
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
177782 2017-06-05 00:07:25 ciel No.523 LED Ruby AC 1336 ms 59 bytes
177781 2017-06-05 00:06:57 ciel No.523 LED Ruby WA - 60 bytes
177780 2017-06-05 00:06:47 ciel No.523 LED Ruby RE - 62 bytes
177778 2017-06-05 00:05:19 ciel No.523 LED Ruby AC 1583 ms 62 bytes
177547 2017-06-03 16:58:45 ciel No.523 LED Ruby TLE - 58 bytes
177540 2017-06-03 16:50:18 ciel No.523 LED Ruby WA - 58 bytes
177539 2017-06-03 16:49:45 ciel No.523 LED Ruby WA - 56 bytes
177513 2017-06-03 16:16:42 ciel No.522 Make Test Cases(テストケースを作る) Ruby AC 1720 ms 82 bytes
177512 2017-06-03 16:10:40 ciel No.522 Make Test Cases(テストケースを作る) Ruby WA - 74 bytes
177428 2017-06-03 12:13:00 ciel No.521 Cheeses and a Mousetrap(チーズとネズミ捕り) Ruby AC 90 ms 73 bytes
177426 2017-06-03 12:10:24 ciel No.521 Cheeses and a Mousetrap(チーズとネズミ捕り) Ruby WA - 73 bytes
177425 2017-06-03 12:09:51 ciel No.521 Cheeses and a Mousetrap(チーズとネズミ捕り) Ruby WA - 73 bytes
177396 2017-06-03 10:37:13 ciel No.521 Cheeses and a Mousetrap(チーズとネズミ捕り) Ruby WA - 74 bytes
177395 2017-06-03 10:36:53 ciel No.521 Cheeses and a Mousetrap(チーズとネズミ捕り) Ruby WA - 70 bytes
177394 2017-06-03 10:36:34 ciel No.521 Cheeses and a Mousetrap(チーズとネズミ捕り) Ruby RE - 71 bytes
177393 2017-06-03 10:29:04 ciel No.521 Cheeses and a Mousetrap(チーズとネズミ捕り) Ruby WA - 70 bytes
177301 2017-06-03 00:51:46 ciel No.524 コインゲーム Bash AC 3 ms 23 bytes