
問題 No.2379 Burnside's Theorem
ユーザー osada-yum
提出日時 2023-09-21 18:33:32
言語 Fortran
(gFortran 14.2.0)
実行時間 10 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 13,295 bytes
コンパイル時間 1,683 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 36,992 KB
実行使用メモリ 5,376 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-07-07 12:09:46
合計ジャッジ時間 2,664 ms
judge1 / judge3
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 4
other AC * 20


diff #

module unwrapped_vector_m
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
public :: unwrapped_vector_int32
type :: unwrapped_vector_int32
integer(int32), allocatable, public :: arr_(:)
integer(int32) :: size_ = 0, capa_ = 0
procedure, pass :: init => init_unwrapped_vector_int32
procedure, pass :: push_back_unwrapped_vector_int32, push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int32
generic :: push_back => push_back_unwrapped_vector_int32, push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int32
procedure, pass :: pop_back => pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int32
procedure, pass :: back => back_unwrapped_vector_int32
procedure, pass :: size => size_unwrapped_vector_int32
procedure, pass :: resize => resize_unwrapped_vector_int32
procedure, pass :: lower_bound => lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int32
end type unwrapped_vector_int32
interface unwrapped_vector_int32
module procedure :: construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_size, &
construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_arr, &
end interface unwrapped_vector_int32
public :: unwrapped_vector_int64
type :: unwrapped_vector_int64
integer(int64), allocatable, public :: arr_(:)
integer(int32) :: size_ = 0, capa_ = 0
procedure, pass :: init => init_unwrapped_vector_int64
procedure, pass :: push_back_unwrapped_vector_int64, push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int64
generic :: push_back => push_back_unwrapped_vector_int64, push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int64
procedure, pass :: pop_back => pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int64
procedure, pass :: back => back_unwrapped_vector_int64
procedure, pass :: size => size_unwrapped_vector_int64
procedure, pass :: resize => resize_unwrapped_vector_int64
procedure, pass :: lower_bound => lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int64
end type unwrapped_vector_int64
interface unwrapped_vector_int64
module procedure :: construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_size, &
construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_arr, &
end interface unwrapped_vector_int64
!> construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_size: Construct unwrapped_vector_int32 by the size, the initial values is unknown.
impure function construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_size(size) result(res)
type(unwrapped_vector_int32) :: res
integer(int32), intent(in) :: size
call res%init(size)
end function construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_size
!> construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_arr: Construct unwrapped_vector_int32 by the array of integer(int32).
impure function construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_arr(arr) result(res)
type(unwrapped_vector_int32) :: res
integer(int32), intent(in) :: arr(:)
integer(int32) :: n
n = size(arr)
call res%init(n)
res%arr_(1:n) = arr(1:n)
end function construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_arr
!> construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_init_val: Construct unwrapped_vector_int32 by size and the initial values.
impure function construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_init_val(size, val) result(res)
type(unwrapped_vector_int32) :: res
integer(int32), intent(in) :: size
integer(int32), intent(in) :: val
call res%init(size)
res%arr_(1:size) = val
end function construct_unwrapped_vector_int32_by_init_val
!> init_unwrapped_vector_int32: Initialize the unwrapped_vector_int32 by size.
subroutine init_unwrapped_vector_int32(this, n)
class(unwrapped_vector_int32), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int32), intent(in) :: n
if (.not. allocated(this%arr_)) then
this%size_ = n
this%capa_ = n
end if
end subroutine init_unwrapped_vector_int32
!> push_back_unwrapped_vector_int32: Insert value to the tail of elements of the unwrapped_vector_int32.
subroutine push_back_unwrapped_vector_int32(this, val)
class(unwrapped_vector_int32), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int32), intent(in) :: val
if (.not. allocated(this%arr_)) call this%resize(0)
if (this%size_ == this%capa_) then
call this%resize(2*this%capa_)
end if
this%size_ = this%size_ + 1
this%arr_(this%size_) = val
end subroutine push_back_unwrapped_vector_int32
!> push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int32: Insert elemeents of array to the tail of elements of the unwrapped_vector_int32.
subroutine push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int32(this, arr)
class(unwrapped_vector_int32), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int32), intent(in) :: arr(:)
integer(int32) :: s
s = size(arr)
if (.not. allocated(this%arr_)) call this%init(s)
if (this%size_ + s > this%capa_) then
call this%resize(this%size_ + s)
end if
this%arr_(this%size_+1:this%size_+s) = arr(:)
this%size_ = this%size_ + s
end subroutine push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int32
!> pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int32: Delete the value in the end of arr_(:) of the unwrapped_vector_int32 and return it.
integer(int32) function pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int32(this)
class(unwrapped_vector_int32), intent(inout) :: this
pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int32 = this%arr_(this%size_)
this%size_ = this%size_ - 1
end function pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int32
!> back_unwrapped_vector_int32: Delete the value in the end of arr_(:) of the unwrapped_vector_int32 and return it.
integer(int32) function back_unwrapped_vector_int32(this)
class(unwrapped_vector_int32), intent(inout) :: this
back_unwrapped_vector_int32 = this%arr_(this%size_)
end function back_unwrapped_vector_int32
!> size_vector_int32: Return current size of the unwrapped_vector_int32.
pure integer(int32) function size_unwrapped_vector_int32(this)
class(unwrapped_vector_int32), intent(in) :: this
size_unwrapped_vector_int32 = this%size_
end function size_unwrapped_vector_int32
!> resize_unwrapped_vector_int32: Shrink or expand arr_(:) of the unwrapped_vector_int32.
subroutine resize_unwrapped_vector_int32(this, resize)
class(unwrapped_vector_int32), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int32), intent(in) :: resize
integer(int32), allocatable :: tmp(:)
if (resize < 1) then
this%size_ = 0
call move_alloc(from = tmp, to = this%arr_)
this%capa_ = 1
if (this%capa_ == resize) return
this%size_ = min(this%size_, resize)
tmp(1:this%size_) = this%arr_(1:this%size_)
call move_alloc(from = tmp, to = this%arr_)
this%capa_ = resize
end if
end subroutine resize_unwrapped_vector_int32
!> lower_bound_vector_int32: Return the minimum index that is higher than or equal to .
integer(int32) function lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int32(this, val)
class(unwrapped_vector_int32), intent(in) :: this
integer(int32), intent(in) :: val
integer(int32) :: p, q, r
p = 1
r = this%size_
if (this%arr_(r) < val) then
lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int32 = r + 1
end if
q = (p+r)/2
if (p + 1 > r) exit
if (this%arr_(q) >= val) then
r = q
p = q+1
end if
end do
lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int32 = q
end function lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int32
!> construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_size: Construct unwrapped_vector_int64 by the size, the initial values is unknown.
impure function construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_size(size) result(res)
type(unwrapped_vector_int64) :: res
integer(int32), intent(in) :: size
call res%init(size)
end function construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_size
!> construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_arr: Construct unwrapped_vector_int64 by the array of integer(int64).
impure function construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_arr(arr) result(res)
type(unwrapped_vector_int64) :: res
integer(int64), intent(in) :: arr(:)
integer(int32) :: n
n = size(arr)
call res%init(n)
res%arr_(1:n) = arr(1:n)
end function construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_arr
!> construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_init_val: Construct unwrapped_vector_int64 by size and the initial values.
impure function construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_init_val(size, val) result(res)
type(unwrapped_vector_int64) :: res
integer(int32), intent(in) :: size
integer(int64), intent(in) :: val
call res%init(size)
res%arr_(1:size) = val
end function construct_unwrapped_vector_int64_by_init_val
!> init_unwrapped_vector_int64: Initialize the unwrapped_vector_int64 by size.
subroutine init_unwrapped_vector_int64(this, n)
class(unwrapped_vector_int64), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int32), intent(in) :: n
if (.not. allocated(this%arr_)) then
this%size_ = n
this%capa_ = n
end if
end subroutine init_unwrapped_vector_int64
!> push_back_unwrapped_vector_int64: Insert value to the tail of elements of the unwrapped_vector_int64.
subroutine push_back_unwrapped_vector_int64(this, val)
class(unwrapped_vector_int64), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int64), intent(in) :: val
if (.not. allocated(this%arr_)) call this%resize(0)
if (this%size_ == this%capa_) then
call this%resize(2*this%capa_)
end if
this%size_ = this%size_ + 1
this%arr_(this%size_) = val
end subroutine push_back_unwrapped_vector_int64
!> push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int64: Insert elemeents of array to the tail of elements of the unwrapped_vector_int64.
subroutine push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int64(this, arr)
class(unwrapped_vector_int64), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int64), intent(in) :: arr(:)
integer(int32) :: s
s = size(arr)
if (.not. allocated(this%arr_)) call this%init(s)
if (this%size_ + s > this%capa_) then
call this%resize(this%size_ + s)
end if
this%arr_(this%size_+1:this%size_+s) = arr(:)
this%size_ = this%size_ + s
end subroutine push_back_array_unwrapped_vector_int64
!> pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int64: Delete the value in the end of arr_(:) of the unwrapped_vector_int64 and return it.
integer(int64) function pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int64(this)
class(unwrapped_vector_int64), intent(inout) :: this
pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int64 = this%arr_(this%size_)
this%size_ = this%size_ - 1
end function pop_back_unwrapped_vector_int64
!> back_unwrapped_vector_int64: Delete the value in the end of arr_(:) of the unwrapped_vector_int64 and return it.
integer(int64) function back_unwrapped_vector_int64(this)
class(unwrapped_vector_int64), intent(inout) :: this
back_unwrapped_vector_int64 = this%arr_(this%size_)
end function back_unwrapped_vector_int64
!> size_vector_int64: Return current size of the unwrapped_vector_int64.
pure integer(int32) function size_unwrapped_vector_int64(this)
class(unwrapped_vector_int64), intent(in) :: this
size_unwrapped_vector_int64 = this%size_
end function size_unwrapped_vector_int64
!> resize_unwrapped_vector_int64: Shrink or expand arr_(:) of the unwrapped_vector_int64.
subroutine resize_unwrapped_vector_int64(this, resize)
class(unwrapped_vector_int64), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int32), intent(in) :: resize
integer(int64), allocatable :: tmp(:)
if (resize < 1) then
this%size_ = 0
call move_alloc(from = tmp, to = this%arr_)
this%capa_ = 1
if (this%capa_ == resize) return
this%size_ = min(this%size_, resize)
tmp(1:this%size_) = this%arr_(1:this%size_)
call move_alloc(from = tmp, to = this%arr_)
this%capa_ = resize
end if
end subroutine resize_unwrapped_vector_int64
!> lower_bound_vector_int64: Return the minimum index that is higher than or equal to .
integer(int32) function lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int64(this, val)
class(unwrapped_vector_int64), intent(in) :: this
integer(int64), intent(in) :: val
integer(int32) :: p, q, r
p = 1
r = this%size_
if (this%arr_(r) < val) then
lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int64 = r + 1
end if
q = (p+r)/2
if (p + 1 > r) exit
if (this%arr_(q) >= val) then
r = q
p = q+1
end if
end do
lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int64 = q
end function lower_bound_unwrapped_vector_int64
end module unwrapped_vector_m
program yukicoder_2379
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
use unwrapped_vector_m, only: vec_i64 => unwrapped_vector_int64
implicit none
integer(int32), parameter :: max_factor = 1000
integer(int64) :: n_orig, n
type(vec_i64) :: factors
integer(int64) :: i
read(input_unit, *) n_orig
n = n_orig
i = 2_int64
call factors%push_back(1_int64)
do while (i * i <= n)
do while (mod(n, i) == 0)
n = n / i
if (factors%back() /= i) call factors%push_back(i)
end do
i = i + 1
end do
if (n > 1 .and. factors%back() /= n) &
call factors%push_back(n)
write(output_unit, '(a)') trim(merge("Yes", "No ", factors%size() <= 3))
end program yukicoder_2379