - 1;
while a < b {
if (a & 1) == 0 {
left = (self.op)(left, self.dat[a]);
if (b & 1) == 0 {
right = (self.op)(self.dat[b - 1], right);
a = a / 2;
b = (b - 1) / 2;
(self.op)(left, right)
fn weighted_lis(m: usize, a: &[(usize, i64)]) -> i64 {
let mut st = SegTree::new(m, max, 0);
for &(a, v) in a {
let ma = st.query(0, a);
let to = ma + v;
let old = st.query(a, a + 1);
if old < to {
st.update(a, to);
st.query(0, m)
// Tags: weighted-lis
fn main() {
input! {
n: usize,
abc: [(i64, i64, i64); n],
let mut abc = abc;
abc.sort_by_key(|&(a, b, _)| (a, -b));
let mut coo: Vec<i64> = abc.iter().map(|x| x.1).collect();
coo.sort(); coo.dedup();
let m = coo.len();
let mut v = vec![];
for &(_, b, c) in &abc {
let b = coo.binary_search(&b).unwrap();
v.push((b, c));
println!("{}", weighted_lis(m, &v));