
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
690775 2021-08-19 08:50:00 👑 platinumplatinum No.1734 Decreasing Elements C++17 TLE - 806 bytes
690774 2021-08-19 08:48:22 👑 platinumplatinum No.1734 Decreasing Elements C++17 WA - 784 bytes
690696 2021-08-18 16:30:56 👑 platinumplatinum No.1734 Decreasing Elements C++17 AC 286 ms 917 bytes
690543 2021-08-17 19:09:17 るさるさ No.1730 GCD on Blackboard in yukicoder PyPy3 AC 643 ms 159 bytes
690539 2021-08-17 17:17:44 るさるさ No.1730 GCD on Blackboard in yukicoder PyPy3 AC 650 ms 318 bytes
690537 2021-08-17 17:16:14 とりゐとりゐ No.1730 GCD on Blackboard in yukicoder PyPy3 AC 339 ms 250 bytes
690508 2021-08-17 14:30:13 👑 platinumplatinum No.1734 Decreasing Elements C++17 AC 308 ms 836 bytes
690506 2021-08-17 14:19:30 👑 platinumplatinum No.1734 Decreasing Elements C++17 TLE
- 477 bytes
690505 2021-08-17 14:18:17 👑 platinumplatinum No.1734 Decreasing Elements C++17 WA
- 836 bytes
683797 2021-07-29 20:53:16 tko919tko919 No.1731 Product of Subsequence C++17 AC 558 ms 2,902 bytes
683796 2021-07-29 20:51:11 tko919tko919 No.1731 Product of Subsequence C++17 WA - 2,867 bytes
683713 2021-07-29 03:10:50 とりゐとりゐ No.1731 Product of Subsequence PyPy3 AC 936 ms 294 bytes
677331 2021-07-10 23:13:03 とりゐとりゐ No.1731 Product of Subsequence PyPy3 WA
- 218 bytes