問題 | No.654 Air E869120 |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2020-01-18 17:00:11 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 12 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 4,460 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,418 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 126,776 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 6,948 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-06-27 19:55:01 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 2,769 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge1 / judge4 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 5 |
other | AC * 35 |
#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>#include <utility>#include <functional>#include <cstring>#include <queue>#include <stack>#include <cmath>#include <iterator>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <set>#include <iostream>#include <random>#include <map>#include <iomanip>#include <stdlib.h>#include <list>#include <typeinfo>#include <list>#include <set>#include <cassert>#include <fstream>#include <unordered_map>#include <cstdlib>#include <complex>#include <cctype>#include <bitset>using namespace std;using ll = long long;using vll = vector<ll>;using pll = pair<ll, ll>;using qll = queue<ll>;using vb = vector<bool>;using mll = map<ll, ll>;using sll = stack<ll>;#define REP(i,n) for(ll i(0);(i)<(n);(i)++)#define rep(i,n) for(ll i(0);(i)<(n);(i)++)#define ALL(a) a.begin(), a.end()#define elnd endl //* missspell checkconst ll INF = 1LL << 60;struct edgeForFlow{ll to, cap, rev; }; //! cap: may change; rev: pointer in G[to]void addEdgeForFlow(vector<vector<edgeForFlow>> &G, ll from, ll to, ll cap){G[from].push_back((edgeForFlow){ to, cap, (ll) G[to].size()});G[to].push_back((edgeForFlow) { from, 0, (ll) G[from].size()-1});}ll dfsFordFulkson(vector<vector<edgeForFlow>> &G, vb &checked, ll v, ll t, ll f){//* v: current vertex, t: sink, f: DELTA of this path. (No need for source)if(v == t) return f;checked[v] = true;REP(i, G[v].size()){edgeForFlow &e = G[v][i];if(!checked[e.to] && e.cap > 0){ll d = dfsFordFulkson(G, checked, e.to, t, min(f, e.cap));if(d > 0){e.cap -= d;G[e.to][e.rev].cap += d;return d;}}}return 0; //* if no valid outgoing edges}ll maxFlowFordFulkson(vector<vector<edgeForFlow>> &G, ll s, ll t){vb checked(G.size());ll flow = 0;for(;;){fill(ALL(checked), false);ll f = dfsFordFulkson(G, checked, s, t, INF);if(f == 0)return flow;flow += f;}}void bfsDinic(vector<vector<edgeForFlow>> &G, vll &level, ll s){fill(ALL(level), -1);queue<ll> que;level[s] = 0;que.push(s);while(!que.empty()){ll v = que.front(); que.pop();for(ll i=0; i< G[v].size(); i++){edgeForFlow &e = G[v][i];if(e.cap > 0 && level[e.to] < 0){level[e.to] = level[v] + 1;que.push(e.to);}}}}ll dfsDinic(vector<vector<edgeForFlow>> &G, vll &level, vll &iter, ll v, ll t, ll f){//? iter: record where have been searched?//* v: current vertex, t: sink, f: DELTA of this path. (No need for source)if(v == t) return f;for( ll &i = iter[v]; i < G[v].size(); i++){edgeForFlow &e = G[v][i];if( e.cap > 0 && level[v] < level[e.to]){ll d = dfsDinic(G, level, iter, e.to, t, min(f, e.cap));if(d > 0){e.cap -= d;G[e.to][e.rev].cap += d;return d;}}}return 0; //* if no valid outgoing edges}ll maxFlowDinic(vector<vector<edgeForFlow>> &G, ll s, ll t){vll level(G.size()), iter(G.size());ll flow = 0;for(;;){bfsDinic(G, level, s);if(level[t] < 0)//* sink t is not reachable from s on current residual graphreturn flow;fill(ALL(iter), 0);ll f;while((f = dfsDinic(G, level, iter, s, t, INF)) > 0){flow += f;}}}int main(){ll N, M, d;cin >> N >> M >> d;vll u(M), v(M), p(M), q(M), w(M);REP(i, M){scanf("%lld%lld%lld%lld%lld", &u[i], &v[i], &p[i], &q[i], &w[i]);}vector<vector<edgeForFlow>> G(2*M+2);ll max_cap=0;REP(i, M)max_cap += w[i];max_cap++;//* source: 2M, sink: 2M+1REP(i, M){addEdgeForFlow(G, 2*i, 2*i+1, w[i]);}REP(i, M){REP(j, M){if(j == i)continue;if(p[j]>= (q[i]+d) && v[i]==u[j]){addEdgeForFlow(G, 2*i+1, 2*j, min(w[i], w[j]));}}}REP(i, M){if(u[i]==1){addEdgeForFlow(G, 2*M, 2*i, max_cap);}if(v[i]==N){addEdgeForFlow(G, 2*i+1, 2*M+1, max_cap);}}ll flow=0;flow = maxFlowDinic(G, 2*M, 2*M+1);cout<< flow << endl;return 0;}