問題 | No.2827 Enter User Name to Play |
ユーザー |
👑 |
提出日時 | 2024-06-19 22:33:03 |
言語 | C++17(gcc12) (gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 2 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 14,631 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 3,284 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 228,520 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 6,948 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-08-02 20:50:13 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 3,907 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge2 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 3 |
other | AC * 22 |
// 入力フォーマットチェック #ifndef INCLUDE_MODE #define INCLUDE_MODE // #define REACTIVE #define USE_GETLINE #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_MAIN inline void Solve() { CEXPR( int , bound_N , 16 ); GETLINE_COUNT( N_str , 1 , ' ' ); STOI( N_str , N , bound_N ); GETLINE( S ); assert( int( S.size() ) == N ); FOR( i , 0 , N ){ ASSERT( S[i] , 'a' , 'z' ); } vector<bool> found( N + 1 ); GETLINE_COUNT( P_str , N , ' ' ); REPEAT( N ){ STOI( P_str , Pi , N ); assert( !found[Pi] ); found[Pi] = true; cout << S[--Pi]; } } REPEAT_MAIN(1); #else // INCLUDE_MAIN #ifdef INCLUDE_LIBRARY // https://github.com/p-adic/cpp // VVV ライブラリは以下に挿入する。 // 圧縮用 #define TE template #define TY typename #define US using #define ST static #define AS assert #define IN inline #define CL class #define PU public #define OP operator #define CE constexpr #define CO const #define NE noexcept #define RE return #define WH while #define VO void #define VE vector #define LI list #define BE begin #define EN end #define SZ size #define LE length #define PW Power #define MO move #define TH this #define CRI CO int& #define CRUI CO uint& #define CRL CO ll& #define VI virtual #define IS basic_istream<char,Traits> #define OS basic_ostream<char,Traits> #define ST_AS static_assert #define reMO_CO remove_const #define is_COructible_v is_constructible_v #define rBE rbegin #define reSZ resize // AAA ライブラリは以上に挿入する。 #define INCLUDE_MAIN #include __FILE__ #else // INCLUDE_LIBRARY #ifdef DEBUG #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG #define DEXPR( LL , BOUND , VALUE1 , VALUE2 ) CEXPR( LL , BOUND , VALUE2 ) #define SIGNAL signal( SIGABRT , &AlertAbort ); #define ASSERT( A , MIN , MAX ) CERR( "ASSERTチェック: " , ( MIN ) , ( ( MIN ) <= A ? "<=" : ">" ) , A , ( A <= ( MAX ) ? "<=" : ">" ) , ( MAX ) ); assert( ( MIN ) <= A && A <= ( MAX ) ) #define CERR( ... ) VariadicCout( cerr , __VA_ARGS__ ) << endl #define COUT( ... ) VariadicCout( cout << "出力: " , __VA_ARGS__ ) << endl #define CERR_A( A , N ) OUTPUT_ARRAY( cerr , A , N ) << endl #define COUT_A( A , N ) cout << "出力: "; OUTPUT_ARRAY( cout , A , N ) << endl #define CERR_ITR( A ) OUTPUT_ITR( cerr , A ) << endl #define COUT_ITR( A ) cout << "出力: "; OUTPUT_ITR( cout , A ) << endl #else #pragma GCC optimize ( "O3" ) #pragma GCC optimize ( "unroll-loops" ) #pragma GCC target ( "sse4.2,fma,avx2,popcnt,lzcnt,bmi2" ) #define SIGNAL #define DEXPR( LL , BOUND , VALUE1 , VALUE2 ) CEXPR( LL , BOUND , VALUE1 ) #define ASSERT( A , MIN , MAX ) assert( ( MIN ) <= A && A <= ( MAX ) ) #define CERR( ... ) #define COUT( ... ) VariadicCout( cout , __VA_ARGS__ ) << ENDL #define CERR_A( N , A ) #define COUT_A( N , A ) OUTPUT_ARRAY( cout , N , A ) << ENDL #define CERR_ITR( A ) #define COUT_ITR( A ) OUTPUT_ITR( cout , A ) << ENDL #endif #ifdef REACTIVE #define ENDL endl #else #define ENDL "\n" #endif #ifdef USE_GETLINE #define SET_LL( A ) { GETLINE( A ## _str ); A = stoll( A ## _str ); } #define GETLINE_SEPARATE( SEPARATOR , ... ) string __VA_ARGS__; VariadicGetline( cin , SEPARATOR , __VA_ARGS__ ) #define GETLINE( ... ) GETLINE_SEPARATE( '\n' , __VA_ARGS__ ) #else #define SET_LL( A ) cin >> A #define CIN( LL , ... ) LL __VA_ARGS__; VariadicCin( cin , __VA_ARGS__ ) #define SET_A( I , N , ... ) VariadicResize( N + I , __VA_ARGS__ ); FOR( VARIABLE_FOR_SET_A , 0 , N ){ VariadicSet( cin , VARIABLE_FOR_SET_A + I , __VA_ARGS__ ); } #define CIN_A( LL , I , N , ... ) VE<LL> __VA_ARGS__; SET_A( I , N , __VA_ARGS__ ); #define CIN_AA( LL , I0 , N0 , I1 , N1 , VAR ) VE<VE<LL>> VAR( N0 + I0 ); FOR( VARIABLE_FOR_CIN_AA , 0 , N0 ){ SET_A( I1 , N1 , VAR[VARIABLE_FOR_CIN_AA + I0] ); } #endif #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define REPEAT_MAIN( BOUND ) int main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio( false ); cin.tie( nullptr ); SIGNAL; CEXPR( int , bound_test_case_num , BOUND ); int test_case_num = 1; if constexpr( bound_test_case_num > 1 ){ CERR( "テストケースの個数を入力してください。" ); SET_ASSERT( test_case_num , 1 , bound_test_case_num ); } REPEAT( test_case_num ){ if constexpr( bound_test_case_num > 1 ){ CERR( "testcase " , VARIABLE_FOR_REPEAT_test_case_num , ":" ); } Solve(); CERR( "" ); } CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT; } #define START_WATCH chrono::system_clock::time_point watch = chrono::system_clock::now() #define CURRENT_TIME static_cast<double>( chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>( chrono::system_clock::now() - watch ).count() / 1000.0 ) #define CHECK_WATCH( TL_MS ) ( CURRENT_TIME < TL_MS - 100.0 ) #define CEXPR( LL , BOUND , VALUE ) constexpr LL BOUND = VALUE #define SET_ASSERT( A , MIN , MAX ) SET_LL( A ); ASSERT( A , MIN , MAX ) #define SET_A_ASSERT( I , N , A , MIN , MAX ) FOR( VARIABLE_FOR_SET_A , 0 , N ){ SET_ASSERT( A[VARIABLE_FOR_SET_A + I] , MIN , MAX ); } #define SET_AA_ASSERT( I0 , N0 , I1 , N1 , A , MIN , MAX ) FOR( VARIABLE_FOR_SET_AA0 , 0 , N0 ){ FOR( VARIABLE_FOR_SET_AA1 , 0 , N1 ){ SET_ASSERT( A[VARIABLE_FOR_SET_AA0 + I0][VARIABLE_FOR_SET_AA1 + I1] , MIN , MAX ); } } #define CIN_ASSERT( A , MIN , MAX ) decldecay_t( MAX ) A; SET_ASSERT( A , MIN , MAX ) #define CIN_A_ASSERT( I , N , A , MIN , MAX ) vector<decldecay_t( MAX )> A( N + I ); SET_A_ASSERT( I , N , A , MIN , MAX ) #define CIN_AA_ASSERT( I0 , N0 , I1 , N1 , A , MIN , MAX ) vector A( N0 + I0 , vector<decldecay_t( MAX )>( N1 + I1 ) ); SET_AA_ASSERT( I0 , N0 , I1 , N1 , A , MIN , MAX ) #define FOR( VAR , INITIAL , FINAL_PLUS_ONE ) for( decldecay_t( FINAL_PLUS_ONE ) VAR = INITIAL ; VAR < FINAL_PLUS_ONE ; VAR ++ ) #define FOREQ( VAR , INITIAL , FINAL ) for( decldecay_t( FINAL ) VAR = INITIAL ; VAR <= FINAL ; VAR ++ ) #define FOREQINV( VAR , INITIAL , FINAL ) for( decldecay_t( INITIAL ) VAR = INITIAL ; VAR + 1 > FINAL ; VAR -- ) #define ITR( ARRAY ) auto begin_ ## ARRAY = ARRAY .BE() , itr_ ## ARRAY = begin_ ## ARRAY , end_ ## ARRAY = ARRAY .EN() #define FOR_ITR( ARRAY ) for( ITR( ARRAY ) , itr = itr_ ## ARRAY ; itr_ ## ARRAY != end_ ## ARRAY ; itr_ ## ARRAY ++ , itr++ ) #define RUN( ARRAY , ... ) for( auto&& __VA_ARGS__ : ARRAY ) #define REPEAT( HOW_MANY_TIMES ) FOR( VARIABLE_FOR_REPEAT_ ## HOW_MANY_TIMES , 0 , HOW_MANY_TIMES ) #define SET_PRECISION( DECIMAL_DIGITS ) cout << fixed << setprecision( DECIMAL_DIGITS ) #define RETURN( ... ) COUT( __VA_ARGS__ ); return // 型のエイリアス #define decldecay_t( VAR ) decay_t<decltype( VAR )> template <typename F , typename...Args> using ret_t = decltype( declval<F>()( declval<Args>()... ) ); template <typename T> using inner_t = typename T::type; using uint = unsigned int; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using ld = long double; using lld = __float128; template <typename INT> using T2 = pair<INT,INT>; template <typename INT> using T3 = tuple<INT,INT,INT>; template <typename INT> using T4 = tuple<INT,INT,INT,INT>; using path = pair<int,ll>; // 入出力用 template <class Traits , typename T , typename U , template <typename...> typename V> inline auto operator>>( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is , V<T,U>& arg ) -> decltype((get<0>(arg),is))& { return is >> get<0>( arg ) >> get<1>( arg ); } template <class Traits , typename T , typename U , typename V> inline basic_istream<char,Traits>& operator>>( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is , tuple<T,U,V>& arg ) { return is >> get<0>( arg ) >> get<1>( arg ) >> get<2>( arg ); } template <class Traits , typename T , typename U , typename V , typename W> inline basic_istream<char,Traits>& operator>>( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is , tuple<T,U,V,W>& arg ) { return is >> get<0>( arg ) >> get<1>( arg ) >> get<2>( arg ) >> get<3>( arg ); } template <class Traits , typename T , typename U , template <typename...> typename V> inline auto operator<<( basic_ostream<char,Traits>& os , const V<T,U>& arg ) -> decltype((get<0>(arg),os))& { return os << get<0>( arg ) << " " << get<1>( arg ); } template <class Traits , typename T , typename U , typename V> inline basic_ostream<char,Traits>& operator<<( basic_ostream<char,Traits>& os , const tuple<T,U,V>& arg ) { return os << get<0>( arg ) << " " << get<1>( arg ) << " " << get<2>( arg ); } template <class Traits , typename T , typename U , typename V , typename W> inline basic_ostream<char,Traits>& operator<<( basic_ostream<char,Traits>& os , const tuple<T,U,V,W>& arg ) { return os << get<0>( arg ) << " " << get<1>( arg ) << " " << get<2>( arg ) << " " << get<3>( arg ); } #define DEFINITION_OF_COUT_FOR_VECTOR( V ) template <class Traits , typename Arg> inline basic_ostream<char,Traits>& operator<<( basic_ostream<char,Traits>& os , const V<Arg>& arg ) { auto begin = arg.begin() , end = arg.end(); auto itr = begin; while( itr != end ){ ( itr == begin ? os : os << " " ) << *itr; itr++; } return os; } DEFINITION_OF_COUT_FOR_VECTOR( vector ); DEFINITION_OF_COUT_FOR_VECTOR( list ); DEFINITION_OF_COUT_FOR_VECTOR( set ); DEFINITION_OF_COUT_FOR_VECTOR( unordered_set ); inline void VariadicResize( const int& size ) {} template <typename Arg , typename... ARGS> inline void VariadicResize( const int& size , Arg& arg , ARGS&... args ) { arg.resize( size ); VariadicResize( size , args... ); } template <class Traits> inline basic_istream<char,Traits>& VariadicCin( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is ) { return is; } template <class Traits , typename Arg , typename... ARGS> inline basic_istream<char,Traits>& VariadicCin( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is , Arg& arg , ARGS&... args ) { return VariadicCin( is >> arg , args... ); } template <class Traits> inline basic_istream<char,Traits>& VariadicSet( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is , const int& i ) { return is; } template <class Traits , typename Arg , typename... ARGS> inline basic_istream<char,Traits>& VariadicSet( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is , const int& i , Arg& arg , ARGS&... args ) { return VariadicSet( is >> arg[i] , i , args... ); } template <class Traits> inline basic_istream<char,Traits>& VariadicGetline( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is , const char& separator ) { return is; } template <class Traits , typename Arg , typename... ARGS> inline basic_istream<char,Traits>& VariadicGetline( basic_istream<char,Traits>& is , const char& separator , Arg& arg , ARGS&... args ) { return VariadicGetline( getline( is , arg , separator ) , separator , args... ); } template <class Traits , typename Arg> inline basic_ostream<char,Traits>& VariadicCout( basic_ostream<char,Traits>& os , const Arg& arg ) { return os << arg; } template <class Traits , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename... ARGS> inline basic_ostream<char,Traits>& VariadicCout( basic_ostream<char,Traits>& os , const Arg1& arg1 , const Arg2& arg2 , const ARGS&... args ) { return VariadicCout( os << arg1 << " " , arg2 , args... ); } // デバッグ用 #ifdef DEBUG inline void AlertAbort( int n ) { CERR( "abort関数が呼ばれました。assertマクロのメッセージが出力されていない場合はオーバーフローの有無を確認をしてください。" ); } #endif // 入力フォーマットチェック用 // 1行中の変数の個数をSEPARATOR区切りで確認 #define GETLINE_COUNT( S , VARIABLE_NUMBER , SEPARATOR ) GETLINE( S ); int VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S = 0; int VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S = S.size(); { int size = S.size(); int count = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ){ if( S[i] == SEPARATOR ){ count++; } } assert( count + 1 == VARIABLE_NUMBER ); } // 余計な入力の有無を確認 #ifdef DEBUG #define CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT #else #ifdef USE_GETLINE #define CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT string VARIABLE_FOR_CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT = ""; getline( cin , VARIABLE_FOR_CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT ); assert( VARIABLE_FOR_CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT == "" ); assert( ! cin ) #else #define CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT string VARIABLE_FOR_CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT = ""; cin >> VARIABLE_FOR_CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT; assert( VARIABLE_FOR_CHECK_REDUNDANT_INPUT == "" ); assert( ! cin ) #endif #endif // |N| <= BOUNDを満たすNをSから構築 #define STOI( S , N , BOUND ) decldecay_t( BOUND ) N = 0; { bool VARIABLE_FOR_POSITIVITY_FOR_GETLINE = true; assert( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S < VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ); if( S.substr( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S , 1 ) == "-" ){ VARIABLE_FOR_POSITIVITY_FOR_GETLINE = false; VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ++; assert( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S < VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ); } assert( S.substr( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S , 1 ) != " " ); string VARIABLE_FOR_LETTER_FOR_GETLINE{}; int VARIABLE_FOR_DIGIT_FOR_GETLINE{}; while( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S < VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ? ( VARIABLE_FOR_LETTER_FOR_GETLINE = S.substr( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S , 1 ) ) != " " : false ){ VARIABLE_FOR_DIGIT_FOR_GETLINE = stoi( VARIABLE_FOR_LETTER_FOR_GETLINE ); assert( N < BOUND / 10 ? true : N == BOUND / 10 && VARIABLE_FOR_DIGIT_FOR_GETLINE <= BOUND % 10 ); N = N * 10 + VARIABLE_FOR_DIGIT_FOR_GETLINE; VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ++; } if( ! VARIABLE_FOR_POSITIVITY_FOR_GETLINE ){ N *= -1; } if( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S < VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ){ VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ++; } } #define STOI_A( S , I , N , A , BOUND ) vector<decldecay_t( BOUND )> A( N + I ); FOR( VARIABLE_FOR_STOI_A , 0 , N ){ STOI( S , A ##_VARIABLE_FOR_STOI_A , BOUND ); A[VARIABLE_FOR_STOI_A + I] = A ##_VARIABLE_FOR_STOI_A; } // SをSEPARATORで区切りTを構築 #define SEPARATE( S , T , SEPARATOR ) string T{}; { assert( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S < VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ); int VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S_prev = VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S; assert( S.substr( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S , 1 ) != SEPARATOR ); string VARIABLE_FOR_LETTER_FOR_GETLINE{}; while( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S < VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ? ( VARIABLE_FOR_LETTER_FOR_GETLINE = S.substr( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S , 1 ) ) != SEPARATOR : false ){ VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ++; } T = S.substr( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S_prev , VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S - VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S_prev ); if( VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S < VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ){ VARIABLE_FOR_INDEX_FOR_GETLINE_FOR_ ## S ++; } } #define INCLUDE_LIBRARY #include __FILE__ #endif // INCLUDE_LIBRARY #endif // INCLUDE_MAIN