
問題 No.858 わり算
ユーザー nadeshino
提出日時 2019-08-09 21:29:05
言語 Nim
実行時間 -
コード長 1,503 bytes
コンパイル時間 913 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 72,240 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-11-14 21:32:34
合計ジャッジ時間 1,372 ms
judge1 / judge2

stack trace: (most recent call last)
Main.nim(7, 9)           unpack
/home/judge/data/code/Main.nim(33, 18) template/generic instantiation of `scan` from here
/home/judge/data/code/Main.nim(13, 44) template/generic instantiation of `unpack` from here
/home/judge/data/code/Main.nim(7, 9) Error: index 1 not in 0 .. 0


diff #

#import algorithm, future, macros, math, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables
import algorithm, sugar, macros, math, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables

macro unpack(rhs: seq, cnt: static[int]): auto =
  let t = genSym(); result = quote do:(let `t` = `rhs`;())
  if NimMinor <= 17:
    for i in 0..<cnt: result[0][1].add(quote do:`t`[`i`])
    for i in 0..<cnt: result[1].add(quote do:`t`[`i`])

template scan(T: typedesc, cnt: Natural = 1): untyped =
  let line = stdin.readLine.split(" ")
  when T is int:         line.map(parseInt).unpack(cnt)
  elif T is float:       line.map(parseFloat).unpack(cnt)
  elif T is string:      line.unpack(cnt)
  elif T is char:        line.mapIt(it[0]).unpack(cnt)
  elif T is seq[int]:    line.map(parseint)
  elif T is seq[float]:  line.map(parseFloat)
  elif T is seq[string]: line
  elif T is seq[char]:   line.mapIt(it[0])

proc `%=`(n: var int, m: int)  = n = n mod m
proc `//=`(n: var int, m: int) = n = n div m
proc `<<=`(n: var int, m: int) = n = n shl m
proc `>>=`(n: var int, m: int) = n = n shr m
proc `<?=`(n: var int, m: int) = n = min(n, m)
proc `>?=`(n: var int, m: int) = n = max(n, m)
proc newSeq2[T](n1, n2: Natural): seq[seq[T]] = newSeqWith(n1, newSeq[T](n2))
proc newSeq3[T](n1, n2, n3: Natural): seq[seq[seq[T]]] = newSeqWith(n1, newSeqWith(n2, newSeq[T](n3)))

# -------------------------------------------------- #

var (A, B) = scan(int, 2)
stdout.write A div B
stdout.write "."
for i in 1 .. 50:
  A %= B
  A *= 10
  stdout.write A div B