問題 | No.1338 Giant Class |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2021-02-15 20:15:53 |
言語 | Common Lisp (sbcl 2.5.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 355 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 8,189 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 963 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 54,800 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 47,912 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-07-23 12:09:35 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 7,255 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge3 / judge2 |
外部呼び出し有り |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 2 |
other | AC * 21 |
; compiling file "/home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp" (written 23 JUL 2024 12:09:28 PM): ; file: /home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp ; in: DEFMACRO TEST ; (DEFMACRO TEST ((FUNC &BODY ARGS) &OPTIONAL (OUT-STREAM)) ; (LET ((EVALED-ARGS (GENSYM))) ; `(LET ((,EVALED-ARGS #)) ; (FORMAT T "~w: ~w ~%" `(,',FUNC ,@,EVALED-ARGS) ; (APPLY #',FUNC ,EVALED-ARGS))))) ; --> EVAL-WHEN SB-C::%DEFMACRO SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA SB-INT:NAMED-DS-BIND ; --> SB-INT:BINDING* ; ==> ; (LET* ((#:G0 (SB-C::CHECK-DS-LIST (CDR #:EXPR) 1 2 '(# # &OPTIONAL #))) ; (#:G1 (SB-C::CHECK-DS-LIST/&REST (POP #:G0) 1 1 '(# FUNC &BODY ARGS))) ; (FUNC (POP #:G1)) ; (ARGS #:G1) ; (OUT-STREAM ; (IF #:G0 ; (POP #:G0)))) ; (DECLARE (SB-C::CONSTANT-VALUE FUNC ARGS OUT-STREAM)) ; (BLOCK TEST ; (LET ((EVALED-ARGS #)) ; `(LET (#) ; (FORMAT T "~w: ~w ~%" `# #))))) ; ; caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable OUT-STREAM is defined but never used. ; file: /home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp ; in: DEFMACRO TEST ; (DEFMACRO TEST ((FUNC &BODY ARGS) &OPTIONAL (OUT-STREAM)) ; (LET ((EVALED-ARGS (GENSYM))) ; `(LET ((,EVALED-ARGS #)) ; (FORMAT T "~w: ~w ~%" `(,',FUNC ,@,EVALED-ARGS) ; (APPLY #',FUNC ,EVALED-ARGS))))) ; --> EVAL-WHEN SB-C::%DEFMACRO SB-C::%DEFMACRO SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FUNCTION ; --> SB-INT:NAMED-DS-BIND SB-INT:BINDING* ; ==> ; (LET* ((#:G0 (SB-C::CHECK-DS-LIST (CDR #:EXPR) 1 2 '(# # &OPTIONAL #))) ; (#:G1 (SB-C::CHECK-DS-LIST/&REST (POP #:G0) 1 1 '(# FUNC &BODY ARGS))) ; (FUNC (POP #:G1)) ; (ARGS #:G1) ; (OUT-STREAM ; (IF #:G0 ; (POP #:G0)))) ; (DECLARE (SB-C::CONSTANT-VALUE FUNC ARGS OUT-STREAM)) ; (BLOCK TEST ; (LET ((EVALED-ARGS #)) ; `(LET (#) ; (FORMAT T "~w: ~w ~%" `# #))))) ; ; caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable OUT-STREAM is d
#-swank(unless (member :child-sbcl *features*)"I refered from https://competitive12.blogspot.com/2020/03/common-lisp.html thank you!"(quit:unix-status(process-exit-code(run-program *runtime-pathname*`("--control-stack-size" "256MB""--noinform" "--disable-ldb" "--lose-on-corruption" "--end-runtime-options""--eval" "(push :child-sbcl *features*)""--script" ,(namestring *load-pathname*)):output t :error t :input t))))(defmacro dpline (name args memo-size &body body)(let ((memo (gensym)))`(let ((,memo (make-array ,memo-size :initial-element nil)))(defun ,name ,args(or (aref ,memo ,@args)(setf (aref ,memo ,@args),@body))))))(defmacro dphash (name args &body expr)`(let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))(defun ,name ,args(or (gethash (list ,@args) table)(setf (gethash (list ,@args) table)(progn,@expr))))))(defmacro test ((func &body args) &optional (out-stream))(let ((evaled-args (gensym)))`(let ((,evaled-args (list ,@args)))(format t "~w: ~w ~%" `(,',func ,@,evaled-args) (apply #',func ,evaled-args)))))(defmacro dplabels (funcs &body body)(let ((tables (loop for func in funcs collect (gensym))))`(let ,(mapcar (lambda (table) `(,table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))tables)(labels ,(mapcar (lambda (func table)(let ((name (first func))(args (second func))(body (cddr func))(ok (gensym))(val (gensym)))`(,name ,args(multiple-value-bind (,val ,ok)(gethash (list ,@args) ,table)(if ,ok ,val(setf (gethash (list ,@args) ,table)(progn ,@body)))))))funcs tables),@body))))(defmacro dpfun (name args &body body)(let ((f (gensym)))`(dplabels ((,f ,args ,@body))(defun ,name (&rest args)(apply #',f args)))))(defun split (x str)(let ((pos (search x str))(size (length x)))(if pos(cons (subseq str 0 pos)(split x (subseq str (+ pos size))))(list str))))(defmacro collect-times (time body)`(loop repeat ,time collect ,body))(defun read-times (time)(collect-times time (read)))(defmacro aif (expr then else)`(let ((it ,expr))(if it ,then ,else)))(defmacro awhen (expr &rest then)`(aif ,expr (progn ,@then) nil))(defun comulative (function list &key base)(if base(comulative function (cons base list))(do ((lst (cdr list) (cdr lst))(acc (list (car list))))((null lst) (reverse acc))(push (funcall function (car acc) (car lst)) acc))))(defun binary-search (function left right&optional(eps 1)(average-function (lambda (x y) (ash (+ x y) -1))))(if (<= (abs (- left right)) eps)right(let ((mid (funcall average-function left right)))(if (funcall function mid)(binary-search function left mid eps average-function)(binary-search function mid right eps average-function)))))(defun arithmetic-mean (&rest body)(/ (apply #'+ body) (length body)))(defvar +MOD+ (+ (expt 10 9) 7))(defun range-0-n (n &optional (step 1))(loop for i from 0 below n by step collect i))(defun range-1-n (n &optional (step 1))(loop for i from 1 below n by step collect i))(defun range-a-b (a b &optional (step 1))(loop for i from a below b by step collect i))(defun map-0-n (function n &optional (step 1))(mapcar function (range-0-n n step)))(defun map-1-n (function n &optional (step 1))(mapcar function (range-1-n n step)))(defun map-a-b (function a b &optional (step 1))(mapcar function (range-a-b a b step)))(defun read-string (&optional (stream *standard-input*))(labels ((is-empty (x)(or (char= x #\space) (char= x #\newline))))(loop for char = (read-char stream)with resultwhen (and result (is-empty char))do (return (concatenate 'string (nreverse result)))when (null (is-empty char))do (push char result))))(defun merge-sort (lst &optional (compare #'<))(let ((turn 0))(labels ((merge-list (a b a-length b-length)(cond ((zerop a-length) b)((zerop b-length) a)((funcall compare (car b) (car a))(incf turn a-length)(cons (car b)(merge-list a (cdr b) a-length (1- b-length))))(t(cons (car a)(merge-list (cdr a) b (1- a-length) b-length)))))(f (lst length)(if (= length 1)lst(let ((mid (ash length -1)))(merge-list (f (subseq lst 0 mid) mid)(f (subseq lst mid) (- length mid))mid(- length mid))))))(values (f lst (length lst)) turn))))(defun group (lst &optional (test #'eql) (key nil))(let ((table (make-hash-table :test test)))(mapc (lambda (x)(push x (gethash (if key (funcall key x) x) table)))lst)(loop for value being each hash-value in tablecollect value)))(defun nearby (&rest args)(let ((current (subseq args 0 (ash (length args) -1)))(validator (subseq args (ash (length args) -1)))(res nil))(labels ((check ()(every (lambda (x y) (and (<= 0 x) (< x y)))current validator))(f (lst)(unless lst (return-from f))(let ((x (car lst)))(setf (car lst) (1+ x))(when (check) (push (copy-list current) res))(setf (car lst) (1- x))(when (check) (push (copy-list current) res))(setf (car lst) x))(f (cdr lst))))(f current)res)))(defun make-primes (max-number)(let ((array (make-array (1+ max-number) :initial-element t)))(loop for i from 2 to max-numberfor is-prime = (aref array i)when is-prime collect iwhen is-primedo (loop for j from (* 2 i) to max-number by ido (setf (aref array j) nil)))))(defun make-is-prime (max-number)(let ((primes (make-primes max-number))(table (make-array (1+ max-number) :initial-element nil)))(dolist (i primes)(setf (aref table i) t))(defun is-prime (x)(aref table x))))(defparameter +MOD+ (+ 7 (expt 10 9)))(defmacro mod+ (&body args)(reduce (lambda (a b) `(mod (+ ,a ,b) +MOD+))args))(defmacro mod- (&body args)(reduce (lambda (a b) `(mod (- ,a ,b) +MOD+))args))(defmacro mod* (&body args)(reduce (lambda (a b) `(mod (* ,a ,b) +MOD+))args))(defun modpow (base power)(if (zerop power)1(let ((base2 (mod* base base)))(mod* (if (oddp power) base 1)(modpow base2 (ash power -1))))))(defun modinv (x)(modpow x (- +MOD+ 2)))(defmacro mod/ (x &body args)`(mod* ,x(modinv (mod* ,@args))))(defun main (h w q query)(let ((ans (* h w))(table (make-hash-table)))(loop for q in queryfor y = (car q)for x = (cdr q)for cy = (gethash x table (1+ h))for ny = (min y cy)collect (decf ans (- cy ny))do (setf (gethash x table) ny))))#-swank(format t "~{~a~%~}"(let* ((h (read))(w (read))(q (read))(query (collect-times q (cons (read) (read)))))(main h w q query)))