問題 | No.5015 Escape from Labyrinth |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2023-07-02 16:07:29 |
言語 | Common Lisp (sbcl 2.5.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 2,061 ms / 3,000 ms |
コード長 | 28,335 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,298 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 71,428 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 173,744 KB |
スコア | 90,600 |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2023-07-02 16:09:54 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 139,387 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge11 / judge15 |
純コード判定しない問題か言語 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
other | AC * 100 |
; compiling file "/home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp" (written 02 JUL 2023 04:07:29 PM): ; processing (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; processing (DECLAIM (OPTIMIZE # ...)) ; processing (DECLAIM (MUFFLE-CONDITIONS COMPILER-NOTE)) ; processing (DISABLE-DEBUGGER) ; processing (SET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER #\# ...) ; processing (SET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER #\# ...) ; processing (DEFPACKAGE RANDOMIZED-HEAP ...) ; processing (IN-PACKAGE #:RANDOMIZED-HEAP) ; processing (DEFVAR *OPT* ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %MAKE-NODE ...)) ; processing (DEFSTRUCT (NODE # ...) ...) ; processing (DEFSTRUCT (RANDOMIZED-HEAP #) ...) ; processing (DEFUN COUNT ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE %DIRECTION)) ; processing (DEFUN %DIRECTION ...) ; processing (DEFUN MELD ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE PEAK)) ; processing (DEFUN PEAK ...) ; processing (DEFUN EMPTY-P ...) ; processing (DECLAIM (INLINE POP! ...)) ; processing (DEFUN POP! ...) ; processing (DEFUN PUSH! ...) ; processing (DEFMACRO DO-ALL-KVS ...) ; processing (DEFUN PRUNE! ...) ; processing (DEFPACKAGE MACRO ...) ; processing (IN-PACKAGE MACRO) ; processing (DEFMACRO WHILE ...) ; processing (DEFMACRO EVAL-ALWAYS ...) ; processing (DEFPACKAGE UTIL ...) ; processing (IN-PACKAGE UTIL) ; processing (DEFUN MANHATTAN-DIST ...) ; processing (SB-INT:DEFCONSTANT-EQX +DIR-DY-DX+ ...) ; processing (SB-INT:DEFCONSTANT-EQX +DY-DX+ ...) ; processing (SB-INT:DEFCONSTANT-EQX +DIRS+ ...) ; processing (DEFUN COORDS->DIR ...) ; processing (IN-PACKAGE CL-USER) ; processing (DEFCONSTANT +GRID-SIZE+ ...) ; processing (DEFCONSTANT +VITAL+ ...) ; processing (DEFSTRUCT TRAP ...) ; processing (DEFSTRUCT CHECKPOINT ...) ; processing (DEFUN GET-TRAP-FACTOR ...) ; processing (DEFUN GET-REAL-TRAP-FACTOR ...) ; processing (DEFSTRUCT (EDGE-BETWEEN-CHECKPOINTS #) ...) ; processing (DEFCONSTANT +COST-THRESHOLD-BETWEEN-CHECKPOINTS+ ...) ; processing (DEFUN GET-ESTIMATED-COST-EDGES-BETWEEN-CHECKPOINTS ...) ; processing (DEFUN GET-ESTIMATED-COSTS-AND-DIRS-BETWEEN-CHEC
(in-package #:cl-user);;;;;; Init;;;(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute);; #+swank (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)))#+swank (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))#-swank (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))#-swank (declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))#-swank (sb-ext:disable-debugger));;;;;; Reader Macros;;;(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)(set-dispatch-macro-character#\# #\f#'(lambda (stream c2 n)(declare (ignore c2 n))(let ((form (read stream t nil t)))`(lambda (&optional %) (declare (ignorable %)) ,form))))(set-dispatch-macro-character#\# #\>#'(lambda (stream c2 n)(declare (ignore c2 n))(let ((form (read stream t nil t)))(declare (ignorable form))#-swank nil#+swank (if (atom form)`(format *error-output* "~a => ~a~&" ',form ,form)`(format *error-output* "~a => ~a~&" ',form `(,,@form)))))));;;;;; Libraries;;;;;;;;; BOF;;;(defpackage randomized-heap(:use #:cl)(:nicknames #:rh)(:shadow #:count)(:export #:make-randomized-heap#:empty-p#:push!#:pop!#:peak#:count#:do-all-kvs#:prune!))(in-package #:randomized-heap)(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)(defvar *OPT*#+swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 2) (debug 3))#-swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))))(declaim (inline %make-node make-randomized-heap))(defstruct (node (:constructor %make-node)(:conc-name %n-))(key nil :type fixnum)(value nil :type t)(children (make-array 2 :element-type '(or null node):initial-element nil):type (simple-array (or null node) (2))))(defstruct (randomized-heap (:constructor make-randomized-heap (&optional (compare #'sb-impl::two-arg-<) (key-fn #'identity))))(root nil :type (or null node))(count 0 :type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum))(comparator compare :type (function (fixnum fixnum) boolean))(key-fn key-fn :type (function (t) fixnum)))(defun count (heap)(randomized-heap-count heap))(declaim (inline %direction))(defun %direction ()(declare #.*OPT*)(random 2))(defun meld (l r comparator)(declare #.*OPT*((or null node) l r)((function (fixnum fixnum) boolean) comparator))(cond((or (null l)(null r))(or l r))((funcall comparator(%n-key l)(%n-key r));; l is root(let ((dir (%direction)))(setf (aref (%n-children l) dir)(meld (aref (%n-children l) dir)rcomparator))l))(t;; r is root(let ((dir (%direction)))(setf (aref (%n-children r) dir)(meld l(aref (%n-children r) dir)comparator))r))))(declaim (inline peak))(defun peak (heap)(declare #.*OPT*)(let ((root (randomized-heap-root heap)))(values (%n-value root)(%n-key root))))(defun empty-p (heap)(null (randomized-heap-root heap)))(declaim (inline pop! push!))(defun pop! (heap)(declare #.*OPT*)(when (empty-p heap)(error "heap is empty"))(decf (randomized-heap-count heap))(multiple-value-bind (value key)(peak heap)(let* ((children (%n-children (randomized-heap-root heap)))(l (aref children 0))(r (aref children 1)))(setf (randomized-heap-root heap)(meld lr(randomized-heap-comparator heap)))(values value key))))(defun push! (heap value)(declare #.*OPT*)(let ((key (funcall (randomized-heap-key-fn heap)value)))(incf (randomized-heap-count heap))(setf (randomized-heap-root heap)(meld (randomized-heap-root heap)(%make-node :key key:value value)(randomized-heap-comparator heap))))heap)(defmacro do-all-kvs ((key value heap) &body body &environment env)(let ((temp (gensym)))(multiple-value-bind (args argvs res setter accessor)(get-setf-expansion heap env)`(let ((,temp (make-randomized-heap (randomized-heap-comparator ,accessor)(randomized-heap-key-fn ,accessor))))(loop :until (empty-p ,accessor):do (multiple-value-bind (,value ,key)(pop! ,accessor)(progn ,@body)(push! ,temp ,value)))(let* (,@(mapcar #'list args argvs)(,(car res) ,temp)),setternil)))))(defun prune! (heap cnt)(let ((new-root nil)(comparator (randomized-heap-comparator heap)))(dotimes (_ cnt)(multiple-value-bind (v k) (pop! heap)(setf new-root(meld new-root(%make-node :key k :value v)comparator))))(setf (randomized-heap-root heap)new-root)));;;;;; EOF;;;;;;;;; Solution;;;(defpackage macro(:use #:cl)(:nicknames #:m)(:export #:while#:eval-always))(in-package macro)(defmacro while (test &body body)`(loop while ,test do (progn ,@body)))(defmacro eval-always (&body body)`(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute),@body))·(defpackage util(:use #:cl)(:nicknames #:u)(:export #:manhattan-dist#:+dir-dy-dx+#:+dy-dx+#:+dirs+#:coords->dir))(in-package util)(defun manhattan-dist (c1 c2)(+ (abs (- (car c1) (car c2)))(abs (- (cdr c1) (cdr c2)))))(sb-int:defconstant-eqx +dir-dy-dx+'((#\U . (-1 . 0))(#\D . (1 . 0))(#\L . (0 . -1))(#\R . (0 . 1)))#'equalp)(sb-int:defconstant-eqx +dy-dx+ (map 'list #'cdr +dir-dy-dx+) #'equal)(sb-int:defconstant-eqx +dirs+ (map 'list #'car +dir-dy-dx+) #'equal)(defun coords->dir (c1 c2)(destructuring-bind (y1 . x1) c1(destructuring-bind (y2 . x2) c2(let ((dy (signum (- y2 y1)))(dx (signum (- x2 x1))))(car (rassoc (cons dy dx) +dir-dy-dx+ :test #'equal))))))#+swank(progn(assert (eql #\R (coords->dir '(0 . 0) '(0 . 1))))(assert (eql #\D (coords->dir '(0 . 0) '(1 . 0))))(assert (eql #\U (coords->dir '(0 . 0) '(-1 . 0))))(assert (eql #\L (coords->dir '(0 . 0) '(0 . -1)))))·(in-package cl-user)(defconstant +grid-size+ 60)(defconstant +vital+ 1500)(defstruct trap(id nil :type fixnum)(coord nil :type cons)(power nil :type fixnum)(interval nil :type fixnum));; jewel/start/goal/key をcheckpointと呼ぶことにする(defstruct checkpoint(id nil :type fixnum)(coord nil :type cons)(type nil :type (member :jewel :start :goal :key)))(defun get-trap-factor (grid traps)(let ((factors (make-array (list +grid-size+ +grid-size+) :element-type 'single-float:initial-element 0.0)))(sb-int:dovector (trap traps)(destructuring-bind (sy . sx) (trap-coord trap)(loop for (dy . dx) in u:+dy-dx+do (loop with y = (+ sy dy)with x = (+ sx dx)while (and (<= 0 y (1- +grid-size+))(<= 0 x (1- +grid-size+))(not (find (aref grid y x)"#E")))do (incf (aref factors y x) (/ (trap-power trap)(trap-interval trap)))do (incf y dy)(incf x dx)))(incf (aref factors sy sx) (/ (trap-power trap)(trap-interval trap)))))factors))(defun get-real-trap-factor (grid traps)(let ((factors (make-array (list +grid-size+ +grid-size+ 60) :element-type 'single-float:initial-element 0.0)))(sb-int:dovector (trap traps)(destructuring-bind (sy . sx) (trap-coord trap)(loop for (dy . dx) in u:+dy-dx+do (loop with y = (+ sy dy)with x = (+ sx dx)while (and (<= 0 y (1- +grid-size+))(<= 0 x (1- +grid-size+))(not (find (aref grid y x)"#E")))do (loop for dd below 60 by (trap-interval trap)do (incf (aref factors y x dd) (trap-power trap)))do (incf y dy)(incf x dx)))(loop for dd below 60 by (trap-interval trap)do (incf (aref factors sy sx dd) (trap-power trap)))))factors))(defstruct (edge-between-checkpoints (:conc-name edge-))(dist-id nil :type fixnum)(estimated-cost nil :type single-float)(dirs nil :type list))(defconstant +cost-threshold-between-checkpoints+ 100)(defun get-estimated-cost-edges-between-checkpoints (grid checkpoints trap-factors)(let* ((n (length checkpoints))(coord-by-id (make-array n))(id-by-coord (make-hash-table :test #'equal))(edges-by-id (make-array n :initial-element nil)))(dolist (cp (coerce checkpoints 'list))(setf (gethash (checkpoint-coord cp) id-by-coord) (checkpoint-id cp)(aref coord-by-id (checkpoint-id cp)) (checkpoint-coord cp)));; 距離100以下でたどり着けるものと辺でつなぐ(sb-int:dovector (cp checkpoints)(destructuring-bind (sy . sx) (checkpoint-coord cp)(let (;; (cost y x path)(min-heap (rh:make-randomized-heap #'< #'first))(cost-by-coord (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))(rh:push! min-heap (list 0.0 sy sx nil))(m:while (not (rh:empty-p min-heap))(destructuring-bind (cost y x path) (rh:pop! min-heap)(when (<= cost #1=(gethash (cons y x) cost-by-coord (1+ +cost-threshold-between-checkpoints+)))(setf #1# cost)(let ((id (gethash (cons y x) id-by-coord)))(when id(push (make-edge-between-checkpoints :dist-id id:estimated-cost cost:dirs (reverse path))(aref edges-by-id (checkpoint-id cp)))))(loop for (dy . dx) in u:+dy-dx+for ny = (+ y dy)for nx = (+ x dx)when (and (<= 0 ny (1- +grid-size+))(<= 0 nx (1- +grid-size+))(not (find (aref grid ny nx)"#E"))(< (+ cost(aref trap-factors ny nx)1)#2=(gethash (cons ny nx) cost-by-coord (1+ +cost-threshold-between-checkpoints+))))do (setf #2# (+ cost (aref trap-factors ny nx) 1))and do (rh:push! min-heap (list #2#nynx(cons (u:coords->dir (cons y x)(cons ny nx))path))))))))))edges-by-id))(defun get-estimated-costs-and-dirs-between-checkpoints (checkpoints edges-by-id)(let* ((n (length checkpoints))(costs-and-dirs (make-array (list n n) :initial-element (cons #.(expt 10 12) nil))))(dotimes (i n)(let (;; (cost id path)(min-heap (rh:make-randomized-heap #'< #'first)))(rh:push! min-heap (list 0.0 i nil))(m:while (not (rh:empty-p min-heap))(destructuring-bind (cost j path) (rh:pop! min-heap)(when (<= cost (car (aref costs-and-dirs i j)))(setf (aref costs-and-dirs i j)(cons cost path))(dolist (edge (aref edges-by-id j))(let* ((k (edge-dist-id edge))(nc (+ cost(edge-estimated-cost edge)))(npath (cons (edge-dirs edge) path)))(when (< nc (car (aref costs-and-dirs i k)))(setf (aref costs-and-dirs i k)(cons nc npath))(rh:push! min-heap (list nc k npath))))))))))(dotimes (i n)(dotimes (j n)(destructuring-bind (cost . dirs) (aref costs-and-dirs i j)(setf (aref costs-and-dirs i j)(cons cost (apply #'append (reverse dirs)))))))costs-and-dirs))(defun find-chars (sm c)(destructuring-bind (h w) (array-dimensions sm)(let ((res nil))(dotimes (y h)(dotimes (x w)(when (eql (aref sm y x)c)(push (cons y x)res))))(reverse res))))(defun orders->dirs (orders costs-and-dirs)(let ((res nil))(dotimes (i (1- (length orders)))(let* ((cp1 (aref orders i))(cp2 (aref orders (1+ i)))(dirs (cdr (aref costs-and-dirs (checkpoint-id cp1) (checkpoint-id cp2)))))(push dirs res)))(apply #'append (reverse res))))(defun validate-dirs (grid dirs)(let* ((pos (first (find-chars grid #\S)))(key (first (find-chars grid #\K)))(y (car pos))(x (cdr pos))(key-visited nil))(dolist (dir dirs)(destructuring-bind (dy . dx) (cdr (assoc dir u:+dir-dy-dx+))(setf y (+ y dy))(setf x (+ x dx))(unless (and (<= 0 y (1- +grid-size+))(<= 0 x (1- +grid-size+)))(error "out of grid"))(when (find (aref grid y x) "#E")(error "on trap or wall"))(when (equal (cons y x) key)(setf key-visited t))))(unless key-visited(error "key not unreached"))(unless (equal (cons y x)(first (find-chars grid #\G)))(error "goal is ~a, but ended at ~a" (first (find-chars grid #\G)) (cons y x)))))(defun get-insts (grid dirs traps)"ゴールできない場合はnilを返す";; TODO waitを使う(let* ((pos (first (find-chars grid #\S)))(key (first (find-chars grid #\K)))(y (car pos))(x (cdr pos))(factors (get-real-trap-factor grid traps))(res nil)(rest-vital +vital+)(key-visited nil)(turn 1))(dolist (dir dirs)(destructuring-bind (dy . dx) (cdr (assoc dir u:+dir-dy-dx+))(setf y (+ y dy))(setf x (+ x dx))(push (cons :move dir) res)(unless (and (<= 0 y (1- +grid-size+))(<= 0 x (1- +grid-size+)))(error "out of grid"))(when (find (aref grid y x) "#E")(error "on trap or wall"))(when (equal (cons y x) key)(setf key-visited t))(decf rest-vital (1+ (aref factors y x (rem turn 60))))(when (<= rest-vital 10)(return-from get-insts nil))(incf turn)))#>rest-vital(unless key-visited(error "key not unreached"))(unless (equal (cons y x)(first (find-chars grid #\G)))(error "goal is ~a, but ended at ~a" (first (find-chars grid #\G)) (cons y x)))(reverse res)))(defun main ()(let* ((n (read))(d (read))(h (read))(grid (make-array (list n n) :element-type 'base-char:initial-element #\Nul))(checkpoints (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0))(traps (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0)))(dotimes (y n)(let ((tmp (read-line)))(dotimes (x n)(setf (aref grid y x) (char tmp x))(ecase (char tmp x)((#\S #\K #\G #\J)(vector-push-extend (make-checkpoint :id (fill-pointer checkpoints):coord (cons y x):type (ecase (char tmp x)(#\S :start)(#\K :key)(#\G :goal)(#\J :jewel)))checkpoints));; 残りは一旦無視((#\T #\E #\. #\F #\#)nil)))))(dotimes (_ (read))(vector-push-extend(make-trap :id (fill-pointer traps):coord (cons (read) (read)):power d:interval (read))traps))(let* ((trap-factors (get-trap-factor grid traps))(edges-by-cp-id (get-estimated-cost-edges-between-checkpoints grid checkpoints trap-factors))(costs-and-dirs (get-estimated-costs-and-dirs-between-checkpoints checkpoints edges-by-cp-id))(find-checkpoint (lambda (type)(find-if (lambda (cp)(eq (checkpoint-type cp) type))checkpoints)))(start (funcall find-checkpoint :start))(goal (funcall find-checkpoint :goal))(key (funcall find-checkpoint :key))(fixed (list start key goal)));; #>costs-and-dirs(loop repeat 10 for est-vital downfrom (- h 300) by 80 do(let* ((orders (vector start key goal))(cost (loop for i below (1- (length orders))for cp1 = (aref orders i)for cp2 = (aref orders (1+ i))sum (car (aref costs-and-dirs(checkpoint-id cp1)(checkpoint-id cp2))))))(when (<= cost est-vital)(sb-int:dovector (cp checkpoints)(unless (find cp fixed :test #'eq)(let ((orders-len (length orders))(insert-index -1)(min-cost-diff #.(expt 10 12)))(loop for i from 1 below (1- orders-len)for c1 = (car (aref costs-and-dirs(checkpoint-id (aref orders (1- i)))(checkpoint-id cp)))for c2 = (car (aref costs-and-dirs(checkpoint-id cp)(checkpoint-id (aref orders i))))for c3 = (car (aref costs-and-dirs(checkpoint-id (aref orders (1- i)))(checkpoint-id (aref orders i))))for cost-diff = (+ c1 c2 (- c3))when (< cost-diff min-cost-diff)do (setf min-cost-diff cost-diffinsert-index i))(when (and (>= insert-index 1)(<= (+ cost min-cost-diff) est-vital))(setf orders (concatenate 'vector(subseq orders 0 insert-index)(vector cp)(subseq orders insert-index)))(incf cost min-cost-diff)))))(let* ((dirs (orders->dirs orders costs-and-dirs))(insts (get-insts grid dirs traps)))(when insts#> (est-vital (length orders))(dolist (inst insts)(ecase (car inst)(:move(format t "M ~a~%" (cdr inst)))))(return-from main))))))(error "Not found..."))))#-swank (main);;;;;; Debug;;;#+swank(defun run ()(let ((*standard-input*(make-string-input-stream(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)(run-program(truename "~/.roswell/bin/copy-or-paste")'():output *standard-output*)))))(main)));; Raise error on warning at compile time#+(and sbcl (not swank))(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)(when (or (plusp sb-c::*compiler-warning-count*)sb-c::*undefined-warnings*)(error "compiler-error-count:~a, undefined warnings:~a"sb-c::*compiler-warning-count*sb-c::*undefined-warnings*)))#+swank(defun run-sample (infile outfile &optional (out *standard-output*))(with-open-file (*standard-input* infile :direction :input)(with-open-file (*standard-output* outfile :direction :output:if-exists :supersede)(main))(sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/java" (list "Judge" infile outfile):output out:error *error-output*)))#+swank (declaim (notinline run-sample-zero))#+swank(defun run-sample-zero ()(gc :full t)(with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "60 3 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