
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
276366 2018-08-03 15:48:48 tails No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Bash AC 1 ms 35 bytes
276362 2018-08-03 15:33:50 tails No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Bash AC 2 ms 37 bytes
265739 2018-06-15 19:00:20 tails No.694 square1001 and Permutation 3 cLay AC 98 ms 177 bytes
263768 2018-06-08 23:42:26 tails No.693 square1001 and Permutation 2 Perl AC 8 ms 44 bytes
263542 2018-06-08 22:24:44 tails No.693 square1001 and Permutation 2 Perl AC 8 ms 69 bytes
263506 2018-06-08 22:21:46 tails No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Perl AC 4 ms 25 bytes