問題 | No.5015 Escape from Labyrinth |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2023-04-16 18:25:15 |
言語 | Common Lisp (sbcl 2.5.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 59,812 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,007 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 116,196 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 340,932 KB |
スコア | 20,580 |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2023-04-16 18:30:07 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 287,734 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge12 / judge14 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
other | AC * 73 RE * 19 TLE * 8 |
; compiling file "/home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp" (written 16 APR 2023 06:25:15 PM): ; processing (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; processing (DECLAIM (OPTIMIZE # ...)) ; processing (DECLAIM (MUFFLE-CONDITIONS COMPILER-NOTE)) ; processing (DISABLE-DEBUGGER) ; processing (SET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER #\# ...) ; processing (SET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER #\# ...) ; processing (DEFPACKAGE CP-LIBRARY/AVL-TREE ...) ; processing (IN-PACKAGE AVL) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %%MAKE-NODE)) ; processing (DEFSTRUCT (NODE # ...) ...) ; processing (DEFMACRO DEFINE-ACCESSOR-FOR-NULLABLE-NODE ...) ; processing (DEFINE-ACCESSOR-FOR-NULLABLE-NODE %VALUE ...) ; processing (DEFINE-ACCESSOR-FOR-NULLABLE-NODE %KEY ...) ; processing (DEFINE-ACCESSOR-FOR-NULLABLE-NODE %CNT ...) ; processing (DEFINE-ACCESSOR-FOR-NULLABLE-NODE %HEIGHT ...) ; processing (DEFINE-ACCESSOR-FOR-NULLABLE-NODE %L ...) ; processing (DEFINE-ACCESSOR-FOR-NULLABLE-NODE %R ...) ; processing (DEFUN DUMP-TO-LIST ...) ; processing (DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT ...) ; processing (DEFUN DUMP-TO-TREE ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %MAKE-NODE)) ; processing (DEFUN %MAKE-NODE ...) ; processing (DEFUN MAKE-AVL-TREE ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %UPDATE-NODE)) ; processing (DEFUN %UPDATE-NODE ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %ROTATE-LEFT)) ; processing (DEFUN %ROTATE-LEFT ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %ROTATE-RIGHT)) ; processing (DEFUN %ROTATE-RIGHT ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %ROTATE-LR)) ; processing (DEFUN %ROTATE-LR ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %ROTATE-RL)) ; processing (DEFUN %ROTATE-RL ...) ; processing (DEFCONSTANT +TOO-LEFT+ ...) ; processing (DEFCONSTANT +LEFT+ ...) ; processing (DEFCONSTANT +EVEN+ ...) ; processing (DEFCONSTANT +RIGHT+ ...) ; processing (DEFCONSTANT +TOO-RIGHT+ ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %BIAS)) ; processing (DEFUN %BIAS ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %LEFT-RIGHT-CASE-P)) ; processing (DEFUN %LEFT-RIGHT-CASE-P ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %RIGHT-LEFT-CASE-P)) ; proces
(in-package #:cl-user);;;;;; Init;;;(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute);; #+swank (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)))#+swank (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))#-swank (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))#-swank (declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))#-swank (sb-ext:disable-debugger));;;;;; Reader Macros;;;(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)(set-dispatch-macro-character#\# #\f#'(lambda (stream c2 n)(declare (ignore c2 n))(let ((form (read stream t nil t)))`(lambda (&optional %) (declare (ignorable %)) ,form))))(set-dispatch-macro-character#\# #\>#'(lambda (stream c2 n)(declare (ignore c2 n))(let ((form (read stream t nil t)))(declare (ignorable form))#-swank nil#+swank (if (atom form)`(format *error-output* "~a => ~a~&" ',form ,form)`(format *error-output* "~a => ~a~&" ',form `(,,@form)))))));;;;;; Libraries;;;;;;;;; BOF;;;(defpackage cp-library/avl-tree(:use #:cl)(:nicknames #:avl)(:shadow #:remove#:count)(:export #:make-avl-tree#:insert#:remove#:insert!#:remove!#:count#:dump-to-list#:dump-to-tree#:keys#:vals#:predecessor#:successor#:nth-element#:compare-default#:compare-keyword#:ref#:update#:update!#:make-avl-tree-from-list#:rand-nth))(in-package avl)(declaim (inline %%make-node))(defstruct (node (:constructor %%make-node)(:conc-name %%))(key nil :type t)(value nil :type t)(cnt nil :type fixnum)(height nil :type fixnum)(l nil :type (or null node))(r nil :type (or null node)))(defmacro define-accessor-for-nullable-node (name accessor default)`(progn(declaim (inline ,name))(defun ,name (node)(if node(,accessor node),default))))(define-accessor-for-nullable-node %value %%value nil)(define-accessor-for-nullable-node %key %%key nil)(define-accessor-for-nullable-node %cnt %%cnt 0)(define-accessor-for-nullable-node %height %%height 0)(define-accessor-for-nullable-node %l %%l nil)(define-accessor-for-nullable-node %r %%r nil)(defun dump-to-list (node)(let ((res nil))(labels ((rec (node)(when node(rec (%%l node))(push (cons (%%key node)(%%value node))res)(rec (%%r node)))))(rec node)(reverse res))))(defmethod print-object ((node node) s)(print-unreadable-object (node s :type t)(dolist (kv (dump-to-list node))(fresh-line s)(princ kv s))(terpri s)))(defun dump-to-tree (node)(labels ((rec (node)(when node(cl:remove nil(list(rec (%%l node))(when node(cons (%%key node)(%%value node)))(rec (%%r node)))))))(rec node)))(declaim (inline %make-node))(defun %make-node (&key key value l r)(declare ((or null node) l r))(let ((height (1+ (max (%height l)(%height r))))(cnt (1+ (the fixnum(+ (%cnt l)(%cnt r))))))(declare (fixnum height cnt))(%%make-node :key key:value value:height height:cnt cnt:l l:r r)))(defun make-avl-tree ()"Create an empty avl-tree."nil);; helper functions(declaim (inline %update-node))(defun %update-node (node &key (key nil k-p) (value nil v-p) (l nil l-p) (r nil r-p))(%make-node :key (if k-pkey(%key node)):value (if v-pvalue(%value node)):l (if l-pl(%l node)):r (if r-pr(%r node))))(declaim (inline %rotate-left))(defun %rotate-left (node)(declare (node node)#+sbcl (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))(let* ((r (%%r node))(rl (%l r)))(%update-node r :l (%update-node node :r rl))))(declaim (inline %rotate-right))(defun %rotate-right (node)(declare (node node)#+sbcl (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))(let* ((l (%%l node))(lr (%r l)))(%update-node l :r (%update-node node :l lr))))(declaim (inline %rotate-lr))(defun %rotate-lr (node)(%rotate-right(%update-node node:l (%rotate-left (%%l node)))))(declaim (inline %rotate-rl))(defun %rotate-rl (node)(%rotate-left(%update-node node:r (%rotate-right (%%r node)))))(defconstant +too-left+ -2)(defconstant +left+ -1)(defconstant +even+ 0)(defconstant +right+ 1)(defconstant +too-right+ 2)(declaim (inline %bias))(defun %bias (node)(if (null node)0(- (%height (%%r node))(%height (%%l node)))))(declaim (inline %left-right-case-p))(defun %left-right-case-p (node)(= (%bias (%%l node)) +right+))(declaim (inline %right-left-case-p))(defun %right-left-case-p (node)(= (%bias (%%r node)) +left+))(declaim (inline %balance))(defun %balance (node)(let ((b (%bias node)))(cond((= b +even+) (values node t))((or (= b +left+)(= b +right+))(values node nil))((<= b +too-left+)(values (if (%left-right-case-p node)(%rotate-lr node)(%rotate-right node))t))(t(values (if (%right-left-case-p node)(%rotate-rl node)(%rotate-left node))t)))))(defun compare-default (key node-key)(declare (fixnum node-key key)(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))(cond((= key node-key) :eq)((< key node-key) :less)(t :greater)))(defun compare-keyword (k1 k2)(declare (keyword k1 k2))(let ((k1 (sb-impl::eq-hash k1))(k2 (sb-impl::eq-hash k2)))(cond((< k1 k2) :less)((= k1 k2) :eq)(t :greater))))(defun insert (node key value &optional (compare #'compare-default));; (values balanced-node need-to-balance-parents)(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))(function compare))(labels ((%rec (node)(unless node(return-from %rec(values (%make-node :key key:value value)nil)))(ecase (funcall compare key (%%key node))(:eq;; 書き換えだけなのでbalanceしなくていい(values (%update-node node :value value)t))(:less(multiple-value-bind (l balanced) (%rec (%%l node))(let ((new-node (%update-node node :l l)))(if balanced(values new-node t)(%balance new-node)))))(:greater(multiple-value-bind (r balanced) (%rec (%%r node))(let ((new-node (%update-node node :r r)))(if balanced(values new-node t)(%balance new-node))))))))(%rec node)))(defun %remove-rightest (node);; (values new-node removed-node balanced)(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))(let ((r (%%r node)))(if (null r);; node = rightest(let ((l (%%l node))(removed (%update-node node :l nil)))(values l removed nil))(multiple-value-bind (new-r removed balanced) (%remove-rightest r)(let ((new (%update-node node :r new-r)))(if balanced(values new removed t)(multiple-value-bind (new balanced) (%balance new)(values new removed balanced))))))))(defun remove (node key &optional (compare #'compare-default))(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))(function compare))(labels ((%rec (node)(unless node(return-from %rec (values nil nil)))(ecase (funcall compare key (%%key node))(:eq(let ((l (%%l node))(r (%%r node)))(unless (and l r)(return-from %rec(if #1=(or l r)(values #1# nil)(values nil t))))(multiple-value-bind (new-l removed balanced) (%remove-rightest l)(if (null removed);; 変更なし(values node t)(let ((new-node (%make-node :key (%%key removed):value (%%value removed):l new-l:r (%%r node))))(if balanced(values new-node t)(%balance new-node)))))))(:less(multiple-value-bind (l balanced) (%rec (%%l node))(let ((new-node (%update-node node :l l)))(if balanced(values new-node t)(%balance new-node)))))(:greater(multiple-value-bind (r balanced) (%rec (%%r node))(let ((new-node (%update-node node :r r)))(if balanced(values new-node t)(%balance new-node))))))))(%rec node)))(define-modify-macro insert! (key value &optional (compare '(function compare-default))) insert)(define-modify-macro remove! (key &optional (compare '(function compare-default))) remove)(defun keys (node)(mapcar #'car (dump-to-list node)))(defun vals (node)(mapcar #'cdr (dump-to-list node)))(defun count (node)(%cnt node))(defun predecessor (node key &optional (compare #'compare-default))(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))(function compare))(labels ((%rec (node)(when node(ecase (funcall compare key (%%key node))(:greater(or (%rec (%%r node))node))((:eq :less)(%rec (%%l node)))))))(let ((res (%rec node)))(if res(values (%%key res) (%%value res) t)(values nil nil nil)))))(defun successor (node key &optional (compare #'compare-default))(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))(function compare))(labels ((%rec (node)(when node(ecase (funcall compare key (%%key node))(:less(or (%rec (%%l node))node))((:eq :greater)(%rec (%%r node)))))))(let ((res (%rec node)))(if res(values (%%key res) (%%value res) t)(values nil nil nil)))))(defun nth-element (node n)(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))(fixnum n))(labels ((%rec (node k)(declare (fixnum k))(let ((l-cnt (%cnt (%%l node))))(declare (fixnum l-cnt))(cond((< k l-cnt)(%rec (%%l node)k))((= k l-cnt)node)(t(%rec (%%r node)(- k l-cnt 1)))))))(if (<= 0 n (the fixnum (1- (the fixnum (%cnt node)))))(let ((res (%rec node n)))(declare (node node))(values (%%key res) (%%value res) t))(values nil nil nil))))(defun rand-nth (node)(when node(nth-element node (random (count node)))))(defun ref (node key &optional (compare #'compare-default))(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))(function compare))(labels ((%rec (node)(when node(ecase (funcall compare key (%%key node))(:eq node)(:less (%rec (%%l node)))(:greater (%rec (%%r node)))))))(let ((res (%rec node)))(if res(values (%%key node) (%%value node) t)(values nil nil nil)))))(defun update (node key fn &optional (compare #'compare-default))(let ((current (ref node key compare)))(insert node key (funcall fn current) compare)))(defun make-avl-tree-from-list (key-fn value-fn list &optional (compare #'compare-default))(let ((res nil))(dolist (x list res)(avl:insert! res(funcall key-fn x)(funcall value-fn x)compare))))(define-modify-macro update! (key fn &optional (compare '(function compare-default))) update);;;;;; EOF;;;;;;;;; BOF;;;(defpackage randomized-heap(:use #:cl)(:nicknames #:rh)(:shadow #:count)(:export #:make-randomized-heap#:empty-p#:push!#:pop!#:peak#:count#:do-all-kvs#:prune!))(in-package #:randomized-heap)(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)(defvar *OPT*#+swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 2))#-swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))))(declaim (inline %make-node make-randomized-heap))(defstruct (node (:constructor %make-node)(:conc-name %n-))(key nil :type fixnum)(value nil :type t)(children (make-array 2 :element-type '(or null node):initial-element nil):type (simple-array (or null node) (2))))(defstruct (randomized-heap (:constructor make-randomized-heap (&optional (compare #'sb-impl::two-arg-<) (key-fn #'identity))))(root nil :type (or null node))(count 0 :type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum))(comparator compare :type (function (fixnum fixnum) boolean))(key-fn key-fn :type (function (t) fixnum)))(defun count (heap)(randomized-heap-count heap))(declaim (inline %direction))(defun %direction ()(declare #.*OPT*)(random 2))(defun meld (l r comparator)(declare #.*OPT*((or null node) l r)((function (fixnum fixnum) boolean) comparator))(cond((or (null l)(null r))(or l r))((funcall comparator(%n-key l)(%n-key r));; l is root(let ((dir (%direction)))(setf (aref (%n-children l) dir)(meld (aref (%n-children l) dir)rcomparator))l))(t;; r is root(let ((dir (%direction)))(setf (aref (%n-children r) dir)(meld l(aref (%n-children r) dir)comparator))r))))(declaim (inline peak))(defun peak (heap)(declare #.*OPT*)(let ((root (randomized-heap-root heap)))(values (%n-value root)(%n-key root))))(defun empty-p (heap)(null (randomized-heap-root heap)))(declaim (inline pop! push!))(defun pop! (heap)(declare #.*OPT*)(when (empty-p heap)(error "heap is empty"))(decf (randomized-heap-count heap))(multiple-value-bind (value key)(peak heap)(let* ((children (%n-children (randomized-heap-root heap)))(l (aref children 0))(r (aref children 1)))(setf (randomized-heap-root heap)(meld lr(randomized-heap-comparator heap)))(values value key))))(defun push! (heap value)(declare #.*OPT*)(let ((key (funcall (randomized-heap-key-fn heap)value)))(incf (randomized-heap-count heap))(setf (randomized-heap-root heap)(meld (randomized-heap-root heap)(%make-node :key key:value value)(randomized-heap-comparator heap))))heap)(defmacro do-all-kvs ((key value heap) &body body &environment env)(let ((temp (gensym)))(multiple-value-bind (args argvs res setter accessor)(get-setf-expansion heap env)`(let ((,temp (make-randomized-heap (randomized-heap-comparator ,accessor)(randomized-heap-key-fn ,accessor))))(loop :until (empty-p ,accessor):do (multiple-value-bind (,value ,key)(pop! ,accessor)(progn ,@body)(push! ,temp ,value)))(let* (,@(mapcar #'list args argvs)(,(car res) ,temp)),setternil)))))(defun prune! (heap cnt)(let ((new-root nil)(comparator (randomized-heap-comparator heap)))(dotimes (_ cnt)(multiple-value-bind (v k) (pop! heap)(setf new-root(meld new-root(%make-node :key k :value v)comparator))))(setf (randomized-heap-root heap)new-root)));;;;;; EOF;;;;;;;;; Macros;;;(in-package #:cl-user)(defmacro do-iota ((var count &optional (start 0) (step 1)) &body body)(check-type step integer)(let* ((last (gensym))(terminate (if (plusp step) `(>= ,var ,last) `(<= ,var ,last))))`(let ((,last (+ ,start (the fixnum (* ,step ,count)))))(declare (fixnum ,last))(do((,var ,start (+ ,var ,step)))(,terminate(progn ,@body))))))(defmacro awhen (test &body forms)`(let ((it ,test))(when it,@forms)))(defmacro while (test &body body)`(loop while ,test do (progn ,@body)))(defmacro eval-always (&body body)`(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute),@body));;;;;; I/O;;;(in-package #:cl-user)(declaim (inline println))(defun println (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*))#+sbcl (declare (sb-kernel:ansi-stream stream))(let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))(prog1 obj(princ obj stream)(terpri stream))))(declaim (inline %read-byte))(defun %read-byte (&optional (stream *standard-input*))(declare (inline read-byte)#+(and sbcl (not swank)) (sb-kernel:ansi-stream stream))(the fixnum #+swank (char-code (read-char stream nil #\Nul))#-swank (read-byte stream nil #.(char-code #\Nul))))(declaim (inline read-fixnum))(defun read-fixnum (&optional (in *standard-input*) (byte-reader #'%read-byte));; Ref: https://competitive12.blogspot.com/2020/03/common-lisp.html;; partially modified(declare ((function (stream) (unsigned-byte 8)) byte-reader)(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))(let ((minus nil)(res 0))(declare (boolean minus)(fixnum res))(labels ((%byte->num (b)(the fixnum (- (the fixnum b) #.(char-code #\0))))(%digit-p (byte)(<= #.(char-code #\0) (the fixnum byte) #.(char-code #\9)))(%first-proc! ()(loop for byte of-type fixnum = (funcall byte-reader in)do (cond((%digit-p byte)(setf (the fixnum res) (%byte->num byte))(return))((= byte #.(char-code #\Nul))(error "EOF"))((= byte #.(char-code #\-))(setf minus t)))))(%rest-proc! ()(loop for byte of-type fixnum = (funcall byte-reader in)do (cond((%digit-p byte)(setf (the fixnum res) (the fixnum (+ (the fixnum (* res 10)) (%byte->num byte)))))(t (return))))))(declare (inline %byte->num %digit-p %first-proc! %rest-proc!))(%first-proc!)(%rest-proc!)(the fixnum (if minus (- res) res)))))(declaim (inline read-base-char))(defun read-base-char (&optional (stream *standard-input*))(code-char (%read-byte stream)))(defun read-line-fast (&optional (stream *standard-input*))#+(and (not swank) sbcl) (declare (sb-kernel:ansi-stream stream))(loop with buffer of-type base-string = (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0)for c of-type base-char = (read-base-char stream)until (or (eql c #\Newline)(eql c #\Nul))do (vector-push-extend c buffer)finally (return buffer)))(defun split (string &optional (separator #\space))(declare (base-char separator))(let ((pos (position separator string)))(if pos(cons (subseq string 0 pos)(split (subseq string (1+ pos))separator))(list string))))(declaim (inline parse-fixnum))(defun parse-fixnum (string)(with-input-from-string (in string)(read-fixnum in #f(the (unsigned-byte 8)(char-code (read-char % nil #\Nul nil))))))(declaim (inline read-times))(defun read-times (count &key (result-type 'list) (reader #'read-fixnum))(coerce (loop repeat count collect (funcall reader)) result-type))(defun unwrap (sequence);; e.g. (unwrap (list 1 2 3 4 5)) => "1 2 3 4 5"(let ((*standard-output* (make-string-output-stream :element-type 'base-char)))(let ((init nil))(declare (boolean init))(map nil(lambda (x)(when init(princ #\space))(setq init t)(princ x))sequence))(coerce (get-output-stream-string *standard-output*) 'simple-base-string)));;;;;; Body;;;(in-package #:cl-user)(defmacro %expander-body (form cases)`(ecase ,form,@(loop for (from . to) in casescollect `(,from ,to))))(defmacro define-ecase-expander (name assoc-list)`(defmacro ,name (form)`(%expander-body ,form ,',assoc-list)))(eval-always;; TODO wait(defconstant +grid-size+ 60)(defconstant +player-vital+ 1500)(sb-int:defconstant-eqx +char-int-assoc+'((#\. . 0)(#\# . 1)(#\S . 2)(#\G . 3)(#\K . 4)(#\J . 5)(#\F . 6)(#\E . 7))#'equalp)(sb-int:defconstant-eqx +move-dy-dx-assoc+'((:down . (1 . 0))(:up . (-1 . 0))(:left . (0 . -1))(:right . (0 . 1))#+nil (:wait . (0 . 0)))#'equalp)(sb-int:defconstant-eqx +dir-char-assoc+'((:down . #\D)(:up . #\U)(:left . #\L)(:right . #\R))#'equal)(sb-int:defconstant-eqx +moves+ (mapcar #'car +move-dy-dx-assoc+)#'equal)(sb-int:defconstant-eqx +dy-dx+ (mapcar #'cdr +move-dy-dx-assoc+)#'equalp)(defun swap-cons (xs)(cons (cdr xs) (car xs))))(deftype moves () `(member ,@'#.+moves+))(define-ecase-expander char->int-ecase #.+char-int-assoc+)(define-ecase-expander int->char-ecase #.(mapcar #'swap-cons +char-int-assoc+))(define-ecase-expander dir->char-ecase #.+dir-char-assoc+)(defun char->int (c)(char->int-ecase c))(defun int->char (int)(declare ((unsigned-byte 4) int)(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))(int->char-ecase int))(defun dir->char (dir)(declare (moves dir)(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))(dir->char-ecase dir))(defun move->dy-dx (move)"Returns (cons dy dx)"(cdr (assoc move +move-dy-dx-assoc+)));; Coord(eval-always(defconstant +each-coord-word-size+ 8))(eval-always(deftype coord () '(unsigned-byte #.(* +each-coord-word-size+ 2))))(declaim (inline y x))(defun y (c)(ldb (byte #.+each-coord-word-size+ 0)c))(defun x (c)(ldb (byte #.+each-coord-word-size+ #.+each-coord-word-size+)c))#+nil(defun valid-coord-p (c)(and (<= 0 (y c) (1- +grid-size+))(<= 0 (x c) (1- +grid-size+))))(declaim (inline make-coord))(defun make-coord (&key y x)(when (and (<= 0 y (1- +grid-size+))(<= 0 x (1- +grid-size+)))(dpb x(byte +each-coord-word-size+ +each-coord-word-size+)y)))#+nil(let ((c (make-coord :y 3 :x 1)))(values c (y c) (x c)))(declaim (inline next-coord))(defun next-coord (c dy dx)(make-coord :y (the fixnum (+ (y c) dy)):x (the fixnum (+ (x c) dx))))(deftype costs () '(simple-array single-float (#.+grid-size+ #.+grid-size+)))(deftype objs () '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 4) (#.+grid-size+ #.+grid-size+)))(defstruct (game-info (:conc-name %))"ゲーム中に変化しない情報をまとめる"(estimated-cost-to-goal nil :type costs)(estimated-cost-to-key nil :type costs)(key-pos nil :type coord)(objs nil :type objs :read-only t);; TODO use vector(finder-cycle-by-coord (make-hash-table) :type hash-table :read-only t)(finder-penalty nil :type fixnum))(defun estimated-cost-to-goal (game-info c)(aref (%estimated-cost-to-goal game-info) (y c) (x c)))(defun estimated-cost-to-key (game-info c)(aref (%estimated-cost-to-key game-info) (y c) (x c)))(defun obj-at (game-info c)(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))(fixnum c))(int->char (aref (%objs game-info) (y c) (x c))))(defun finder-active-p (game-info pos turn);; MEMO turnは1からスタートする(let ((finder-cycle (gethash pos (%finder-cycle-by-coord game-info))))(zerop (rem turn finder-cycle))))(defstruct (state (:conc-name %))(pos nil :type coord)(has-key (error "Need to specify value") :type boolean);; avl-tree of coord (shared with other boards);; TODO 削除操作がなければbloom filterで保持できるとうれしそう(visited nil :type t :read-only t)(destroyed-finders nil :type t :read-only t)(blocks nil :type t :read-only t);; positive fixnum(fire-amount 0 :type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum))(jewel-amount 0 :type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum))(elapsed-turn 0 :type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum))(elapsed-vital 0 :type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum)))(defun visitedp (state coord)(avl:ref (%visited state) coord))(defun %get-next-visited (state coord)(avl:insert (%visited state) coord t))(defun reachablep (state game-info coord);; coordのマスへ移動できる;; TODO moveを引数に取りたい(let ((c (obj-at game-info coord)))(and (not (avl:ref (%blocks state) coord))(or (find c ".SGKJF")(and (char= c #\E)(avl:ref (%destroyed-finders state) coord))))))(defun block-placeable-p (state game-info coord);; coordのマスにブロックを配置できる;; finder破壊後のマスにも置ける?(let ((c (obj-at game-info coord)))(and (char= c #\.)(null (avl:ref (%blocks state) coord)))))(defun block-removable-p (state game-info coord);; coordのマスのブロックを削除(declare (ignore game-info))(avl:ref (%blocks state) coord))(defun %find-obj (get-obj-at obj)(loop for y below +grid-size+for c = (loop for x below +grid-size+for c = (make-coord :y y :x x)for i = (funcall get-obj-at c)when (char= i obj)return c)when creturn it))(defun %make-est-cost-from-obj (objs start-obj finder-cycle-by-coord)(flet ((obj-at (c)(int->char (aref objs (y c) (x c)))))(let ((sc (%find-obj #'obj-at start-obj))(costs (make-array (list +grid-size+ +grid-size+) :element-type 'single-float:initial-element most-positive-single-float))(heap (rh:make-randomized-heap #'< #'first)))(assert sc)(rh:push! heap (list 0.0 sc))(while (not (rh:empty-p heap))(destructuring-bind (cost c) (rh:pop! heap)(when (<= cost (aref costs (y c) (x c)))(setf (aref costs (y c) (x c))cost)(loop for (dy . dx) in +dy-dx+for ny = (+ (y c) dy)for nx = (+ (x c) dx)for nc = (make-coord :y ny :x nx)when (and nc(not (find (obj-at nc)"#E")))do (let ((penalty 0))(loop for (dy . dx) in +dy-dx+ unless (= dy dx 0) do;; ncは即値(let ((c nc))(while c(cond((char= (obj-at c) #\W)(return))((char= (obj-at c) #\E);; 一番近くの探知機で止まる(let ((cycle (gethash c finder-cycle-by-coord)))(assert cycle);; TODO いい感じの係数をかける(incf penalty (float (/ cycle)))(return)))(t(setf c (next-coord c dy dx)))))))(let ((new-cost (+ cost penalty)))(when (< new-cost (aref costs (y nc) (x nc)))(setf (aref costs (y nc) (x nc))new-cost)(rh:push! heap (list new-cost nc)))))))));; (break)costs)))(defun read-game-info ()(destructuring-bind (n d h) (mapcar #'parse-fixnum (split (read-line)))(declare (ignore n h))(let ((objs (make-array '(#.+grid-size+ #.+grid-size+) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 4))))(dotimes (y +grid-size+)(let ((s (read-line)))(dotimes (x +grid-size+)(setf (aref objs y x)(char->int (char s x))))))(let ((m (read))(finder-cycle-by-coord (make-hash-table)))(dotimes (_ m)(destructuring-bind (y x dd) (mapcar #'parse-fixnum (split (read-line)))(setf (gethash (make-coord :y y :x x) finder-cycle-by-coord)dd)))(make-game-info :estimated-cost-to-goal (%make-est-cost-from-obj objs #\G finder-cycle-by-coord):estimated-cost-to-key (%make-est-cost-from-obj objs #\K finder-cycle-by-coord):key-pos (%find-obj #f(int->char (aref objs (y %) (x %))) #\K):objs objs:finder-cycle-by-coord finder-cycle-by-coord:finder-penalty d)))))(defun %find-nearest-finders (game-info block-exist-p finder-destroyed-p pos &optional (directions +dy-dx+))(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))(function block-exist-p finder-destroyed-p)(fixnum pos))(let ((res nil))(loop for (dy . dx) of-type (fixnum . fixnum) in directions do(let ((c pos))(declare ((or null fixnum) c))(while c(cond((char= (obj-at game-info c)#\W)(return))((funcall block-exist-p c)(return))((and (char= (obj-at game-info c) #\E)(not (funcall finder-destroyed-p c)));; 一番近くの探知機で止まる(push c res)(return))(t(setf c (next-coord c dy dx)))))))(nreverse res)));; TODO 他のアクションと共通の部分は切り出すとよさそう?→バグらせそうなのでやめたほうがいい;; TODO 体力消費、ターン消費?(アイテム取得は移動時だけ)(defun do-nothing (state game-info)(with-accessors ((pos %pos)(visited %visited)(has-key %has-key)(dfs %destroyed-finders)(bs %blocks)(fa %fire-amount)(ja %jewel-amount)(ev %elapsed-vital)(et %elapsed-turn)) state(let* ((nearest-finders (%find-nearest-findersgame-info;; block-exist-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref bs c));; finder-destroyed-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref dfs c))pos))(nev (+ ev(* (length (remove-if-not #f(finder-active-p game-info % (1+ et))nearest-finders))(%finder-penalty game-info))1)));; #>(pos new-pos)(make-state :pos pos:has-key has-key:visited visited:destroyed-finders dfs:blocks bs:fire-amount fa:jewel-amount ja:elapsed-vital nev:elapsed-turn (1+ et)))))(defun move (state game-info move)(with-accessors ((pos %pos)(visited %visited)(has-key %has-key)(dfs %destroyed-finders)(bs %blocks)(fa %fire-amount)(ja %jewel-amount)(ev %elapsed-vital)(et %elapsed-turn)) state(destructuring-bind (dy . dx) (move->dy-dx move)(let* ((ny (+ (y pos) dy))(nx (+ (x pos) dx))(new-pos (make-coord :y ny:x nx))(nobj (obj-at game-info new-pos))(new-visited (%get-next-visited state new-pos))(nfa (if (char= nobj #\F)(1+ fa)fa))(nja (if (and (char= nobj #\J)(not (visitedp state new-pos)))(1+ ja)ja))(nearest-finders (%find-nearest-findersgame-info;; block-exist-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref bs c));; finder-destroyed-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref dfs c))new-pos))(nev (+ ev(* (length (remove-if-not #f(finder-active-p game-info % (1+ et))nearest-finders))(%finder-penalty game-info))1)));; #>(pos new-pos)(make-state :pos new-pos:has-key (or has-key (char= (obj-at game-info new-pos)#\K)):visited new-visited:destroyed-finders dfs:blocks bs:fire-amount nfa:jewel-amount nja:elapsed-vital nev:elapsed-turn (1+ et))))))(defun place-block (state game-info place-pos)(with-accessors ((pos %pos)(visited %visited)(hk %has-key)(dfs %destroyed-finders)(bs %blocks)(fa %fire-amount)(ja %jewel-amount)(ev %elapsed-vital)(et %elapsed-turn)) state(let* (;; 空のマスでないといけない(nbs (avl:insert bs place-pos t))(nearest-finders (%find-nearest-findersgame-info;; block-exist-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref nbs c));; finder-destroyed-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref dfs c))pos))(nev (+ ev(* (length nearest-finders)(%finder-penalty game-info))1)))(make-state :pos pos:visited visited:has-key hk:destroyed-finders dfs:blocks nbs:fire-amount fa:jewel-amount ja:elapsed-vital nev:elapsed-turn (1+ et)))))(defun destroy-block (state game-info place-pos)(with-accessors ((pos %pos)(visited %visited)(has-key %has-key)(dfs %destroyed-finders)(bs %blocks)(fa %fire-amount)(ja %jewel-amount)(ev %elapsed-vital)(et %elapsed-turn)) state(let* ((nbs (avl:remove bs place-pos))(nearest-finders (%find-nearest-findersgame-info;; block-exist-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref nbs c));; finder-destroyed-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref dfs c))pos))(nev (+ ev(* (length (remove-if-not #f(finder-active-p game-info % (1+ et))nearest-finders))(%finder-penalty game-info))1)))(make-state :pos pos:visited visited:has-key has-key:destroyed-finders dfs:blocks nbs:fire-amount fa:jewel-amount ja:elapsed-vital nev:elapsed-turn (1+ et)))))(defun destroy-finders-by-fire (state game-info dir)(with-accessors ((pos %pos)(has-key %has-key)(visited %visited)(dfs %destroyed-finders)(bs %blocks)(fa %fire-amount)(ja %jewel-amount)(ev %elapsed-vital)(et %elapsed-turn)) state(let* ((destroyed-finders (%find-nearest-findersgame-info;; block-exist-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref bs c));; finder-destroyed-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref dfs c))pos(list (move->dy-dx dir))))(ndfs (reduce (lambda (dfs c)(avl:insert dfs c t))destroyed-finders:initial-value dfs))(nearest-finders (%find-nearest-findersgame-info;; block-exist-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref bs c));; finder-destroyed-p(lambda (c)(avl:ref ndfs c))pos))(nfa (1- fa))(nev (+ ev(* (length (remove-if-not #f(finder-active-p game-info % (1+ et))nearest-finders))(%finder-penalty game-info))1)))(assert (>= nfa 0))(make-state :pos pos:visited visited:destroyed-finders ndfs:has-key has-key:blocks bs:fire-amount nfa:jewel-amount ja:elapsed-vital nev:elapsed-turn (1+ et)))))(defun make-init-state (game-info)(let* ((sp (%find-obj #f(obj-at game-info %) #\S))(visited (avl:make-avl-tree-from-list #'identity (constantly t) (list sp))))(make-state :pos sp:has-key nil:visited visited:destroyed-finders nil:blocks nil)))(defun goal-state-p (state game-info)(and (%has-key state)(char= (obj-at game-info (%pos state))#\G)))(defun validate-state (state game-info);; TODO 必要そうなものを適宜足す(unless (reachablep state game-info (%pos state))(error "~a is not unreachable" (%pos state)))(unless (visitedp state (%pos state))(error "Player is at ~a, but visited is not marked" (%pos state)))(awhen (loop for c in (avl:keys (%destroyed-finders state))for obj = (obj-at game-info c)when (char/= obj#\E)return (cons c obj))(error "~a is contained in destroyed-finders, but is actually ~a" (car it) (cdr it)))(awhen (loop for c in (avl:keys (%blocks state))for obj = (obj-at game-info c)when (char/= obj #\.)return (cons c obj))(error "~a is contained in blocks, so supposed to be empty block, but is actually ~a" (car it) (cdr it))))(defconstant +dist-penalty-factor+ -1.0)(defconstant +est-cost-factor+ 5.0d0)(defun %eval-dist-to-goal (state game-info)(- (round (estimated-cost-to-goal game-info (%pos state)))))(defun %eval-dist-to-key (state game-info)(let ((est-cost-from-here-to-key (round (estimated-cost-to-key game-info (%pos state)))));; 最短で取りに行きたい(if (zerop est-cost-from-here-to-key)(%elapsed-vital state)(- est-cost-from-here-to-key))))(defstruct (node (:conc-name %));; TODO hash(parent nil :type (or null node))(state nil :type state)(score nil :type fixnum)(last-action nil :type (or null cons)))(defconstant +heap-size-threshold+ 200)(defun chokudai-search (game-info eval-state goal-state-p&keyinit-statestime-limitelapsed-vital-minelapsed-vital-max)(declare (function eval-state goal-state-p))(let* ((n (- elapsed-vital-max elapsed-vital-min))(states (make-array (1+ n)))(start (get-internal-real-time))(goal-candidates (rh:make-randomized-heap #'> #'%score)))(dotimes (elapsed (1+ n))(setf (aref states elapsed)(rh:make-randomized-heap #'> #'%score)))(dolist (init-state init-states)(rh:push! (aref states (- (%elapsed-vital init-state)elapsed-vital-min))(make-node :state init-state:score (funcall eval-state init-state game-info))));; 時間いっぱいchokudaiサーチ(loop named search for turn from 1 do(loop for elapsed-vital from elapsed-vital-min below elapsed-vital-max for e-index = (- elapsed-vital elapsed-vital-min) do;; #>elapsed-vital(when (> (/ (float (- (get-internal-real-time)start))internal-time-units-per-second)time-limit)#>turn(return-from search))(unless (rh:empty-p #1=(aref states e-index))(let ((node (rh:pop! #1#)))(labels ((%treat-next (next-state action)#+(and swank) (validate-state next-state game-info)(let* ((next-node (make-node :parent node:state next-state:score (funcall eval-state next-state game-info):last-action action))(nev (%elapsed-vital next-state)))(when (<= nev elapsed-vital-max);; #>(nev elapsed-vital-min elapsed-vital-max)(cond((funcall goal-state-p next-state game-info)(rh:push! goal-candidates next-node))(t(rh:push! (aref states (- nev elapsed-vital-min))next-node)(when (= (rh:count (aref states (- nev elapsed-vital-min)))+heap-size-threshold+)(rh:prune! (aref states (- nev elapsed-vital-min))(ash +heap-size-threshold+ -1)))))))))(declare (inline %treat-next))(%treat-next (do-nothing (%state node) game-info)(cons :wait nil))(loop for (dir . (dy . dx)) in +move-dy-dx-assoc+ do(let ((nc (next-coord (%pos (%state node)) dy dx)))(when nc;; 移動(when (reachablep (%state node) game-info nc)(%treat-next (move (%state node)game-infodir)(cons :move dir)));; ブロックを配置(when (block-placeable-p (%state node) game-info nc)(%treat-next (place-block (%state node)game-infonc)(cons :place-block dir)));; ブロックを破壊(when (block-removable-p (%state node) game-info nc)(%treat-next (destroy-block (%state node)game-infonc)(cons :destroy-block dir)));; ファイヤー#+nil(when (plusp (%fire-amount (%state node)))(%treat-next (destroy-finders-by-fire (%state node) game-info dir)(cons :fire dir)))))))))));; moveを復元してリストとして返す#>((rh:count goal-candidates))(let ((best-node (unless (rh:empty-p goal-candidates)(rh:pop! goal-candidates)))(res nil))(assert best-node)#>((%score best-node))(while (%parent best-node)(push (%last-action best-node)res)(setf best-node (%parent best-node)))res)))(defun print-res (res)(princ(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)(loop for (act . dir) in resdo (println(ecase act(:wait "S")(:move(format nil"M ~a"(dir->char dir)))((:place-block :destroy-block)(format nil "B ~a" (dir->char dir)))(:fire(format nil "F ~a" (dir->char dir)))))))))(defun apply-action (state game-info action dir)(ecase action(:wait (do-nothing state game-info))(:move (move state game-info dir))(:place-block(destructuring-bind (dy . dx) (move->dy-dx dir)(place-block state game-info (next-coord (%pos state) dy dx))))(:destroy-block(destructuring-bind (dy . dx) (move->dy-dx dir)(destroy-block state game-info (next-coord (%pos state) dy dx))))(:fire(destroy-finders-by-fire state game-info dir))))(defun apply-actions (state game-info actions)(reduce (lambda (acc act)(destructuring-bind (act-type . dir) act(apply-action acc game-info act-type dir)))actions:initial-value state))(defconstant +find-key-time-limit+ 0.3)(defconstant +earn-coin-time-limit+ 2.0)(defconstant +find-goal-time-limit+ 0.5)#+nil(defun eval-state (state game-info);; TODO ゴールに辿りつくのが難しい場合ほど大きなペナルティ;; TODO 残り体力が少なくなるほど傾斜を強くする?(cond((not (%has-key state))(- (%eval-for-dist-to-key state game-info)100000));; 残り100ターンを切ったらゴールを最優先して目指す((< (- +player-vital+ (%elapsed-vital state))400)(+ (%eval-for-dist-to-goal state game-info)(* 100000 (%jewel-amount state))))(t(%jewel-amount state))))(declaim (notinline main))(defun main ()(let* ((game-info (read-game-info))(init-state (make-init-state game-info))(best-moves-to-key (chokudai-searchgame-info#'%eval-dist-to-key(lambda (state game-info)(declare (ignore game-info))(%has-key state)):init-states (list init-state):time-limit +find-key-time-limit+:elapsed-vital-min 0:elapsed-vital-max (round (* (estimated-cost-to-key game-info (%pos init-state))10))))(next-init-state (apply-actions init-state game-info best-moves-to-key))(elapsed-vital-to-key (%elapsed-vital next-init-state))(earn-end (max (1+ elapsed-vital-to-key)(round (- +player-vital+(* (estimated-cost-to-goal game-info (%key-pos game-info))10)))))(best-earn-moves (chokudai-searchgame-info(lambda (state game-info)(declare (ignore game-info))(%jewel-amount state))(lambda (state game-info)(declare (ignore game-info))(<= (abs (- (%elapsed-vital state)earn-end))30)):init-states (list next-init-state):time-limit +earn-coin-time-limit+:elapsed-vital-min (%elapsed-vital next-init-state):elapsed-vital-max earn-end))(next-init-state (apply-actions next-init-state game-info best-earn-moves))(_ #>next-init-state)(best-back-moves (chokudai-searchgame-info#'%eval-dist-to-goal#'goal-state-p:init-states (list next-init-state):time-limit +find-goal-time-limit+:elapsed-vital-min (%elapsed-vital next-init-state):elapsed-vital-max +player-vital+))(res (concatenate 'listbest-moves-to-keybest-earn-movesbest-back-moves)))#>(elapsed-vital-to-key earn-end)(print-res res)))#-swank (main);;;;;; Debug;;;#+swank(defun run ()(let ((*standard-input*(make-string-input-stream(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)(run-program(truename "~/.roswell/bin/copy-or-paste")'():output *standard-output*)))))(main)));; Raise error on warning at compile time#+(and sbcl (not swank))(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)(when (or (plusp sb-c::*compiler-warning-count*)sb-c::*undefined-warnings*)(error "compiler-error-count:~a, undefined warnings:~a"sb-c::*compiler-warning-count*sb-c::*undefined-warnings*)))#+swank(defun run-sample (infile outfile &optional (out *standard-output*))(with-open-file (*standard-input* infile :direction :input)(with-open-file (*standard-output* outfile :direction :output:if-exists :supersede)(main))(sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/java" (list "Judge" infile outfile):output out:error *error-output*)))#+swank (declaim (notinline run-sample-zero))#+swank(defun run-sample-zero ()(gc :full t)(with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "60 3 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