
問題 No.2708 Jewel holder
ユーザー kemuniku
提出日時 2024-03-31 13:47:57
言語 Nim
実行時間 2 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 3,493 bytes
コンパイル時間 3,760 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 76,160 KB
実行使用メモリ 5,248 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-09-30 18:25:33
合計ジャッジ時間 4,012 ms
judge5 / judge1
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 3
other AC * 17


diff #

import macros;macro ImportExpand(s:untyped):untyped = parseStmt($s[2])
ImportExpand "cplib/tmpl/sheep.nim" <=== "when not declared CPLIB_TMPL_SHEEP:\n    const CPLIB_TMPL_SHEEP* = 1\n    {.warning[UnusedImport]: off.}\n    {.hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]: off.}\n    import algorithm\n    import sequtils\n    import tables\n    import macros\n    import math\n    import sets\n    import strutils\n    import strformat\n    import sugar\n    import heapqueue\n    import streams\n    import deques\n    import bitops\n    import std/lenientops\n    import options\n    #入力系\n    proc scanf(formatstr: cstring){.header: \"<stdio.h>\", varargs.}\n    proc getchar(): char {.importc: \"getchar_unlocked\", header: \"<stdio.h>\", discardable.}\n    proc ii(): int {.inline.} = scanf(\"%lld\\n\", addr result)\n    proc lii(N: int): seq[int] {.inline.} = newSeqWith(N, ii())\n    proc si(): string {.inline.} =\n        result = \"\"\n        var c: char\n        while true:\n            c = getchar()\n            if c == ' ' or c == '\\n':\n                break\n            result &= c\n    #chmin,chmax\n    template `max=`(x, y) = x = max(x, y)\n    template `min=`(x, y) = x = min(x, y)\n    #bit演算\n    proc `%`(x: int, y: int): int = (((x mod y)+y) mod y)\n    proc `//`(x: int, y: int): int = (((x) - (x%y)) div (y))\n    proc `%=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x%y\n    proc `//=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x//y\n    proc `**`(x: int, y: int): int = x^y\n    proc `**=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x^y\n    proc `^`(x: int, y: int): int = x xor y\n    proc `|`(x: int, y: int): int = x or y\n    proc `&`(x: int, y: int): int = x and y\n    proc `>>`(x: int, y: int): int = x shr y\n    proc `<<`(x: int, y: int): int = x shl y\n    proc `~`(x: int): int = not x\n    proc `^=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x ^ y\n    proc `&=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x & y\n    proc `|=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x | y\n    proc `>>=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x >> y\n    proc `<<=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x << y\n    proc `[]`(x: int, n: int): bool = (x and (1 shl n)) != 0\n    #便利な変換\n    proc `!`(x: char, a = '0'): int = int(x)-int(a)\n    #定数\n    const INF = int(3300300300300300491)\n    #converter\n\n    #range\n    iterator range(start: int, ends: int, step: int): int =\n        var i = start\n        if step < 0:\n            while i > ends:\n                yield i\n                i += step\n        elif step > 0:\n            while i < ends:\n                yield i\n                i += step\n    iterator range(ends: int): int = (for i in 0..<ends: yield i)\n    iterator range(start: int, ends: int): int = (for i in\n            start..<ends: yield i)\n"
var H,W = ii()
var A = newseqwith(H,si())
var DP = newSeqWith(H,newSeqWith(W,newSeqWith(H+W+1,0)))
DP[0][0][1] = 1
for i in range(H):
    for j in range(W):
        for k in range(H+W+1):
            if i+1 in 0..<H:
                if A[i+1][j] == 'o' and k+1 in 0..<(H+W+1):
                    DP[i+1][j][k+1] += DP[i][j][k]
                elif A[i+1][j] == 'x' and k-1 in 0..<(H+W+1):
                    DP[i+1][j][k-1] += DP[i][j][k]
            if j+1 in 0..<W:
                if A[i][j+1] == 'o' and k+1 in 0..<(H+W+1):
                    DP[i][j+1][k+1] += DP[i][j][k]
                elif A[i][j+1] == 'x' and k-1 in 0..<(H+W+1):
                    DP[i][j+1][k-1] += DP[i][j][k]

echo DP[^1][^1].sum()