
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
714206 2021-11-08 23:12:40 ttttan2 No.1734 Decreasing Elements C++17 AC 391 ms 57,392 bytes
713903 2021-11-06 23:40:15 ttttan2 No.1733 Sum of Sorted Subarrays C++17 AC 496 ms 57,479 bytes
713887 2021-11-06 22:20:45 ttttan2 No.1731 Product of Subsequence C++17 AC 775 ms 56,899 bytes
713886 2021-11-06 22:19:52 ttttan2 No.1731 Product of Subsequence C++17 WA - 56,883 bytes
713885 2021-11-06 22:15:01 ttttan2 No.1730 GCD on Blackboard in yukicoder C++17 AC 134 ms 56,968 bytes
713880 2021-11-06 22:03:18 ttttan2 No.1729 ~サンプルはちゃんと見て!~ 16進数と8進数(1) C++17 AC 22 ms 57,062 bytes