
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
634503 2021-03-26 22:02:09 auaua No.1438 Broken Drawers C++14 AC 57 ms 856 bytes
634502 2021-03-26 22:02:04 brthyyjp No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 RE
- 1,058 bytes
634501 2021-03-26 22:01:57 KKT89 No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 RE - 1,446 bytes
634500 2021-03-26 22:01:52 milanis48663220 No.1441 MErGe C++17 WA - 2,277 bytes
634499 2021-03-26 22:01:40 Franny-Stein No.1438 Broken Drawers C++14 WA - 622 bytes
634498 2021-03-26 22:01:31 hirono999 No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17(gcc12) AC 22 ms 3,887 bytes
634497 2021-03-26 22:01:29 SSRS No.1443 Andd C++14 AC 224 ms 840 bytes
634496 2021-03-26 22:01:22 gorugo30 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 TLE
- 1,231 bytes
634495 2021-03-26 22:01:22 watarimaycry2 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! Java AC 1380 ms 5,812 bytes
634494 2021-03-26 22:01:09 hirono999 No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17 CE - 554 bytes
634493 2021-03-26 22:01:00 burita083 No.1438 Broken Drawers Python3 WA - 344 bytes
634492 2021-03-26 22:00:54 hamamu No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! C++17 AC 62 ms 36,770 bytes
634491 2021-03-26 22:00:53 hitonanode No.1444 !Andd C++17 AC 117 ms 4,986 bytes
634490 2021-03-26 22:00:49 gorugo30 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 TLE - 1,219 bytes
634489 2021-03-26 22:00:46 uwi No.1443 Andd Java WA - 11,912 bytes
634488 2021-03-26 22:00:21 Franny-Stein No.1438 Broken Drawers C++14 CE - 619 bytes
634487 2021-03-26 22:00:16 SSRS No.1443 Andd C++14 TLE - 734 bytes
634486 2021-03-26 22:00:11 KoD No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17 AC 20 ms 1,388 bytes
634485 2021-03-26 22:00:02 heno239 No.1442 I-wate Shortest Path Problem C++17(gcc12) AC 2060 ms 6,598 bytes
634484 2021-03-26 22:00:00 gorugo30 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 WA - 1,220 bytes
634483 2021-03-26 21:59:56 jell No.1444 !Andd C++17 AC 131 ms 54,033 bytes
634482 2021-03-26 21:59:49 burita083 No.1438 Broken Drawers Python3 WA - 335 bytes
634481 2021-03-26 21:59:48 momohara No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 WA - 2,475 bytes
634480 2021-03-26 21:59:45 mugen_1337 No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 WA - 2,718 bytes
634479 2021-03-26 21:59:40 tamato No.1441 MErGe PyPy3 AC 422 ms 1,400 bytes
634478 2021-03-26 21:59:35 LayCurse No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17 AC 44 ms 3,205 bytes
634477 2021-03-26 21:59:28 👑 Nachia No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17 AC 57 ms 406 bytes
634476 2021-03-26 21:59:18 zer0-star No.1441 MErGe Nim CE
- 13,828 bytes
634475 2021-03-26 21:59:13 NyaanNyaan No.1441 MErGe C++17(gcc12) TLE
- 16,421 bytes
634474 2021-03-26 21:59:09 hitonanode No.1444 !Andd C++17 WA - 4,987 bytes
634473 2021-03-26 21:59:06 googol_S0 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 AC 1049 ms 1,287 bytes
634472 2021-03-26 21:59:00 momohara No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 WA - 2,475 bytes
634471 2021-03-26 21:58:55 mugen_1337 No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 WA - 2,813 bytes
634470 2021-03-26 21:58:44 👑 tute7627 No.1443 Andd C++17 WA - 5,196 bytes
634469 2021-03-26 21:58:36 SSRS No.1443 Andd C++14 WA - 756 bytes
634467 2021-03-26 21:58:32 gorugo30 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 WA - 1,221 bytes
634466 2021-03-26 21:58:28 keijak No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17(gcc12) CE
- 3,001 bytes
634465 2021-03-26 21:58:23 mugen_1337 No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 RE - 2,787 bytes
634464 2021-03-26 21:58:18 ygd. No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 AC 1315 ms 2,215 bytes
634463 2021-03-26 21:57:55 ygd. No.1440 The Quiz Competition PyPy3 RE - 2,215 bytes
634462 2021-03-26 21:57:42 kotatsugame No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++14 WA - 871 bytes
634461 2021-03-26 21:57:37 brthyyjp No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 WA - 1,257 bytes
634460 2021-03-26 21:57:24 aaaaaaaaaa2230 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 TLE - 256 bytes
634458 2021-03-26 21:57:02 snow39 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! C++17 AC 165 ms 1,128 bytes
634457 2021-03-26 21:57:01 ktr216 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! C++14 TLE
- 860 bytes
634456 2021-03-26 21:56:54 zer0 No.1438 Broken Drawers Python3 AC 347 ms 283 bytes
634455 2021-03-26 21:56:39 mugen_1337 No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 WA - 2,781 bytes
634454 2021-03-26 21:56:14 wolgnik No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 AC 334 ms 573 bytes
634453 2021-03-26 21:55:58 LayCurse No.1444 !Andd C++17 AC 105 ms 3,373 bytes
634452 2021-03-26 21:55:54 Konton7 No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17 AC 112 ms 18,508 bytes