
問題 No.2277 Honest or Dishonest ?
ユーザー nu50218
提出日時 2023-04-22 04:06:09
言語 C++17
(gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0)
実行時間 93 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 2,889 bytes
コンパイル時間 2,485 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 204,760 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2025-02-12 12:55:54
judge3 / judge1
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 3
other AC * 50


diff #

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

template <typename T = int>
struct xor_union_find {
    std::vector<int> d;
    std::vector<T> p;

    xor_union_find(int n = 0) : d(n, -1), p(n, 0) {}

    // returns the leader of x
    int leader(int x) {
        if (d[x] < 0) return x;
        int r = leader(d[x]);
        p[x] ^= p[d[x]];
        return d[x] = r;

    // merge x and y with a condition that w = weight(y) ^ weight(x)
    bool merge(int x, int y, T w) {
        w ^= potential(x) ^ potential(y);
        x = leader(x);
        y = leader(y);
        if (x == y) return false;
        if (d[x] > d[y]) std::swap(x, y);
        d[x] += d[y];
        d[y] = x;
        p[y] = w;
        return true;

    // returns if x and y are connected
    bool same(int x, int y) {
        return leader(x) == leader(y);

    // returns the size of component that x belongs to
    int size(int x) {
        return -d[leader(x)];

    // returns potential(x) := weight(x) ^ weight(leader(x))
    long long potential(int x) {
        return p[x];

template <typename T = long long>
struct weighted_union_find {
    std::vector<int> d;
    std::vector<T> p;

    weighted_union_find(int n = 0) : d(n, -1), p(n, 0) {}

    // returns the leader of x
    int leader(int x) {
        if (d[x] < 0) return x;
        int r = leader(d[x]);
        p[x] += p[d[x]];
        return d[x] = r;

    // merge x and y with a condition that w = weight(y) - weight(x)
    bool merge(int x, int y, T w) {
        w += potential(x) - potential(y);
        x = leader(x);
        y = leader(y);
        if (x == y) return false;
        if (d[x] > d[y]) std::swap(x, y), w = -w;
        d[x] += d[y];
        d[y] = x;
        p[y] = w;
        return true;

    // returns if x and y are connected
    bool same(int x, int y) {
        return leader(x) == leader(y);

    // returns the size of component that x belongs to
    int size(int x) {
        return -d[leader(x)];

    // returns potential(x) := weight(x) - weight(leader(x))
    long long potential(int x) {
        return p[x];

#include <atcoder/modint.hpp>
using mint = atcoder::modint998244353;

using namespace std;

int main() {

    int N, Q;
    cin >> N >> Q;

    xor_union_find<int> uf(N);

    int A[Q], B[Q], C[Q];

    for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) {
        cin >> A[i] >> B[i] >> C[i];
        uf.merge(A[i], B[i], C[i]);

    for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) {
        if ((uf.potential(A[i]) ^ uf.potential(B[i])) != C[i]) {
            cout << 0 << endl;
            return 0;

    set<int> leaders;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

    cout << mint(2).pow(leaders.size()).val() << endl;