問題 | No.1225 I hate I hate Matrix Construction |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2020-09-11 22:37:20 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 7,261 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,075 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 178,492 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 5,248 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-12-27 16:27:37 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 3,627 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge3 / judge4 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | WA * 2 |
other | AC * 22 WA * 13 |
/*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%O:,*..***%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%O. .:&Oo.,&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%O. .l%%%o..l*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%O*****************************************%%%%%&*olo*&%%< .:***; ,****&*%*&*************************************%% %&<****************. ..*****. .****. .**%%%%*..,:. .**o**. .**. ..**;&%&;*****. .*.**. .******. ..**. .**%% %%%*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%O* ;&%%%%%&o. <&%%%*. l*%%%%&; ,0%*. :%%**l .*%%O* ;&%%%%%%%%%%%*< .&%%%%*. <*%%%%%O* ;&%%0; *O%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0* :%%%%%%%*: .O%%%*. o%%%%%%*. *;. .*%%%%o .*%%0* :%%%%%%%%%%%%%l .O%%%%&. l%%%%%%0* ;*%%*: ,&%%%% %%%%%%%%%&<<<<<<<<<;. :%%%%%%&*. :*%%%*. o%%%%%&o. .*,. .,l**; .*%%0* :%%%%%%%%%%%%%l .O%%%%&. l%%%%%%0* ;*%%*: ,0%%%% %%%*&%%%%*<<,. .;<<;. :*%&,**..*l&%%%%*. o%%%*:. .lO%%&*l. .*%%0* :%%%%%%%0:,o&O* ,&%%%%&. l%%%&o<,. .;::;. ,&%%%% %%*<.l*%%%%%%*..*%%0* :%%0; ;&*%%%%%%l o%%&:.;**%%%%**:. ,<* .*%%0* :%%%%%%%&<. ...;&%%%%%&. l%%< .:;. .<l<:. ,&%%%% %%%*. l*%%%%%&, l%%0* :%%%%**.,l***o<* o%%%%&%%%%%0o* .:&%%o .*%%0* :%%%%%%%%%O; ,O%%%%%%&. l%%* l**. l%%%*: ,&%%%% %%%%&*.,*&%*0<..&%%0* :%%%%%%&l;,**,:l: o%%%%%%%%%O* *l0%%%%o .*%%0* :%%%%%%%%%%%*. .o*%%%%&. l%%*.....;0%%%*: ,&%%%% %%%%%&o*...*..:&%%%0* :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*. o%%%%%%%%%%O**%%%%%%o .*%%0* :%%%%%%%%%%%%&l. ,&%%%&. l%%%&&**0%%%%%*: ,&%%%% %%%%%%%%0&*&0*%%%%%&l;*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0<;&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&;:O%%*l,*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%O; .*%%0<;&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*,o*%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&*&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /* A l l ******** i s ******** O n e ******************&*************************************************************/ /******************************************************&************************* O n e ******** i s ******** A l l */ // l u c t i v u d l i g h t 3 0 1 o m e g a 0 1 b o t x a y n c a r b o n \\\\ U I // n u m b a b i l i t y y u d i g r e e d m m m c d x c i i x a r c o n //// D T // Author: Udit "luctivud" Gupta @ (https://www.linkedin.com/in/udit-gupta-1b7863135/) // #include <bits/stdc++.h> #pragma GCC optimize "trapv" using namespace std; typedef long long int lld; typedef unsigned long long int llu; #define TESTCASES() cin >> (T3X0); T353 = T3X0; while(T3X0--) #define input(V3C) for(auto &V3C_I7 : (V3C)) cin >> (V3C_I7) #define mems(A77AY, V4LU) memset((A77AY), (V4LU), sizeof((A77AY))) #define CH3K(I7, E4, S7) (((S7)>0) ? (I7)<(E4) : (I7)>(E4)) #define for4(I7,S4,E4,S7) for(auto I7=(S4); CH3K(I7,E4,S7); (I7)+=(S7)) #define forn(I7, E4) for(lld I7=0ll; I7 < E4; (I7)+=1ll) #define EACH(I7, A7) for (auto& I7: A7) #define len(v) ((int)((v).size())) #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #define rall(x) (x).rbegin(), (x).rend() #define pb push_back #define debspace(x) cout << #x << " = "; println(x); #define debline(x) cout << #x << " = "; print(x); cout << " "; #define f1 first #define s2 second #define error(args...) { string _s = #args; replace(_s.begin(), _s.end(), ',', ' '); stringstream _ss(_s); istream_iterator<string> _it(_ss); huehue(_it, args); cout << "\n";} void huehue(istream_iterator<string> it) {} template<typename T, typename... Args> void huehue(istream_iterator<string> it, T a, Args... args) { cout << *it << " = " << a << ", "; huehue(++it, args...); } template <class T> T inf() { return numeric_limits<T>::max(); } void read() { return; } void print() { return; } void println() { cout << "\n"; return; } template<class T> T read(T& x) { cin >> x; return x; } template<class T> void print(T a) { cout << a; } template<class T> void println(T a) { cout << a << "\n"; } template<class T> void read(vector<T> &arr) { EACH(i, arr) cin >> (i); } template<class T> void print(vector<T> arr) { EACH(i, arr) {cout << i << " ";} } template<class T> void println(vector<T> arr) { EACH(i, arr) {cout << i << " ";} cout << "\n"; } template<class T> void read(vector<vector<T>> &arr) { EACH(i, arr) read(i); } template<class T> void print(vector<vector<T>> arr) { EACH(i, arr) println(i); } template<class T> void println(vector<vector<T>> arr) { EACH(i, arr) println(i); } template<typename T, typename... Args> void read(vector<T> &arr, Args &... args) { read(arr); read(args...);} template<typename T, typename... Args> void read(vector<vector<T>> &arr, Args &... args) { read(arr); read(args...);} template<typename T, typename... Args> void read(T &a, Args &... args) { cin >> (a); read(args...); } template<typename T, typename... Args> void print(vector<T> &arr, Args &... args) { print(arr); print(args...);} template<typename T, typename... Args> void print(T a, Args... args) { cout << a << " "; print(args...); }; template<typename T, typename... Args> void println(vector<T> &arr, Args &... args) { print(arr); println(args...);} template<typename T, typename... Args> void println(T a, Args... args) { cout << a << " "; println(args...); }; const lld d4i[4] = { -1, 0, 1, 0}, d4j[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; const lld d8i[8] = { -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1}, d8j[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool isvalid(lld i, lld n) { return i >= 0 and i < n; } void solveEachTest(lld _TestCase) { // cout << "Case#" << _TestCase << ": "; lld n; read(n); vector< vector<lld> > matr (n, vector<lld> (n, 0ll)); vector<lld> S(n), T(n); read(S, T); forn(i, n) { matr[i][i] = 1; } forn(i, n) { if (S[i] == 0) { forn(j, n) { matr[i][j] = 0; } } else if (S[i] == 2) { forn(j, n) { matr[i][j] = 1; } } if (T[i] == 0) { forn(j, n) { matr[j][i] = 0; } } else if (T[i] == 2) { forn(j, n) { matr[j][i] = 1; } } } lld ans = 0ll; set<lld> doneRow, doneCol; forn(i, n) { forn(j, n) { if (matr[i][j] == 1) { doneRow.insert(i); doneCol.insert(j); ans++; } } } forn(i, n) { if (doneRow.find(i) == doneRow.end()) { forn(j, n) { if (doneCol.find(j) == doneCol.end()) { doneCol.insert(j); break; } } doneRow.insert(i); ans++; } } forn(j, n) { if (doneCol.find(j) == doneCol.end()) { doneCol.insert(j); forn(i, n) { if (doneRow.find(i) == doneRow.end()) { doneRow.insert(i); break; } } ans++; } } println(ans); // cout << "\n"; return; } signed main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.precision(10); cout << fixed; lld T3X0 = 0, T353 = 1; // TESTCASES() solveEachTest(T353 - T3X0); return 0; } // Random Thought : null /* No, I move slow I want to stop time I'll sit here 'til I find the problem */ // Message : If you get the anime reference in this code, we're friends and we can talk about LIFE.