
問題 No.5019 Hakai Project
ユーザー bowwowforeach
提出日時 2023-11-18 18:55:40
言語 C++17(gcc12)
(gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.87.0)
実行時間 2,953 ms / 3,000 ms
コード長 53,855 bytes
コンパイル時間 6,143 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 304,152 KB
実行使用メモリ 354,880 KB
スコア 2,434,147,186
最終ジャッジ日時 2023-11-18 18:58:22
合計ジャッジ時間 160,695 ms
judge11 / judge15
ファイルパターン 結果
other AC * 50
main.cpp:409:22: warning: class 'CapArr<T, CAP>' is implicitly friends with itself
  409 |         friend class CapArr;
      |                      ^~~~~~


diff #

#define CODETEST 0
#define OPTUNE 0
#define EVAL 0
#define UNIT_TEST 0
#define TIME_LIMIT (2800)
#define NOT_SUBMIT 0
#define VALIDATION 0
#define IO_FILE 0
#define OUTPUT_INFO 0
#define OUTPUT_LOG 0
#define FIX_RESULT 0
#define TIME_LIMIT_US (TIME_LIMIT * 1000)
#ifdef __clang_version__
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-warning-option"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-braces"
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#pragma GCC target ("avx2")
#pragma GCC optimize "O3,omit-frame-pointer,inline"
#pragma GCC optimize ("unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#ifdef __clang_version__
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cfloat>
#include <ciso646>
#include <climits>
#include <clocale>
#include <cmath>
#include <csetjmp>
#include <csignal>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <cfenv>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cwchar>
#include <cwctype>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <complex>
#include <deque>
#include <exception>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <locale>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <numeric>
#include <ostream>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <utility>
#include <valarray>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <forward_list>
#include <future>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <ratio>
#include <regex>
#include <system_error>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <typeindex>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define FOR(i, s, e) for (int i = int(s); i < int(e); ++i)
#define RFOR(i, s, e) for (int i = int(e) - 1; i >= int(s); --i)
#define REP(i, n) for (int i = 0, i##_size = int(n); i < i##_size; ++i)
#define RREP(i, n) for (int i = int(n) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
#define ALL(x) (x).begin(),(x).end()
template <class T, class U> inline void chmin(T& a, U&& b) { if (b < a) { a = b; } }
template <class T, class U> inline void chmax(T& a, U&& b) { if (a < b) { a = b; } }
template <class T, class U, class V> inline void clip(T& v, U&& lower, V&& upper) {
if (v < lower) { v = lower; }
else if (v > upper) { v = upper; }
template <class T> inline constexpr T square(T v) { return v * v; }
template <class T, int SIZE>
constexpr int len(const T(&)[SIZE]) { return SIZE; }
#define cauto const auto
#include <cstdint>
using u8 = uint8_t;
using u16 = uint16_t;
using u32 = uint32_t;
using u64 = uint64_t;
using s8 = int8_t;
using s16 = int16_t;
using s32 = int32_t;
using s64 = int64_t;
using TimePoint = chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point;
struct ChronoTimer {
TimePoint startTime_;
TimePoint endTime_;
inline void Init() {
startTime_ = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
endTime_ = startTime_;
inline void Start(int limit) {
endTime_ = startTime_ + chrono::milliseconds(limit);
inline void StartMs(int limit) {
endTime_ = startTime_ + chrono::milliseconds(limit);
inline void StartUs(int limit) {
endTime_ = startTime_ + chrono::microseconds(limit);
inline void Join() {
inline bool IsOver() const {
return chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() >= endTime_;
inline int ElapseTimeMs() const {
return (int)chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - startTime_).count();
inline int ElapseTimeUs() const {
return (int)chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - startTime_).count();
void SetElapseTimeMs(int ms) {
auto now = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto limit = endTime_ - startTime_;
startTime_ = now - chrono::milliseconds(ms);
endTime_ = startTime_ + limit;
inline int LeftToUS(const TimePoint& limit) const {
return (int)chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(limit - chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()).count();
inline double NowRate() const {
return (chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - startTime_).count() / (double)(endTime_ - startTime_).count();
inline TimePoint Now() const {
return chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
inline TimePoint StartTime() const {
return startTime_;
inline TimePoint EndTime() const {
return endTime_;
TimePoint GetLimitTimePointUs(int limit) const {
return startTime_ + chrono::microseconds(limit);
TimePoint Now() {
return chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
template <class T>
void InstanceRun(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
T* m = new T;
m->Run(argc, argv);
struct Main;
signed main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
InstanceRun<Main>(argc, argv);
struct MemoryException {};
#define VALIDATE_ASSERT(exp)
template <class A, class B>
struct pr {
union {
A a;
A x;
A first;
union {
B b;
B y;
B second;
bool operator == (pr const& r) const { return a == r.a && b == r.b; }
bool operator != (pr const& r) const { return !((*this) == r); }
bool operator < (pr const& r) const {
if (a == r.a) {
return b < r.b;
return a < r.a;
bool operator > (pr const& r) const {
return r < (*this);
pr& operator += (pr const& v) {
a += v.a;
b += v.b;
return *this;
pr& operator -= (pr const& v) {
a -= v.a;
b -= v.b;
return *this;
template <class C, class D>
auto operator + (pr<C, D> const& v) const {
return pr<decltype(a + v.a), decltype(b + v.b)>{ a + v.a, b + v.b };
template <class C, class D>
auto operator - (pr<C, D> const& v) const {
return pr<decltype(a - v.a), decltype(b - v.b)>{ a - v.a, b - v.b };
template <class C, class D>
explicit operator pr<C, D>() const {
return { C(a), D(b) };
template <class T>
auto operator * (T const& v) const -> pr<decltype(x * v), decltype(y * v)> {
return { x * v, y * v };
template <class T>
auto operator / (T const& v) const -> pr<decltype(x / v), decltype(y / v)> {
return { x / v, y / v };
template <class T>
pr& operator *= (T const& v) {
x *= v;
y *= v;
return *this;
template <class T>
pr& operator /= (T const& v) {
x /= v;
y /= v;
return *this;
pr operator -() const {
return pr{ -x, -y };
void flip() { swap(x, y); }
friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, pr& p) {
is >> p.a >> p.b;
return is;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, pr const& p) {
os << p.a << " " << p.b;
return os;
template <size_t I>
auto get() const {
if constexpr (I == 0) {
return x;
else if constexpr (I == 1) {
return y;
using pint = pr<int, int>;
using pdouble = pr<double, double>;
static_assert(is_trivially_copyable<pint>::value, "not trivially_copyable");
template <class A, class B>
struct tuple_size<pr<A, B>> : integral_constant<size_t, 2> {};
template <class A, class B>
struct tuple_element<0, pr<A, B>> { using type = A; };
template <class A, class B>
struct tuple_element<1, pr<A, B>> { using type = B; };
inline pdouble ToDouble(const pint& p) {
return pdouble{ double(p.x), double(p.y) };
inline pint round(const pdouble& d) {
return pint{ (int)round(d.x), (int)round(d.y) };
inline double norm(const pdouble& d) {
return sqrt((d.x * d.x) + (d.y * d.y));
inline double norm(const pint& d) {
return norm(ToDouble(d));
inline int norm2(const pint& d) {
return square(d.x) + square(d.y);
inline pdouble normalized(const pdouble& d) {
return d / norm(d);
inline double dot(const pdouble& a, const pdouble& b) {
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;
inline double cross(const pdouble& a, const pdouble& b) {
return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;
template <class T, int CAP>
class CapArr {
friend class CapArr;
T array_[CAP];
int size_ = 0;
bool operator == (const CapArr<T, CAP>& r) const {
if (size_ != r.size_) {
return false;
REP(i, size_) {
if (!(array_[i] == r.array_[i])) {
return false;
return true;
template <class U, int U_CAP>
bool operator != (const CapArr<U, U_CAP>& r) const {
return !(*this == r);
bool MemEqual(const CapArr<T, CAP>& r) const {
if (size_ != r.size_) {
return false;
return memcmp(data(), r.data(), sizeof(T) * size_) == 0;
constexpr int capacity() const {
return CAP;
int size() const {
return size_;
bool empty() const {
return size_ == 0;
void clear() {
size_ = 0;
void resize(int size) {
size_ = size;
void assign(int size, const T& e) {
size_ = size;
if constexpr (sizeof(T) == 1) {
if constexpr (is_enum<T>::value) {
memset(data(), underlying_type<T>::type(e), size);
else {
memset(data(), *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&e), size);
else {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
array_[i] = e;
void AssignIota(int size) {
iota(begin(), end(), 0);
void Iota(int size) {
iota(begin(), end(), 0);
void MemAssign(int size, int byte) {
size_ = size;
memset(data(), byte, sizeof(T) * size);
void MemCopy(const CapArr<T, CAP>& from) {
size_ = from.size_;
memcpy(data(), from.data(), sizeof(T) * from.size_);
const T* data() const {
return &array_[0];
T* data() {
return &array_[0];
T& front() {
return array_[0];
const T& front() const {
return array_[0];
T& back() {
return array_[size_ - 1];
const T& back() const {
return array_[size_ - 1];
T& operator[](int index) {
return array_[index];
const T& operator[](int index) const {
return array_[index];
T* begin() {
return &array_[0];
T* end() {
return &array_[size_];
const T* begin() const {
return &array_[0];
const T* end() const {
return &array_[size_];
[[nodiscard]] T& push() {
auto& ref = array_[size_];
return ref;
void push(const T& e) {
array_[size_] = e;
void pop() {
int find(const T& value) const {
REP(i, size_) {
if (array_[i] == value) {
return i;
return -1;
bool contains(const T& value) const {
for (const auto& v : *this) {
if (v == value) {
return true;
return false;
void insert(int index, const T& value) {
insert(index, &value, 1);
void insert(int index, const T* mem, int size) {
if (index == size_) {
memcpy(data() + index, mem, sizeof(T) * size);
size_ += size;
else {
memmove(data() + index + size, data() + index, sizeof(T) * (size_ - index));
memcpy(data() + index, mem, sizeof(T) * size);
size_ += size;
template <int RCAP>
void append(const CapArr<T, RCAP>& r) {
insert(size(), r.data(), r.size());
void remove(int index) {
remove(index, index + 1);
void remove(int start, int end) {
int size = end - start;
memmove(data() + start, data() + end, sizeof(T) * (size_ - end));
size_ -= size;
void RemoveSwap(int index) {
array_[index] = array_[size_ - 1];
void RemoveInsert(int start, int end, const T* p, int size) {
int newEnd = start + size;
if (size_ - end > 0 && newEnd != end) {
memmove(data() + newEnd, data() + end, sizeof(T) * (size_ - end));
memcpy(data() + start, p, sizeof(T) * size);
size_ -= end - start;
size_ += size;
void stable_sort() {
::stable_sort(begin(), end());
template <class LESS>
void stable_sort(LESS&& less) {
::stable_sort(begin(), end(), less);
void reverse() {
::reverse(begin(), end());
template <class T, int CAPACITY>
struct CapacityQueue {
array<T, CAPACITY> ar_ = {};
int start_ = 0;
int end_ = 0;
inline void clear() {
start_ = 0;
end_ = 0;
inline void push(const T& v) {
ar_[end_] = v;
inline T* push() {
T* ptr = &ar_[end_];
return ptr;
inline const T& get() const {
return ar_[start_];
inline T pop() {
return ar_[start_++];
inline bool empty() const {
return start_ == end_;
inline bool exist() const {
return start_ != end_;
inline int size() const {
return end_ - start_;
inline int total_push_count() const {
return end_;
const T& operator[](int i) const{
return ar_[i];
int end_size() const {
return end_;
int direct_start() const {
return start_;
int direct_end() const {
return end_;
inline auto begin() -> decltype(ar_.begin()) {
return ar_.begin() + start_;
inline auto end() -> decltype(ar_.begin()) {
return ar_.begin() + end_;
inline auto begin() const -> decltype(ar_.begin()) {
return ar_.begin() + start_;
inline auto end() const -> decltype(ar_.begin()) {
return ar_.begin() + end_;
const T& front() const {
return ar_[start_];
const T& back() const {
return ar_[end_ - 1];
template <class T, int CAPACITY>
using CapQue = CapacityQueue<T, CAPACITY>;
template <int S>
struct CheckMapS {
array<u32, S> checked_ = {};
u32 mark_ = 1;
void Clear() {
if (mark_ == 0) {
checked_ = {};
bool IsChecked(int i) const {
return checked_[i] == mark_;
void Check(int i) {
checked_[i] = mark_;
void Reset(int i) {
checked_[i] = mark_ - 1;
bool operator[](int i) const {
return checked_[i] == mark_;
bool operator == (const CheckMapS<S>& r) const {
REP(i, S) {
if (this->IsChecked(i) != r.IsChecked(i)) {
return false;
return true;
template <class T, int S>
struct CheckMapDataS {
array<T, S> data_;
array<u32, S> checked_ = {};
u32 mark_ = 1;
void Clear() {
if (mark_ == 0) {
checked_ = {};
bool IsChecked(int i) const {
return checked_[i] == mark_;
void Check(int i) {
checked_[i] = mark_;
void Set(int i, const T& value) {
checked_[i] = mark_;
data_[i] = value;
void Reset(int i) {
checked_[i] = mark_ - 1;
const T& Get(int i) const {
VASSERT(checked_[i] == mark_);
return data_[i];
T& Ref(int i) {
VASSERT(checked_[i] == mark_);
return data_[i];
const T& Ref(int i) const {
VASSERT(checked_[i] == mark_);
return data_[i];
T& operator[](int i) {
VASSERT(checked_[i] == mark_);
return data_[i];
const T& operator[](int i) const {
VASSERT(checked_[i] == mark_);
return data_[i];
T GetIf(int i, const T& defaultValue) const {
if (checked_[i] == mark_) {
return data_[i];
return defaultValue;
template <class T, int CAP>
struct CapacitySet {
CapArr<T, CAP> elemens;
CheckMapDataS<T, CAP> indexTable;
CapacitySet() {
bool operator == (const CapacitySet<T, CAP>& r) const {
if (elemens.size() != r.elemens.size()) {
return false;
for (int i : elemens) {
if (!r.IsContain(i)) {
return false;
return true;
constexpr int capacity() {
return CAP;
void Fill() {
iota(ALL(elemens), 0);
REP(i, CAP) {
indexTable.Set(i, i);
void Clear() {
void Add(T ai) {
indexTable.Set(ai, elemens.size());
void ForceAdd(T ai) {
if (indexTable.IsChecked(ai)) {
indexTable.Set(ai, elemens.size());
void Remove(int ai) {
T removeIndex = indexTable[ai];
T lastIndex = elemens.size() - 1;
if (removeIndex != lastIndex) {
elemens[removeIndex] = elemens[lastIndex];
indexTable.Set(elemens[lastIndex], removeIndex);
void ForceRemove(T ai) {
if (!indexTable.IsChecked(ai)) {
T removeIndex = indexTable[ai];
T lastIndex = elemens.size() - 1;
if (removeIndex != lastIndex) {
elemens[removeIndex] = elemens[lastIndex];
indexTable.Set(elemens[lastIndex], removeIndex);
bool contains(T i) const {
return indexTable.IsChecked(i);
bool IsContain(T i) const {
return contains(i);
int size() const {
return elemens.size();
bool empty() const {
return elemens.empty();
T At(int index) const {
return elemens[index];
T operator[](int index) const {
return elemens[index];
auto begin() -> decltype(elemens.begin()) {
return elemens.begin();
auto end() -> decltype(elemens.begin()) {
return elemens.end();
auto begin() const -> decltype(elemens.begin()) {
return elemens.begin();
auto end() const -> decltype(elemens.begin()) {
return elemens.end();
template <class T, int CAP>
using CapSet = CapacitySet<T, CAP>;
template <class T, int CAP>
struct CapacityMap {
CapArr<pr<int, T>, CAP> elemens;
CheckMapDataS<int, CAP> indexTable;
CapacityMap() {
void Clear() {
inline void Add(int i, const T& value) {
indexTable.Set(i, elemens.size());
elemens.push({ i, value });
inline void ForceAdd(int i, const T& value) {
if (indexTable.IsChecked(i)) {
indexTable.Set(i, elemens.size());
elemens.push({ i, value });
inline void Remove(int i) {
int removeIndex = indexTable[i];
int lastIndex = elemens.GetCount() - 1;
if (removeIndex != lastIndex) {
elemens[removeIndex] = elemens[lastIndex];
indexTable[elemens[lastIndex].a] = removeIndex;
inline void ForceRemove(int i) {
if (!indexTable.IsChecked(i)) {
int removeIndex = indexTable[i];
int lastIndex = elemens.size() - 1;
if (removeIndex != lastIndex) {
elemens[removeIndex] = elemens[lastIndex];
indexTable[elemens[lastIndex].a] = removeIndex;
inline bool IsContain(int i) const {
return indexTable.IsChecked(i);
inline int GetCount() const {
return elemens.size();
inline auto begin() -> decltype(elemens.begin()) {
return elemens.begin();
inline auto end() -> decltype(elemens.begin()) {
return elemens.end();
inline auto begin() const -> decltype(elemens.begin()) {
return elemens.begin();
inline auto end() const -> decltype(elemens.begin()) {
return elemens.end();
template <class T, int CAPACITY>
using CapMap = struct CapacityMap<T, CAPACITY>;
template <class IT, class RAND>
void Shuffle(IT&& begin, IT&& end, RAND&& rand) {
int size = int(end - begin);
if (size <= 1) {
REP(i, size - 1) {
int j = i + rand() % (size - i);
swap(*(begin + i), *(begin + j));
#include <cstdint>
struct Xor64 {
using result_type = uint64_t;
static constexpr result_type min() { return 0; }
static constexpr result_type max() { return UINT64_MAX; }
Xor64(const Xor64& r) = delete;
Xor64& operator =(const Xor64& r) = delete;
uint64_t x;
inline Xor64(uint64_t seed = 0) {
x = 88172645463325252ULL + seed;
inline uint64_t operator()() {
x = x ^ (x << 7);
return x = x ^ (x >> 9);
inline uint64_t operator()(uint64_t l, uint64_t r) {
return ((*this)() % (r - l)) + l;
template <class T>
inline T operator()(T r) {
return (*this)() % r;
inline double GetDouble() {
return (*this)() / (double)UINT64_MAX;
inline bool GetProb(double E) {
return GetDouble() <= E;
enum class Dir : int8_t {
L = 0,
constexpr array<Dir, 4> Dir4 = {
constexpr array<pint, 4> Around4 = { pint{-1, 0}, pint{0, -1}, pint{1, 0}, pint{0, 1} };
constexpr array<pint, 5> Around5 = { pint{-1, 0}, pint{0, -1}, pint{1, 0}, pint{0, 1}, pint{0, 0} };
inline Dir RotateRight(Dir d) {
constexpr Dir nexts[4] = {
return nexts[(int8_t)d];
inline Dir RotateLeft(Dir d) {
constexpr Dir nexts[4] = {
return nexts[(int8_t)d];
inline Dir Back(Dir d) {
return Dir(s8(d) ^ 2);
bool IsHorizontal(Dir dir) {
return dir == Dir::L || dir == Dir::R;
bool IsVertical(Dir dir) {
return dir == Dir::U || dir == Dir::D;
inline Dir CalcDir(const pint& from, const pint& to) {
if (from.x > to.x) {
return Dir::L;
else if (from.y > to.y) {
return Dir::U;
else if (from.x < to.x) {
return Dir::R;
else if (from.y < to.y) {
return Dir::D;
else {
return Dir::N;
inline const string& DirString(Dir dir) {
static const string strs[6] = {
return strs[(int)dir];
inline char DirToChar(Dir dir) {
static const char chars[6] = {
return chars[(int)dir];
inline Dir CharToDir(char c) {
if (c == 'L') {
return Dir::L;
else if (c == 'U') {
return Dir::U;
else if (c == 'R') {
return Dir::R;
else if (c == 'D') {
return Dir::D;
else if (c == 'N') {
return Dir::N;
return Dir::Invalid;
template <int W, int H>
struct GridSystemS {
inline constexpr int ToId(int x, int y) const {
return x + W * y;
inline constexpr int ToId(const pint& p) const {
return p.x + W * p.y;
inline constexpr pint ToPos(int id) const {
return pint{ id % W, id / W };
inline int CalcL1Dist(const pint& a, const pint& b) const {
return abs(a.x - b.x) + abs(a.y - b.y);
inline int CalcL1Dist(int a, int b) const {
return CalcL1Dist(ToPos(a), ToPos(b));
inline int CalcL2Dist2(const pint& a, const pint& b) const {
return square(a.x - b.x) + square(a.y - b.y);
inline int CalcL2Dist2(int a, int b) const {
return CalcL2Dist2(ToPos(a), ToPos(b));
inline double CalcL2Dist(const pint& a, const pint& b) const {
return sqrt(CalcL2Dist2(a, b));
inline double CalcL2Dist(int a, int b) const {
return CalcL2Dist(ToPos(a), ToPos(b));
inline bool IsOut(int x, int y) const {
if (x < 0 || x >= W ||
y < 0 || y >= H) {
return true;
return false;
inline bool IsOut(const pint& p) const {
return IsOut(p.x, p.y);
inline bool IsIn(const pint& p) const {
return !IsOut(p);
inline int RotateRight90(int id) const {
pint p = ToPos(id);
return ToId(W - 1 - p.y, p.x);
inline Dir CalcDir(int from, int to) const {
if (from - 1 == to) {
return Dir::L;
else if (from - W == to) {
return Dir::U;
else if (from + 1 == to) {
return Dir::R;
else if (from + W == to) {
return Dir::D;
else if (from == to) {
return Dir::N;
else {
return Dir::Invalid;
template <class T, int CAP>
struct CCA {
T ar[CAP];
int s;
inline constexpr void push(const T& v) {
ar[s++] = v;
inline constexpr void pop() {
inline constexpr const T* begin() const {
return &ar[0];
inline constexpr const T* end() const {
return &ar[s];
inline constexpr const T& operator ()(int i) const {
VASSERT(i >= 0 && i < CAP);
return ar[i];
inline constexpr const T& operator [](int i) const {
VASSERT(i >= 0 && i < CAP);
return ar[i];
inline constexpr int size() const {
return s;
template <int W, int H, int AROUND_COUNT>
struct AroundMapS {
using CA = CCA<int, AROUND_COUNT>;
CA table[W * H];
constexpr AroundMapS(const array<pint, AROUND_COUNT>& aroundDirs) : table{} {
REP(cellId, W * H) {
pint p = { cellId % W, cellId / W };
for (const pint& a : aroundDirs) {
int x = p.a + a.a;
int y = p.b + a.b;
if (x >= 0 && x < W &&
y >= 0 && y < H) {
table[cellId].push(x + y * W);
inline constexpr const CA& operator ()(int id) const {
return table[id];
inline constexpr const CA& operator [](int id) const {
return table[id];
template <int W, int H, int AROUND_COUNT>
struct DirMapS {
using CA = CCA<int, AROUND_COUNT>;
CA table[W * H];
constexpr DirMapS(const array<pint, AROUND_COUNT>& aroundDirs) : table{} {
REP(cellId, W * H) {
pint p = { cellId % W, cellId / W };
for (const pint& a : aroundDirs) {
int x = p.a + a.a;
int y = p.b + a.b;
int n = -1;
if (x >= 0 && x < W &&
y >= 0 && y < H) {
n = x + y * W;
inline constexpr const CA& operator ()(int id) const {
return table[id];
inline constexpr const CA& operator [](int id) const {
return table[id];
template <int W, int H>
struct JointAroundMapS {
using CA = CCA<int, 8>;
CA table[W * H];
constexpr JointAroundMapS() : table{} {
REP(cellId, W * H) {
pint p = { cellId % W, cellId / W };
FOR(oy, -1, 2) {
FOR(ox, -1, 2) {
if (oy == 0 && ox == 0) {
int x = p.a + ox;
int y = p.b + oy;
int n = -1;
if (x >= 0 && x < W &&
y >= 0 && y < H) {
n = x + y * W;
inline constexpr const CA& operator ()(int id) const {
return table[id];
inline constexpr const CA& operator [](int id) const {
return table[id];
template <int W, int H>
struct RandAroundMapS {
using CA = CCA<int, 4>;
CapArr<CA, 24> table[W * H];
constexpr RandAroundMapS() : table{} {
REP(cellId, W * H) {
pint p = { cellId % W, cellId / W };
CA tmp{};
for (const pint& a : Around4) {
int x = p.a + a.a;
int y = p.b + a.b;
if (x >= 0 && x < W &&
y >= 0 && y < H) {
tmp.push(x + y * W);
CapArr<int, 4> idxs;
REP(i, tmp.size()) {
do {
auto& t = table[cellId].push();
for (int i : idxs) {
} while (next_permutation(ALL(idxs)));
template <class RAND>
inline constexpr const CA& operator ()(int p, RAND& r) const {
auto& tbl = table[p];
return tbl[r(tbl.size())];
constexpr GridSystemS<50, 50> gs;
constexpr AroundMapS<50, 50, 4> aroundMap(Around4);
constexpr DirMapS<50, 50, 4> dirMap(Around4);
constexpr int N = 50;
constexpr int M = 20;
constexpr int NN = N*N;
constexpr int NNM = NN * M;
constexpr int FireRange = 20;
constexpr int TurnMax = 100000;
template <class T> using NArr = CapArr<T, N>;
template <class T> using NNArr = CapArr<T, NN>;
template <class T> using MArr = CapArr<T, M>;
template <class T> using NNMArr = CapArr<T, NNM>;
template <class T> using NQue = CapQue<T, N>;
template <class T> using NNQue = CapQue<T, NN>;
template <class T> using MQue = CapQue<T, M>;
template <class T> using NNMQue = CapQue<T, NNM>;
template <class T> using NSet = CapSet<T, N>;
template <class T> using NNSet = CapSet<T, NN>;
template <class T> using MSet = CapSet<T, M>;
template <class T> using NNMSet = CapSet<T, NNM>;
struct Bomb {
int cost_;
NNArr<int> ps_;
NNArr<bool> flags_;
bool CanBomb(const pint& p) const {
int x = p.x + FireRange;
int y = p.y + FireRange;
if (gs.IsOut(x, y)) {
return false;
return flags_[gs.ToId(x, y)];
bool CanBomb(int putPos, int targetPos) const {
auto relPos = gs.ToPos(targetPos) - gs.ToPos(putPos);
return CanBomb(relPos);
struct Input {
NNArr<char> grid_;
MArr<Bomb> bombs_;
NNArr<int> shops_;
int buildingCount_;
bool IsShop(int p) const {
return grid_[p] == '@';
bool IsBuilding(int p) const {
return grid_[p] == '#';
bool IsBlank(int p) const {
return grid_[p] == '.';
Input input_;
#define PARAM_LOWER(v)
#define PARAM_UPPER(v)
#define END_TUNING
template <class T>
struct InputParam {
T minValue_;
T maxValue_;
T value_;
InputParam(T minValue, T maxValue) {
minValue_ = minValue;
maxValue_ = maxValue;
void SetValue(T value) {
value_ = value;
double GetRate(double strong) const {
double r = (value_ - minValue_) / (double)(maxValue_ - minValue_) * 2.0 - 1.0;
return r * strong;
static double BlendDoubleParam(double baseValue, double minValue, double maxValue, initializer_list<double> rates) {
double totalRate = 1;
for (double rate : rates) {
totalRate += rate;
double value = baseValue * totalRate;
chmax(value, minValue);
chmin(value, maxValue);
return value;
static int BlendIntParam(double baseValue, int minValue, int maxValue, initializer_list<double> rates) {
double totalRate = 1;
for (double rate : rates) {
totalRate += rate;
int value = (int)round(baseValue * totalRate);
chmax(value, minValue);
chmin(value, maxValue);
return value;
struct {
} HP;
enum class CommandType : s8 {
Empty = 0,
Move = 1,
Buy = 2,
Fire = 3,
struct IOCommand {
CommandType type_;
s8 value_;
void SetMove(Dir dir) {
type_ = CommandType::Move;
value_ = (s8)dir;
void SetBuy(s8 bi) {
type_ = CommandType::Buy;
value_ = bi;
void SetFire(s8 bi) {
type_ = CommandType::Fire;
value_ = bi;
void SetEmpty() {
type_ = CommandType::Empty;
value_ = -1;
void Output(ostream& os) const {
if (type_ == CommandType::Move) {
os << (int)type_ << " " << DirToChar(Dir(value_)) << endl;
else {
os << (int)type_ << " " << (int)value_ + 1 << endl;
struct IOResult {
CapArr<IOCommand, TurnMax> commands_;
IOCommand& push() {
return commands_.push();
void Output(ostream& os) const {
os << commands_.size() << endl;
REP(i, commands_.size()) {
struct PutPoint {
int p_;
int bi_;
struct TargetSystem {
int ToId(int p, int bi) const {
return p * M + bi;
int ToId(const PutPoint& pp) const {
return pp.p_ * M + pp.bi_;
PutPoint ToPP(int id) const {
return PutPoint{ id / M, id % M };
constexpr TargetSystem ts;
struct FireMap {
using CA = CapArr<int, 41 * 41>;
array<CA, NNM> table;
void Init() {
REP(p, NN) {
REP(bi, M) {
int tid = ts.ToId(p, bi);
for (int op : input_.bombs_[bi].ps_) {
pint pos = gs.ToPos(op);
pos.x -= FireRange;
pos.y -= FireRange;
pos += gs.ToPos(p);
if (gs.IsOut(pos)) {
int id = gs.ToId(pos);
if (input_.IsBlank(id)) {
inline const CA& operator [](int tid) const {
return table[tid];
struct FromFireMap {
using CA = CapArr<int, 41 * 41 * M>;
array<CA, NN> table;
void Init() {
REP(p, NN) {
if (input_.IsBlank(p)) {
REP(bi, M) {
for (int op : input_.bombs_[bi].ps_) {
pint pos = gs.ToPos(op);
pos.x -= FireRange;
pos.y -= FireRange;
pos = -pos;
pos += gs.ToPos(p);
if (gs.IsOut(pos)) {
int tid = ts.ToId(gs.ToId(pos), bi);
inline const CA& operator [](int p) const {
return table[p];
FireMap fireMap;
FromFireMap fromFireMap;
struct IOServer {
void InitInput(ChronoTimer& timer) {
istream& is = cin;
int dummy;
is >> dummy >> dummy;
input_.buildingCount_ = 0;
auto& grid = input_.grid_;
REP(i, NN) {
is >> grid[i];
if (grid[i] == '@') {
if (grid[i] == '#') {
auto& bombs = input_.bombs_;
REP(i, M) {
auto& bomb = bombs[i];
is >> bomb.cost_;
int L;
is >> L;
bomb.flags_.assign(NN, false);
REP(j, L) {
int a, b;
is >> a >> b;
a += FireRange;
b += FireRange;
int id = gs.ToId(b, a);
bomb.ps_[j] = id;
bomb.flags_[id] = true;
void Output(const IOResult& result) {
ostream& os = cout;
void Finalize() {
IOServer server;
constexpr int InitialStateCount = 1;
struct RandomTable {
vector<int> table_;
void push(int value, int count) {
table_.reserve(table_.size() + count);
REP(i, count) {
template <class ENGINE>
int operator()(ENGINE& engine) {
return table_[engine() % table_.size()];
struct SAChecker {
Xor64* rand_ = nullptr;
double* totalMaxScore_ = nullptr;
double temp = 0;
double divTemp = 0;
double currentScore = 0;
double maxScore = 0;
int noMaxUpdateCount = 0;
int nextRollbackCheckCount = INT_MAX;
inline bool operator()(double newScore, bool forceUpdate = false) {
inline bool operator()(double newScore) {
if (newScore > currentScore) {
currentScore = newScore;
if (newScore > maxScore) {
maxScore = newScore;
noMaxUpdateCount = 0;
if (newScore > *totalMaxScore_) {
*totalMaxScore_ = newScore;
return true;
else if (newScore == currentScore) {
return true;
else {
if (forceUpdate || exp((newScore - currentScore) * divTemp) * UINT32_MAX > (*rand_)(UINT32_MAX)) {
if (exp((newScore - currentScore) * divTemp) * UINT32_MAX > (*rand_)(UINT32_MAX)) {
currentScore = newScore;
return true;
else {
return false;
double AcceptScore() {
return currentScore + temp * log(rand_->GetDouble());
void SetRevert() {
template <class F>
struct SATransition {
const char* name;
F func;
int weight;
template <class F>
auto MakeTransition(const char* name, F&& func, int weight) {
return SATransition<F>{ name, func, weight };
#define MAKE_TRANS(func, weight) MakeTransition(#func, [&](SAChecker& sac, State& state) { func(sa, sac, state); }, weight)
struct SimulatedAnnealing {
vector<SAChecker> checkers;
double totalMaxScore = 0;
double timeRate = 0;
double temp = 0;
double divTemp = 0;
Xor64 rand_;
double startTemp_ = 200;
double endTemp_ = 1;
int stepLoopCount = 1000;
double rollbackStartRate_ = 999.0;
int rollbackCount_ = INT_MAX;
double rollbackNextMulti_ = 1.1;
int minRollbackCount_ = 1;
template <class STATE, class... TRANSITION>
void Run2(ChronoTimer& timer, vector<STATE>& states, tuple<SATransition<TRANSITION>...>& transitions) {
vector<STATE> maxStates = states;
totalMaxScore = states[0].EvalScore();
REP(pi, checkers.size()) {
auto& checker = checkers[pi];
checker.rand_ = &rand_;
checker.totalMaxScore_ = &totalMaxScore;
checker.temp = 0;
checker.divTemp = 0;
checker.currentScore = states[pi].EvalScore();
checker.maxScore = checker.currentScore;
checker.noMaxUpdateCount = 0;
checker.nextRollbackCheckCount = rollbackCount_;
chmax(totalMaxScore, checker.maxScore);
RandomTable randTable;
TupleLoop(transitions, [&](auto&& e, size_t i) {
randTable.push((int)i, e.weight);
const auto startTime = timer.Now();
const auto endTime = timer.EndTime();
const double subTimeCountDiv = 1.0 / (double)(endTime - startTime).count();
vector<int> pis(states.size());
iota(ALL(pis), 0);
bool forceEnd = false;
while (!timer.IsOver()) {
timeRate = (timer.Now() - startTime).count() * subTimeCountDiv;
temp = startTemp_ * std::pow(endTemp_ / startTemp_, timeRate);
divTemp = 1.0 / temp;
for (auto& checker : checkers) {
checker.temp = temp;
checker.divTemp = divTemp;
for (int rp = 0; rp < stepLoopCount; ++rp) {
int ti = (int)randTable(rand_);
auto exec = [&](auto&& e, size_t i) {
for (int pi : pis) {
auto& checker = checkers[pi];
e.func(checker, states[pi]);
if (states[pi].RawScore() > maxStates[pi].RawScore()) {
maxStates[pi] = states[pi];
else {
if (timeRate >= rollbackStartRate_) {
if (checker.noMaxUpdateCount >= checker.nextRollbackCheckCount) {
states[pi] = maxStates[pi];
checker.noMaxUpdateCount = 0;
checker.nextRollbackCheckCount = (int)round(checker.nextRollbackCheckCount * rollbackNextMulti_);
chmax(checker.nextRollbackCheckCount, minRollbackCount_);
TupleAccess(transitions, ti, exec);
if (forceEnd) {
constexpr double start = 0.2;
constexpr double end = 1.0;
int targetPointCount = (int)states.size();
if (timeRate >= end) {
targetPointCount = 1;
else if (timeRate >= start) {
double r = 1.0 - (timeRate - start) / (end - start);
targetPointCount = 1 + (int)floor(states.size() * r);
if ((int)pis.size() > targetPointCount) {
sort(ALL(pis), [&](int a, int b) {
return checkers[a].maxScore > checkers[b].maxScore;
void ForceUpdate() {
template <class Tuple, class Func>
void TupleLoop(Tuple & t, Func && f) {
TupleLoop2(t, forward<Func>(f), make_index_sequence<tuple_size<Tuple>::value>{});
template <class Tuple, class Func, size_t... Indics>
void TupleLoop2(Tuple & t, Func && f, index_sequence<Indics...>) {
using swallow = int[];
(void)swallow {
(TupleLoop3<Tuple, Func, Indics>(t, f), 0)...
template <class Tuple, class Func, size_t Index>
void TupleLoop3(Tuple & t, Func & f) {
f(get<Index>(t), Index);
template <class Tuple, class Func>
void TupleAccess(Tuple & t, int i, Func && f) {
TupleAccess2(t, i, forward<Func>(f), make_index_sequence<tuple_size<Tuple>::value>{});
template <class Tuple, class Func, size_t... Indics>
void TupleAccess2(Tuple & t, int i, Func && f, index_sequence<Indics...>) {
using swallow = int[];
(void)swallow {
(TupleAccess3<Tuple, Func, Indics>(t, i, f), 0)...
template <class Tuple, class Func, size_t Index>
void TupleAccess3(Tuple & t, int i, Func & f) {
if (i == Index) {
f(get<Index>(t), Index);
Xor64 rand_;
struct Backup {
struct PlanState {
NNArr<int> orderdSis_;
NNMArr<int> breakableCount_;
NNMSet<int> breakableTids_;
NNMSet<int> tids_;
NNArr<int> firedCount_;
void Init() {
breakableCount_.assign(NNM, 0);
REP(i, NN) {
if (!input_.IsBlank(i)) {
firedCount_.assign(NN, 0);
bool IsEnd() const {
return breakableTids_.empty();
void Put(int p, int bi) {
int tid = ts.ToId(p, bi);
for (int id : fireMap[tid]) {
if (firedCount_[id] == 1) {
void Remove(int tid) {
auto pp = ts.ToPP(tid);
for (int id : fireMap[tid]) {
if (firedCount_[id] == 0) {
int GetBreakCount(int p, int bi) const {
return breakableCount_[ts.ToId(p, bi)];
void UpdateRefCountWithBreak(int p) {
for (int tid : fromFireMap[p]) {
VASSERT(breakableCount_[tid] >= 0);
if (breakableCount_[tid] == 0) {
void UpdateRefCountWithBuild(int p) {
for (int tid : fromFireMap[p]) {
if (breakableCount_[tid] == 1) {
void RemoveUnnecessary() {
auto IsRequire = [&](int tid) {
auto pp = ts.ToPP(tid);
for (int id : fireMap[tid]) {
if (firedCount_[id] == 1) {
return true;
return false;
NNMArr<int> notRequires;
for (int tid : tids_) {
if (!IsRequire(tid)) {
Shuffle(ALL(notRequires), rand_);
while (true) {
bool updated = false;
for (int tid : notRequires) {
if (tids_.IsContain(tid)) {
if (!IsRequire(tid)) {
updated = true;
if (!updated) {
void FillGreedy() {
const int lastShop = input_.shops_[orderdSis_.back()];
bool brokenLastShop = firedCount_[lastShop] > 0;
while (!breakableTids_.empty()) {
int bestTo = -1;
int bestBi = -1;
bool bestBreakLastShop = false;
double bestEval = -1e100;
for (int tid : breakableTids_) {
PutPoint pp = ts.ToPP(tid);
int i = pp.p_;
int bi = pp.bi_;
bool breakLastShop = false;
breakLastShop = input_.bombs_[bi].CanBomb(pp.p_, lastShop);
if (brokenLastShop && breakLastShop) {
int count = GetBreakCount(pp.p_, pp.bi_);
VASSERT(count > 0);
double eval = 0;
eval += count;
if (eval > bestEval) {
bestEval = eval;
bestTo = i;
bestBi = bi;
bestBreakLastShop = breakLastShop;
VASSERT(bestTo >= 0);
Put(bestTo, bestBi);
if (bestBreakLastShop) {
brokenLastShop = true;
void FillRandom() {
const int lastShop = input_.shops_[orderdSis_.back()];
bool brokenLastShop = firedCount_[lastShop] > 0;
while (!breakableTids_.empty()) {
int bestTo = -1;
int bestBi = -1;
bool bestBreakLastShop = false;
REP(loop, 1000) {
int ti = rand_(breakableTids_.size());
int tid = breakableTids_[ti];
PutPoint pp = ts.ToPP(tid);
bool breakLastShop = false;
breakLastShop = input_.bombs_[pp.bi_].CanBomb(pp.p_, lastShop);
if (brokenLastShop && breakLastShop) {
VASSERT(GetBreakCount(pp.p_, pp.bi_) > 0);
bestTo = pp.p_;
bestBi = pp.bi_;
bestBreakLastShop = breakLastShop;
Put(bestTo, bestBi);
if (bestBreakLastShop) {
brokenLastShop = true;
void LocalSearch2opt(const NNArr<NNArr<int>>& sortedTbl, NNArr<int>& route, NNArr<int>& order) {
cauto& shops = input_.shops_;
auto Cost = [&](int a, int b) {
return gs.CalcL1Dist(shops[a], shops[b]);
int totalCost = 0;
REP(i, route.size() - 1) {
totalCost += Cost(route[i], route[i + 1]);
auto Update = [&](int iA, int iC) {
int iB = iA + 1;
int iD = iC + 1;
int A = route[iA];
int B = route[iB];
int C = route[iC];
int D = route[iD];
if (B == C || A == D || B == D) {
return false;
if (Cost(A, B) + Cost(C, D) > Cost(A, C) + Cost(B, D)) {
int newDist = totalCost - (Cost(A, B) + Cost(C, D)) + (Cost(A, C) + Cost(B, D));
totalCost = newDist;
if (iB > iD) {
swap(iB, iD);
reverse(route.begin() + iB, route.begin() + iD);
FOR(i, iB, iD) {
order[route[i]] = i;
return true;
return false;
while (true) {
bool update = false;
REP(iA, shops.size() - 1) {
int iB = iA + 1;
for (u8 C : sortedTbl[route[iA]]) {
int iC = order[C];
if (iC == iB) {
if (iC == shops.size() - 1) {
if (Update(iA, iC)) {
update = true;
if (update) {
for (u8 D : sortedTbl[route[iB]]) {
int iD = order[D];
if (iD == iA) {
if (iD == shops.size() - 1) {
if (iD == 0) {
int iC = iD - 1;
if (Update(iA, iC)) {
update = true;
if (update) {
if (!update) {
void CalcShopOrder(NNArr<int>& orderdSis) {
cauto& shops = input_.shops_;
NNArr<bool> used;
used.assign(shops.size(), false);
int p = 0;
REP(loop, shops.size()) {
int bestD = INT_MAX;
int bestI = -1;
REP(i, shops.size()) {
if (used[i]) {
int s = shops[i];
int d = gs.CalcL1Dist(p, shops[i]);
if (d < bestD) {
bestD = d;
bestI = i;
VASSERT(bestI >= 0);
p = shops[bestI];
used[bestI] = true;
static NNArr<NNArr<int>> aroundSortedSis;
REP(siA, shops.size()) {
auto& sis = aroundSortedSis[siA];
REP(siB, shops.size()) {
if (siA == siB) {
sis.stable_sort([&](int a, int b) {
return gs.CalcL1Dist(shops[siA], shops[a]) < gs.CalcL1Dist(shops[siA], shops[b]);
NNArr<int> order;
REP(i, orderdSis.size()) {
order[orderdSis[i]] = i;
LocalSearch2opt(aroundSortedSis, orderdSis, order);
void MakePlan(PlanState& plan) {
struct MoveState {
int p_;
NNArr<char> grid_;
int shopCount_;
int buildingCount_;
int bombCount_;
MArr<int> bombCounts_;
s64 cost_;
void Init() {
p_ = 0;
grid_ = input_.grid_;
shopCount_ = input_.shops_.size();
buildingCount_ = input_.buildingCount_;
bombCount_ = 0;
bombCounts_.assign(M, 0);
cost_ = 0;
s64 Score() const {
if (shopCount_ > 0 || buildingCount_ > 0) {
return 1;
return max(10LL, 1000000000000LL / (10000LL + cost_));
bool IsEnd() const {
return shopCount_ == 0 && buildingCount_ == 0;
void Move(int p, IOResult& result) {
pint cur = gs.ToPos(p_);
pint to = gs.ToPos(p);
int dx = to.x - cur.x;
int dy = to.y - cur.y;
Dir dirX = dx > 0 ? Dir::R : Dir::L;
Dir dirY = dy > 0 ? Dir::D : Dir::U;
if (dx > 0) {
dx = 1;
else if (dx < 0) {
dx = -1;
if (dy > 0) {
dy = 1;
else if (dy < 0) {
dy = -1;
while (cur.x != to.x) {
cur.x += dx;
if (grid_[gs.ToId(cur)] == '.') {
cost_ += square(bombCount_ + 1);
} else {
cost_ += 2 * square(bombCount_ + 1);
while (cur.y != to.y) {
cur.y += dy;
if (grid_[gs.ToId(cur)] == '.') {
cost_ += square(bombCount_ + 1);
else {
cost_ += 2 * square(bombCount_ + 1);
p_ = p;
void Buy(int bi, IOResult& result) {
VASSERT(grid_[p_] == '@');
cost_ += input_.bombs_[bi].cost_;
void Fire(int bi, IOResult& result) {
VASSERT(bombCounts_[bi] > 0);
WarpFire(p_, bi);
void WarpFire(int p, int bi) {
for (int id : fireMap[ts.ToId(p, bi)]) {
char c = grid_[id];
if (c != '.') {
if (c == '@') {
else {
VASSERT(c == '#');
grid_[id] = '.';
void MakeMove(const PlanState& plan, IOResult& result, s64& cost) {
MoveState state;
int targetSii = 0;
cauto& shops = input_.shops_;
cauto& orderdSis = plan.orderdSis_;
auto planTids = plan.tids_;
while (targetSii < orderdSis.size()) {
const int targetSi = orderdSis[targetSii];
const int targetShop = shops[targetSi];
if (state.grid_[targetShop] == '.') {
NNArr<int> posToSi;
NNArr<int> posToSiDist;
NNArr<int> enableTids;
NNArr<int> finalTids;
posToSi.assign(NN, -1);
posToSiDist.assign(NN, INT_MAX);
for (int tid : planTids) {
PutPoint pp = ts.ToPP(tid);
if (posToSi[pp.p_] < 0) {
int bestD = INT_MAX;
int bestSi = -1;
FOR(sii, targetSii, orderdSis.size()) {
int si = orderdSis[sii];
int sp = shops[si];
if (state.grid_[sp] == '.') {
int d = gs.CalcL1Dist(pp.p_, sp);
if (d < bestD) {
bestD = d;
bestSi = si;
VASSERT(bestSi >= 0);
posToSi[pp.p_] = bestSi;
posToSiDist[pp.p_] = bestD;
if (posToSi[pp.p_] == targetSi) {
if (targetSii + 1 != orderdSis.size()) {
int lastShop = shops[orderdSis.back()];
if (input_.bombs_[pp.bi_].CanBomb(pp.p_, lastShop)) {
if (input_.bombs_[pp.bi_].CanBomb(pp.p_, targetShop)) {
else {
if (enableTids.size()) {
for (int tid : enableTids) {
auto pp = ts.ToPP(tid);
state.Move(targetShop, result);
state.Buy(pp.bi_, result);
state.Move(pp.p_, result);
state.Fire(pp.bi_, result);
VASSERT(targetSii + 1 != orderdSis.size() || finalTids.size() == 1);
finalTids.stable_sort([&](int a, int b) {
return posToSiDist[ts.ToPP(a).p_] > posToSiDist[ts.ToPP(b).p_];
for (int tid : finalTids) {
auto pp = ts.ToPP(tid);
state.Move(targetShop, result);
state.Buy(pp.bi_, result);
state.Move(pp.p_, result);
state.Fire(pp.bi_, result);
cost = state.cost_;
struct State {
PlanState plan_;
s64 rawScore_;
void Init() {
IOResult result;
s64 cost;
MakeMove(plan_, result, cost);
rawScore_ = cost;
s64 RawScore() const {
return -rawScore_;
double EvalScore() const {
return (double)-rawScore_;
static constexpr int StateSize = sizeof(State);
struct Solver {
State maxState_;
void CheckMaxScore(const State& state) {
if (state.RawScore() > maxState_.RawScore()) {
maxState_ = state;
void Run(ChronoTimer& timer) {
vector<State> states;
maxState_ = states[0];
SimulatedAnnealing sa;
sa.startTemp_ = 100;
sa.endTemp_ = 1;
sa.stepLoopCount = 10;
sa.rollbackStartRate_ = 0.1;
sa.rollbackCount_ = 10000;
sa.rollbackNextMulti_ = 1.1;
sa.minRollbackCount_ = 100;
auto transitions = make_tuple(
MAKE_TRANS(Transition_Update1, 10)
sa.Run2(timer, states, transitions);
s64 cost = 0;
IOResult result;
MakeMove(maxState_.plan_, result, cost);
void InitState(vector<State>& states) {
State& state = states[0];
FOR(i, 1, InitialStateCount) {
states[i] = states[0];
void Transition_Update1(SimulatedAnnealing& sa, SAChecker& checker, State& state) {
State backup = state;
int removeCount = min(1 + rand_(8), state.plan_.tids_.size());
REP(i, removeCount) {
int ti = rand_(state.plan_.tids_.size());
int tid = state.plan_.tids_[ti];
s64 cost = 0;
IOResult result;
MakeMove(state.plan_, result, cost);
double newEvalScore = (double) - cost;
if (checker(newEvalScore)) {
state.rawScore_ = cost;
else {
state = backup;
struct Main {
void Run(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
ChronoTimer timer;
static Solver solver;