
問題 No.2114 01 Matching
ユーザー hitonanode
提出日時 2022-12-04 20:23:31
言語 C++23
(gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0)
実行時間 538 ms / 5,000 ms
コード長 6,520 bytes
コンパイル時間 1,370 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 130,752 KB
実行使用メモリ 47,232 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-11-24 12:28:37
合計ジャッジ時間 14,426 ms
judge1 / judge3
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 2
other AC * 51


diff #

#line 1 "other_algorithms/test/dual_slope_trick.yuki2114.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM "https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/2114"
#line 2 "other_algorithms/slope_trick.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
// Slope trick: fast operations for convex piecewise-linear functions
// Implementation idea:
// - https://maspypy.com/slope-trick-1-%E8%A7%A3%E8%AA%AC%E7%B7%A8
// - https://ei1333.github.io/library/structure/others/slope-trick.cpp
template <class T, T INF = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2> class slope_trick {
T min_f;
T displacement_l, displacement_r;
std::priority_queue<T, std::vector<T>, std::less<T>> L;
std::priority_queue<T, std::vector<T>, std::greater<T>> R;
void pushR(const T &a) { R.push(a - displacement_r); }
T topR() const { return R.empty() ? INF : R.top() + displacement_r; }
T popR() {
auto ret = topR();
if (R.size()) R.pop();
return ret;
void pushL(const T &a) { L.push(a + displacement_l); }
T topL() const { return L.empty() ? -INF : L.top() - displacement_l; }
T popL() {
auto ret = topL();
if (L.size()) L.pop();
return ret;
// Initialize, f(x) = 0 everywhere
// Complexity: O(1)
slope_trick() : min_f(0), displacement_l(0), displacement_r(0) {
static_assert(INF > 0, "INF must be greater than 0");
inline int sizeL() const noexcept { return L.size(); }
inline int sizeR() const noexcept { return R.size(); }
// argmin f(x), min f(x)
// Complexity: O(1)
using Q = struct { T min, lo, hi; };
Q get_min() const { return {min_f, topL(), topR()}; }
// f(x) += b
// Complexity: O(1)
slope_trick &add_const(const T &b) { return min_f += b, *this; }
// f(x) += max(x - a, 0) _/
// Complexity: O(log n)
slope_trick &add_relu(const T &a) {
return min_f += std::max(T(0), topL() - a), pushL(a), pushR(popL()), *this;
// f(x) += max(a - x, 0) \_
// Complexity: O(log n)
slope_trick &add_irelu(const T &a) {
return min_f += std::max(T(0), a - topR()), pushR(a), pushL(popR()), *this;
// f(x) += |x - a| \/
// Complexity: O(log n)
slope_trick &add_abs(const T &a) { return add_relu(a).add_irelu(a); }
// f(x) <- min_{0 <= y <= w} f(x + y) .\ -> \_
// Complexity: O(1)
slope_trick &move_left_curve(const T &w) { return assert(w >= 0), displacement_l += w, *this; }
// f(x) <- min_{0 <= y <= w} f(x - y) /. -> _/
// Complexity: O(1)
slope_trick &move_right_curve(const T &w) {
return assert(w >= 0), displacement_r += w, *this;
// f(x) <- f(x - dx) \/. -> .\/
// Complexity: O(1)
slope_trick &translate(const T &dx) {
return displacement_l -= dx, displacement_r += dx, *this;
// return f(x), f destructive
T get_destructive(const T &x) {
T ret = get_min().min;
while (L.size()) ret += std::max(T(0), popL() - x);
while (R.size()) ret += std::max(T(0), x - popR());
return ret;
// f(x) += g(x), g destructive
slope_trick &merge_destructive(slope_trick<T, INF> &g) {
if (sizeL() + sizeR() > g.sizeL() + g.sizeR()) {
std::swap(min_f, g.min_f);
std::swap(displacement_l, g.displacement_l);
std::swap(displacement_r, g.displacement_r);
std::swap(L, g.L);
std::swap(R, g.R);
min_f += g.get_min().min;
while (g.L.size()) add_irelu(g.popL());
while (g.R.size()) add_relu(g.popR());
return *this;
#line 3 "other_algorithms/dual_slope_trick.hpp"
// https://maspypy.com/slope-trick-3-slope-trick-%E3%81%AE%E5%87%B8%E5%85%B1%E5%BD%B9
template <class T, T INF = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2>
class dual_slope_trick : private slope_trick<T, INF> {
using Base = slope_trick<T, INF>;
// Initialize: f(x) = 0 (x == 0), inf (otherwise)
// Complexity: O(1)
dual_slope_trick() : Base() {}
// Get f(0)
// Complexity: O(1)
T get_at_zero() const { return -Base::get_min().min; }
// f(x) <- f(x - d) (Move graph to right by d)
// Complexity: O(log n)
dual_slope_trick &shift(int d) {
while (d > 0) --d, Base::add_relu(-INF).add_const(-INF);
while (d < 0) ++d, Base::add_irelu(INF).add_const(-INF);
return *this;
// f(x) += ax + b
// Complexity: O(1)
dual_slope_trick &add_linear(T a, T b) { return Base::translate(a).add_const(b), *this; }
// f(x) += max(c(x - a), 0)
// Complexity: O(|a| log n + 1)
dual_slope_trick &add_linear_or_zero(T c, int a) {
if (c > T()) Base::move_right_curve(c);
if (c < T()) Base::move_left_curve(-c);
return shift(a);
// f(x) <- min f(x - d), a <= d <= b
// Complexity: O((|a| + |b|) log n)
dual_slope_trick &slide_min(int a, int b) {
assert(a <= b);
for (int t = 0; t < b - a; ++t) Base::add_relu(T());
return *this;
#line 4 "other_algorithms/test/dual_slope_trick.yuki2114.test.cpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#line 7 "other_algorithms/test/dual_slope_trick.yuki2114.test.cpp"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cin.tie(nullptr), ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
int N, M, K;
cin >> N >> M >> K;
map<int, vector<pair<int, int>>> mp;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
int a;
cin >> a;
mp[a % K].emplace_back(a / K, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
int b;
cin >> b;
mp[b % K].emplace_back(b / K, 1);
long long ret = 0;
int nmatch = 0;
for (auto [key, vs] : mp) {
int n0 = 0, n1 = 0;
for (auto [x, t] : vs) (t ? n1 : n0)++;
nmatch += min(n0, n1);
if (n0 > n1) {
swap(n0, n1);
for (auto &[x, t] : vs) t ^= 1;
sort(vs.begin(), vs.end());
dual_slope_trick<long long, 1LL << 40> dst;
int last_x = vs.front().first;
for (auto [x, tp] : vs) {
int dx = x - last_x;
dst.add_linear_or_zero(dx, 0).add_linear_or_zero(-dx, 0);
if (tp == 0) {
} else {
dst.slide_min(-1, 0);
last_x = x;
ret += dst.get_at_zero();
if (nmatch < min(N, M)) ret = -1;
cout << ret << endl;