
問題 No.5015 Escape from Labyrinth
ユーザー platinum
提出日時 2023-04-08 18:18:22
言語 C++17(gcc12)
(gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.87.0)
実行時間 -
コード長 19,286 bytes
コンパイル時間 4,667 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 281,860 KB
実行使用メモリ 191,488 KB
スコア 149,130
最終ジャッジ日時 2023-04-15 11:37:52
合計ジャッジ時間 159,529 ms
judge16 / judge15
ファイルパターン 結果
other AC * 97 RE * 3
次のファイルから読み込み:  /usr/local/gcc7/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/stl_algobase.h:64,
         次から読み込み:  /usr/local/gcc7/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/specfun.h:45,
         次から読み込み:  /usr/local/gcc7/include/c++/12.2.0/cmath:1935,
         次から読み込み:  /usr/local/gcc7/include/c++/12.2.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/stdc++.h:41,
         次から読み込み:  main.cpp:1:
コンストラクタ ‘constexpr std::pair<_T1, _T2>::pair(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = int&; _U2 = int&; typename std::enable_if<(std::_PCC<true, _T1, _T2>::_MoveConstructiblePair<_U1, _U2>() && std::_PCC<true, _T1, _T2>::_ImplicitlyMoveConvertiblePair<_U1, _U2>()), bool>::type <anonymous> = true; _T1 = int; _T2 = int]’ 内,
    inlined from ‘int main()’ at main.cpp:758:44:
/usr/local/gcc7/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/stl_pair.h:535:42: 警告: ‘gx’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
  535 |         : first(std::forward<_U1>(__x)), second(std::forward<_U2>(__y)) { }
      |                                          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
main.cpp: 関数 ‘int main()’ 内:
main.cpp:686:33: 備考: ‘gx’ はここで定義されています
  686 |         int sy, sx, ky, kx, gy, gx;
      |                                 ^~
コンストラクタ ‘constexpr std::pair<_T1, _T2>::pair(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = int&; _U2 = int&; typename std::enable_if<(std::_PCC<true, _T1, _T2>::_MoveConstructiblePair<_U1, _U2>() && std::_PCC<true, _T1, _T2>::_ImplicitlyMoveConvertiblePair<_U1, _U2>()), bool>::type <anonymous> = true; _T1 = int; _T2 = int]’ 内,
    inlined from ‘int main()’ at main.cpp:758:44:
/usr/local/gcc7/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/stl_pair.h:535:11: 警告: ‘gy’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
  535 |         : first(std::forward<_U1>(__x)), second(std::forward<_U2>(__y)) { }
      |           ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
main.cpp: 関数 ‘int main()’ 内:
main.cpp:686:29: 備考: ‘gy’ 


diff #

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using pii = pair<int,int>;
const int INF = (int)1e9;
const double TL = 2.8;
const int grid_size = 60;
const int max_hp = 1500;
const int jewel_value = 10;
int dy[5] = {-1, 1, 0, 0, 0};
int dx[5] = {0, 0, -1, 1, 0};
string dir = "UDLR";
const int testcase = 1;
enum class file_status{
file_status now_status = file_status::submit;
template<typename T>
struct v2{
std::vector<std::vector<T>> v;
v2(int x){
v2(int x, int y){
v.resize(x, std::vector<T>(y));
v2(int x, int y, T val){
v.resize(x, std::vector<T>(y, val));
std::vector<T>& operator [] (const int num){
return v[num];
void init(int x){
void init(int x, int y){
v.resize(x, std::vector<T>(y));
void init(int x, int y, T val){
v.resize(x, std::vector<T>(y, val));
void push_back(std::vector<T>& e){
int size(){
return (int)v.size();
bool empty(){
return v.empty();
void clear(){
void erase(int pos){
v.erase(v.begin() + pos);
template<typename T>
struct v3{
std::vector<v2<T>> v;
v3(int x){
v3(int x, int y){
v.resize(x, v2<T>(y));
v3(int x, int y, int z){
v.resize(x, v2<T>(y, z));
v3(int x, int y, int z, T val){
v.resize(x, v2<T>(y, z, val));
v2<T>& operator [] (const int num){
return v[num];
void init(int x, int y){
v.resize(x, v2<T>(y));
void init(int x, int y, int z){
v.resize(x, v2<T>(y, z));
void push_back(v2<T>& e){
bool empty(){
return v.empty();
void clear(){
void read_input(){
std::stringstream ss;
std::string num = std::to_string(testcase);
int siz = num.size();
for(int i = 0; i < 3 - siz; i++) num = '0' + num;
ss << "in/testcase_" << num << ".txt";
FILE *in = freopen(ss.str().c_str(), "r", stdin);
void file_output(){
std::stringstream ss;
std::string num = std::to_string(testcase);
int siz = num.size();
for(int i = 0; i < 3 - siz; i++) num = '0' + num;
ss << "out/testcase_" << num << ".txt";
FILE *out = freopen(ss.str().c_str(), "w", stdout);
struct Enemy{
int y, x, d, num;
bool destroyed;
Enemy(int y, int x, int d, int num){
this->y = y, this->x = x, this->d = d;
this-> num = num;
destroyed = false;
enum class cell_status{
int GetCellStatusNumber(cell_status st){
if(st == cell_status::empty) return 0;
else if(st == cell_status::wall) return 1;
else if(st == cell_status::block) return 2;
else if(st == cell_status::enemy) return 3;
else if(st == cell_status::key) return 4;
else if(st == cell_status::goal) return 5;
else if(st == cell_status::fire) return 6;
else if(st == cell_status::jewel) return 7;
else if(st == cell_status::cell_kinds) return 8;
return -1;
struct Cell{
cell_status status;
Enemy* e_pointer = nullptr;
Cell(cell_status st = cell_status::empty) : status(st) {}
struct pathway{
int dist;
int y, x, t;
long long hash;
pathway(int d, int y, int x, int t, long long h) :
dist(d), y(y), x(x), t(t), hash(h) {}
bool operator> (const pathway& p) const{
return dist > p.dist;
random_device rnd;
mt19937 engine(rnd());
vector<long long> hash_list;
void hash_init(){
uniform_int_distribution<> h(1, (int)1e9);
int kinds_num = GetCellStatusNumber(cell_status::cell_kinds);
for(int i = 0; i < grid_size * grid_size * kinds_num; i++){
long long val1 = h(engine);
long long val2 = h(engine);
hash_list.emplace_back(val1 * val2);
long long get_hash(int y, int x, cell_status st){
int kinds_num = GetCellStatusNumber(cell_status::cell_kinds);
int num = (y * grid_size + x) * kinds_num + GetCellStatusNumber(st);
return hash_list[num];
long long zobrist_hash(v2<Cell>& now_grid){
long long res = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < grid_size; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < grid_size; j++){
res ^= get_hash(i, j, now_grid[i][j].status);
return res;
long long hash_update(int ny, int nx, v2<Cell>& now_grid){
long long res = 0;
long long o = get_hash(ny, nx, now_grid[ny][nx].status);
long long n = get_hash(ny, nx, cell_status::empty);
res = o ^ n;
return res;
unordered_map<long long, v2<Cell>> Grids;
int N, D, H, M;
vector<Enemy> enemy;
vector<string> S;
v2<Cell> grid;
v2<int> enemy_number;
vector<string> ans;
int turn = 0;
bool range_out(int y, int x){
if(y < 0 || y >= grid_size) return true;
if(x < 0 || x >= grid_size) return true;
return false;
struct Player{
int y, x;
int hp, fire;
int score;
bool get_key, using_magic;
Player(int y, int x, int hp) : y(y), x(x), hp(hp){
fire = 0;
score = 0;
get_key = false;
using_magic = false;
int move(int k){
int ny = y + dy[k], nx = x + dx[k];
if(range_out(ny, nx)) return -1;
if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::wall
|| grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::block
|| grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::enemy){
return -1;
if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::fire){
else if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::jewel){
score += jewel_value;
else if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::key){
get_key = true;
y = ny; x = nx;
return 0;
void damage(int d){
hp -= d;
int get_direction(char d){
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
if(d == dir[k]) return k;
return -1;
// BFS
string find_path(int sy, int sx, int gy, int gx){
v2<int> dist(N, N, -1);
dist[sy][sx] = 0;
queue<pair<int,int>> q;
q.emplace(sy, sx);
pair<int,int> p = q.front(); q.pop();
int y = p.first, x = p.second;
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
int ny = y + dy[k], nx = x + dx[k];
if(range_out(ny, nx)) continue;
if(dist[ny][nx] != -1) continue;
cell_status cell = grid[ny][nx].status;
if(cell == cell_status::wall || cell == cell_status::enemy){
dist[ny][nx] = dist[y][x] + 1;
q.emplace(ny, nx);
string res;
if(dist[gy][gx] == -1) return res;
int now_y = gy, now_x = gx, now_d = dist[gy][gx];
while(now_y != sy || now_x != sx){
bool moved = false;
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
int new_y = now_y + dy[k], new_x = now_x + dx[k];
if(range_out(new_y, new_x)) continue;
if(dist[new_y][new_x] != now_d - 1) continue;
now_y = new_y, now_x = new_x;
moved = true;
reverse(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
string get_jewel(Player &player){
v2<int> dist(N, N, -1);
int sy = player.y, sx = player.x;
dist[sy][sx] = 0;
queue<pair<int,int>> q;
q.emplace(sy, sx);
int gy = -1, gx = -1;
pair<int,int> p = q.front(); q.pop();
int y = p.first, x = p.second;
bool find_jewel = false;
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
int ny = y + dy[k], nx = x + dx[k];
if(range_out(ny, nx)) continue;
if(dist[ny][nx] != -1) continue;
cell_status cell = grid[ny][nx].status;
if(cell == cell_status::wall || cell == cell_status::enemy){
dist[ny][nx] = dist[y][x] + 1;
if(cell == cell_status::jewel){
gy = ny; gx = nx;
find_jewel = true;
q.emplace(ny, nx);
if(find_jewel) break;
string res;
if(gy == -1) return res;
int now_y = gy, now_x = gx, now_d = dist[gy][gx];
while(now_y != sy || now_x != sx){
bool moved = false;
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
int new_y = now_y + dy[k], new_x = now_x + dx[k];
if(range_out(new_y, new_x)) continue;
if(dist[new_y][new_x] != now_d - 1) continue;
now_y = new_y, now_x = new_x;
moved = true;
reverse(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
int CalcDamage(int py, int px, int t, bool block = true){
int res = 1;
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
int y = py + dy[k], x = px + dx[k];
while(!range_out(y, x)){
if(grid[y][x].status == cell_status::wall){
if(grid[y][x].status == cell_status::block && block){
if(grid[y][x].status == cell_status::enemy){
if(t > 0 && t % grid[y][x].e_pointer->d == 0){
res += D;
y += dy[k]; x += dx[k];
return res;
int CalcDamage(int py, int px, int t, v2<Cell>& now_grid){
int res = 1;
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
int y = py + dy[k], x = px + dx[k];
while(!range_out(y, x)){
if(now_grid[y][x].status == cell_status::wall){
if(now_grid[y][x].status == cell_status::block){
if(now_grid[y][x].status == cell_status::enemy){
if(t > 0 && t % now_grid[y][x].e_pointer->d == 0){
res += D;
y += dy[k]; x += dx[k];
return res;
string DecideAction(char move_dir, Player &player, int t){
int y = player.y, x = player.x;
int j = get_direction(move_dir);
if(grid[y+dy[j]][x+dx[j]].status == cell_status::block){
string action = "B ";
action += move_dir;
return action;
int stay_damage = CalcDamage(y, x, t);
int move_damage = CalcDamage(y + dy[j], x + dx[j], t);
if(move_damage == 1){
string action = "M ";
action += move_dir;
return action;
if(stay_damage == 1){
return "S";
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
int ny = y + dy[k], nx = x + dx[k];
while(!range_out(ny, nx)){
if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::wall
|| grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::block){
if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::enemy
&& t % grid[ny][nx].e_pointer->d == 0){
if(player.fire > 0){
string move = "F ";
move += dir[k];
return move;
else if(k != j && grid[y+dy[k]][x+dx[k]].status
== cell_status::empty){
string move = "B ";
move += dir[k];
return move;
if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::enemy){
ny += dy[k], nx += dx[k];
if(move_damage <= stay_damage){
string action = "M ";
action += move_dir;
return action;
else return "S";
int Action(Player &player, string &query){
if(query[0] == 'S' || query[0] == '#') return 0;
assert((int)query.size() == 3);
int sy = player.y, sx = player.x;
char c = query[0], d = query[2];
int k = get_direction(d);
if(c == 'M'){
if(player.move(k) == -1) return -1;
int ny = sy + dy[k], nx = sx + dx[k];
if(grid[ny][nx].status != cell_status::goal){
grid[ny][nx].status = cell_status::empty;
else if(c == 'B'){
int ny = sy + dy[k], nx = sx + dx[k];
if(range_out(ny, nx)) return -1;
if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::empty){
grid[ny][nx].status = cell_status::block;
else if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::block){
grid[ny][nx].status = cell_status::empty;
else return -1;
else if(c == 'F'){
if(player.fire <= 0) return -1;
int ny = sy + dy[k], nx = sx + dx[k];
while(!range_out(ny, nx)){
if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::wall
|| grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::block){
if(grid[ny][nx].status == cell_status::enemy){
if(grid[ny][nx].e_pointer->destroyed) return -1;
grid[ny][nx].status = cell_status::empty;
grid[ny][nx].e_pointer->destroyed = true;
ny += dy[k], nx += dx[k];
return 0;
void StepTurn(Player &player, string &query){
assert(Action(player, query) != -1);
if(query[0] != '#'){
player.damage(CalcDamage(player.y, player.x, turn));
pair<int,vector<string>> CalcMinDistance(int start_t, pii start, pii goal, bool debug = false){
pair<int,vector<string>> res;
// = 60
const int lcm = 60;
start_t %= lcm;
v3<int> dist(N, N, lcm, INF);
v3<char> prev_dir(N, N, lcm, 'S');
int start_y = start.first, start_x = start.second;
int goal_y = goal.first, goal_x = goal.second;
dist[start_y][start_x][start_t] = 0;
priority_queue<pathway,vector<pathway>,greater<pathway>> pq;
long long init_hash = zobrist_hash(grid);
Grids[init_hash] = grid;
pq.emplace(0, start_y, start_x, start_t, init_hash);
pathway pos = pq.top(); pq.pop();
int d = pos.dist;
int y = pos.y;
int x = pos.x;
if(y == goal_y && x == goal_x) continue;
int t = pos.t;
if(d != dist[y][x][t]) continue;
for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++){
int ny = y + dy[k], nx = x + dx[k];
if(range_out(ny, nx)) continue;
cell_status stat = Grids[pos.hash][ny][nx].status;
if(stat == cell_status::enemy || stat == cell_status::wall){
if(stat == cell_status::block && k < 4){
v2<Cell> now_grid = Grids[pos.hash];
long long change = hash_update(ny, nx, Grids[pos.hash]);
long long new_hash = pos.hash ^ change;
now_grid[ny][nx].status = cell_status::empty;
int damage = CalcDamage(y, x, t + 1, now_grid)
+ CalcDamage(ny, nx, t + 2, now_grid);
int nd = d + damage;
int nt = (t + 2) % lcm;
if(nd >= dist[ny][nx][nt]) continue;
dist[ny][nx][nt] = nd;
prev_dir[ny][nx][nt] = dir[k];
Grids[new_hash] = now_grid;
pq.emplace(nd, ny, nx, nt, new_hash);
int damage = CalcDamage(ny, nx, t + 1, Grids[pos.hash]);
int nd = d + damage;
int nt = (t + 1) % lcm;
if(nd >= dist[ny][nx][nt]) continue;
dist[ny][nx][nt] = nd;
if(k < 4) prev_dir[ny][nx][nt] = dir[k];
pq.emplace(nd, ny, nx, nt, pos.hash);
int dist_min = INF, goal_t = -1;
for(int t = 0; t < lcm; t++){
int dist_t = dist[goal_y][goal_x][t];
if(dist_min > dist_t){
dist_min = dist_t;
goal_t = t;
res.first = dist_min;
assert(goal_t != -1);
vector<string> queries;
int now_y = goal_y, now_x = goal_x, now_t = goal_t;
if(debug) cout << "#debug start" << endl;
while(now_y != start_y || now_x != start_x || now_t != start_t){
cout << "#t = " << now_t << endl;
cout << "#(" << now_y << ", " << now_x << ")" << endl;
cout << "#d = " << dist[now_y][now_x][now_t] << endl;
char c = prev_dir[now_y][now_x][now_t];
string query = "M ";
if(c == 'S') query = c;
else query += c;
int k = -1;
if(c == 'S') k = 4;
k = get_direction(c);
k ^= 1;
if(grid[now_y][now_x].status == cell_status::block){
string query = "B ";
if(c == 'S') query = c;
else query += c;
now_t = (now_t - 1 + lcm) % lcm;
now_y += dy[k]; now_x += dx[k];
now_t = (now_t - 1 + lcm) % lcm;
cout << "#t = " << now_t << endl;
cout << "#(" << now_y << ", " << now_x << ")" << endl;
cout << "#d = " << dist[now_y][now_x][now_t] << endl;
if(debug) cout << "#debug end" << endl;
reverse(queries.begin(), queries.end());
res.second = queries;
return res;
void input(){
cin >> N >> D >> H;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) cin >> S[i];
enemy_number.init(N, N, -1);
cin >> M;
for(int i = 0; i < M; i++){
int y, x, d;
cin >> y >> x >> d;
enemy.emplace_back(y, x, d, i);
enemy_number[y][x] = i;
grid.init(N, N, cell_status::empty);
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){
if(S[i][j] == '#'){
grid[i][j].status = cell_status::wall;
else if(S[i][j] == 'E'){
grid[i][j].status = cell_status::enemy;
grid[i][j].e_pointer = &enemy[enemy_number[i][j]];
else if(S[i][j] == 'K'){
grid[i][j].status = cell_status::key;
else if(S[i][j] == 'G'){
grid[i][j].status = cell_status::goal;
else if(S[i][j] == 'F'){
grid[i][j].status = cell_status::fire;
else if(S[i][j] == 'J'){
grid[i][j].status = cell_status::jewel;
int main(){
if(now_status == file_status::local){
int sy, sx, ky, kx, gy, gx;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){
if(S[i][j] == 'S'){
sy = i, sx = j;
else if(S[i][j] == 'K'){
ky = i, kx = j;
else if(S[i][j] == 'G'){
gy = i, gx = j;
Player player(sy, sx, H);
int dist_check = -1;
string path = get_jewel(player);
cerr << "no jewel" << endl;
string action = DecideAction(path[0], player, turn);
StepTurn(player, action);
if(player.hp < 500 && dist_check == -1){
pair<int,vector<string>> to_key = CalcMinDistance(
turn, pii(player.y, player.x), pii(ky, kx));
int siz = to_key.second.size();
int key_to_goal = CalcMinDistance(turn + siz,
pii(ky, kx), pii(gy, gx)).first;
dist_check = key_to_goal;
if(!player.get_key) dist_check += to_key.first;
if(dist_check == -1) continue;
if(player.hp < dist_check + 100 && turn % 20 == 0){
double time = 1.0 * clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
if(time > TL){
cerr << "time = " << time << endl;
cerr << "turn = " << turn << endl;
cerr << "hp = " << player.hp << endl;
pair<int,vector<string>> to_key = CalcMinDistance(
turn, pii(player.y, player.x), pii(ky, kx));
int siz = to_key.second.size();
int key_to_goal = CalcMinDistance(turn + siz,
pii(ky, kx), pii(gy, gx)).first;
int player_to_goal = key_to_goal;
if(!player.get_key) player_to_goal += to_key.first;
if(player_to_goal + D * 10 + 50 > player.hp){
cerr << "turn = " << turn << endl;
cerr << "hp = " << player.hp << endl;
cerr << "dist = " << player_to_goal << endl;
pair<int,vector<string>> path_to_key = CalcMinDistance(turn,
pii(player.y, player.x), pii(ky, kx), true);
cerr << path_to_key.first << endl;
for(auto &query : path_to_key.second){
StepTurn(player, query);
cerr << "hp = " << player.hp << endl;
pair<int,vector<string>> path_to_goal = CalcMinDistance(turn,
pii(player.y, player.x), pii(gy, gx), true);
cerr << path_to_goal.first << endl;
for(auto &query : path_to_goal.second){
StepTurn(player, query);
cerr << "score = " << player.score << endl;
cerr << "hp = " << player.hp << endl;
for(auto s : ans){
cout << s << endl;
cout << "#" << s << endl;
return 0;