問題 | No.2419 MMA文字列2 |
ユーザー | Sarievo |
提出日時 | 2023-08-12 14:15:26 |
言語 | Rust (1.83.0 + proconio) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 14 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 48,283 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 17,744 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 377,048 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 5,248 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-19 18:12:38 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 17,944 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge2 / judge3 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 2 |
other | AC * 30 |
// {{{ My social: // YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Sarievo // SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/sarievo // Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sarievo // }}} fn solve() { prepare!(); sc!(s: @CharsWithBase('A')); let mut chars = vec![0; 26]; let n = s.len(); let mut res = 0usize; for i in 0..n { let u = s[i]; for j in 0..26 { if j == u { continue; } if chars[j] >= 2 { res += chars[j] * (chars[j] - 1) / 2; } } chars[u] += 1; } out!(res); } // <><><><> Lib Codes <><><><> #[allow(unused)] use sarievo::{ segtree::{ identity::*, monoid_actions::{Additive, Max, Min}, Segtree, Segtree2D, }, *, }; #[allow(unused_imports)] use std::{ cmp::{max, min, Ordering, Reverse}, collections::{ btree_map, hash_map, BTreeMap, BTreeSet, BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque, }, vec, }; // {{{ Lib Codes mod sarievo { use super::*; // {{{ Range pub fn get_range<R: std::ops::RangeBounds<usize>>(range: R, n: usize) -> (usize, usize) { use std::ops::Bound::*; // https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/ops/enum.Bound.html let l = match range.start_bound() { Included(l) => *l, Excluded(l) => l + 1, Unbounded => 0, }; let r = match range.end_bound() { Included(r) => r + 1, Excluded(r) => *r, Unbounded => n, }; (l, r) } // }}} // {{{ Segment Tree #[allow(unused)] pub mod segtree { use super::*; // {{{ Identity use self::identity::*; pub mod identity { // Additive Identity pub trait Zero: Sized { fn zero() -> Self; } // Multiplicative Identity pub trait One: Sized { fn one() -> Self; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! zero_one_impls { ($({$Trait:ident $method:ident $($t:ty)*, $e:expr})*)=>{ $($(impl $Trait for $t{fn $method() -> Self { $e } })*)* }; } zero_one_impls! ( {Zero zero u8 u16 u32 u64 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 isize u128 i128, 0} {Zero zero f32 f64, 0.} {One one u8 u16 u32 u64 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 isize u128 i128, 1} {One one f32 f64, 1.} ); // Associative Identity pub trait Bounded: Sized { fn maximum() -> Self; fn minimum() -> Self; } macro_rules! bounded_num_impls { ($($t:ident)*)=>{ $(impl Bounded for$t{ fn maximum() -> Self { std::$t::MAX } fn minimum() -> Self { std::$t::MIN } })* }; } bounded_num_impls!(u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize f32 f64); } // }}} // {{{ Magma use self::magma::*; pub mod magma { pub trait Magma { type T: Clone; fn operate(x: &Self::T, y: &Self::T) -> Self::T; } pub trait Associative {} pub trait Semigroup: Magma + Associative {} impl<S: Magma + Associative> Semigroup for S {} pub trait Unital: Magma { fn unit() -> Self::T; } pub trait Monoid: Semigroup + Unital { #[doc = " Binary Exponentiation: xⁿ = x × × x"] fn pow(mut x: Self::T, mut n: usize) -> Self::T { let mut ret = Self::unit(); while n > 0 { if n & 1 == 1 { ret = Self::operate(&ret, &x); } x = Self::operate(&x, &x); n >>= 1; } ret } } impl<M: Semigroup + Unital> Monoid for M {} } pub mod monoid_actions { use super::*; use std::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Add}; pub struct Additive<T: Clone + Zero + Add<Output = T>>(PhantomData<fn() -> T>); impl<T: Clone + Zero + Add<Output = T>> Magma for Additive<T> { type T = T; #[inline] fn operate(x: &Self::T, y: &Self::T) -> Self::T { x.clone() + y.clone() } } impl<T: Clone + Zero + Add<Output = T>> Unital for Additive<T> { #[inline] fn unit() -> Self::T { Zero::zero() } } impl<T: Clone + Zero + Add<Output = T>> Associative for Additive<T> {} pub struct Max<T: Clone + Bounded + Ord>(PhantomData<fn() -> T>); impl<T: Clone + Bounded + Ord> Magma for Max<T> { type T = T; #[inline] fn operate(x: &Self::T, y: &Self::T) -> Self::T { x.max(y).clone() } } impl<T: Clone + Bounded + Ord> Unital for Max<T> { #[inline] fn unit() -> Self::T { Bounded::minimum() } } impl<T: Clone + Bounded + Ord> Associative for Max<T> {} pub struct Min<T: Clone + Bounded + Ord>(PhantomData<fn() -> T>); impl<T: Clone + Bounded + Ord> Magma for Min<T> { type T = T; #[inline] fn operate(x: &Self::T, y: &Self::T) -> Self::T { x.min(y).clone() } } impl<T: Clone + Bounded + Ord> Unital for Min<T> { #[inline] fn unit() -> Self::T { Bounded::maximum() } } impl<T: Clone + Bounded + Ord> Associative for Min<T> {} } // }}} // {{{ Segtree #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Segtree<M: Monoid> { n: usize, tree: Vec<M::T>, } impl<M: Monoid> From<Vec<M::T>> for Segtree<M> { fn from(v: Vec<M::T>) -> Self { let n = v.len(); let mut tree = vec![M::unit(); n * 2]; tree[n..].clone_from_slice(&v); for i in (1..n).rev() { tree[i] = M::operate(&tree[i << 1], &tree[i << 1 | 1]); } Self { n, tree } } } impl<M: Monoid> Segtree<M> { pub fn new(n: usize) -> Self { vec![M::unit(); n].into() } fn __propagate(&mut self, mut k: usize) { k >>= 1; while k > 0 { self.tree[k] = M::operate(&self.tree[k << 1], &self.tree[k << 1 | 1]); k >>= 1; } } pub fn assign(&mut self, mut k: usize, x: M::T) { k += self.n; self.tree[k] = x; self.__propagate(k); } pub fn update(&mut self, mut k: usize, x: M::T) { k += self.n; self.tree[k] = M::operate(&self.tree[k], &x); self.__propagate(k); } pub fn get(&self, k: usize) -> M::T { self.tree[k + self.n].clone() } pub fn fold<R>(&self, range: R) -> M::T where R: std::ops::RangeBounds<usize>, { let (l, r) = get_range(range, self.n); let mut l = l + self.n; let mut r = r + self.n; let mut lv = M::unit(); let mut rv = M::unit(); while l < r { if l & 1 != 0 { lv = M::operate(&lv, &self.tree[l]); l += 1; } if r & 1 != 0 { r -= 1; rv = M::operate(&self.tree[r], &rv) } l >>= 1; r >>= 1; } M::operate(&lv, &rv) } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.n } } // }}} // {{{ Segtree 2D #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Segtree2D<M: Monoid> { n: usize, m: usize, pub trees: Vec<Segtree<M>>, } #[allow(unused)] impl<M: Monoid> Segtree2D<M> { pub fn new(n: usize, m: usize) -> Self { let mut trees = Vec::with_capacity(n * 2); for _ in 0..n * 2 { trees.push(Segtree::<M>::new(m)); } Segtree2D { n, m, trees } } fn __propagate(&mut self, mut i: usize, j: usize) { i >>= 1; while i > 0 { let left = self.trees[i << 1].get(j); let right = self.trees[i << 1 | 1].get(j); self.trees[i].assign(j, M::operate(&left, &right)); i >>= 1; } } pub fn assign(&mut self, mut i: usize, j: usize, x: M::T) { debug_assert!(i < self.n); i += self.n; self.trees[i].assign(j, x); self.__propagate(i, j); } pub fn update(&mut self, mut i: usize, j: usize, x: M::T) { debug_assert!(i < self.n); i += self.n; self.trees[i].update(j, x); self.__propagate(i, j); } pub fn get(&mut self, i: usize, j: usize) -> M::T { self.trees[i + self.n].get(j) } pub fn fold<R>(&self, r_range: R, c_range: R) -> M::T where R: std::ops::RangeBounds<usize> + Clone, { let (rx, ry) = get_range(r_range, self.n); let mut rx = rx + self.n; let mut ry = ry + self.n; let mut vx = M::unit(); let mut vy = M::unit(); while rx < ry { if rx & 1 != 0 { vx = M::operate(&vx, &self.trees[rx].fold(c_range.clone())); rx += 1; } if ry & 1 != 0 { ry -= 1; vy = M::operate(&self.trees[ry].fold(c_range.clone()), &vy); } rx >>= 1; ry >>= 1; } M::operate(&vx, &vy) } } // }}} } // }}} // {{{ Graph #[allow(unused)] pub struct DenseGraph { pub n: usize, pub m: usize, pub visited: Vec<Vec<bool>>, } #[allow(unused)] impl DenseGraph { pub const DX: [isize; 8] = [-1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1]; pub const DY: [isize; 8] = [0, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1]; pub const DC: [char; 8] = ['U', 'L', 'D', 'R', '↘', '↙', '↖', '↗']; pub fn new(n: usize, m: usize) -> Self { let mut visited = vec![vec![false; n + 2]; m + 2]; // boundary init for i in 0..n + 2 { visited[i][0] = true; visited[i][m + 1] = true; } for j in 0..m + 2 { visited[0][j] = true; visited[n + 1][j] = true; } DenseGraph { n, m, visited } } pub fn next(&self, coord: (usize, usize), i: usize) -> (usize, usize) { ( (coord.0 as isize + DenseGraph::DX[i]) as usize, (coord.1 as isize + DenseGraph::DY[i]) as usize, ) } } // }}} // {{{ Disjoint Union Set #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct DSU { n: usize, pub size: Vec<usize>, pub link: Vec<usize>, } #[allow(unused)] impl DSU { pub fn new(n: usize) -> Self { DSU { n, size: vec![1usize; n], link: (0..n).collect::<Vec<usize>>(), } } pub fn find(&self, mut x: usize) -> usize { while x != self.link[x] { x = self.link[x]; } x } pub fn same(&self, a: usize, b: usize) -> bool { self.find(a) == self.find(b) } pub fn merge(&mut self, mut a: usize, mut b: usize) -> bool { a = self.find(a); b = self.find(b); if a == b { return false; } let (a, b) = if self.size[a] < self.size[b] { (b, a) } else { (a, b) }; self.size[a] += self.size[b]; self.size[b] = 0; self.link[b] = a; true } } // }}} // {{{ chmin / chmax #[allow(unused)] pub fn chmax<T: Clone + PartialOrd>(x: &mut T, y: &T) -> bool { if *x < *y { x.clone_from(y); true } else { false } } #[allow(unused)] pub fn chmin<T: Clone + PartialOrd>(x: &mut T, y: &T) -> bool { if *x > *y { x.clone_from(y); true } else { false } } #[allow(unused)] #[macro_export] macro_rules! max { ($x:expr) => ($x); ($x:expr, $($tail:expr),+) => { std::cmp::max($x, max!($($tail),+)) } } #[allow(unused)] #[macro_export] macro_rules! min { ($x:expr) => ($x); ($x:expr, $($tail:expr),+) => { std::cmp::min($x, min!($($tail),+)) } } // }}} // {{{ Press #[allow(unused)] pub fn press<T: PartialEq>(a: Vec<T>) -> Vec<(T, usize)> { let mut ret: Vec<(T, usize)> = vec![]; for x in a.into_iter() { if ret.is_empty() || ret.last().unwrap().0 != x { ret.push((x, 1)); } else { ret.last_mut().unwrap().1 += 1; } } return ret; } // }}} // {{{ Next Permutation #[allow(unused)] pub fn next_permutation<T: Ord + PartialOrd>(nums: &mut Vec<T>) -> bool { use std::cmp::Ordering; let last_ascending = match nums.windows(2).rposition(|w| w[0] < w[1]) { Some(i) => i, None => { nums.reverse(); return false; } }; let swap_with = nums[last_ascending + 1..] .binary_search_by(|n| T::cmp(&nums[last_ascending], n).then(Ordering::Less)) .unwrap_err(); nums.swap(last_ascending, last_ascending + swap_with); nums[last_ascending + 1..].reverse(); true } // }}} // {{{ kth pub trait Kth { fn kth(&self, k: usize) -> Option<usize>; } impl Kth for Segtree<Additive<usize>> { fn kth(&self, k: usize) -> Option<usize> { let mut l = 0; let mut r = self.len() - 1; let mut ret = None; while l <= r { let m = (l + r) >> 1; if self.fold(..=m) > k { ret = Some(m); if m == 0 { break; } r = m - 1; } else { l = m + 1; } } ret } } //}}} // {{{ Entry API pub trait CustomEntry<T: Ord> { fn dec_key(&mut self, key: T) -> bool; } impl<T: Ord> CustomEntry<T> for BTreeMap<T, usize> { fn dec_key(&mut self, key: T) -> bool { match self.entry(key) { btree_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => { if *entry.get() > 1 { *entry.get_mut() -= 1; } else { entry.remove(); } true } _ => false, } } } // }}} } // }}} // <><><> More Lib Codes <><><> crate::main!(); pub use iter_print::IterPrint; pub use scanner::*; // {{{ 内脏 // {{{ Main Macros mod main_macros { #[doc = " - `prepare!();`: default (all input scanner (`sc!`, `sv!`) + buf print (`out!`, `dg!`))"] #[doc = " - `prepare!(?);`: interactive (line scanner (`scln!`) + buf print (`out!`, `dg!`))"] #[macro_export] macro_rules! prepare { (@output($dol:tt)) => { #[allow(unused_imports)] use std::io::Write as _; let __out=std::io::stdout(); #[allow(unused_mut,unused_variables)] let mut __out=std::io::BufWriter::new(__out.lock()); #[allow(unused_macros)] #[doc=" [`iter_print!`] for buffered stdout."] macro_rules! out { ($dol($dol t:tt)*) => { $dol crate::iter_print!(__out, $dol($dol t)*) } } // error output #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[allow(unused_macros)] #[doc=" [`iter_print!`] for buffered stderr. Do nothing in release mode."] macro_rules! dg { ($dol($dol t:tt)*) => {{ #[allow(unused_imports)] use std::io::Write as _; let __err = std::io::stderr(); #[allow(unused_mut, unused_variables)] let mut __err = std::io::BufWriter::new(__err.lock()); $dol crate::iter_print!(__err, $dol($dol t)*); let _ = __err.flush(); }} } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] #[allow(unused_macros)] #[doc=" [`iter_print!`] for buffered stderr. Do nothing in release mode."] macro_rules! dg { ($dol($dol t:tt)*) => {} } }; (@normal($dol:tt)) => { let __in_buf = read_stdin_all_unchecked(); #[allow(unused_mut, unused_variables)] let mut __scanner = Scanner::new(&__in_buf); // two modes for scanning a value #[allow(unused_macros)] macro_rules! sc { ($dol($dol t:tt)*) => { $dol crate::scan!(__scanner, $dol($dol t)*) } } #[allow(unused_macros)] macro_rules! sv { ($dol($dol t:tt)*) => { $dol crate::scan_value!(__scanner, $dol($dol t)*) } } }; (@interactive($dol:tt)) => { #[allow(unused_macros)] #[doc=" Scan a line, and previous line will be truncated in the next call."] macro_rules!scln{ ($dol($dol t:tt)*) => { let __in_buf = read_stdin_line(); #[allow(unused_mut, unused_variables)] let mut __scanner = Scanner::new(&__in_buf); $dol crate::scan!(__scanner, $dol($dol t)*) } } }; () => { $crate::prepare!(@output($)); $crate::prepare!(@normal($)) }; (?) => { $crate::prepare!(@output($)); $crate::prepare!(@interactive($)) }; } // 3 modes for initializing the main class #[macro_export] macro_rules! main { () => { fn main() { solve(); } }; (avx2) => { fn main() { #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")] unsafe fn solve_avx2() { solve(); } unsafe { solve_avx2() } } }; (large_stack) => { fn main() { const STACK_SIZE: usize = 512 * 1024 * 1024; ::std::thread::Builder::new() .stack_size(STACK_SIZE) .spawn(solve) .unwrap() .join() .unwrap(); } }; } } // }}} // {{{ IterPrint mod iter_print { use std::{ fmt::Display, io::{Error, Write}, }; pub trait IterPrint { fn iter_print<W, S>(self, writer: &mut W, sep: S, is_head: bool) -> Result<(), Error> where W: Write, S: Display; } macro_rules! iter_print_tuple_impl { (@impl$($A:ident$a:ident)?,$($B:ident$b:ident)*)=>{ impl<$($A,)?$($B),*>IterPrint for($($A,)?$($B),*)where$($A:Display,)?$($B:Display),*{ #[allow(unused_variables)] fn iter_print<W,S>(self,writer:&mut W,sep:S,is_head:bool)->Result<(),Error> where W:Write,S:Display{ let($($a,)?$($b,)*)=self; $(if is_head { ::std::write!(writer,"{}",$a)?; } else { ::std::write!(writer,"{}{}",sep,$a)?; })? $(::std::write!(writer,"{}{}",sep,$b)?;)*Ok(()) } } }; (@inc,,$C:ident$c:ident$($D:ident$d:ident)*)=>{ iter_print_tuple_impl!(@impl,); iter_print_tuple_impl!(@inc$C$c,,$($D$d)*); }; (@inc$A:ident$a:ident,$($B:ident$b:ident)*,$C:ident$c:ident$($D:ident$d:ident)*)=>{ iter_print_tuple_impl!(@impl$A$a,$($B$b)*); iter_print_tuple_impl!(@inc$A$a,$($B$b)*$C$c,$($D$d)*); }; (@inc$A:ident$a:ident,$($B:ident$b:ident)*,)=>{ iter_print_tuple_impl!(@impl$A$a,$($B$b)*); }; ($($t:tt)*)=>{ iter_print_tuple_impl!(@inc,,$($t)*); }; } iter_print_tuple_impl!(A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k); #[doc = " Print expressions with a separator."] #[doc = " - `iter_print!(writer, args...)`"] #[doc = " - `@sep $expr`: set separator (default: `' '`)"] #[doc = " - `@ns`: alias for `@sep \"\"`"] #[doc = " - `@lf`: alias for `@sep '\\n'`"] #[doc = " - `@sp`: alias for `@sep ' '`"] #[doc = " - `@fmt ($lit, $($expr),*)`: print `format!($lit, $($expr),*)`"] #[doc = " - `@flush`: flush writer (auto insert `!`)"] #[doc = " - `@it $expr`: print iterator"] #[doc = " - `@it1 $expr`: print iterator as 1-indexed"] #[doc = " - `@cw ($char $expr)`: print iterator as `(elem as u8 + $char as u8) as char`"] #[doc = " - `@bw ($byte $expr)`: print iterator as `(elem as u8 + $byte) as char`"] #[doc = " - `@it2d $expr`: print 2d-iterator"] #[doc = " - `@tup $expr`: print tuple (need to import [`IterPrint`])"] #[doc = " - `@ittup $expr`: print iterative tuple (need to import [`IterPrint`])"] #[doc = " - `$expr`: print expr"] #[doc = " - `{ args... }`: scoped"] #[doc = " - `;`: print `'\\n'`"] #[doc = " - `!`: not print `'\\n'` at the end"] #[macro_export] macro_rules! iter_print { (@@fmt$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,($lit:literal$(,$e:expr)*$(,)?))=>{ if!$is_head{::std::write!($writer,"{}",$sep).expect("io error");} ::std::write!($writer,$lit,$($e),*).expect("io error"); }; (@@item$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,$e:expr)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@fmt$writer,$sep,$is_head,("{}",$e)); }; (@@line_feed$writer:expr$(,)?)=>{ ::std::writeln!($writer).expect("io error"); }; (@@it$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,$iter:expr)=>{{ let mut iter=$iter.into_iter(); if let Some(item)=iter.next(){ $crate::iter_print!(@@item$writer,$sep,$is_head,item); } for item in iter{ $crate::iter_print!(@@item$writer,$sep,false,item); } }}; (@@it1$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,$iter:expr)=>{{ let mut iter=$iter.into_iter(); if let Some(item)=iter.next(){ $crate::iter_print!(@@item$writer,$sep,$is_head,item+1); } for item in iter{ $crate::iter_print!(@@item$writer,$sep,false,item+1); } }}; (@@cw$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,($ch:literal$iter:expr))=>{{ let mut iter=$iter.into_iter(); let b=$ch as u8; if let Some(item)=iter.next(){ $crate::iter_print!(@@item$writer,$sep,$is_head,(item as u8+b)as char); } for item in iter{ $crate::iter_print!(@@item$writer,$sep,false,(item as u8+b)as char); } }}; (@@bw$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,($b:literal$iter:expr))=>{{ let mut iter=$iter.into_iter(); let b:u8=$b; if let Some(item)=iter.next(){ $crate::iter_print!(@@item$writer,$sep,$is_head,(item as u8+b)as char); } for item in iter{ $crate::iter_print!(@@item$writer,$sep,false,(item as u8+b)as char); } }}; (@@it2d$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,$iter:expr)=>{ let mut iter=$iter.into_iter(); if let Some(item)=iter.next(){ $crate::iter_print!(@@it$writer,$sep,$is_head,item); } for item in iter{ $crate::iter_print!(@@line_feed$writer); $crate::iter_print!(@@it$writer,$sep,true,item); } }; (@@tup$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,$tuple:expr)=>{ IterPrint::iter_print($tuple,&mut$writer,$sep,$is_head).expect("io error"); }; (@@ittup$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,$iter:expr)=>{ let mut iter=$iter.into_iter(); if let Some(item)=iter.next(){ $crate::iter_print!(@@tup$writer,$sep,$is_head,item) } for item in iter{ $crate::iter_print!(@@line_feed$writer); $crate::iter_print!(@@tup$writer,$sep,true,item); } }; (@@assert_tag item)=>{}; (@@assert_tag it)=>{}; (@@assert_tag it1)=>{}; (@@assert_tag it2d)=>{}; (@@assert_tag tup)=>{}; (@@assert_tag ittup)=>{}; (@@assert_tag$tag:ident)=>{ ::std::compile_error!(::std::concat!("invalid tag in `iter_print!`: `",std::stringify!($tag),"`")); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@sep$e:expr,$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$e,$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@ns$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,"",$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@lf$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,'\n',$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@sp$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,' ',$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@flush$($t:tt)*)=>{ $writer.flush().expect("io error"); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,!$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@fmt$arg:tt$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@fmt$writer,$sep,$is_head,$arg); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@cw$arg:tt$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@cw$writer,$sep,$is_head,$arg); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@bw$arg:tt$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@bw$writer,$sep,$is_head,$arg); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@$tag:ident$e:expr,$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@assert_tag$tag); $crate::iter_print!(@@$tag$writer,$sep,$is_head,$e); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,false,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@$tag:ident$e:expr;$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@assert_tag$tag); $crate::iter_print!(@@$tag$writer,$sep,$is_head,$e); $crate::iter_print!(@@line_feed$writer); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,true,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@$tag:ident$e:expr)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@assert_tag$tag); $crate::iter_print!(@@$tag$writer,$sep,$is_head,$e); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,false,); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,@$tag:ident$($t:tt)*)=>{ ::std::compile_error!(::std::concat!("invalid expr in `iter_print!`: `",std::stringify!($($t)*),"`")); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,,$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,;$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@line_feed$writer); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,!$(,)?)=>{}; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,!$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,$($t)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@line_feed$writer); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,{$($t:tt)*}$($rest:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,$($t)*,!); $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,$($rest)*); }; (@@inner$writer:expr,$sep:expr,$is_head:expr,$($t:tt)*)=>{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,$sep,$is_head,@item$($t)*); }; ($writer:expr,$($t:tt)*)=>{{ $crate::iter_print!(@@inner$writer,' ',true,$($t)*); }}; } } // }}} // {{{ Scanner mod scanner { #[allow(unused_imports)] use std::io::Read; use std::{ iter::{from_fn, repeat_with, FromIterator}, marker::PhantomData, }; // two ways to read stdin all at once pub fn read_stdin_all() -> String { use std::io::Read as _; let mut s = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut s).expect("io error"); s } pub fn read_stdin_all_unchecked() -> String { use std::io::Read as _; let mut buf = Vec::new(); std::io::stdin().read_to_end(&mut buf).expect("io error"); unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) } } // two ways to read from a reader instance pub fn read_all(mut reader: impl std::io::Read) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); reader.read_to_string(&mut s).expect("io error"); s } pub fn read_all_unchecked(mut reader: impl std::io::Read) -> String { let mut buf = Vec::new(); reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).expect("io error"); unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) } } // read one line at a time from stdin pub fn read_stdin_line() -> String { let mut s = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut s).expect("io error"); s } // scan with the original value, or scan with a modification pub trait IterScan: Sized { type Output; fn scan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output>; } pub trait MarkedIterScan: Sized { type Output; fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output>; } // the `Scanner` class #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Scanner<'a> { iter: std::str::SplitAsciiWhitespace<'a>, } impl<'a> Scanner<'a> { #[inline] pub fn new(s: &'a str) -> Self { let iter = s.split_ascii_whitespace(); Self { iter } } #[inline] pub fn scan<T>(&mut self) -> <T as IterScan>::Output where T: IterScan, { <T as IterScan>::scan(&mut self.iter).expect("scan error") } // scan a type with a modification #[inline] pub fn mscan<T>(&mut self, marker: T) -> <T as MarkedIterScan>::Output where T: MarkedIterScan, { marker.mscan(&mut self.iter).expect("scan error") } // scan a vector #[inline] pub fn scan_vec<T>(&mut self, size: usize) -> Vec<<T as IterScan>::Output> where T: IterScan, { (0..size) .map(|_| <T as IterScan>::scan(&mut self.iter).expect("scan error")) .collect() } // scan a iterator #[inline] pub fn iter<'b, T>(&'b mut self) -> ScannerIter<'a, 'b, T> where T: IterScan, { ScannerIter { inner: self, _marker: std::marker::PhantomData, } } } macro_rules! iter_scan_impls { ($($t:ty)*) => { $(impl IterScan for$t{ type Output = Self; #[inline] fn scan<'a,I:Iterator<Item=&'a str>>(iter:&mut I) -> Option<Self> { iter.next()?.parse::<$t>().ok() } })* }; } iter_scan_impls!(char u8 u16 u32 u64 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 isize f32 f64 u128 i128 String); macro_rules! iter_scan_tuple_impl { (@impl$($T:ident)*) => { impl <$($T:IterScan),*>IterScan for($($T,)*){ type Output = ($(<$T as IterScan>::Output,)*); #[inline] fn scan<'a,It:Iterator<Item=&'a str>>(_iter:&mut It) -> Option<Self::Output> { Some(($(<$T as IterScan>::scan(_iter)?,)*)) } } }; (@inner$($T:ident)*,) => { iter_scan_tuple_impl!(@impl$($T)*); }; (@inner$($T:ident)*, $U:ident$($Rest:ident)*) => { iter_scan_tuple_impl!(@impl$($T)*); iter_scan_tuple_impl!(@inner$($T)*$U, $($Rest)*); }; ($($T:ident)*) => { iter_scan_tuple_impl!(@inner, $($T)*); }; } iter_scan_tuple_impl!(A B C D E F G H I J K); pub struct ScannerIter<'a, 'b, T> { inner: &'b mut Scanner<'a>, _marker: std::marker::PhantomData<fn() -> T>, } impl<'a, 'b, T> Iterator for ScannerIter<'a, 'b, T> where T: IterScan, { type Item = <T as IterScan>::Output; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { <T as IterScan>::scan(&mut self.inner.iter) } } #[doc = " scan and return the value"] #[doc = " - `scan_value!(scanner, ELEMENT)`"] #[doc = " ELEMENT :="] #[doc = " - `$ty`: IterScan"] #[doc = " - `@$expr`: MarkedIterScan"] #[doc = " - `[ELEMENT; $expr]`: vector"] #[doc = " - `[ELEMENT; const $expr]`: array"] #[doc = " - `[ELEMENT]`: iterator"] #[doc = " - `($(ELEMENT)*,)`: tuple"] #[macro_export] macro_rules! scan_value { (@repeat$scanner:expr, [$($t:tt)*]$($len:expr)?) => { ::std::iter::repeat_with(||$crate::scan_value!(@inner$scanner, []$($t)*))$(.take($len).collect::<Vec<_>>())? }; (@array$scanner:expr, [$($t:tt)*]$len:expr) => { $crate::array![||$crate::scan_value!(@inner$scanner, []$($t)*);$len] }; (@tuple$scanner:expr, [$([$($args:tt)*])*]) => { ($($($args)*,)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [[$($args:tt)*]]) => { $($args)* }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*]@$e:expr) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$scanner.mscan($e)]]) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*]@$e:expr, $($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$scanner.mscan($e)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*]($($tuple:tt)*)$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value!(@tuple$scanner, []$($tuple)*)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][@$e:expr;const$len:expr]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value!(@array$scanner, [@$e]$len)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][@$e:expr;$len:expr]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value!(@repeat$scanner, [@$e]$len)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][[$($tt:tt)*]; const$len:expr]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value!(@array$scanner, [[$($tt)*]]$len)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][[$($tt:tt)*]; $len:expr]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value!(@repeat$scanner, [[$($tt)*]]$len)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][($($tt:tt)*); const$len:expr]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value!(@array$scanner, [($($tt)*)]$len)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][($($tt:tt)*); $len:expr]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value!(@repeat$scanner, [($($tt)*)]$len)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][$ty:ty; const$len:expr]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value!(@array$scanner, [$ty]$len)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][$ty:ty; $len:expr]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value! (@repeat$scanner, [$ty]$len)]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*][$($tt:tt)*]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$crate::scan_value! (@repeat$scanner, [$($tt)*])]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*]$ty:ty) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$scanner.scan::<$ty>()]]) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*]$ty:ty,$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*[$scanner.scan::<$ty>()]]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*],$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@$tag$scanner, [$($args)*]$($t)*) }; (@$tag:ident$scanner:expr, [$($args:tt)*]) => { ::std::compile_error! (::std::stringify!($($args)*)) }; ($scanner:expr,$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan_value! (@inner$scanner, []$($t)*) } } #[doc = " scan and bind values"] #[doc = " - `scan!(scanner, $($pat $(: ELEMENT)?),*)`"] #[macro_export] macro_rules! scan { (@assert$p:pat) => {}; (@assert$($p:tt)*) => { ::std::compile_error!(::std::concat!("expected pattern, found `", ::std::stringify!($($p)*), "`")); }; // inner: pattern part (@pat$scanner:expr, [][]) => {}; (@pat$scanner:expr, [][], $($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [][]$($t)*) }; (@pat$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][]$x:ident$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [$($p)*$x][]$($t)*) }; (@pat$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][]::$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [$($p)*::][]$($t)*) }; (@pat$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][]&$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [$($p)*&][]$($t)*) }; (@pat$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][]($($x:tt)*)$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [$($p)*($($x)*)][]$($t)*) }; (@pat$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][][$($x:tt)*]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [$($p)*[$($x)*]][]$($t)*) }; (@pat$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][]{$($x:tt)*}$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [$($p)*{$($x)*}][]$($t)*) }; (@pat$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][]:$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@ty$scanner, [$($p)*][]$($t)*) }; (@pat$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@let$scanner, [$($p)*][usize]$($t)*) }; // inner: ty part (@ty$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][$($tt:tt)*]@$e:expr) => { $crate::scan! (@let$scanner, [$($p)*][$($tt)*@$e]) }; (@ty$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][$($tt:tt)*]@$e:expr,$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@let$scanner, [$($p)*][$($tt)*@$e],$($t)*) }; (@ty$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][$($tt:tt)*]($($x:tt)*)$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@let$scanner, [$($p)*][$($tt)*($($x)*)]$($t)*) }; (@ty$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][$($tt:tt)*][$($x:tt)*]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@let$scanner, [$($p)*][$($tt)*[$($x)*]]$($t)*) }; (@ty$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][$($tt:tt)*]$ty:ty) => { $crate::scan! (@let$scanner, [$($p)*][$($tt)*$ty]) }; (@ty$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][$($tt:tt)*]$ty:ty,$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@let$scanner, [$($p)*][$($tt)*$ty],$($t)*) }; // inner: let part (@let$scanner:expr, [$($p:tt)*][$($tt:tt)*]$($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! { @assert$($p)* } let$($p)* = $crate::scan_value! ($scanner, $($tt)*); $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [][]$($t)*) }; ($scanner:expr, $($t:tt)*) => { $crate::scan! (@pat$scanner, [][]$($t)*) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Usize1 {} impl IterScan for Usize1 { type Output = usize; #[inline] fn scan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { <usize as IterScan>::scan(iter)?.checked_sub(1) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct CharWithBase(pub char); impl MarkedIterScan for CharWithBase { type Output = usize; #[inline] fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { Some((<char as IterScan>::scan(iter)? as u8 - self.0 as u8) as usize) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Chars {} impl IterScan for Chars { type Output = Vec<char>; #[inline] fn scan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { Some(iter.next()?.chars().collect()) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct CharsWithBase(pub char); impl MarkedIterScan for CharsWithBase { type Output = Vec<usize>; #[inline] fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { Some( iter.next()? .chars() .map(|c| (c as u8 - self.0 as u8) as usize) .collect(), ) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Byte1 {} impl IterScan for Byte1 { type Output = u8; #[inline] fn scan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { let bytes = iter.next()?.as_bytes(); assert_eq!(bytes.len(), 1); Some(bytes[0]) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct ByteWithBase(pub u8); impl MarkedIterScan for ByteWithBase { type Output = usize; #[inline] fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { Some((<char as IterScan>::scan(iter)? as u8 - self.0) as usize) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Bytes {} impl IterScan for Bytes { type Output = Vec<u8>; #[inline] fn scan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { Some(iter.next()?.bytes().collect()) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct BytesWithBase(pub u8); impl MarkedIterScan for BytesWithBase { type Output = Vec<usize>; #[inline] fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { Some( iter.next()? .bytes() .map(|c| (c - self.0) as usize) .collect(), ) } } // TODO #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Collect<T, B = Vec<<T as IterScan>::Output>> where T: IterScan, B: FromIterator<<T as IterScan>::Output>, { size: usize, _marker: PhantomData<fn() -> (T, B)>, } impl<T, B> Collect<T, B> where T: IterScan, B: FromIterator<<T as IterScan>::Output>, { pub fn new(size: usize) -> Self { Self { size, _marker: PhantomData, } } } impl<T, B> MarkedIterScan for Collect<T, B> where T: IterScan, B: FromIterator<<T as IterScan>::Output>, { type Output = B; #[inline] fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { repeat_with(|| <T as IterScan>::scan(iter)) .take(self.size) .collect() } } // TODO #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct SizedCollect<T, B = Vec<<T as IterScan>::Output>> where T: IterScan, B: FromIterator<<T as IterScan>::Output>, { _marker: PhantomData<fn() -> (T, B)>, } impl<T, B> IterScan for SizedCollect<T, B> where T: IterScan, B: FromIterator<<T as IterScan>::Output>, { type Output = B; #[inline] fn scan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { let size = usize::scan(iter)?; repeat_with(|| <T as IterScan>::scan(iter)) .take(size) .collect() } } // TODO #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Splitted<T, P> where T: IterScan, { pat: P, _marker: PhantomData<fn() -> T>, } impl<T, P> Splitted<T, P> where T: IterScan, { pub fn new(pat: P) -> Self { Self { pat, _marker: PhantomData, } } } impl<T> MarkedIterScan for Splitted<T, char> where T: IterScan, { type Output = Vec<<T as IterScan>::Output>; fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { let mut iter = iter.next()?.split(self.pat); Some(from_fn(|| <T as IterScan>::scan(&mut iter)).collect()) } } impl<T> MarkedIterScan for Splitted<T, &str> where T: IterScan, { type Output = Vec<<T as IterScan>::Output>; fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { let mut iter = iter.next()?.split(self.pat); Some(from_fn(|| <T as IterScan>::scan(&mut iter)).collect()) } } impl<T, F> MarkedIterScan for F where F: Fn(&str) -> Option<T>, { type Output = T; fn mscan<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(self, iter: &mut I) -> Option<Self::Output> { self(iter.next()?) } } } // }}} // }}}