問題 | No.8084 ゲームブックにトライ! |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2023-09-14 00:03:50 |
言語 | C++23 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 54 ms / 500 ms |
コード長 | 7,344 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 3,540 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 270,848 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 6,948 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-07-01 08:01:30 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 5,729 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge5 / judge1 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 1 |
other | AC * 44 |
/*f = {'': 0,'0': 1,'00': 4,'000': 16,'0000': 24,'00000': 30,'000000': 45,'0000000': 161,'0000001': 91,'00000010': 144,'000001': 82,'0000010': 147,'00001': 51,'000010': 152,'000011': 59,'0001': 18,'00010': 67,'000101': 110,'00011': 54,'000110': 69,'0001101': 77,'00011011': 157,'000111': 81,'0001110': 112,'001': 10,'0010': 12,'00100': 15,'001000': 75,'0010001': 166,'001001': 26,'00101': 32,'001010': 109,'0010100': 155,'001011': 106,'0010111': 111,'00101110': 127,'0011': 14,'00110': 89,'001100': 105,'001101': 93,'0011010': 170,'0011011': 129,'00111': 128,'001110': 163,'01': 3,'010': 20,'0100': 23,'01000': 76,'010000': 126,'0100001': 146,'010001': 135,'01001': 150,'010011': 164,'0101': 31,'01010': 40,'010100': 70,'0101001': 90,'010101': 114,'0101011': 123,'01010110': 138,'01011': 47,'010110': 61,'0101101': 65,'01011010': 151,'01011011': 100,'010110111': 158,'011': 6,'0110': 17,'01100': 21,'011000': 60,'0110000': 72,'0110001': 96,'01100010': 121,'011000101': 139,'01100011': 107,'011001': 33,'0110010': 49,'0110011': 169,'01101': 37,'011010': 149,'011011': 53,'0110111': 113,'0111': 7,'01110': 19,'011100': 102,'011101': 64,'0111011': 98,'01111': 116,'011110': 133,'011111': 132,'1': 2,'10': 5,'100': 27,'1000': 38,'10000': 57,'100000': 71,'1000000': 85,'10000001': 103,'1000001': 145,'10000011': 165,'100001': 160,'10001': 42,'100010': 52,'100011': 63,'1000110': 66,'1001': 29,'10010': 48,'100100': 50,'1001000': 156,'1001001': 119,'10011': 92,'100110': 101,'1001100': 171,'101': 8,'1010': 22,'10100': 34,'101000': 87,'1010000': 167,'101001': 58,'1010010': 137,'1010011': 86,'10101': 28,'101010': 55,'1010101': 79,'10101011': 108,'101010110': 130,'101011': 141,'1011': 11,'10110': 35,'101100': 159,'101101': 73,'1011010': 99,'10110101': 115,'10111': 13,'101110': 84,'101111': 97,'1011110': 117,'1011111': 148,'10111110': 153,'11': 9,'110': 39,'1100': 43,'11000': 46,'110001': 62,'1100010': 143,'1100011': 95,'11001': 44,'110010': 56,'1100100': 124,'11001001': 142,'1100101': 172,'110011': 74,'1101': 80,'11010': 83,'110100': 88,'1101000': 168,'110101': 131,'1101010': 154,'11011': 104,'110110': 118,'1101101': 134,'111': 25,'1110': 41,'11100': 125,'111001': 162,'11101': 68,'111010': 120,'1110101': 136,'111011': 78,'1110110': 94,'1111': 36,'11110': 140,'11111': 122,}g = [None] * 173for k, v in f.items():g[v] = kg.append(g[10])s = ''.join(g)while len(s) >= 8:print(chr(int(s[:8], base=2)), end='')s = s[8:]# Roses are red# Violets are blue# Calculate and output# the following value# \sum_{i=1}^N \sum_{j=i+1}^N ((A_i+A_j) mod 998244353)*/#ifndef TEMPLATE_HPP#define TEMPLATE_HPP#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")#include <bits/stdc++.h>#define impl_overload4(a, b, c, d, e, ...) e#define impl_overload5(a, b, c, d, e, f, ...) f#define impl_overload6(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ...) g#define impl_overload7(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, ...) h// clang-format off#define impl_rep4(i, a, b, c) for (int i = (a); i < (b); i += (c))#define impl_rep3(i, a, b) impl_rep4(i, a, b, 1)#define impl_rep2(i, n) impl_rep3(i, 0, n)#define impl_rep1(n) for (int _ = 0; _ < (n); ++_)#define rep(...) impl_overload4(__VA_ARGS__, impl_rep4, impl_rep3, impl_rep2, impl_rep1)(__VA_ARGS__)#define impl_rrep4(i, a, b, c) for (int i = (b) - 1; i >= (a); i -= (c))#define impl_rrep3(i, a, b) impl_rrep4(i, a, b, 1)#define impl_rrep2(i, n) impl_rrep3(i, 0, n)#define rrep(...) impl_overload4(__VA_ARGS__, impl_rrep4, impl_rrep3, impl_rrep2)(__VA_ARGS__)// clang-format on#define all(v) std::begin(v), std::end(v)template<typename T>constexpr int bit(T x, unsigned int k) {return (x >> k) & 1;}template<typename T>constexpr bool chmax(T& a, const T& b) {return a < b ? a = b, true : false;}template<typename T>constexpr bool chmin(T& a, const T& b) {return a > b ? a = b, true : false;}void yesno(bool b) {std::cout << (b ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";}void yes() {yesno(true);}void no() {yesno(false);}struct Setup {Setup() {std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);std::cin.tie(nullptr);std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(11);}} setup;#ifdef LOCAL#include "template_local.hpp"#else#define show(...) ((void)0)#endifusing uint = unsigned int;using lint = long long;using ulint = unsigned long long;using namespace std;#endif // TEMPLATE_HPPtemplate<class G>class Fenwick_tree {vector<G> a;public:Fenwick_tree(int n = 0) {build(n);}Fenwick_tree(const vector<G>& a) {build(a);}void build(int n) {a.assign(n, G{});}void build(const vector<G>& a) {this->a = a;for (int i = 1; i <= a.size(); i++)if (i + (i & -i) <= a.size()) (this->a)[i + (i & -i) - 1] += (this->a)[i - 1];}void add(int i, const G& val) {for (i++; i <= a.size(); i += i & -i) a[i - 1] += val;}G sum(int l, int r) const {if (l == 0) {G res{};for (; r > 0; r -= r & -r) res += a[r - 1];return res;}return sum(0, r) - sum(0, l);}int lower_bound(G val) const {if (!(G{} < val)) return 0;int x = 0, k;for (k = 1; k <= a.size(); k <<= 1);for (k >>= 1; k > 0; k >>= 1)if (x + k <= a.size() && a[x + k - 1] < val) val -= a[x + k - 1], x += k;return x;}int upper_bound(G val) const {if (val < G{}) return 0;int x = 0, k;for (k = 1; k <= a.size(); k <<= 1);for (k >>= 1; k > 0; k >>= 1)if (x + k <= a.size() && !(val < a[x + k - 1])) val -= a[x + k - 1], x += k;return x;}};const lint M = 998244353;int main() {int n;cin >> n;vector<lint> A(n);rep (i, n) {cin >> A[i];A[i] %= M;}// compress coordinatesvector<lint> X = A;sort(all(X));X.erase(unique(all(X)), end(X));vector<lint> P(n);rep (i, n) {P[i] = lower_bound(all(X), A[i]) - begin(X);}lint cnt = 0;Fenwick_tree<lint> F(size(X));rrep (i, n) {// count j s.t. j > i and A_i + A_j >= Mint idx = lower_bound(all(X), M - A[i]) - begin(X);cnt += F.sum(idx, size(X));F.add(P[i], 1);}lint ans = (n - 1) * accumulate(all(A), 0LL);ans -= cnt * M;cout << ans << endl;return 0;}