問題 | No.1300 Sum of Inversions |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2020-11-27 22:41:08 |
言語 | Rust (1.83.0 + proconio) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 107 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 33,120 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 15,467 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 395,644 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 12,032 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-07-26 19:03:00 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 18,035 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge3 / judge1 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 3 |
other | AC * 34 |
warning: unused imports: `Barrett`, `ButterflyCache`, `DefaultId`, `DynamicModInt`, `Id`, `Mod1000000007`, `Mod998244353`, `ModInt1000000007`, `ModInt`, `Modulus`, `RemEuclidU32`, `StaticModInt` --> src/main.rs:1092:5 | 1092 | Barrett, ButterflyCache, DefaultId, DynamicModInt, Id, Mod1000000007, Mod998244353, ModInt, | ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 1093 | ModInt1000000007, ModInt998244353, Modulus, RemEuclidU32, StaticModInt, | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ | = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
// The main code is at the very bottom.#[allow(unused_imports)]use {lib::byte::ByteChar,std::cell::{Cell, RefCell},std::cmp::{self,Ordering::{self, *},Reverse,},std::collections::*,std::convert::identity,std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter},std::io::prelude::*,std::iter::{self, FromIterator},std::marker::PhantomData,std::mem,std::num::Wrapping,std::ops::{Range, RangeFrom, RangeInclusive, RangeTo, RangeToInclusive},std::process,std::rc::Rc,std::thread,std::time::{Duration, Instant},std::{char, f32, f64, i128, i16, i32, i64, i8, isize, str, u128, u16, u32, u64, u8, usize},};#[allow(unused_imports)]#[macro_use]pub mod lib {pub mod byte {pub use self::byte_char::*;mod byte_char {use std::error::Error;use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};use std::str::FromStr;#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]#[repr(transparent)]pub struct ByteChar(pub u8);impl Debug for ByteChar {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "b'{}'", self.0 as char)}}impl Display for ByteChar {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "{}", self.0 as char)}}impl FromStr for ByteChar {type Err = ParseByteCharError;fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<ByteChar, ParseByteCharError> {match s.as_bytes().len() {1 => Ok(ByteChar(s.as_bytes()[0])),0 => Err(ParseByteCharErrorKind::EmptyStr.into()),_ => Err(ParseByteCharErrorKind::TooManyBytes.into()),}}}#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]pub struct ParseByteCharError {kind: ParseByteCharErrorKind,}impl Display for ParseByteCharError {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {f.write_str(match self.kind {ParseByteCharErrorKind::EmptyStr => "empty string",ParseByteCharErrorKind::TooManyBytes => "too many bytes",})}}impl Error for ParseByteCharError {}#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]enum ParseByteCharErrorKind {EmptyStr,TooManyBytes,}impl From<ParseByteCharErrorKind> for ParseByteCharError {fn from(kind: ParseByteCharErrorKind) -> ParseByteCharError {ParseByteCharError { kind }}}}}pub mod io {pub use self::scanner::*;mod scanner {use std::io::{self, BufRead};use std::iter;use std::str::FromStr;#[derive(Debug)]pub struct Scanner<R> {reader: R,buf: String,pos: usize,}impl<R: BufRead> Scanner<R> {pub fn new(reader: R) -> Self {Scanner {reader,buf: String::new(),pos: 0,}}pub fn next(&mut self) -> io::Result<&str> {let start = loop {match self.rest().find(|c| c != ' ') {Some(i) => break i,None => self.fill_buf()?,}};self.pos += start;let len = self.rest().find(' ').unwrap_or(self.rest().len());let s = &self.buf[self.pos..][..len]; // self.rest()[..len]self.pos += len;Ok(s)}pub fn parse_next<T>(&mut self) -> io::Result<Result<T, T::Err>>whereT: FromStr,{Ok(self.next()?.parse())}pub fn parse_next_n<T>(&mut self, n: usize) -> io::Result<Result<Vec<T>, T::Err>>whereT: FromStr,{iter::repeat_with(|| self.parse_next()).take(n).collect()}pub fn map_next_bytes<T, F>(&mut self, mut f: F) -> io::Result<Vec<T>>whereF: FnMut(u8) -> T,{Ok(self.next()?.bytes().map(&mut f).collect())}pub fn map_next_bytes_n<T, F>(&mut self, n: usize, mut f: F) -> io::Result<Vec<Vec<T>>>whereF: FnMut(u8) -> T,{iter::repeat_with(|| self.map_next_bytes(&mut f)).take(n).collect()}fn rest(&self) -> &str {&self.buf[self.pos..]}fn fill_buf(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {self.buf.clear();self.pos = 0;let read = self.reader.read_line(&mut self.buf)?;if read == 0 {return Err(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into());}if *self.buf.as_bytes().last().unwrap() == b'\n' {self.buf.pop();}Ok(())}}}}}#[allow(dead_code)]mod ac_library_rs {pub mod fenwicktree {pub struct FenwickTree<T> {n: usize,ary: Vec<T>,e: T,}impl<T: Clone + std::ops::AddAssign<T>> FenwickTree<T> {pub fn new(n: usize, e: T) -> Self {FenwickTree {n,ary: vec![e.clone(); n],e,}}pub fn accum(&self, mut idx: usize) -> T {let mut sum = self.e.clone();while idx > 0 {sum += self.ary[idx - 1].clone();idx &= idx - 1;}sum}pub fn add<U: Clone>(&mut self, mut idx: usize, val: U)whereT: std::ops::AddAssign<U>,{let n = self.n;idx += 1;while idx <= n {self.ary[idx - 1] += val.clone();idx += idx & idx.wrapping_neg();}}pub fn sum(&self, l: usize, r: usize) -> TwhereT: std::ops::Sub<Output = T>,{self.accum(r) - self.accum(l)}}}pub mod modint {use crate::ac_library_rs::internal_math;use std::{cell::RefCell,convert::{Infallible, TryInto as _},fmt,hash::{Hash, Hasher},iter::{Product, Sum},marker::PhantomData,ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, DivAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Neg, Sub, SubAssign},str::FromStr,sync::atomic::{self, AtomicU32, AtomicU64},thread::LocalKey,};pub type ModInt1000000007 = StaticModInt<Mod1000000007>;pub type ModInt998244353 = StaticModInt<Mod998244353>;pub type ModInt = DynamicModInt<DefaultId>;#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]#[repr(transparent)]pub struct StaticModInt<M> {val: u32,phantom: PhantomData<fn() -> M>,}impl<M: Modulus> StaticModInt<M> {#[inline(always)]pub fn modulus() -> u32 {M::VALUE}#[inline]pub fn new<T: RemEuclidU32>(val: T) -> Self {Self::raw(val.rem_euclid_u32(M::VALUE))}#[inline]pub fn raw(val: u32) -> Self {Self {val,phantom: PhantomData,}}#[inline]pub fn val(self) -> u32 {self.val}#[inline]pub fn pow(self, n: u64) -> Self {<Self as ModIntBase>::pow(self, n)}#[inline]pub fn inv(self) -> Self {if M::HINT_VALUE_IS_PRIME {if self.val() == 0 {panic!("attempt to divide by zero");}debug_assert!(internal_math::is_prime(M::VALUE.try_into().unwrap()),"{} is not a prime number",M::VALUE,);self.pow((M::VALUE - 2).into())} else {Self::inv_for_non_prime_modulus(self)}}}impl<M: Modulus> ModIntBase for StaticModInt<M> {#[inline(always)]fn modulus() -> u32 {Self::modulus()}#[inline]fn raw(val: u32) -> Self {Self::raw(val)}#[inline]fn val(self) -> u32 {self.val()}#[inline]fn inv(self) -> Self {self.inv()}}pub trait Modulus: 'static + Copy + Eq {const VALUE: u32;const HINT_VALUE_IS_PRIME: bool;fn butterfly_cache() -> &'static LocalKey<RefCell<Option<ButterflyCache<Self>>>>;}#[derive(Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]pub enum Mod1000000007 {}impl Modulus for Mod1000000007 {const VALUE: u32 = 1_000_000_007;const HINT_VALUE_IS_PRIME: bool = true;fn butterfly_cache() -> &'static LocalKey<RefCell<Option<ButterflyCache<Self>>>> {thread_local! {static BUTTERFLY_CACHE: RefCell<Option<ButterflyCache<Mod1000000007>>> = RefCell::default();}&BUTTERFLY_CACHE}}#[derive(Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]pub enum Mod998244353 {}impl Modulus for Mod998244353 {const VALUE: u32 = 998_244_353;const HINT_VALUE_IS_PRIME: bool = true;fn butterfly_cache() -> &'static LocalKey<RefCell<Option<ButterflyCache<Self>>>> {thread_local! {static BUTTERFLY_CACHE: RefCell<Option<ButterflyCache<Mod998244353>>> = RefCell::default();}&BUTTERFLY_CACHE}}pub struct ButterflyCache<M> {pub(crate) sum_e: Vec<StaticModInt<M>>,pub(crate) sum_ie: Vec<StaticModInt<M>>,}#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]#[repr(transparent)]pub struct DynamicModInt<I> {val: u32,phantom: PhantomData<fn() -> I>,}impl<I: Id> DynamicModInt<I> {#[inline]pub fn modulus() -> u32 {I::companion_barrett().umod()}#[inline]pub fn set_modulus(modulus: u32) {if modulus == 0 {panic!("the modulus must not be 0");}I::companion_barrett().update(modulus);}#[inline]pub fn new<T: RemEuclidU32>(val: T) -> Self {<Self as ModIntBase>::new(val)}#[inline]pub fn raw(val: u32) -> Self {Self {val,phantom: PhantomData,}}#[inline]pub fn val(self) -> u32 {self.val}#[inline]pub fn pow(self, n: u64) -> Self {<Self as ModIntBase>::pow(self, n)}#[inline]pub fn inv(self) -> Self {Self::inv_for_non_prime_modulus(self)}}impl<I: Id> ModIntBase for DynamicModInt<I> {#[inline]fn modulus() -> u32 {Self::modulus()}#[inline]fn raw(val: u32) -> Self {Self::raw(val)}#[inline]fn val(self) -> u32 {self.val()}#[inline]fn inv(self) -> Self {self.inv()}}pub trait Id: 'static + Copy + Eq {fn companion_barrett() -> &'static Barrett;}#[derive(Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]pub enum DefaultId {}impl Id for DefaultId {fn companion_barrett() -> &'static Barrett {static BARRETT: Barrett = Barrett::default();&BARRETT}}pub struct Barrett {m: AtomicU32,im: AtomicU64,}impl Barrett {#[inline]pub const fn new(m: u32) -> Self {Self {m: AtomicU32::new(m),im: AtomicU64::new((-1i64 as u64 / m as u64).wrapping_add(1)),}}#[inline]const fn default() -> Self {Self::new(998_244_353)}#[inline]fn update(&self, m: u32) {let im = (-1i64 as u64 / m as u64).wrapping_add(1);self.m.store(m, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);self.im.store(im, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);}#[inline]fn umod(&self) -> u32 {self.m.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst)}#[inline]fn mul(&self, a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {let m = self.m.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);let im = self.im.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);internal_math::mul_mod(a, b, m, im)}}impl Default for Barrett {#[inline]fn default() -> Self {Self::default()}}pub trait ModIntBase:Default+ FromStr+ From<i8>+ From<i16>+ From<i32>+ From<i64>+ From<i128>+ From<isize>+ From<u8>+ From<u16>+ From<u32>+ From<u64>+ From<u128>+ From<usize>+ Copy+ Eq+ Hash+ fmt::Display+ fmt::Debug+ Neg<Output = Self>+ Add<Output = Self>+ Sub<Output = Self>+ Mul<Output = Self>+ Div<Output = Self>+ AddAssign+ SubAssign+ MulAssign+ DivAssign{fn modulus() -> u32;fn raw(val: u32) -> Self;fn val(self) -> u32;fn inv(self) -> Self;#[inline]fn new<T: RemEuclidU32>(val: T) -> Self {Self::raw(val.rem_euclid_u32(Self::modulus()))}#[inline]fn pow(self, mut n: u64) -> Self {let mut x = self;let mut r = Self::raw(1);while n > 0 {if n & 1 == 1 {r *= x;}x *= x;n >>= 1;}r}}pub trait RemEuclidU32 {fn rem_euclid_u32(self, modulus: u32) -> u32;}macro_rules! impl_rem_euclid_u32_for_small_signed {($($ty:tt),*) => {$(impl RemEuclidU32 for $ty {#[inline]fn rem_euclid_u32(self, modulus: u32) -> u32 {(self as i64).rem_euclid(i64::from(modulus)) as _}})*}}impl_rem_euclid_u32_for_small_signed!(i8, i16, i32, i64, isize);impl RemEuclidU32 for i128 {#[inline]fn rem_euclid_u32(self, modulus: u32) -> u32 {self.rem_euclid(i128::from(modulus)) as _}}macro_rules! impl_rem_euclid_u32_for_small_unsigned {($($ty:tt),*) => {$(impl RemEuclidU32 for $ty {#[inline]fn rem_euclid_u32(self, modulus: u32) -> u32 {self as u32 % modulus}})*}}macro_rules! impl_rem_euclid_u32_for_large_unsigned {($($ty:tt),*) => {$(impl RemEuclidU32 for $ty {#[inline]fn rem_euclid_u32(self, modulus: u32) -> u32 {(self % (modulus as $ty)) as _}})*}}impl_rem_euclid_u32_for_small_unsigned!(u8, u16, u32);impl_rem_euclid_u32_for_large_unsigned!(u64, u128);#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]impl_rem_euclid_u32_for_small_unsigned!(usize);#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]impl_rem_euclid_u32_for_large_unsigned!(usize);trait InternalImplementations: ModIntBase {#[inline]fn inv_for_non_prime_modulus(this: Self) -> Self {let (gcd, x) = internal_math::inv_gcd(this.val().into(), Self::modulus().into());if gcd != 1 {panic!("the multiplicative inverse does not exist");}Self::new(x)}#[inline]fn default_impl() -> Self {Self::raw(0)}#[inline]fn from_str_impl(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Infallible> {Ok(s.parse::<i64>().map(Self::new).unwrap_or_else(|_| todo!("parsing as an arbitrary precision integer?")),)}#[inline]fn hash_impl(this: &Self, state: &mut impl Hasher) {this.val().hash(state)}#[inline]fn display_impl(this: &Self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {fmt::Display::fmt(&this.val(), f)}#[inline]fn debug_impl(this: &Self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {fmt::Debug::fmt(&this.val(), f)}#[inline]fn neg_impl(this: Self) -> Self {Self::sub_impl(Self::raw(0), this)}#[inline]fn add_impl(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {let modulus = Self::modulus();let mut val = lhs.val() + rhs.val();if val >= modulus {val -= modulus;}Self::raw(val)}#[inline]fn sub_impl(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {let modulus = Self::modulus();let mut val = lhs.val().wrapping_sub(rhs.val());if val >= modulus {val = val.wrapping_add(modulus)}Self::raw(val)}fn mul_impl(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self;#[inline]fn div_impl(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {Self::mul_impl(lhs, rhs.inv())}}impl<M: Modulus> InternalImplementations for StaticModInt<M> {#[inline]fn mul_impl(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {Self::raw((u64::from(lhs.val()) * u64::from(rhs.val()) % u64::from(M::VALUE)) as u32)}}impl<I: Id> InternalImplementations for DynamicModInt<I> {#[inline]fn mul_impl(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {Self::raw(I::companion_barrett().mul(lhs.val, rhs.val))}}macro_rules! impl_basic_traits {() => {};(impl <$generic_param:ident : $generic_param_bound:tt> _ for $self:ty; $($rest:tt)*) => {impl <$generic_param: $generic_param_bound> Default for $self {#[inline]fn default() -> Self {Self::default_impl()}}impl <$generic_param: $generic_param_bound> FromStr for $self {type Err = Infallible;#[inline]fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Infallible> {Self::from_str_impl(s)}}impl<$generic_param: $generic_param_bound, V: RemEuclidU32> From<V> for $self {#[inline]fn from(from: V) -> Self {Self::new(from)}}#[allow(clippy::derive_hash_xor_eq)]impl<$generic_param: $generic_param_bound> Hash for $self {#[inline]fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {Self::hash_impl(self, state)}}impl<$generic_param: $generic_param_bound> fmt::Display for $self {#[inline]fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {Self::display_impl(self, f)}}impl<$generic_param: $generic_param_bound> fmt::Debug for $self {#[inline]fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {Self::debug_impl(self, f)}}impl<$generic_param: $generic_param_bound> Neg for $self {type Output = $self;#[inline]fn neg(self) -> $self {Self::neg_impl(self)}}impl<$generic_param: $generic_param_bound> Neg for &'_ $self {type Output = $self;#[inline]fn neg(self) -> $self {<$self>::neg_impl(*self)}}impl_basic_traits!($($rest)*);};}impl_basic_traits! {impl <M: Modulus> _ for StaticModInt<M> ;impl <I: Id > _ for DynamicModInt<I>;}macro_rules! impl_bin_ops {() => {};(for<$($generic_param:ident : $generic_param_bound:tt),*> <$lhs_ty:ty> ~ <$rhs_ty:ty> -> $output:ty { { $lhs_body:expr } ~ { $rhs_body:expr} } $($rest:tt)*) => {impl <$($generic_param: $generic_param_bound),*> Add<$rhs_ty> for $lhs_ty {type Output = $output;#[inline]fn add(self, rhs: $rhs_ty) -> $output {<$output>::add_impl(apply($lhs_body, self), apply($rhs_body, rhs))}}impl <$($generic_param: $generic_param_bound),*> Sub<$rhs_ty> for $lhs_ty {type Output = $output;#[inline]fn sub(self, rhs: $rhs_ty) -> $output {<$output>::sub_impl(apply($lhs_body, self), apply($rhs_body, rhs))}}impl <$($generic_param: $generic_param_bound),*> Mul<$rhs_ty> for $lhs_ty {type Output = $output;#[inline]fn mul(self, rhs: $rhs_ty) -> $output {<$output>::mul_impl(apply($lhs_body, self), apply($rhs_body, rhs))}}impl <$($generic_param: $generic_param_bound),*> Div<$rhs_ty> for $lhs_ty {type Output = $output;#[inline]fn div(self, rhs: $rhs_ty) -> $output {<$output>::div_impl(apply($lhs_body, self), apply($rhs_body, rhs))}}impl_bin_ops!($($rest)*);};}macro_rules! impl_assign_ops {() => {};(for<$($generic_param:ident : $generic_param_bound:tt),*> <$lhs_ty:ty> ~= <$rhs_ty:ty> { _ ~= { $rhs_body:expr } } $($rest:tt)*) => {impl <$($generic_param: $generic_param_bound),*> AddAssign<$rhs_ty> for $lhs_ty {#[inline]fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: $rhs_ty) {*self = *self + apply($rhs_body, rhs);}}impl <$($generic_param: $generic_param_bound),*> SubAssign<$rhs_ty> for $lhs_ty {#[inline]fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: $rhs_ty) {*self = *self - apply($rhs_body, rhs);}}impl <$($generic_param: $generic_param_bound),*> MulAssign<$rhs_ty> for $lhs_ty {#[inline]fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: $rhs_ty) {*self = *self * apply($rhs_body, rhs);}}impl <$($generic_param: $generic_param_bound),*> DivAssign<$rhs_ty> for $lhs_ty {#[inline]fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: $rhs_ty) {*self = *self / apply($rhs_body, rhs);}}impl_assign_ops!($($rest)*);};}#[inline]fn apply<F: FnOnce(X) -> O, X, O>(f: F, x: X) -> O {f(x)}impl_bin_ops! {for<M: Modulus> <StaticModInt<M> > ~ <StaticModInt<M> > -> StaticModInt<M> { { |x| x } ~ { |x| x } }for<M: Modulus> <StaticModInt<M> > ~ <&'_ StaticModInt<M> > -> StaticModInt<M> { { |x| x } ~ { |&x| x } }for<M: Modulus> <&'_ StaticModInt<M> > ~ <StaticModInt<M> > -> StaticModInt<M> { { |&x| x } ~ { |x| x } }for<M: Modulus> <&'_ StaticModInt<M> > ~ <&'_ StaticModInt<M> > -> StaticModInt<M> { { |&x| x } ~ { |&x| x } }for<I: Id > <DynamicModInt<I> > ~ <DynamicModInt<I> > -> DynamicModInt<I> { { |x| x } ~ { |x| x } }for<I: Id > <DynamicModInt<I> > ~ <&'_ DynamicModInt<I>> -> DynamicModInt<I> { { |x| x } ~ { |&x| x } }for<I: Id > <&'_ DynamicModInt<I>> ~ <DynamicModInt<I> > -> DynamicModInt<I> { { |&x| x } ~ { |x| x } }for<I: Id > <&'_ DynamicModInt<I>> ~ <&'_ DynamicModInt<I>> -> DynamicModInt<I> { { |&x| x } ~ { |&x| x } }for<M: Modulus, T: RemEuclidU32> <StaticModInt<M> > ~ <T> -> StaticModInt<M> { { |x| x } ~ { StaticModInt::<M>::new } }for<I: Id , T: RemEuclidU32> <DynamicModInt<I> > ~ <T> -> DynamicModInt<I> { { |x| x } ~ { DynamicModInt::<I>::new } }}impl_assign_ops! {for<M: Modulus> <StaticModInt<M> > ~= <StaticModInt<M> > { _ ~= { |x| x } }for<M: Modulus> <StaticModInt<M> > ~= <&'_ StaticModInt<M> > { _ ~= { |&x| x } }for<I: Id > <DynamicModInt<I>> ~= <DynamicModInt<I> > { _ ~= { |x| x } }for<I: Id > <DynamicModInt<I>> ~= <&'_ DynamicModInt<I>> { _ ~= { |&x| x } }for<M: Modulus, T: RemEuclidU32> <StaticModInt<M> > ~= <T> { _ ~= { StaticModInt::<M>::new } }for<I: Id, T: RemEuclidU32> <DynamicModInt<I>> ~= <T> { _ ~= { DynamicModInt::<I>::new } }}macro_rules! impl_folding {() => {};(impl<$generic_param:ident : $generic_param_bound:tt> $trait:ident<_> for $self:ty { fn $method:ident(_) -> _ { _($unit:expr, $op:expr) } }$($rest:tt)*) => {impl<$generic_param: $generic_param_bound> $trait<Self> for $self {#[inline]fn $method<S>(iter: S) -> SelfwhereS: Iterator<Item = Self>,{iter.fold($unit, $op)}}impl<'a, $generic_param: $generic_param_bound> $trait<&'a Self> for $self {#[inline]fn $method<S>(iter: S) -> SelfwhereS: Iterator<Item = &'a Self>,{iter.fold($unit, $op)}}impl_folding!($($rest)*);};}impl_folding! {impl<M: Modulus> Sum<_> for StaticModInt<M> { fn sum(_) -> _ { _(Self::raw(0), Add::add) } }impl<M: Modulus> Product<_> for StaticModInt<M> { fn product(_) -> _ { _(Self::raw(1), Mul::mul) } }impl<I: Id > Sum<_> for DynamicModInt<I> { fn sum(_) -> _ { _(Self::raw(0), Add::add) } }impl<I: Id > Product<_> for DynamicModInt<I> { fn product(_) -> _ { _(Self::raw(1), Mul::mul) } }}}pub(crate) mod internal_math {#![allow(dead_code)]use std::mem::swap;pub(crate) fn safe_mod(mut x: i64, m: i64) -> i64 {x %= m;if x < 0 {x += m;}x}pub(crate) struct Barrett {pub(crate) _m: u32,pub(crate) im: u64,}impl Barrett {pub(crate) fn new(m: u32) -> Barrett {Barrett {_m: m,im: (-1i64 as u64 / m as u64).wrapping_add(1),}}pub(crate) fn umod(&self) -> u32 {self._m}#[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)]pub(crate) fn mul(&self, a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {mul_mod(a, b, self._m, self.im)}}#[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)]pub(crate) fn mul_mod(a: u32, b: u32, m: u32, im: u64) -> u32 {let mut z = a as u64;z *= b as u64;let x = (((z as u128) * (im as u128)) >> 64) as u64;let mut v = z.wrapping_sub(x.wrapping_mul(m as u64)) as u32;if m <= v {v = v.wrapping_add(m);}v}#[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)]pub(crate) fn pow_mod(x: i64, mut n: i64, m: i32) -> i64 {if m == 1 {return 0;}let _m = m as u32;let mut r: u64 = 1;let mut y: u64 = safe_mod(x, m as i64) as u64;while n != 0 {if (n & 1) > 0 {r = (r * y) % (_m as u64);}y = (y * y) % (_m as u64);n >>= 1;}r as i64}pub(crate) fn is_prime(n: i32) -> bool {let n = n as i64;match n {_ if n <= 1 => return false,2 | 7 | 61 => return true,_ if n % 2 == 0 => return false,_ => {}}let mut d = n - 1;while d % 2 == 0 {d /= 2;}for &a in &[2, 7, 61] {let mut t = d;let mut y = pow_mod(a, t, n as i32);while t != n - 1 && y != 1 && y != n - 1 {y = y * y % n;t <<= 1;}if y != n - 1 && t % 2 == 0 {return false;}}true}#[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)]pub(crate) fn inv_gcd(a: i64, b: i64) -> (i64, i64) {let a = safe_mod(a, b);if a == 0 {return (b, 0);}let mut s = b;let mut t = a;let mut m0 = 0;let mut m1 = 1;while t != 0 {let u = s / t;s -= t * u;m0 -= m1 * u;swap(&mut s, &mut t);swap(&mut m0, &mut m1);}if m0 < 0 {m0 += b / s;}(s, m0)}pub(crate) fn primitive_root(m: i32) -> i32 {match m {2 => return 1,167_772_161 => return 3,469_762_049 => return 3,754_974_721 => return 11,998_244_353 => return 3,_ => {}}let mut divs = [0; 20];divs[0] = 2;let mut cnt = 1;let mut x = (m - 1) / 2;while x % 2 == 0 {x /= 2;}for i in (3..std::i32::MAX).step_by(2) {if i as i64 * i as i64 > x as i64 {break;}if x % i == 0 {divs[cnt] = i;cnt += 1;while x % i == 0 {x /= i;}}}if x > 1 {divs[cnt] = x;cnt += 1;}let mut g = 2;loop {if (0..cnt).all(|i| pow_mod(g, ((m - 1) / divs[i]) as i64, m) != 1) {break g as i32;}g += 1;}}}pub use fenwicktree::FenwickTree;pub use modint::{Barrett, ButterflyCache, DefaultId, DynamicModInt, Id, Mod1000000007, Mod998244353, ModInt,ModInt1000000007, ModInt998244353, Modulus, RemEuclidU32, StaticModInt,};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! eprint {($($arg:tt)*) => {if cfg!(debug_assertions) {std::eprint!($($arg)*)}};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! eprintln {($($arg:tt)*) => {if cfg!(debug_assertions) {std::eprintln!($($arg)*)}};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! dbg {($($arg:tt)*) => {if cfg!(debug_assertions) {std::dbg!($($arg)*)} else {($($arg)*)}};}const CUSTOM_STACK_SIZE_MIB: Option<usize> = Some(1024);const INTERACTIVE: bool = false;fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {match CUSTOM_STACK_SIZE_MIB {Some(stack_size_mib) => std::thread::Builder::new().name("run_solver".to_owned()).stack_size(stack_size_mib * 1024 * 1024).spawn(run_solver)?.join().unwrap(),None => run_solver(),}}fn run_solver() -> std::io::Result<()> {let stdin = std::io::stdin();let reader = stdin.lock();let stdout = std::io::stdout();let writer = stdout.lock();macro_rules! with_wrapper {($($wrapper:expr)?) => {{let mut writer = $($wrapper)?(writer);solve(reader, &mut writer)?;writer.flush()}};}if cfg!(debug_assertions) || INTERACTIVE {with_wrapper!()} else {with_wrapper!(std::io::BufWriter::new)}}fn solve<R, W>(reader: R, mut writer: W) -> std::io::Result<()>whereR: BufRead,W: Write,{let mut _scanner = lib::io::Scanner::new(reader);#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! scan {($T:ty) => {_scanner.parse_next::<$T>()?.unwrap()};($($T:ty),+) => {($(scan!($T)),+)};($T:ty; $n:expr) => {_scanner.parse_next_n::<$T>($n)?.unwrap()};($($T:ty),+; $n:expr) => {iter::repeat_with(|| -> std::io::Result<_> { Ok(($(scan!($T)),+)) }).take($n).collect::<std::io::Result<Vec<_>>>()?};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! scan_bytes_map {($f:expr) => {_scanner.map_next_bytes($f)?};($f:expr; $n:expr) => {_scanner.map_next_bytes_n($n, $f)?};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! print {($($arg:tt)*) => {write!(writer, $($arg)*)?};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! println {($($arg:tt)*) => {writeln!(writer, $($arg)*)?};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! answer {($($arg:tt)*) => {{println!($($arg)*);return Ok(());}};}{use ac_library_rs::{FenwickTree, ModInt998244353 as M};let n = scan!(usize);let a = scan!(u64; n);let mut a_order = a.clone();a_order.sort_unstable();a_order.dedup();let a_order = a_order;let a_rank = a.iter().map(|a_i| a_order.binary_search(a_i).unwrap()).collect::<Vec<_>>();let mut ans = M::new(0);let mut ft0_cnt = FenwickTree::new(n, M::new(0));let mut ft0_sum = FenwickTree::new(n, M::new(0));let mut ft1_cnt = FenwickTree::new(n, M::new(0));let mut ft1_sum = FenwickTree::new(n, M::new(0));for i in 0..n {ft1_cnt.add(a_rank[i], ft0_cnt.sum(a_rank[i] + 1, n));ft1_sum.add(a_rank[i],ft0_sum.sum(a_rank[i] + 1, n) + ft0_cnt.sum(a_rank[i] + 1, n) * a[i],);ans += ft1_sum.sum(a_rank[i] + 1, n) + ft1_cnt.sum(a_rank[i] + 1, n) * a[i];ft0_cnt.add(a_rank[i], 1);ft0_sum.add(a_rank[i], a[i]);}println!("{}", ans);}#[allow(unreachable_code)]Ok(())}