
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
883973 2023-06-23 22:00:29 HIcoderHIcoder No.2357 Guess the Function C++14 WA - 1,117 bytes
883972 2023-06-23 22:00:25 👑 MizarMizar No.2357 Guess the Function Rust WA - 38,604 bytes
883971 2023-06-23 22:00:12 Jeroen Op de BeekJeroen Op de Beek No.2359 A in S ? C++17 AC 126 ms 1,852 bytes
883970 2023-06-23 21:59:51 ぷらぷら No.2360 Path to Integer C++17 AC 98 ms 1,500 bytes
883969 2023-06-23 21:59:47 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 WA - 32,816 bytes
883968 2023-06-23 21:59:44 👑 hitonanodehitonanode No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 WA - 9,148 bytes
883967 2023-06-23 21:59:41 hamamuhamamu No.2357 Guess the Function C++17 AC 26 ms 42,787 bytes
883966 2023-06-23 21:59:36 t98slidert98slider No.2357 Guess the Function C++14 WA - 879 bytes
883965 2023-06-23 21:59:36 蜜蜂蜜蜂 No.2359 A in S ? C++14 AC 1131 ms 1,827 bytes
883964 2023-06-23 21:59:34 ktr216ktr216 No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++14 AC 112 ms 4,320 bytes
883963 2023-06-23 21:59:32 woodywoodywoodywoody No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++14 AC 325 ms 7,613 bytes
883962 2023-06-23 21:59:14 FplusFplusFFplusFplusF No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 AC 1879 ms 1,042 bytes
883961 2023-06-23 21:58:39 Yu_212Yu_212 No.2359 A in S ? Java21 TLE - 10,822 bytes
883960 2023-06-23 21:58:22 maspymaspy No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 AC 229 ms 30,422 bytes
883959 2023-06-23 21:58:20 tsugutsugutsugutsugu No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++23 AC 64 ms 1,131 bytes
883958 2023-06-23 21:58:15 jabeejabee No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 TLE - 4,868 bytes
883957 2023-06-23 21:58:12 mkawa2mkawa2 No.2357 Guess the Function Python3 AC 41 ms 186 bytes
883956 2023-06-23 21:58:12 KudeKude No.2359 A in S ? C++17 AC 93 ms 1,703 bytes
883955 2023-06-23 21:58:02 twooimptwooimp No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++14 AC 130 ms 1,055 bytes
883954 2023-06-23 21:57:49 👑 tipstar0125tipstar0125 No.2357 Guess the Function Rust WA - 5,005 bytes
883953 2023-06-23 21:57:42 HIcoderHIcoder No.2357 Guess the Function C++14 WA - 1,021 bytes
883952 2023-06-23 21:57:22 蜜蜂蜜蜂 No.2359 A in S ? C++14 WA - 1,827 bytes
883951 2023-06-23 21:57:21 👑 hitonanodehitonanode No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 WA - 9,068 bytes
883950 2023-06-23 21:57:16 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 WA - 32,816 bytes
883949 2023-06-23 21:57:06 t98slidert98slider No.2357 Guess the Function C++14 WA - 881 bytes
883948 2023-06-23 21:57:05 👑 hitonanodehitonanode No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 WA - 9,072 bytes
883947 2023-06-23 21:56:33 porkleoiporkleoi No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++14 AC 119 ms 1,877 bytes
883946 2023-06-23 21:56:21 👑 tipstar0125tipstar0125 No.2357 Guess the Function Rust TLE - 4,593 bytes
883945 2023-06-23 21:56:18 3lonco3lonco No.2357 Guess the Function PyPy3 WA - 646 bytes
883944 2023-06-23 21:56:11 👑 hitonanodehitonanode No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 WA - 9,074 bytes
883943 2023-06-23 21:56:01 hir355hir355 No.2357 Guess the Function PyPy3 AC 101 ms 277 bytes
883942 2023-06-23 21:55:57 FplusFplusFFplusFplusF No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 AC 158 ms 1,016 bytes
883941 2023-06-23 21:55:53 👑 hitonanodehitonanode No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 WA - 9,070 bytes
883940 2023-06-23 21:55:35 navel_tosnavel_tos No.2357 Guess the Function PyPy3 WA - 1,687 bytes
883939 2023-06-23 21:55:25 👑 kmjpkmjp No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 AC 939 ms 1,463 bytes
883938 2023-06-23 21:55:22 FplusFplusFFplusFplusF No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 WA - 980 bytes
883937 2023-06-23 21:55:19 watarimaycry2watarimaycry2 No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N JavaScript AC 1145 ms 3,537 bytes
883936 2023-06-23 21:55:03 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 WA - 33,023 bytes
883935 2023-06-23 21:54:49 👑 hitonanodehitonanode No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 TLE - 9,004 bytes
883934 2023-06-23 21:54:32 👑 MizarMizar No.2357 Guess the Function Rust AC 26 ms 38,699 bytes
883933 2023-06-23 21:54:29 woodywoodywoodywoody No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++14 WA - 7,574 bytes
883932 2023-06-23 21:54:27 poyonpoyon No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 AC 1039 ms 6,758 bytes
883931 2023-06-23 21:54:26 hari64hari64 No.2357 Guess the Function C++17 AC 30 ms 4,645 bytes
883929 2023-06-23 21:54:02 👑 hitonanodehitonanode No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 TLE - 8,827 bytes
883928 2023-06-23 21:53:41 watarimaycry2watarimaycry2 No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N JavaScript WA - 3,541 bytes
883927 2023-06-23 21:53:40 👑 MizarMizar No.2357 Guess the Function Rust WA - 38,690 bytes
883925 2023-06-23 21:53:19 shobonvipshobonvip No.2359 A in S ? C++17 AC 674 ms 1,009 bytes
883924 2023-06-23 21:52:57 Alex WiceAlex Wice No.2357 Guess the Function PyPy3 WA - 309 bytes
883923 2023-06-23 21:52:56 👑 hitonanodehitonanode No.2361 Many String Compare Queries C++23 WA - 8,870 bytes
883922 2023-06-23 21:52:49 pointNpointN No.2358 xy+yz+zx=N C++17 AC 1933 ms 1,569 bytes