
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
635078 2021-03-27 09:58:12 da_ab No.1441 MErGe Python3 TLE - 358 bytes
635076 2021-03-27 09:26:27 da_ab No.1441 MErGe Python3 TLE - 307 bytes
635075 2021-03-27 09:25:44 yuruhiya No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17 AC 27 ms 33,298 bytes
635074 2021-03-27 09:14:40 nasubi24 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 AC 990 ms 1,754 bytes
635073 2021-03-27 09:13:14 bluemegane No.1438 Broken Drawers C#(csc) AC 223 ms 776 bytes
635072 2021-03-27 09:13:13 nasubi24 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! PyPy3 AC 1544 ms 1,710 bytes
635057 2021-03-27 07:54:41 da_ab No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! Python3 TLE - 1,324 bytes
635056 2021-03-27 07:53:50 bluemegane No.1438 Broken Drawers C#(csc) AC 215 ms 841 bytes
635055 2021-03-27 07:42:40 bluemegane No.1438 Broken Drawers C#(csc) AC 219 ms 882 bytes
635054 2021-03-27 07:13:58 da_ab No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! Python3 TLE - 1,136 bytes
635053 2021-03-27 04:34:21 da_ab No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! Python3 TLE - 1,138 bytes
635052 2021-03-27 04:01:27 どらら No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! C++14 AC 539 ms 1,177 bytes
635051 2021-03-27 03:54:15 どらら No.1438 Broken Drawers C++14 AC 193 ms 748 bytes
635050 2021-03-27 03:47:43 keijak No.1443 Andd C++17(gcc12) CE
- 3,280 bytes
635048 2021-03-27 03:21:13 Kude No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 AC 3 ms 2,273 bytes
635046 2021-03-27 03:14:55 Kude No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++17 WA - 2,264 bytes
635045 2021-03-27 03:12:00 keijak No.1443 Andd C++17(gcc12) CE - 3,465 bytes
635044 2021-03-27 03:08:41 tanimani364 No.1441 MErGe C++17 AC 330 ms 3,051 bytes
635042 2021-03-27 02:58:30 burita083 No.1438 Broken Drawers Python3 WA - 344 bytes
635041 2021-03-27 02:54:23 tanimani364 No.1441 MErGe C++17 TLE - 2,915 bytes
635040 2021-03-27 02:51:53 mugen_1337 No.1442 I-wate Shortest Path Problem C++17 AC 1038 ms 7,068 bytes
635038 2021-03-27 02:49:49 mugen_1337 No.1442 I-wate Shortest Path Problem C++17 WA - 7,027 bytes
635037 2021-03-27 02:49:26 mugen_1337 No.1442 I-wate Shortest Path Problem C++17 WA - 7,078 bytes
635036 2021-03-27 02:43:22 keijak No.1443 Andd C++17(gcc12) CE - 3,203 bytes
635035 2021-03-27 02:36:59 mugen_1337 No.1442 I-wate Shortest Path Problem C++17 WA - 6,797 bytes
635034 2021-03-27 02:32:46 suisen No.1441 MErGe Java RE
- 38,986 bytes
635033 2021-03-27 02:28:58 mugen_1337 No.1442 I-wate Shortest Path Problem C++17 WA - 6,566 bytes
635032 2021-03-27 02:24:34 tanimani364 No.1441 MErGe C++17 WA - 2,913 bytes
635031 2021-03-27 02:22:51 keijak No.1443 Andd C++17(gcc12) CE - 3,260 bytes
635030 2021-03-27 02:12:51 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 AC 442 ms 2,044 bytes
635029 2021-03-27 02:11:55 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 AC 830 ms 1,872 bytes
635028 2021-03-27 02:09:13 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 AC 441 ms 2,278 bytes
635027 2021-03-27 02:07:55 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 RE - 2,364 bytes
635026 2021-03-27 02:04:55 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 RE - 2,403 bytes
635025 2021-03-27 02:02:58 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 WA - 2,475 bytes
635023 2021-03-27 02:00:57 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 WA - 1,885 bytes
635022 2021-03-27 01:59:43 lasjg72 No.1439 Let's Compare!!!! C++14 AC 435 ms 1,129 bytes
635021 2021-03-27 01:59:19 pNuts No.1438 Broken Drawers C++17 AC 40 ms 1,476 bytes
635020 2021-03-27 01:58:47 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 AC 476 ms 3,083 bytes
635019 2021-03-27 01:58:19 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++17 WA - 1,904 bytes
635018 2021-03-27 01:56:26 kotatsugame No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++14 AC 3 ms 1,004 bytes
635016 2021-03-27 01:55:00 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 WA - 1,904 bytes
635015 2021-03-27 01:54:19 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 WA - 1,882 bytes
635014 2021-03-27 01:51:42 kotatsugame No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++14 WA - 1,043 bytes
635013 2021-03-27 01:49:54 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 WA - 1,825 bytes
635012 2021-03-27 01:48:44 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 WA - 1,819 bytes
635011 2021-03-27 01:48:00 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 WA - 1,831 bytes
635010 2021-03-27 01:46:20 tran0826 No.1442 I-wate Shortest Path Problem C++17 AC 451 ms 10,393 bytes
635009 2021-03-27 01:46:03 kotatsugame No.1440 The Quiz Competition C++14 WA - 894 bytes
635008 2021-03-27 01:44:38 kwm_t No.1441 MErGe C++14 WA - 1,823 bytes