
問題 No.2508 Discriminant
ユーザー 👑 seekworser
提出日時 2023-10-20 21:32:40
言語 Nim
実行時間 5 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 6,122 bytes
コンパイル時間 4,666 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 90,496 KB
実行使用メモリ 6,948 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-09-20 17:34:24
合計ジャッジ時間 5,595 ms
judge1 / judge2
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 3
other AC * 22


diff #

import macros;macro ImportExpand(s:untyped):untyped = parseStmt($s[2])
import macros
macro Please(x): untyped = nnkStmtList.newTree()
Please use Nim-ACL
Please use Nim-ACL
Please use Nim-ACL
import macros
# {.checks: off.}
{.warning[UnusedImport]: off.}
{.hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]: off.}
import os
import algorithm
import sequtils
import tables
import macros
import std/math
import sets
import strutils
import strformat
import sugar
import streams
import deques
ImportExpand "competitive/std/std.nim" <=== "import math\nimport strformat\nimport macros\nimport strutils\nwhen not declared COMPETITIVE_STD_STD_HPP
    :\n const COMPETITIVE_STD_STD_HPP* = 1\n const MODINT998244353* = 998244353\n const MODINT1000000007* = 1000000007\n let INF* =
    100100111\n let INFL* = int(3300300300300300491)\n type double* = float64\n let readNext = iterator(getsChar: bool = false): string {
    .closure.} =\n while true:\n var si: string\n try: si = stdin.readLine\n except EOFError: yield \"\"\n
     for s in si.split:\n if getsChar:\n for i in 0..<s.len():\n yield s[i..i]\n
     else:\n yield s\n proc input*(t: typedesc[string]): string = readNext()\n proc input*(t: typedesc[char]): char
    = readNext(true)[0]\n proc input*(t: typedesc[int]): int = readNext().parseInt\n proc input*(t: typedesc[float]): float = readNext
    ().parseFloat\n macro input*(t: typedesc, n: varargs[int]): untyped =\n var repStr = \"\"\n for arg in n:\n repStr &=
    &\"({arg.repr}).newSeqWith \"\n parseExpr(&\"{repStr}input({t})\")\n macro input*(ts: varargs[auto]): untyped =\n var tupStr =
    \"\"\n for t in ts:\n tupStr &= &\"input({t.repr}),\"\n parseExpr(&\"({tupStr})\")\n macro input*(n: int, ts:
    varargs[auto]): untyped =\n for typ in ts:\n if typ.typeKind != ntyAnything:\n error(\"Expected typedesc, got \"
    & typ.repr, typ)\n parseExpr(&\"({n.repr}).newSeqWith input({ts.repr})\")\n proc `fmtprint`*[T](x: seq[T]): string = return x.join(\" \"
    )\n proc `fmtprint`*(x: int or string or char): string = return $x\n proc `fmtprint`*(x: float or float32 or float64): string = return &\"{x
    :.16f}\"\n proc print*(prop: tuple[f: File, sepc: string, endc: string, flush: bool], args: varargs[string, `fmtprint`]) =\n for i in 0
    ..<len(args):\n prop.f.write(&\"{args[i]}\")\n if i != len(args) - 1: prop.f.write(prop.sepc) else: prop.f.write(prop.endc
    )\n if prop.flush: prop.f.flushFile()\n proc print*(args: varargs[string, `fmtprint`]) = print((f: stdout, sepc: \" \", endc: \"\\n\",
    flush: false), args)\n proc inner_debug*(x: auto) = print((f: stderr, sepc: \"\", endc: \"\", flush: true), x)\n macro debug*(n:
    varargs[typed]): untyped =\n result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, n)\n for i in 0..n.len-1:\n if n[i].kind == nnkStrLit:\n
     result.add(newCall(\"inner_debug\", n[i]))\n result.add(newCall(\"inner_debug\", newStrLitNode(\": \")))\n
     result.add(newCall(\"inner_debug\", n[i]))\n else:\n result.add(newCall(\"inner_debug\", toStrLit(n[i])))\n
     result.add(newCall(\"inner_debug\", newStrLitNode(\": \")))\n result.add(newCall(\"inner_debug\", n[i]))\n if i !
    = n.len-1:\n result.add(newCall(\"inner_debug\", newStrLitNode(\", \")))\n else:\n result.add(newCall
    (\"inner_debug\", newStrLitNode(\"\\n\")))\n proc `%`*(x:int, y:int):int = (((x mod y) + y) mod y)\n proc `//`*(x:int, y:int):int = ((x -
    (x%y)) div y)\n proc `^`*(x:int, y:int):int = x xor y\n proc `&`*(x:int, y:int):int = x and y\n proc `|`*(x:int, y:int):int = x or y\n
     proc `>>`*(x:int, y:int):int = x shr y\n proc `<<`*(x:int, y:int):int = x shl y\n proc `%=`*(x:var int, y:int):void = x = x % y\n proc `
    //=`*(x:var int, y:int):void = x = x // y\n proc `^=`*(x:var int, y:int):void = x = x ^ y\n proc `&=`*(x:var int, y:int):void = x = x & y\n
     proc `|=`*(x:var int, y:int):void = x = x | y\n proc `>>=`*(x:var int, y:int):void = x = x >> y\n proc `<<=`*(x:var int, y:int):void = x
    = x << y\n proc `[]`*(x:int,n:int):bool = (x and (1 shl n)) != 0\n proc pow*(a, n: int, m = INFL): int =\n var rev: int = 1\n
    var a = a\n var n = n\n while n > 0:\n if n % 2 != 0:\n rev = (rev * a) mod m\n if n > 1:\n
     a = (a * a) mod m\n n >>= 1\n return rev\n proc sqrt*(x: int): int =\n assert(x >= 0)\n var rev =
    int(sqrt(float(x)))\n while rev * rev > x:\n rev += 1\n while (rev+1) * (rev+1) <= x:\n rev += 1\n
    return rev\n proc chmax*[T](x: var T, y: T): bool =\n if x < y:\n x = y\n return true\n return false\n
    proc chmin*[T](x: var T, y: T): bool =\n if x > y:\n x = y\n return true\n return false\n proc at*(x:char,
    a = '0'):int=int(x)-int(a)\n converter tofloat*(n:int):float = float(n)\n converter tobool*(n:int):bool = n != 0\n converter tobool*[T](a
    :seq[T]):bool = a.len != 0\n iterator range*(start:int,ends:int,step:int): int =\n var i = start\n if step < 0:\n
    while i>ends:\n yield i\n i += step\n elif step > 0:\n while i<ends:\n yield i\n
     i += step\n iterator range*(ends:int):int=(for i in 0..<ends:yield i)\n iterator range*(start:int,ends:int):int= (for i in
    start..<ends: yield i)\n let DXY* = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]\n discard\n"
var a,p,q = input(string)
if a == "0":
if p == "0" and q == "0": print("No")
if (p == "-" & q) or (q == "-" & p): print("No")
else: print("Yes")
if p == q: