問題 | No.1038 TreeAddQuery |
ユーザー |
👑 |
提出日時 | 2023-03-01 06:03:05 |
言語 | C++17 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 1,299 ms / 4,000 ms |
コード長 | 14,607 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,769 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 230,656 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2025-02-11 00:28:36 |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge4 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 3 |
other | AC * 24 |
In lambda function, inlined from ‘void solve()’ at A.cpp:293:18: A.cpp:284:62: warning: ‘bg’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] A.cpp: In function ‘void solve()’: A.cpp:280:13: note: ‘bg’ was declared here In lambda function, inlined from ‘void solve()’ at A.cpp:294:12: A.cpp:271:51: warning: ‘bg’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] A.cpp: In function ‘void solve()’: A.cpp:264:13: note: ‘bg’ was declared here
#line 1 "A.cpp"#define PROBLEM "https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/vertex_add_range_contour_sum_on_tree"// #pragma GCC target("avx2")// #pragma GCC optimize("O3")// #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;using ll = long long;using ull = unsigned long long;template <class T>using pq = priority_queue<T>;template <class T>using qp = priority_queue<T, vector<T>, greater<T>>;#define vec(T, A, ...) vector<T> A(__VA_ARGS__);#define vvec(T, A, h, ...) vector<vector<T>> A(h, vector<T>(__VA_ARGS__));#define vvvec(T, A, h1, h2, ...) vector<vector<vector<T>>> A(h1, vector<vector<T>>(h2, vector<T>(__VA_ARGS__)));#ifndef RIN__LOCAL#define endl "\n"#endif#define spa ' '#define len(A) A.size()#define all(A) begin(A), end(A)#define fori1(a) for(ll _ = 0; _ < (a); _++)#define fori2(i, a) for(ll i = 0; i < (a); i++)#define fori3(i, a, b) for(ll i = (a); i < (b); i++)#define fori4(i, a, b, c) for(ll i = (a); ((c) > 0 || i > (b)) && ((c) < 0 || i < (b)); i += (c))#define overload4(a, b, c, d, e, ...) e#define fori(...) overload4(__VA_ARGS__, fori4, fori3, fori2, fori1)(__VA_ARGS__)template <typename T>vector<tuple<ll, T>> ENUMERATE(vector<T> &A, ll s = 0){vector<tuple<ll, T>> ret(A.size());for(int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) ret[i] = {i + s, A[i]};return ret;}vector<tuple<ll, char>> ENUMERATE(string &A, ll s = 0){vector<tuple<ll, char>> ret(A.size());for(int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) ret[i] = {i + s, A[i]};return ret;}#define enum1(A) fori(A.size())#define enum2(a, A) for(auto a:A)#define enum3(i, a, A) for(auto&& [i, a]: ENUMERATE(A))#define enum4(i, a, A, s) for(auto&& [i, a]: ENUMERATE(A, s))#define enum(...) overload4(__VA_ARGS__, enum4, enum3, enum2, enum1)(__VA_ARGS__)template <typename T, typename S>vector<tuple<T, S>> ZIP(vector<T> &A, vector<S> &B){int n = min(A.size(), B.size());vector<tuple<T, S>> ret(n);for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) ret[i] = {A[i], B[i]};return ret;}template <typename T, typename S>vector<tuple<ll, T, S>> ENUMZIP(vector<T> &A, vector<S> &B, ll s = 0){int n = min(A.size(), B.size());vector<tuple<ll, T, S>> ret(n);for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) ret[i] = {i + s, A[i], B[i]};return ret;}#define zip4(a, b, A, B) for(auto&& [a, b]: ZIP(A, B))#define enumzip5(i, a, b, A, B) for(auto&& [i, a, b]: ENUMZIP(A, B))#define enumzip6(i, a, b, A, B, s) for(auto&& [i, a, b]: ENUMZIP(A, B, s))#define overload6(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ...) g#define zip(...) overload6(__VA_ARGS__, enumzip6, enumzip5, zip4, _, _, _)(__VA_ARGS__)vector<char> stoc(string &S){int n = S.size();vector<char> ret(n);for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) ret[i] = S[i];return ret;}#define INT(...) int __VA_ARGS__; inp(__VA_ARGS__);#define LL(...) ll __VA_ARGS__; inp(__VA_ARGS__);#define STRING(...) string __VA_ARGS__; inp(__VA_ARGS__);#define CHAR(...) char __VA_ARGS__; inp(__VA_ARGS__);#define VEC(T, A, n) vector<T> A(n); inp(A);#define VVEC(T, A, n, m) vector<vector<T>> A(n, vector<T>(m)); inp(A);const ll MOD1 = 1000000007;const ll MOD9 = 998244353;template<class T> auto min(const T& a){return *min_element(all(a));}template<class T> auto max(const T& a){return *max_element(all(a));}template <class T, class S>inline bool chmax(T &a, const S &b) {return (a < b ? a = b, 1 : 0);}template <class T, class S>inline bool chmin(T &a, const S &b) {return (a > b ? a = b, 1 : 0);}void FLUSH(){cout << flush;}void print(){cout << endl;}template <class Head, class... Tail>void print(Head &&head, Tail &&... tail) {cout << head;if (sizeof...(Tail)) cout << spa;print(forward<Tail>(tail)...);}template<typename T>void print(vector<T> &A){int n = A.size();for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){cout << A[i];if(i != n - 1) cout << ' ';}cout << endl;}template<typename T>void print(vector<vector<T>> &A){for(auto &row: A) print(row);}template<typename T, typename S>void print(pair<T, S> &A){cout << A.first << spa << A.second << endl;}template<typename T, typename S>void print(vector<pair<T, S>> &A){for(auto &row: A) print(row);}template<typename T, typename S>void prisep(vector<T> &A, S sep){int n = A.size();for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){cout << A[i];if(i == n - 1) cout << endl;else cout << sep;}}template<typename T, typename S>void priend(T A, S end){cout << A << end;}template<typename T>void priend(T A){priend(A, spa);}template<class... T>void inp(T&... a){(cin >> ... >> a);}template<typename T>void inp(vector<T> &A){for(auto &a:A) cin >> a;}template<typename T>void inp(vector<vector<T>> &A){for(auto &row:A) inp(row);}template<typename T, typename S>void inp(pair<T, S> &A){inp(A.first, A.second);}template<typename T, typename S>void inp(vector<pair<T, S>> &A){for(auto &row: A) inp(row.first, row.second);}template<typename T>T sum(vector<T> &A){T tot = 0;for(auto a:A) tot += a;return tot;}template<typename T>pair<vector<T>, map<T, int>> compression(vector<T> X){sort(all(X));X.erase(unique(all(X)), X.end());map<T, int> mp;for(int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++) mp[X[i]] = i;return {X, mp};}struct UnionFind{int n;vector<int> par;vector<int> A;int group;UnionFind(int n, vector<int> B) : n(n), A(B){par.assign(n, -1);group = n;A.resize(n);}int find(int x){if(par[x] < 0) return x;par[x] = find(par[x]);return par[x];}bool unite(int x, int y){x = find(x);y = find(y);if(x == y) return false;if(par[x] > par[y]) swap(x, y);group--;par[x] += par[y];par[y] = x;A[x] += A[y];return true;}bool same(int x, int y){return find(x) == find(y);}int size(int x){return -par[find(x)];}vector<int> roots(){vector<int> ret;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){if(i == find(i)) ret.push_back(i);}return ret;}};#line 2 "Library/C++/tree/CentroidDecomposition.hpp"struct CentroidDecomposition{public:int n;vector<int> par; // 重心分解した木の直接の親vector<int> depth; // 重心分解した木の深さvector<int> size; // 頂点iを重心とする木のサイズvector<int> childcnt; // 頂点iの子の個数vector<vector<int>> pars; // pars[i][j] := 頂点iの先祖のうち,深さがjである頂点vector<vector<int>> edges;vector<vector<int>> centroids; // centroids[i] := 深さiの重心の一覧vector<vector<int>> treeind; // treeind[i][j] := 頂点jが深さiの重心の何番目の部分木かvector<vector<int>> cent_depth; // cent_depth[i][j] := 頂点jと深さiの重心からの距離CentroidDecomposition() = default;CentroidDecomposition(int n) : n(n){edges.resize(n);pars.resize(n);childcnt.resize(n);par.assign(n, -1);depth.assign(n, -1);size.assign(n, -1);}void add_edge(int u, int v){edges[u].push_back(v);edges[v].push_back(u);}void read_edges(int indexed=1, int m=-1){if(m == -1) m = n - 1;while(m--){int u, v;cin >> u >> v;add_edge(u - indexed, v - indexed);}}void build(){dfs(0, -1);}pair<vector<vector<vector<int>>>, vector<vector<int>>> dist_freq(){vector<vector<vector<int>>> dist(n);vector<vector<int>> disttot(n);for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){stack<pair<int, pair<int, int>>> st;disttot[i] = {1};dist[i].assign(childcnt[i], {0});st.push({0, {i, -1}});while(!st.empty()){int d = st.top().first + 1;int pos = st.top().second.first;int bpos = st.top().second.second;st.pop();for(auto npos:edges[pos]){if(npos == bpos || depth[npos] < depth[i]) continue;st.push({d, {npos, pos}});if(disttot[i].size() == d) disttot[i].push_back(1);else disttot[i][d]++;int j = treeind[depth[i]][npos];if(dist[i][j].size() == d) dist[i][j].push_back(1);else dist[i][j][d]++;}}}return {dist, disttot};}pair<vector<vector<vector<long long>>>, vector<vector<long long>>> dist_freq_ll(){vector<vector<vector<long long>>> dist(n);vector<vector<long long>> disttot(n);for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){stack<pair<int, pair<int, int>>> st;disttot[i] = {1};dist[i].assign(childcnt[i], {0});st.push({0, {i, -1}});while(!st.empty()){int d = st.top().first + 1;int pos = st.top().second.first;int bpos = st.top().second.second;st.pop();for(auto npos:edges[pos]){if(npos == bpos || depth[npos] < depth[i]) continue;st.push({d, {npos, pos}});if(disttot[i].size() == d) disttot[i].push_back(1);else disttot[i][d]++;int j = treeind[depth[i]][npos];if(dist[i][j].size() == d) dist[i][j].push_back(1);else dist[i][j][d]++;}}}return {dist, disttot};}vector<tuple<int, int, int>> cent_ind_dist(int u){vector<tuple<int, int, int>> ret; // uの親 + u の各重心の {頂点番号,何番目の部分木か,距離}ret.push_back({u, -1, 0});for(int d = pars[u].size() - 1; d >= 0; d--){ret.push_back({pars[u][d], treeind[d][u], cent_depth[d][u]});}return ret;};private:void dfs(int pos, int bpos, int d=0, int c=-1){stack<int> st;st.push(pos);stack<int> route;int sz = 0;if(treeind.size() <= d) treeind.push_back(vector<int>(n, -1));if(cent_depth.size() <= d) cent_depth.push_back(vector<int>(n, -1));if(d != 0) cent_depth[d - 1][pos] = 1;while(!st.empty()){int pos = st.top();st.pop();if(bpos != -1) pars[pos].push_back(bpos);depth[pos] = -2;route.push(pos);sz++;if(d >= 1) treeind[d - 1][pos] = c;for(auto npos:edges[pos]){if(depth[npos] == -1){st.push(npos);if(d != 0) cent_depth[d - 1][npos] = cent_depth[d - 1][pos] + 1;}}}int g = -1;while(!route.empty()){int pos = route.top();route.pop();size[pos] = 1;depth[pos] = -1;bool isg = true;for(auto npos:edges[pos]){if(depth[npos] == -1){size[pos] += size[npos];if(size[npos] * 2 > sz) isg = false;}}if(isg && 2 * size[pos] >= sz){g = pos;}}if(centroids.size() == d) centroids.push_back({g});else centroids[d].push_back(g);size[g] = sz;par[g] = bpos;depth[g] = d;cent_depth[d][g] = 0;if(sz != 1){int c = 0;for(auto npos:edges[g]){if(depth[npos] == -1) dfs(npos, g, d + 1, c++);}childcnt[g] = c;}}};#line 2 "Library/C++/data_structure/BIT.hpp"template<typename T>struct BIT{int n;vector<T> tree;BIT(int n): n(n){tree.assign(n + 1, T(0));}BIT(){}T _sum(int i){i++;T res = T(0);while(i > 0){res += tree[i];i -= i & -i;}return res;}T sum(int l, int r){return _sum(r - 1) - _sum(l - 1);}T sum(int r){return _sum(r - 1);}T get(int i){return _sum(i) - _sum(i - 1);}void add(int i, T x){i++;while(i <= n){tree[i] += x;i += i & -i;}}int lower_bound(T x){int pos = 0;int plus = 1;while(plus * 2 <= n) plus *= 2;while(plus > 0){if((pos + plus <= n) && (tree[pos + plus] < x)){x -= tree[pos + plus];pos += plus;}plus >>= 1;}return pos;}};#line 239 "A.cpp"void solve(){INT(n, Q);CentroidDecomposition G(n);G.read_edges();G.build();int logn = G.centroids.size();vector<BIT<ll>> bit(logn, BIT<ll>(n));vector<BIT<ll>> subbit(logn, BIT<ll>(2 * n));vec(int, L, n);vec(int, subL, n);fori(d, logn){int c = 0;int c2 = 0;for(auto g:G.centroids[d]){L[g] = c;if(d != 0){subL[g] = c2;}c += G.size[g];c2 += G.size[g] + 1;}}auto add=[&](int x, int y, ll z){int bg;for(auto [g, j, d]:G.cent_ind_dist(x)){int dd = y - d;if(dd >= 0){bit[G.depth[g]].add(L[g], z);bit[G.depth[g]].add(L[g] + min(dd + 1, G.size[g]), -z);if(j != -1){subbit[G.depth[g]].add(subL[bg] + 1, z);subbit[G.depth[g]].add(subL[bg] + min(dd + 1, G.size[bg] + 1), -z);}}bg = g;}};auto get=[&](int x){int bg;ll ret = 0;for(auto [g, j, d]:G.cent_ind_dist(x)){ret += bit[G.depth[g]].sum(L[g] + d + 1);if(j != -1) ret -= subbit[G.depth[g]].sum(subL[bg] + d + 1);bg = g;}return ret;};fori(Q){INT(x, y); x--;LL(z);print(get(x));add(x, y, z);}}int main(){cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0);// cout << fixed << setprecision(12);int t;t = 1;// cin >> t;while(t--) solve();return 0;}