
問題 No.10 +か×か
ユーザー はまやんはまやんはまやんはまやん
提出日時 2017-06-09 17:00:32
言語 Kotlin
実行時間 -
コード長 3,027 bytes
コンパイル時間 16,102 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 449,964 KB
実行使用メモリ 385,680 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-11-20 09:28:03
合計ジャッジ時間 36,461 ms
judge3 / judge5


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 489 ms
74,820 KB
testcase_01 AC 468 ms
104,796 KB
testcase_02 AC 472 ms
79,640 KB
testcase_03 TLE -
testcase_04 AC 790 ms
140,188 KB
testcase_05 AC 730 ms
127,372 KB
testcase_06 TLE -
testcase_07 AC 1,462 ms
242,924 KB
testcase_08 AC 795 ms
134,304 KB
testcase_09 AC 650 ms
112,968 KB
testcase_10 AC 511 ms
78,736 KB
testcase_11 AC 508 ms
385,680 KB
Main.kt:57:10: warning: parameter 'args' is never used
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Main.kt:58:9: warning: variable 'time' is never used
    var time = measureTimeMillis {
Main.kt:72:9: warning: identity equality for arguments of types Int and Int is deprecated
    if (lenbuf === -1) throw InputMismatchException()
Main.kt:95:21: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if(b >= '0'.toByte() && b <= '9'.toByte() || b == '-'.toByte()) break
Main.kt:95:42: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if(b >= '0'.toByte() && b <= '9'.toByte() || b == '-'.toByte()) break
Main.kt:95:63: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if(b >= '0'.toByte() && b <= '9'.toByte() || b == '-'.toByte()) break
Main.kt:97:22: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if (b == '-'.toByte()) {
Main.kt:99:13: warning: the value 'readByte()' assigned to 'var b: Byte defined in ni' is never used
            b = readByte()
Main.kt:104:22: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if (b >= '0'.toByte() && b <= '9'.toByte()) {
Main.kt:104:43: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if (b >= '0'.toByte() && b <= '9'.toByte()) {
Main.kt:105:39: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code prope


diff #

import java.io.*
import java.util.InputMismatchException
import java.io.IOException
import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
var out = PrintWriter(System.out)
      ∧_∧  (´<_` )  Welcome to My Coding Space!
     ( ´_ゝ`) /  ⌒i
    /   \     | |
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fun solve() {
    var N = ni()
    var TOTAL = ni()
    var A = na(N)

    var dp = Array(N + 1, { Array(101010, {0}).toMutableList() })
    var pre = Array<MutableList<String>>(N + 1, { Array(101010, {""}).toMutableList() })

    dp[0][A[0]] = 1

    for(i in 0 until N - 1)  for(j in 0..100000) if(0 < dp[i][j]) {
        var x = A[i + 1]
        // +
        if(j + x < 101010) {
            dp[i + 1][j + x] = 1
            if(pre[i + 1][j + x].length == 0) pre[i + 1][j + x] = pre[i][j] + "+"
            else if(pre[i][j] + "+" > pre[i + 1][j + x]) pre[i + 1][j + x] = pre[i][j] + "+"

        // *
        if(j.toLong() * x.toLong() < 101010L) {
            dp[i + 1][j * x] = 1
            if(pre[i + 1][j * x].length == 0) pre[i + 1][j * x] = pre[i][j] + "*"
            else if(pre[i][j] + "*" > pre[i + 1][j * x]) pre[i + 1][j * x] = pre[i][j] + "*"

    out.println(pre[N - 1][TOTAL])

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var time = measureTimeMillis {
    //println("$time ms")
private var inbuf = ByteArray(1024)
private var lenbuf = 0
var ptrbuf = 0

var `is` = System.`in`

fun readByte(): Byte {
    if (lenbuf === -1) throw InputMismatchException()
    if (ptrbuf >= lenbuf) {
        ptrbuf = 0
        try {
            lenbuf = `is`.read(inbuf)
        } catch (e: IOException) {
            throw InputMismatchException()

        if (lenbuf <= 0) return -1
    return inbuf[ptrbuf++]

fun na(n: Int) = IntArray(n, {ni()})

fun ni(): Int {
    var num = 0
    var b: Byte
    var minus = false
    while (true) {
        b = readByte()
        if(b < 0) break
        if(b >= '0'.toByte() && b <= '9'.toByte() || b == '-'.toByte()) break

        if (b == '-'.toByte()) {
            minus = true
            b = readByte()

    while (true) {
        if (b >= '0'.toByte() && b <= '9'.toByte()) {
            num = num * 10 + (b - '0'.toByte())
        } else {
            return if (minus) -num else num
        b = readByte()