
問題 No.894 二種類のバス
ユーザー へのくへのく
提出日時 2019-09-27 21:48:42
言語 Kotlin
実行時間 276 ms / 1,000 ms
コード長 2,814 bytes
コンパイル時間 13,991 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 456,928 KB
実行使用メモリ 54,448 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-09-24 22:51:04
合計ジャッジ時間 20,339 ms
judge5 / judge3
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 3
other AC * 17
Main.kt:3:10: warning: parameter 'args' is never used
fun main(args: Array<String>) = IO().exec {
Main.kt:57:22: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if (b == '-'.toByte()) {
Main.kt:61:23: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if (b !in '0'.toByte()..'9'.toByte()) {
Main.kt:61:37: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
        if (b !in '0'.toByte()..'9'.toByte()) {
Main.kt:65:26: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
            if (b in '0'.toByte()..'9'.toByte()) {
Main.kt:65:40: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
            if (b in '0'.toByte()..'9'.toByte()) {
Main.kt:67:30: warning: 'toByte(): Byte' is deprecated. Conversion of Char to Number is deprecated. Use Char.code property instead.
                n += b - '0'.toByte()


diff #

import java.math.BigInteger

fun main(args: Array<String>) = IO().exec {
    val t = long()
    val a = long()
    val b = long()
    val l = lcm(a, b)
    println(calc(t.toBigInteger(), a.toBigInteger()) + calc(t.toBigInteger(), b.toBigInteger()) - calc(t.toBigInteger(), l))

fun calc(t: BigInteger, a: BigInteger): BigInteger {
    return (t - BigInteger.ONE) / a + BigInteger.ONE

fun gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0L) a else gcd(b, a % b)

fun lcm(a: Long, b: Long): BigInteger = a.toBigInteger() / gcd(a, b).toBigInteger() * b.toBigInteger()

// region template
operator fun Int.iterator() = 0.until(this).iterator()

class IO {
    val printable = 33..126
    val buffer = ByteArray(1024)
    var ptr = 0
    var buflen = 0
    val out = java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)
    fun hasNextByte(): Boolean = if (ptr < buflen) true else {
        ptr = 0
        buflen = System.`in`.read(buffer)
        buflen > 0

    fun readByte(): Byte = if (hasNextByte()) buffer[ptr++] else -1
    fun hasNext(): Boolean {
        while (hasNextByte() && buffer[ptr] !in printable) ptr++
        return hasNextByte()

    fun string(): String {
        if (!hasNext()) throw java.util.NoSuchElementException()
        val sb = StringBuilder()
        var b = readByte()
        while (b in printable) {
            b = readByte()
        return sb.toString()

    fun long(): Long {
        if (!hasNext()) throw java.util.NoSuchElementException()
        var n = 0L
        var minus = false
        var b = readByte()
        if (b == '-'.toByte()) {
            minus = true
            b = readByte()
        if (b !in '0'.toByte()..'9'.toByte()) {
            throw NumberFormatException()
        while (true) {
            if (b in '0'.toByte()..'9'.toByte()) {
                n *= 10
                n += b - '0'.toByte()
            } else if (b == (-1).toByte() || b !in printable) {
                return if (minus) -n else n
            } else {
                throw NumberFormatException()
            b = readByte()

    fun int(): Int {
        val nl = long()
        if (nl !in Integer.MIN_VALUE..Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw NumberFormatException()
        return nl.toInt()

    fun double(): Double = string().toDouble()
    fun print(obj: Any) = out.print(obj)
    fun print(i: Int) = out.print(i)
    fun print(l: Long) = out.print(l)
    fun println(obj: Any) = out.println(obj)
    fun println(i: Int) = out.println(i)
    fun println(l: Long) = out.println(l)
    inline fun exec(block: IO.() -> Unit) {

    inline fun println(block: IO.() -> Any) {
// endregion