問題 | No.1068 #いろいろな色 / Red and Blue and more various colors (Hard) |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2020-05-25 19:18:17 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 1,390 ms / 3,500 ms |
コード長 | 4,375 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,243 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 186,124 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 29,568 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-06 02:16:39 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 28,707 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge5 / judge1 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 3 |
other | AC * 29 |
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long #define pb push_back #define eb emplace_back #define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<(int)(b);i++) #define rep(i,n) FOR(i,0,n) #define RFOR(i,a,b) for(int (i)=(a);(i)>=(int)(b);(i)--) #define rrep(i,n) RFOR(i,n,0) #define all(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() #define rall(a) (a).rbegin(),(a).rend() #define ve vector #define vi vector<int> #define vp vector<pair<int,int>> #define vvi vector<vector<int>> #define UNIQUE(a) sort(all(a)), a.erase(unique(all(a)), a.end()) #define Double double using ll = long long; const ll mod = 998244353; #define sz(c) ((int)(c).size()) #define ten(x) ((int)1e##x) typedef pair<int, int> Pii; template<class T> T extgcd(T a, T b, T& x, T& y) { for (T u = y = 1, v = x = 0; a;) { T q = b / a; swap(x -= q * u, u); swap(y -= q * v, v); swap(b -= q * a, a); } return b; } template<class T> T mod_inv(T a, T m) { T x, y; extgcd(a, m, x, y); return (m + x % m) % m; } ll mod_pow(ll a, ll n, ll mod) { ll ret = 1; ll p = a % mod; while (n) { if (n & 1) ret = ret * p % mod; p = p * p % mod; n >>= 1; } return ret; } template<int mod, int primitive_root> class NTT { public: int get_mod() const { return mod; } void _ntt(vector<ll>& a, int sign) { const int n = sz(a); assert((n ^ (n&-n)) == 0); //n = 2^k const int g = 3; //g is primitive root of mod int h = (int)mod_pow(g, (mod - 1) / n, mod); // h^n = 1 if (sign == -1) h = (int)mod_inv(h, mod); //h = h^-1 % mod //bit reverse int i = 0; for (int j = 1; j < n - 1; ++j) { for (int k = n >> 1; k >(i ^= k); k >>= 1); if (j < i) swap(a[i], a[j]); } for (int m = 1; m < n; m *= 2) { const int m2 = 2 * m; const ll base = mod_pow(h, n / m2, mod); ll w = 1; rep(x, m) { for (int s = x; s < n; s += m2) { ll u = a[s]; ll d = a[s + m] * w % mod; a[s] = u + d; if (a[s] >= mod) a[s] -= mod; a[s + m] = u - d; if (a[s + m] < 0) a[s + m] += mod; } w = w * base % mod; } } for (auto& x : a) if (x < 0) x += mod; } void ntt(vector<ll>& input) { _ntt(input, 1); } void intt(vector<ll>& input) { _ntt(input, -1); const int n_inv = mod_inv(sz(input), mod); for (auto& x : input) x = x * n_inv % mod; } // 畳み込み演算を行う vector<ll> convolution(const vector<ll>& a, const vector<ll>& b){ int ntt_size = 1; while (ntt_size < sz(a) + sz(b)) ntt_size *= 2; vector<ll> _a = a, _b = b; _a.resize(ntt_size); _b.resize(ntt_size); ntt(_a); ntt(_b); rep(i, ntt_size){ (_a[i] *= _b[i]) %= mod; } intt(_a); return _a; } }; ll garner(vector<Pii> mr, int mod){ mr.emplace_back(mod, 0); vector<ll> coffs(sz(mr), 1); vector<ll> constants(sz(mr), 0); rep(i, sz(mr) - 1){ // coffs[i] * v + constants[i] == mr[i].second (mod mr[i].first) を解く ll v = (mr[i].second - constants[i]) * mod_inv<ll>(coffs[i], mr[i].first) % mr[i].first; if (v < 0) v += mr[i].first; for (int j = i + 1; j < sz(mr); j++) { (constants[j] += coffs[j] * v) %= mr[j].first; (coffs[j] *= mr[i].first) %= mr[j].first; } } return constants[sz(mr) - 1]; } typedef NTT<167772161, 3> NTT_1; typedef NTT<469762049, 3> NTT_2; typedef NTT<1224736769, 3> NTT_3; typedef NTT<998244353, 3> nntttt; //任意のmodで畳み込み演算 O(n log n) vector<ll> int32mod_convolution(vector<ll> a, vector<ll> b,int mod){ for (auto& x : a) x %= mod; for (auto& x : b) x %= mod; NTT_1 ntt1; NTT_2 ntt2; NTT_3 ntt3; auto x = ntt1.convolution(a, b); auto y = ntt2.convolution(a, b); auto z = ntt3.convolution(a, b); vector<ll> ret(sz(x)); vector<Pii> mr(3); rep(i, sz(x)){ mr[0].first = ntt1.get_mod(), mr[0].second = (int)x[i]; mr[1].first = ntt2.get_mod(), mr[1].second = (int)y[i]; mr[2].first = ntt3.get_mod(), mr[2].second = (int)z[i]; ret[i] = garner(mr, mod); } return ret; } nntttt ntT; vector<ll> A; vector<ll> saiki(int l, int r) { if (r == l + 1) return vector<int>{A[l], 1}; vector<ll> tL = saiki(l, (l+r)/2), tR = saiki((l+r)/2, r); vector<ll> L, R; for (auto &&elm : tL) L.pb(elm); for (auto &&elm : tR) R.pb(elm); return ntT.convolution(L, R); } signed main() { int n; cin >> n; int m; cin >> m; A.resize(n); rep (i, n) cin >> A[i], A[i]--, A[i] %= mod; auto ans = saiki(0, n); rep (i, m) { int a; cin >> a; cout << ans[a] << endl; } }