問題 | No.1874 Minimum of Sum of Rectangles |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2022-03-11 23:18:11 |
言語 | C++17 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 10,338 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 4,034 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 154,028 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2025-01-28 09:07:04 |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge5 / judge5 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | WA * 3 |
other | WA * 4 TLE * 35 |
#include <string> #include <vector> #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<stack> #include<queue> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #include<functional> #include<list> #include<deque> #include<bitset> #include<set> #include<map> #include<unordered_map> #include<unordered_set> #include<cstring> #include<sstream> #include<complex> #include<iomanip> #include<numeric> #include<cassert> #include<random> #define X first #define Y second #define pb push_back #define rep(X,Y) for (int X = 0;X < (int)(Y);++X) #define reps(X,S,Y) for (int X = (int)(S);X < (int)(Y);++X) #define rrep(X,Y) for (int X = (int)(Y)-1;X >=0;--X) #define rreps(X,S,Y) for (int X = (int)(Y)-1;X >= (int)(S);--X) #define repe(X,Y) for (X = 0;X < (Y);++X) #define peat(X,Y) for (;X < (Y);++X) #define all(X) X.begin(),X.end() #define rall(X) X.rbegin(),X.rend() #define eb emplace_back #define UNIQUE(X) X.erase(unique(all(X)),X.end()) #define Endl endl #define NL <<"\n" #define cauto const auto using namespace std; using ll=long long; using pii=pair<int,int>; using pll=pair<ll,ll>; template<class T> using vv=vector<vector<T>>; template<class T> inline bool MX(T &l,const T &r){return l<r?l=r,1:0;} template<class T> inline bool MN(T &l,const T &r){return l>r?l=r,1:0;} //#undef NUIP #ifdef NUIP #include "benri.h" #else #define out(args...) #endif void ouT(ll x,int d=3){auto re=to_string(x);if((int)re.size()>d) re=x>0?"oo":"-oo";cout<<string(d-re.size(),' ')<<re<<",";} #ifdef __cpp_init_captures template<typename T>vector<T> table(int n, T v){ return vector<T>(n, v);} template <class... Args> auto table(int n, Args... args){auto val = table(args...); return vector<decltype(val)>(n, move(val));} #endif template<class A,class B> pair<A,B> operator+(const pair<A,B> &p,const pair<A,B> &q){ return {p.X+q.X,p.Y+q.Y};} template<class A,class B,class C,class D> pair<A,B>& operator+=(pair<A,B> &p,const pair<C,D> &q){ p.X+=q.X; p.Y+=q.Y; return p;} template<class A,class B> pair<A,B> operator-(const pair<A,B> &p,const pair<A,B> &q){ return {p.X-q.X,p.Y-q.Y};} template<class A,class B,class C,class D> pair<A,B>& operator-=(pair<A,B> &p,const pair<C,D> &q){ p.X-=q.X; p.Y-=q.Y; return p;} template<class A,class B> istream& operator>>(istream &is, pair<A,B> &p){ is>>p.X>>p.Y; return is;} template<class T=ll> T read(){ T re; cin>>re; return re;} template<class T=ll> T read(const T &dec){ T re; cin>>re; return re-dec;} template<class T=ll> vector<T> readV(const int sz){ vector<T> re(sz); for(auto &x:re) x=read<T>(); return re;} template<class T=ll> vector<T> readV(const int sz, const T &dec){ vector<T> re(sz); for(auto &x:re) x=read<T>(dec); return re;} vv<int> readG(const int &n,const int &m){ vv<int> g(n); rep(_,m){ cauto a=read<int>(1),b=read<int>(1); g[a].pb(b); g[b].pb(a);} return g;} vv<int> readG(const int &n){ return readG(n,n-1);} vv<int> readD(const int &n,const int &m){ vv<int> g(n); rep(_,m){ cauto a=read<int>(1),b=read<int>(1); g[a].pb(b); } return g;} vv<int> readD(const int &n){ return readD(n,n-1);} template<class T> vv<pair<int,T>> readG(const int &n,const int &m){ vv<pair<int,T>> g(n); rep(_,m){ cauto a=read<int>(1),b=read<int>(1); cauto c=read<T>(); g[a].eb(b,c); g[b].eb(a,c);} return g;} template<class T> vv<pair<int,T>> readG(const int &n){ return readG<T>(n,n-1);} template<class T> vv<pair<int,T>> readD(const int &n,const int &m){ vv<pair<int,T>> g(n); rep(_,m){ cauto a=read<int>(1),b=read<int>(1); cauto c=read<T>(); g[a].eb(b,c); } return g;} template<class T> vv<pair<int,T>> readD(const int &n){ return readD<T>(n,n-1);} #ifdef __cpp_deduction_guides template<typename T> vector<T> readT(int n, T v){ return readV(n,v);} template <class... Args> auto readT(int n, Args... args){ vector re(1,readT(args...));rep(_,n-1) re.eb(readT(args...)); return re;} template<class Tuple, size_t... Is> void read_tuple_impl(istream &is, Tuple& t, index_sequence<Is...>){((is >> get<Is>(t)), ...);} template<class... Args> auto& operator>>(istream &is, tuple<Args...>& t){ read_tuple_impl(is, t, index_sequence_for<Args...>{}); return is;} template<class T> bool erase(multiset<T> &st, const T &v){if(cauto it=st.find(v); it==st.end()) return false; else{ st.erase(it); return true;}} #endif #ifdef __cpp_init_captures template<typename T, size_t... Is> void addadd(T& t1, const T& t2, integer_sequence<size_t, Is...>){ cauto l = { (get<Is>(t1) += get<Is>(t2), 0)... }; (void)l;} template <typename...T>tuple<T...>& operator += (tuple<T...>& lhs, const tuple<T...>& rhs){ addadd(lhs, rhs, index_sequence_for<T...>{}); return lhs;} template <typename...T>tuple<T...> operator +(tuple<T...> lhs, const tuple<T...>& rhs){ return lhs += rhs;} template<typename T, size_t... Is> void subsub(T& t1, const T& t2, integer_sequence<size_t, Is...>){ cauto l = { (get<Is>(t1) -= get<Is>(t2), 0)... }; (void)l;} template <typename...T>tuple<T...>& operator -= (tuple<T...>& lhs, const tuple<T...>& rhs){ subsub(lhs, rhs, index_sequence_for<T...>{}); return lhs;} template <typename...T>tuple<T...> operator - (tuple<T...> lhs, const tuple<T...>& rhs){ return lhs -= rhs;} #endif #define TT cauto TTT=read();rep(_,TTT) struct sorted_impl{template<class T>friend vector<T>operator-(vector<T>a,sorted_impl){sort(all(a));return a;}friend string operator-(string a,sorted_impl){sort(all(a));return a;}}sorted;struct reversed_impl{template<class T>friend vector<T>operator-(vector<T> a,reversed_impl){reverse(all(a));return a;}friend string operator-(string a,reversed_impl){reverse(all(a));return a;}}reversed;struct distinct_impl{template<class T>friend vector<T>operator-(vector<T> a,distinct_impl){sort(all(a));UNIQUE(a);return a;}}distinct;template<class S>struct sortedWith{const S f;sortedWith(const S &f):f(f){}template<class T>friend vector<T>operator-(vector<T> a,const sortedWith&b){sort(all(a),[&](cauto&i,cauto&j){return b.f(i)<b.f(j);});return a;}}; template<class T>int operator/(const T&v,const vector<T>&vs){return lower_bound(all(vs),v)-vs.begin();} vector<int> Inds(const int n){vector<int> inds(n);iota(all(inds),0);return inds;} const ll MOD=1e9+7; //998244353; struct Rect{ ll a,b; ll sum; Rect(ll a=0,ll b=0):a(a),b(b),sum(a*b){} Rect operator+(Rect seg){ seg.a+=a; seg.b+=b; seg.sum+=sum; return seg; } static Rect e; }; Rect Rect::e=Rect(); ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const Rect &seg){ return os<<"("<<seg.a<<","<<seg.b<<","<<seg.sum<<")";} template<class T> struct Add{ T ad; Add(T ad={}):ad(ad){} void operator+=(const Add &lfun){ ad+=lfun.ad; } bool operator==(const Add &lfun){ return ad==lfun.ad;} void eval(Rect &s,int l,int r){ s.sum+=s.a*ad.X+s.b*ad.Y+ad.X*ad.Y*(r-l); s.a+=ad.X; s.b+=ad.Y; } static Add e; }; template<class T> Add<T> Add<T>::e=Add(); template<class T>ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const Add<T> &lfun){ return os<<"("<<lfun.ad<<")";} template<class Seg, class Ope> struct LazySegTree{ vector<Seg> segs; vector<Ope> opes; void lazy_eval(int k,int a,int b){ if(opes[k]==Ope::e) return; opes[k].eval(segs[k],a,b); if(2*k+2<(int)opes.size()){ opes[2*k+1]+=opes[k]; opes[2*k+2]+=opes[k]; } opes[k]=Ope::e; } void upd_node(int k){segs[k]=segs[2*k+1]+segs[2*k+2];} void upd(int l,int r,Ope ope,int k,int a,int b){ lazy_eval(k,a,b); if(b<=l || r<=a) return; if(l<=a && b<=r){ opes[k]+=ope; lazy_eval(k,a,b); return; } int m=(a+b)/2; upd(l,r,ope,2*k+1,a,m); upd(l,r,ope,2*k+2,m,b); upd_node(k); } void upd(int l,int r, const Ope &ope){ upd(l,r,ope,0,0,segs.size()/2);} Seg query(int l,int r,int k,int a,int b){ lazy_eval(k,a,b); if(b<=l || r<=a)return Seg::e; if(l<=a && b<=r){return segs[k];} int m=(a+b)/2; Seg vl=query(l,r,2*k+1,a,m); Seg vr=query(l,r,2*k+2,m,b); upd_node(k); return vl+vr; } LazySegTree(int n){ int pw=1; while(pw<n) pw*=2; segs.resize(2*pw); opes.resize(2*pw); } template<class Int> LazySegTree(vector<Int> vs){ int n=vs.size(); int pw=1; while(pw<n) pw*=2; segs.resize(2*pw); opes.resize(2*pw); rep(i,n) segs[pw-1+i]=vs[i]; rrep(i,pw-1) segs[i]=segs[i*2+1]+segs[i*2+2]; } void operator()(int l,int r, const Ope &ope){ upd(l,r,ope,0,0,segs.size()/2);}; void first(int r, const Ope &ope){ return operator()(0,r,ope); } void take(int r, const Ope &ope){ return operator()(0,r,ope); } void drop(int l, const Ope &ope){ return operator()(l,segs.size()/2,ope); } void last(int k, const Ope &ope){ return operator()((int)segs.size()/2-k,segs.size()/2,ope); } // void rb(int r,Ope ope){ operator()(0,r,ope); } // void lb(int l,Ope ope){ operator()(l,segs.size()/2,ope); } Seg operator()(int l,int r){ return query(l,r,0,0,segs.size()/2);}; Seg first(int r){ return operator()(0,r); } Seg take(int r){ return operator()(0,r); } Seg drop(int l){ return operator()(l,segs.size()/2); } Seg last(int k){ return operator()((int)segs.size()/2-k,segs.size()/2); } Seg operator()()const{ return segs[0];} }; int main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout<<fixed<<setprecision(0); cauto n=read(); cauto ps=readV(n,pii()); cauto inds=Inds(n)-sortedWith([&](cauto &i){return ps[i].Y;}); vector<int> ords(n); rep(i,n) ords[inds[i]]=i; vv<int> xcs(1123456); rep(i,n) xcs[ps[i].X].eb(i); LazySegTree<Rect,Add<pll>> left(n),right(n); LazySegTree<Rect,Add<pll>> leftA(n),rightA(n); rep(i,n){ right(i,i+1,pll(1,ps[inds[i]].X)); rightA(i,i+1,pll(ps[inds[i]].Y,ps[inds[i]].X)); } ll re=1e18; rep(ox,1123456){ cauto sum=left().sum+right().sum; int l=0,r=n; while(r-l>1){ cauto m=(l+r)/2; (2*(left.take(m).sum+right.take(m).sum)<=sum?l:r)=m; } if(ox<10) out(ox,l,r,1); ll cost=0; cauto y=ps[inds[l]].Y; cost+=y*left.take(l).a-leftA.take(l).sum; if(ox==2) out(ox,cost,y,l,1); cost+=y*right.take(l).a-rightA.take(l).sum; if(ox==2) out(ox,cost,y,l,1); cost+=leftA.drop(l).sum-(n-y)*left.drop(l).a; if(ox==2) out(ox,cost,y,l,leftA.drop(l),(n-y),left.drop(l),1); cost+=rightA.drop(l).sum-(n-y)*right.drop(l).a; if(ox==2) out(ox,cost,y,l,1); MN(re,cost); for(cauto &i:xcs[ox]){ cauto x=ps[inds[i]].Y; right(i,i+1,pll(-1,0)); left(i,i+1,pll(1,0)); rightA(i,i+1,pll(-x,0)); leftA(i,i+1,pll(x,0)); } right.drop(0,pll(0,-1)); left.drop(0,pll(0,1)); rightA.drop(0,pll(0,-1)); leftA.drop(0,pll(0,1)); } cout<<re NL; return 0; }