
問題 No.2713 Just Solitaire
ユーザー drken1215drken1215
提出日時 2024-03-31 14:32:33
言語 C++17
(gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.83.0)
実行時間 4 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 43,541 bytes
コンパイル時間 2,847 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 234,032 KB
実行使用メモリ 6,820 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-09-30 19:39:46
合計ジャッジ時間 3,335 ms
judge2 / judge4


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_01 AC 1 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_02 AC 2 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_03 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_04 AC 3 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_05 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_06 AC 2 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_07 AC 2 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_08 AC 1 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_09 AC 2 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_10 AC 2 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_11 AC 2 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_12 AC 2 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_13 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_14 AC 3 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_15 AC 1 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_16 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_17 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_18 AC 1 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_19 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_20 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_21 AC 1 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_22 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_23 AC 2 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_24 AC 3 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_25 AC 4 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_26 AC 3 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_27 AC 4 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_28 AC 3 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_29 AC 4 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_30 AC 4 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_31 AC 3 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_32 AC 4 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_33 AC 3 ms
6,820 KB


diff #

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

using pint = pair<int, int>;
using pll = pair<long long, long long>;
template<class T> inline bool chmax(T& a, T b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; }
template<class T> inline bool chmin(T& a, T b) { if (a > b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; }

// 4-neighbor (or 8-neighbor)
const vector<int> dx = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1};
const vector<int> dy = {0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1};

// debug

#define DEBUG 1
#define COUT(x) if (DEBUG) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << " (L" << __LINE__ << ")" << endl
template<class T1, class T2> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, pair<T1,T2> P)
{ return s << '<' << P.first << ", " << P.second << '>'; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, vector<T> P)
{ for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { s << " "; } s << P[i]; } return s; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, deque<T> P)
{ for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { s << " "; } s << P[i]; } return s; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, vector<vector<T> > P)
{ for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); ++i) { s << endl << P[i]; } return s << endl; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, set<T> P)
{ for (auto it : P) { s << "<" << it << "> "; } return s; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, multiset<T> P)
{ for (auto it : P) { s << "<" << it << "> "; } return s; }
template<class T1, class T2> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, map<T1,T2> P)
{ for (auto it : P) { s << "<" << it.first << "->" << it.second << "> "; } return s; }

// QCFium 法

#pragma GCC target("avx2")
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")

// modint, FPS

// modint
template<int MOD> struct Fp {
    // inner value
    long long val;
    // constructor
    constexpr Fp() : val(0) { }
    constexpr Fp(long long v) : val(v % MOD) {
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
    constexpr long long get() const { return val; }
    constexpr int get_mod() const { return MOD; }
    // arithmetic operators
    constexpr Fp operator + () const { return Fp(*this); }
    constexpr Fp operator - () const { return Fp(0) - Fp(*this); }
    constexpr Fp operator + (const Fp &r) const { return Fp(*this) += r; }
    constexpr Fp operator - (const Fp &r) const { return Fp(*this) -= r; }
    constexpr Fp operator * (const Fp &r) const { return Fp(*this) *= r; }
    constexpr Fp operator / (const Fp &r) const { return Fp(*this) /= r; }
    constexpr Fp& operator += (const Fp &r) {
        val += r.val;
        if (val >= MOD) val -= MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp& operator -= (const Fp &r) {
        val -= r.val;
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp& operator *= (const Fp &r) {
        val = val * r.val % MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp& operator /= (const Fp &r) {
        long long a = r.val, b = MOD, u = 1, v = 0;
        while (b) {
            long long t = a / b;
            a -= t * b, swap(a, b);
            u -= t * v, swap(u, v);
        val = val * u % MOD;
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp pow(long long n) const {
        Fp res(1), mul(*this);
        while (n > 0) {
            if (n & 1) res *= mul;
            mul *= mul;
            n >>= 1;
        return res;
    constexpr Fp inv() const {
        Fp res(1), div(*this);
        return res / div;

    // other operators
    constexpr bool operator == (const Fp &r) const {
        return this->val == r.val;
    constexpr bool operator != (const Fp &r) const {
        return this->val != r.val;
    constexpr Fp& operator ++ () {
        if (val >= MOD) val -= MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp& operator -- () {
        if (val == 0) val += MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp operator ++ (int) const {
        Fp res = *this;
        return res;
    constexpr Fp operator -- (int) const {
        Fp res = *this;
        return res;
    friend constexpr istream& operator >> (istream &is, Fp<MOD> &x) {
        is >> x.val;
        x.val %= MOD;
        if (x.val < 0) x.val += MOD;
        return is;
    friend constexpr ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const Fp<MOD> &x) {
        return os << x.val;
    friend constexpr Fp<MOD> pow(const Fp<MOD> &r, long long n) {
        return r.pow(n);
    friend constexpr Fp<MOD> inv(const Fp<MOD> &r) {
        return r.inv();

// Binomial coefficient
template<class mint> struct BiCoef {
    vector<mint> fact_, inv_, finv_;
    constexpr BiCoef() {}
    constexpr BiCoef(int n) : fact_(n, 1), inv_(n, 1), finv_(n, 1) {
    constexpr void init(int n) {
        fact_.assign(n, 1), inv_.assign(n, 1), finv_.assign(n, 1);
        int MOD = fact_[0].get_mod();
        for(int i = 2; i < n; i++){
            fact_[i] = fact_[i-1] * i;
            inv_[i] = -inv_[MOD%i] * (MOD/i);
            finv_[i] = finv_[i-1] * inv_[i];
    constexpr mint com(int n, int k) const {
        if (n < k || n < 0 || k < 0) return 0;
        return fact_[n] * finv_[k] * finv_[n-k];
    constexpr mint fact(int n) const {
        if (n < 0) return 0;
        return fact_[n];
    constexpr mint inv(int n) const {
        if (n < 0) return 0;
        return inv_[n];
    constexpr mint finv(int n) const {
        if (n < 0) return 0;
        return finv_[n];

namespace NTT {
    long long modpow(long long a, long long n, int mod) {
        long long res = 1;
        while (n > 0) {
            if (n & 1) res = res * a % mod;
            a = a * a % mod;
            n >>= 1;
        return res;

    long long modinv(long long a, int mod) {
        long long b = mod, u = 1, v = 0;
        while (b) {
            long long t = a / b;
            a -= t * b, swap(a, b);
            u -= t * v, swap(u, v);
        u %= mod;
        if (u < 0) u += mod;
        return u;

    int calc_primitive_root(int mod) {
        if (mod == 2) return 1;
        if (mod == 167772161) return 3;
        if (mod == 469762049) return 3;
        if (mod == 754974721) return 11;
        if (mod == 998244353) return 3;
        int divs[20] = {};
        divs[0] = 2;
        int cnt = 1;
        long long x = (mod - 1) / 2;
        while (x % 2 == 0) x /= 2;
        for (long long i = 3; i * i <= x; i += 2) {
            if (x % i == 0) {
                divs[cnt++] = i;
                while (x % i == 0) x /= i;
        if (x > 1) divs[cnt++] = x;
        for (int g = 2;; g++) {
            bool ok = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
                if (modpow(g, (mod - 1) / divs[i], mod) == 1) {
                    ok = false;
            if (ok) return g;

    int get_fft_size(int N, int M) {
        int size_a = 1, size_b = 1;
        while (size_a < N) size_a <<= 1;
        while (size_b < M) size_b <<= 1;
        return max(size_a, size_b) << 1;

    // number-theoretic transform
    template<class mint> void trans(vector<mint> &v, bool inv = false) {
        if (v.empty()) return;
        int N = (int)v.size();
        int MOD = v[0].get_mod();
        int PR = calc_primitive_root(MOD);
        static bool first = true;
        static vector<long long> vbw(30), vibw(30);
        if (first) {
            first = false;
            for (int k = 0; k < 30; ++k) {
                vbw[k] = modpow(PR, (MOD - 1) >> (k + 1), MOD);
                vibw[k] = modinv(vbw[k], MOD);
        for (int i = 0, j = 1; j < N - 1; j++) {
            for (int k = N >> 1; k > (i ^= k); k >>= 1);
            if (i > j) swap(v[i], v[j]);
        for (int k = 0, t = 2; t <= N; ++k, t <<= 1) {
            long long bw = vbw[k];
            if (inv) bw = vibw[k];
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i += t) {
                mint w = 1;
                for (int j = 0; j < t/2; ++j) {
                    int j1 = i + j, j2 = i + j + t/2;
                    mint c1 = v[j1], c2 = v[j2] * w;
                    v[j1] = c1 + c2;
                    v[j2] = c1 - c2;
                    w *= bw;
        if (inv) {
            long long invN = modinv(N, MOD);
            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) v[i] = v[i] * invN;

    // for garner
    static constexpr int MOD0 = 754974721;
    static constexpr int MOD1 = 167772161;
    static constexpr int MOD2 = 469762049;
    using mint0 = Fp<MOD0>;
    using mint1 = Fp<MOD1>;
    using mint2 = Fp<MOD2>;
    static const mint1 imod0 = 95869806; // modinv(MOD0, MOD1);
    static const mint2 imod1 = 104391568; // modinv(MOD1, MOD2);
    static const mint2 imod01 = 187290749; // imod1 / MOD0;

    // small case (T = mint, long long)
    template<class T> vector<T> naive_mul(const vector<T> &A, const vector<T> &B) {
        if (A.empty() || B.empty()) return {};
        int N = (int)A.size(), M = (int)B.size();
        vector<T> res(N + M - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j)
                res[i + j] += A[i] * B[j];
        return res;

    // mul by convolution
    template<class mint> vector<mint> mul(const vector<mint> &A, const vector<mint> &B) {
        if (A.empty() || B.empty()) return {};
        int N = (int)A.size(), M = (int)B.size();
        if (min(N, M) < 30) return naive_mul(A, B);
        int MOD = A[0].get_mod();
        int size_fft = get_fft_size(N, M);
        if (MOD == 998244353) {
            vector<mint> a(size_fft), b(size_fft), c(size_fft);
            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) a[i] = A[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) b[i] = B[i];
            trans(a), trans(b);
            vector<mint> res(size_fft);
            for (int i = 0; i < size_fft; ++i) res[i] = a[i] * b[i];
            trans(res, true);
            res.resize(N + M - 1);
            return res;
        vector<mint0> a0(size_fft, 0), b0(size_fft, 0), c0(size_fft, 0);
        vector<mint1> a1(size_fft, 0), b1(size_fft, 0), c1(size_fft, 0);
        vector<mint2> a2(size_fft, 0), b2(size_fft, 0), c2(size_fft, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            a0[i] = A[i].val, a1[i] = A[i].val, a2[i] = A[i].val;
        for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
            b0[i] = B[i].val, b1[i] = B[i].val, b2[i] = B[i].val;
        trans(a0), trans(a1), trans(a2), trans(b0), trans(b1), trans(b2);
        for (int i = 0; i < size_fft; ++i) {
            c0[i] = a0[i] * b0[i];
            c1[i] = a1[i] * b1[i];
            c2[i] = a2[i] * b2[i];
        trans(c0, true), trans(c1, true), trans(c2, true);
        mint mod0 = MOD0, mod01 = mod0 * MOD1;
        vector<mint> res(N + M - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < N + M - 1; ++i) {
            int y0 = c0[i].val;
            int y1 = (imod0 * (c1[i] - y0)).val;
            int y2 = (imod01 * (c2[i] - y0) - imod1 * y1).val;
            res[i] = mod01 * y2 + mod0 * y1 + y0;
        return res;

// Formal Power Series
template<typename mint> struct FPS : vector<mint> {
    using vector<mint>::vector;
    // constructor
    constexpr FPS(const vector<mint> &r) : vector<mint>(r) {}
    // core operator
    constexpr FPS pre(int siz) const {
        return FPS(begin(*this), begin(*this) + min((int)this->size(), siz));
    constexpr FPS rev() const {
        FPS res = *this;
        reverse(begin(res), end(res));
        return res;
    constexpr FPS& normalize() {
        while (!this->empty() && this->back() == 0) this->pop_back();
        return *this;
    // basic operator
    constexpr FPS operator - () const noexcept {
        FPS res = (*this);
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)res.size(); ++i) res[i] = -res[i];
        return res;
    constexpr FPS operator + (const mint &v) const { return FPS(*this) += v; }
    constexpr FPS operator + (const FPS &r) const { return FPS(*this) += r; }
    constexpr FPS operator - (const mint &v) const { return FPS(*this) -= v; }
    constexpr FPS operator - (const FPS &r) const { return FPS(*this) -= r; }
    constexpr FPS operator * (const mint &v) const { return FPS(*this) *= v; }
    constexpr FPS operator * (const FPS &r) const { return FPS(*this) *= r; }
    constexpr FPS operator / (const mint &v) const { return FPS(*this) /= v; }
    constexpr FPS operator / (const FPS &r) const { return FPS(*this) /= r; }
    constexpr FPS operator % (const FPS &r) const { return FPS(*this) %= r; }
    constexpr FPS operator << (int x) const { return FPS(*this) <<= x; }
    constexpr FPS operator >> (int x) const { return FPS(*this) >>= x; }
    constexpr FPS& operator += (const mint &v) {
        if (this->empty()) this->resize(1);
        (*this)[0] += v;
        return *this;
    constexpr FPS& operator += (const FPS &r) {
        if (r.size() > this->size()) this->resize(r.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)r.size(); ++i) (*this)[i] += r[i];
        return this->normalize();
    constexpr FPS& operator -= (const mint &v) {
        if (this->empty()) this->resize(1);
        (*this)[0] -= v;
        return *this;
    constexpr FPS& operator -= (const FPS &r) {
        if (r.size() > this->size()) this->resize(r.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)r.size(); ++i) (*this)[i] -= r[i];
        return this->normalize();
    constexpr FPS& operator *= (const mint &v) {
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->size(); ++i) (*this)[i] *= v;
        return *this;
    constexpr FPS& operator *= (const FPS &r) {
        return *this = NTT::mul((*this), r);
    constexpr FPS& operator /= (const mint &v) {
        assert(v != 0);
        mint iv = modinv(v);
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->size(); ++i) (*this)[i] *= iv;
        return *this;
    // division, r must be normalized (r.back() must not be 0)
    constexpr FPS& operator /= (const FPS &r) {
        assert(r.back() != 0);
        if (this->size() < r.size()) {
            return *this;
        int need = (int)this->size() - (int)r.size() + 1;
        *this = (rev().pre(need) * r.rev().inv(need)).pre(need).rev();
        return *this;
    constexpr FPS& operator %= (const FPS &r) {
        assert(r.back() != 0);
        FPS q = (*this) / r;
        return *this -= q * r;
    constexpr FPS& operator <<= (int x) {
        FPS res(x, 0);
        res.insert(res.end(), begin(*this), end(*this));
        return *this = res;
    constexpr FPS& operator >>= (int x) {
        FPS res;
        res.insert(res.end(), begin(*this) + x, end(*this));
        return *this = res;
    constexpr mint eval(const mint &v) {
        mint res = 0;
        for (int i = (int)this->size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
            res *= v;
            res += (*this)[i];
        return res;

    // advanced operation
    // df/dx
    constexpr FPS diff() const {
        int n = (int)this->size();
        FPS res(n-1);
        for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) res[i-1] = (*this)[i] * i;
        return res;
    // \int f dx
    constexpr FPS integral() const {
        int n = (int)this->size();
        FPS res(n+1, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) res[i+1] = (*this)[i] / (i+1);
        return res;
    // inv(f), f[0] must not be 0
    constexpr FPS inv(int deg) const {
        assert((*this)[0] != 0);
        if (deg < 0) deg = (int)this->size();
        FPS res({mint(1) / (*this)[0]});
        for (int i = 1; i < deg; i <<= 1) {
            res = (res + res - res * res * pre(i << 1)).pre(i << 1);
        return res;
    constexpr FPS inv() const {
        return inv((int)this->size());
    // log(f) = \int f'/f dx, f[0] must be 1
    constexpr FPS log(int deg) const {
        assert((*this)[0] == 1);
        FPS res = (diff() * inv(deg)).integral();
        return res;
    constexpr FPS log() const {
        return log((int)this->size());
    // exp(f), f[0] must be 0
    constexpr FPS exp(int deg) const {
        assert((*this)[0] == 0);
        FPS res(1, 1);
        for (int i = 1; i < deg; i <<= 1) {
            res = res * (pre(i << 1) - res.log(i << 1) + 1).pre(i << 1);
        return res;
    constexpr FPS exp() const {
        return exp((int)this->size());
    // pow(f) = exp(e * log f)
    constexpr FPS pow(long long e, int deg) const {
        if (e == 0) {
            FPS res(deg, 0);
            res[0] = 1;
            return res;
        long long i = 0;
        while (i < (int)this->size() && (*this)[i] == 0) ++i;
        if (i == (int)this->size() || i > (deg - 1) / e) return FPS(deg, 0);
        mint k = (*this)[i];
        FPS res = ((((*this) >> i) / k).log(deg) * e).exp(deg) * mint(k).pow(e) << (e * i);
        return res;
    constexpr FPS pow(long long e) const {
        return pow(e, (int)this->size());
    // sqrt(f), f[0] must be 1
    constexpr FPS sqrt_base(int deg) const {
        assert((*this)[0] == 1);
        mint inv2 = mint(1) / 2;
        FPS res(1, 1);
        for (int i = 1; i < deg; i <<= 1) {
            res = (res + pre(i << 1) * res.inv(i << 1)).pre(i << 1);
            for (mint &x : res) x *= inv2;
        return res;
    constexpr FPS sqrt_base() const {
        return sqrt_base((int)this->size());
    // friend operators
    friend constexpr FPS diff(const FPS &f) { return f.diff(); }
    friend constexpr FPS integral(const FPS &f) { return f.integral(); }
    friend constexpr FPS inv(const FPS &f, int deg) { return f.inv(deg); }
    friend constexpr FPS inv(const FPS &f) { return f.inv((int)f.size()); }
    friend constexpr FPS log(const FPS &f, int deg) { return f.log(deg); }
    friend constexpr FPS log(const FPS &f) { return f.log((int)f.size()); }
    friend constexpr FPS exp(const FPS &f, int deg) { return f.exp(deg); }
    friend constexpr FPS exp(const FPS &f) { return f.exp((int)f.size()); }
    friend constexpr FPS pow(const FPS &f, long long e, int deg) { return f.pow(e, deg); }
    friend constexpr FPS pow(const FPS &f, long long e) { return f.pow(e, (int)f.size()); }
    friend constexpr FPS sqrt_base(const FPS &f, int deg) { return f.sqrt_base(deg); }
    friend constexpr FPS sqrt_base(const FPS &f) { return f.sqrt_base((int)f.size()); }

// Union-Find

// Union-Find
struct UnionFind {
    // core member
    vector<int> par, nex;

    // constructor
    UnionFind() { }
    UnionFind(int N) : par(N, -1), nex(N) {
    void init(int N) {
        par.assign(N, -1);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) nex[i] = i;
    // core methods
    int root(int x) {
        if (par[x] < 0) return x;
        else return par[x] = root(par[x]);
    bool same(int x, int y) {
        return root(x) == root(y);
    bool merge(int x, int y) {
        x = root(x), y = root(y);
        if (x == y) return false;
        if (par[x] > par[y]) swap(x, y); // merge technique
        par[x] += par[y];
        par[y] = x;
        swap(nex[x], nex[y]);
        return true;
    int size(int x) {
        return -par[root(x)];
    // get group
    vector<int> group(int x) {
        vector<int> res({x});
        while (nex[res.back()] != x) res.push_back(nex[res.back()]);
        return res;
    vector<vector<int>> groups() {
        vector<vector<int>> member(par.size());
        for (int v = 0; v < (int)par.size(); ++v) {
        vector<vector<int>> res;
        for (int v = 0; v < (int)par.size(); ++v) {
            if (!member[v].empty()) res.push_back(member[v]);
        return res;
    // debug
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream &s, UnionFind uf) {
        const vector<vector<int>> &gs = uf.groups();
        for (const vector<int> &g : gs) {
            s << "group: ";
            for (int v : g) s << v << " ";
            s << endl;
        return s;

// Segment Tree

// Segment Tree
template<class Monoid> struct SegmentTree {
    using Func = function<Monoid(Monoid, Monoid)>;

    // core member
    int N;
    Func OP;
    Monoid IDENTITY;
    // inner data
    int log, offset;
    vector<Monoid> dat;

    // constructor
    SegmentTree() {}
    SegmentTree(int n, const Func &op, const Monoid &identity) {
        init(n, op, identity);
    SegmentTree(const vector<Monoid> &v, const Func &op, const Monoid &identity) {
        init(v, op, identity);
    void init(int n, const Func &op, const Monoid &identity) {
        N = n;
        OP = op;
        IDENTITY = identity;
        log = 0, offset = 1;
        while (offset < N) ++log, offset <<= 1;
        dat.assign(offset * 2, IDENTITY);
    void init(const vector<Monoid> &v, const Func &op, const Monoid &identity) {
        init((int)v.size(), op, identity);
    void pull(int k) {
        dat[k] = OP(dat[k * 2], dat[k * 2 + 1]);
    void build(const vector<Monoid> &v) {
        assert(N == (int)v.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) dat[i + offset] = v[i];
        for (int k = offset - 1; k > 0; --k) pull(k);
    int size() const {
        return N;
    Monoid operator [] (int i) const {
        return dat[i + offset];
    // update A[i], i is 0-indexed, O(log N)
    void set(int i, const Monoid &v) {
        assert(0 <= i && i < N);
        int k = i + offset;
        dat[k] = v;
        while (k >>= 1) pull(k);
    // get [l, r), l and r are 0-indexed, O(log N)
    Monoid prod(int l, int r) {
        assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= N);
        Monoid val_left = IDENTITY, val_right = IDENTITY;
        l += offset, r += offset;
        for (; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1) {
            if (l & 1) val_left = OP(val_left, dat[l++]);
            if (r & 1) val_right = OP(dat[--r], val_right);
        return OP(val_left, val_right);
    Monoid all_prod() {
        return dat[1];
    // get max r that f(get(l, r)) = True (0-indexed), O(log N)
    // f(IDENTITY) need to be True
    int max_right(const function<bool(Monoid)> f, int l = 0) {
        if (l == N) return N;
        l += offset;
        Monoid sum = IDENTITY;
        do {
            while (l % 2 == 0) l >>= 1;
            if (!f(OP(sum, dat[l]))) {
                while (l < offset) {
                    l = l * 2;
                    if (f(OP(sum, dat[l]))) {
                        sum = OP(sum, dat[l]);
                return l - offset;
            sum = OP(sum, dat[l]);
        } while ((l & -l) != l);  // stop if l = 2^e
        return N;

    // get min l that f(get(l, r)) = True (0-indexed), O(log N)
    // f(IDENTITY) need to be True
    int min_left(const function<bool(Monoid)> f, int r = -1) {
        if (r == 0) return 0;
        if (r == -1) r = N;
        r += offset;
        Monoid sum = IDENTITY;
        do {
            while (r > 1 && (r % 2)) r >>= 1;
            if (!f(OP(dat[r], sum))) {
                while (r < offset) {
                    r = r * 2 + 1;
                    if (f(OP(dat[r], sum))) {
                        sum = OP(dat[r], sum);
                return r + 1 - offset;
            sum = OP(dat[r], sum);
        } while ((r & -r) != r);
        return 0;
    // debug
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream &s, const SegmentTree &seg) {
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)seg.size(); ++i) {
            s << seg[i];
            if (i != (int)seg.size() - 1) s << " ";
        return s;

// Lazy Segment Tree
template<class Monoid, class Action> struct LazySegmentTree {
    // various function types
    using FuncMonoid = function<Monoid(Monoid, Monoid)>;
    using FuncAction = function<Monoid(Action, Monoid)>;
    using FuncComposition = function<Action(Action, Action)>;

    // core member
    int N;
    FuncMonoid OP;
    FuncAction ACT;
    FuncComposition COMP;
    // inner data
    int log, offset;
    vector<Monoid> dat;
    vector<Action> lazy;
    // constructor
    LazySegmentTree() {}
    LazySegmentTree(int n, const FuncMonoid op, const FuncAction act, const FuncComposition comp,
                    const Monoid &identity_monoid, const Action &identity_action) {
        init(n, op, act, comp, identity_monoid, identity_action);
    LazySegmentTree(const vector<Monoid> &v,
                    const FuncMonoid op, const FuncAction act, const FuncComposition comp,
                    const Monoid &identity_monoid, const Action &identity_action) {
        init(v, op, act, comp, identity_monoid, identity_action);
    void init(int n, const FuncMonoid op, const FuncAction act, const FuncComposition comp,
              const Monoid &identity_monoid, const Action &identity_action) {
        N = n, OP = op, ACT = act, COMP = comp;
        IDENTITY_MONOID = identity_monoid, IDENTITY_ACTION = identity_action;
        log = 0, offset = 1;
        while (offset < N) ++log, offset <<= 1;
        dat.assign(offset * 2, IDENTITY_MONOID);
        lazy.assign(offset * 2, IDENTITY_ACTION);
    void init(const vector<Monoid> &v,
              const FuncMonoid op, const FuncAction act, const FuncComposition comp,
              const Monoid &identity_monoid, const Action &identity_action) {
        init((int)v.size(), op, act, comp, identity_monoid, identity_action);
    void build(const vector<Monoid> &v) {
        assert(N == (int)v.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) dat[i + offset] = v[i];
        for (int k = offset - 1; k > 0; --k) pull_dat(k);
    int size() const {
        return N;
    // basic functions for lazy segment tree
    void pull_dat(int k) {
        dat[k] = OP(dat[k * 2], dat[k * 2 + 1]);
    void apply_lazy(int k, const Action &f) {
        dat[k] = ACT(f, dat[k]);
        if (k < offset) lazy[k] = COMP(f, lazy[k]);
    void push_lazy(int k) {
        apply_lazy(k * 2, lazy[k]);
        apply_lazy(k * 2 + 1, lazy[k]);
        lazy[k] = IDENTITY_ACTION;
    void pull_dat_deep(int k) {
        for (int h = 1; h <= log; ++h) pull_dat(k >> h);
    void push_lazy_deep(int k) {
        for (int h = log; h >= 1; --h) push_lazy(k >> h);
    // setter and getter, update A[i], i is 0-indexed, O(log N)
    void set(int i, const Monoid &v) {
        assert(0 <= i && i < N);
        int k = i + offset;
        dat[k] = v;
    Monoid get(int i) {
        assert(0 <= i && i < N);
        int k = i + offset;
        return dat[k];
    Monoid operator [] (int i) {
        return get(i);
    // apply f for index i
    void apply(int i, const Action &f) {
        assert(0 <= i && i < N);
        int k = i + offset;
        dat[k] = ACT(f, dat[k]);
    // apply f for interval [l, r)
    void apply(int l, int r, const Action &f) {
        assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= N);
        if (l == r) return;
        l += offset, r += offset;
        for (int h = log; h >= 1; --h) {
            if (((l >> h) << h) != l) push_lazy(l >> h);
            if (((r >> h) << h) != r) push_lazy((r - 1) >> h);
        int original_l = l, original_r = r;
        for (; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1) {
            if (l & 1) apply_lazy(l++, f);
            if (r & 1) apply_lazy(--r, f);
        l = original_l, r = original_r;
        for (int h = 1; h <= log; ++h) {
            if (((l >> h) << h) != l) pull_dat(l >> h);
            if (((r >> h) << h) != r) pull_dat((r - 1) >> h);
    // get prod of interval [l, r)
    Monoid prod(int l, int r) {
        assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= N);
        if (l == r) return IDENTITY_MONOID;
        l += offset, r += offset;
        for (int h = log; h >= 1; --h) {
            if (((l >> h) << h) != l) push_lazy(l >> h);
            if (((r >> h) << h) != r) push_lazy(r >> h);
        Monoid val_left = IDENTITY_MONOID, val_right = IDENTITY_MONOID;
        for (; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1) {
            if (l & 1) val_left = OP(val_left, dat[l++]);
            if (r & 1) val_right = OP(dat[--r], val_right);
        return OP(val_left, val_right);
    Monoid all_prod() {
        return dat[1];
    // get max r that f(get(l, r)) = True (0-indexed), O(log N)
    // f(IDENTITY) need to be True
    int max_right(const function<bool(Monoid)> f, int l = 0) {
        if (l == N) return N;
        l += offset;
        Monoid sum = IDENTITY_MONOID;
        do {
            while (l % 2 == 0) l >>= 1;
            if (!f(OP(sum, dat[l]))) {
                while (l < offset) {
                    l = l * 2;
                    if (f(OP(sum, dat[l]))) {
                        sum = OP(sum, dat[l]);
                return l - offset;
            sum = OP(sum, dat[l]);
        } while ((l & -l) != l);  // stop if l = 2^e
        return N;

    // get min l that f(get(l, r)) = True (0-indexed), O(log N)
    // f(IDENTITY) need to be True
    int min_left(const function<bool(Monoid)> f, int r = -1) {
        if (r == 0) return 0;
        if (r == -1) r = N;
        r += offset;
        push_lazy_deep(r - 1);
        Monoid sum = IDENTITY_MONOID;
        do {
            while (r > 1 && (r % 2)) r >>= 1;
            if (!f(OP(dat[r], sum))) {
                while (r < offset) {
                    r = r * 2 + 1;
                    if (f(OP(dat[r], sum))) {
                        sum = OP(dat[r], sum);
                return r + 1 - offset;
            sum = OP(dat[r], sum);
        } while ((r & -r) != r);
        return 0;
    // debug stream
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream &s, LazySegmentTree seg) {
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)seg.size(); ++i) {
            s << seg[i];
            if (i != (int)seg.size() - 1) s << " ";
        return s;
    // dump
    void dump() {
        for (int i = 0; i <= log; ++i) {
            for (int j = (1 << i); j < (1 << (i + 1)); ++j) {
                cout << "{" << dat[j] << "," << lazy[j] << "} ";
            cout << endl;

// Solver

// dynamic modint
struct DynamicModint {
    using mint = DynamicModint;
    // static menber
    static int MOD;
    // inner value
    long long val;
    // constructor
    DynamicModint() : val(0) { }
    DynamicModint(long long v) : val(v % MOD) {
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
    long long get() const { return val; }
    static int get_mod() { return MOD; }
    static void set_mod(int mod) { MOD = mod; }
    // arithmetic operators
    mint operator + () const { return mint(*this); }
    mint operator - () const { return mint(0) - mint(*this); }
    mint operator + (const mint &r) const { return mint(*this) += r; }
    mint operator - (const mint &r) const { return mint(*this) -= r; }
    mint operator * (const mint &r) const { return mint(*this) *= r; }
    mint operator / (const mint &r) const { return mint(*this) /= r; }
    mint& operator += (const mint &r) {
        val += r.val;
        if (val >= MOD) val -= MOD;
        return *this;
    mint& operator -= (const mint &r) {
        val -= r.val;
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
        return *this;
    mint& operator *= (const mint &r) {
        val = val * r.val % MOD;
        return *this;
    mint& operator /= (const mint &r) {
        long long a = r.val, b = MOD, u = 1, v = 0;
        while (b) {
            long long t = a / b;
            a -= t * b, swap(a, b);
            u -= t * v, swap(u, v);
        val = val * u % MOD;
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
        return *this;
    mint pow(long long n) const {
        mint res(1), mul(*this);
        while (n > 0) {
            if (n & 1) res *= mul;
            mul *= mul;
            n >>= 1;
        return res;
    mint inv() const {
        mint res(1), div(*this);
        return res / div;

    // other operators
    bool operator == (const mint &r) const {
        return this->val == r.val;
    bool operator != (const mint &r) const {
        return this->val != r.val;
    mint& operator ++ () {
        if (val >= MOD) val -= MOD;
        return *this;
    mint& operator -- () {
        if (val == 0) val += MOD;
        return *this;
    mint operator ++ (int) {
        mint res = *this;
        return res;
    mint operator -- (int) {
        mint res = *this;
        return res;
    friend istream& operator >> (istream &is, mint &x) {
        is >> x.val;
        x.val %= x.get_mod();
        if (x.val < 0) x.val += x.get_mod();
        return is;
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const mint &x) {
        return os << x.val;
    friend mint pow(const mint &r, long long n) {
        return r.pow(n);
    friend mint inv(const mint &r) {
        return r.inv();

int DynamicModint::MOD;

// 2-variable submodular optimization
template<class COST> struct TwoVariableSubmodularOpt {
    // constructors
    TwoVariableSubmodularOpt() : N(2), S(0), T(0), OFFSET(0) {}
    TwoVariableSubmodularOpt(int n, COST inf = 0)
    : N(n), S(n), T(n + 1), OFFSET(0), INF(inf), list(n + 2) {}
    // initializer
    void init(int n, COST inf = 0) {
        N = n, S = n, T = n + 1;
        OFFSET = 0, INF = inf;
        list.assign(N + 2, Edge());

    // add 1-Variable submodular functioin
    void add_single_cost(int xi, COST false_cost, COST true_cost) {
        assert(0 <= xi && xi < N);
        if (false_cost >= true_cost) {
            OFFSET += true_cost;
            add_edge(S, xi, false_cost - true_cost);
        } else {
            OFFSET += false_cost;
            add_edge(xi, T, true_cost - false_cost);
    // add "project selection" constraint
    // xi = T, xj = F: strictly prohibited
    void add_psp_constraint(int xi, int xj) {
        assert(0 <= xi && xi < N);
        assert(0 <= xj && xj < N);
        add_edge(xi, xj, INF);
    // add "project selection" penalty
    // xi = T, xj = F: cost C
    void add_psp_penalty(int xi, int xj, COST C) {
        assert(0 <= xi && xi < N);
        assert(0 <= xj && xj < N);
        assert(C >= 0);
        add_edge(xi, xj, C);
    // add both True profit
    // xi = T, xj = T: profit P (cost -P)
    void add_both_true_profit(int xi, int xj, COST P) {
        assert(0 <= xi && xi < N);
        assert(0 <= xj && xj < N);
        assert(P >= 0);
        OFFSET -= P;
        add_edge(S, xi, P);
        add_edge(xi, xj, P);
    // add both False profit
    // xi = F, xj = F: profit P (cost -P)
    void add_both_false_profit(int xi, int xj, COST P) {
        assert(0 <= xi && xi < N);
        assert(0 <= xj && xj < N);
        assert(P >= 0);
        OFFSET -= P;
        add_edge(xj, T, P);
        add_edge(xi, xj, P);
    // add general 2-variable submodular function
    // (xi, xj) = (F, F): A, (F, T): B
    // (xi, xj) = (T, F): C, (T, T): D
    void add_submodular_function(int xi, int xj, COST A, COST B, COST C, COST D) {
        assert(0 <= xi && xi < N);
        assert(0 <= xj && xj < N);
        assert(B + C >= A + D);  // assure submodular function
        OFFSET += A;
        add_single_cost(xi, 0, D - B);
        add_single_cost(xj, 0, B - A);
        add_psp_penalty(xi, xj, B + C - A - D);
    // add all True profit
    // y = F: not gain profit (= cost is P), T: gain profit (= cost is 0)
    // y: T, xi: F is prohibited
    void add_all_true_profit(const vector<int> &xs, COST P) {
        assert(P >= 0);
        int y = (int)list.size();
        list.resize(y + 1);
        OFFSET -= P;
        add_edge(S, y, P);
        for (auto xi : xs) {
            assert(xi >= 0 && xi < N);
            add_edge(y, xi, INF);
    // add all False profit
    // y = F: gain profit (= cost is 0), T: not gain profit (= cost is P)
    // xi = T, y = F is prohibited
    void add_all_false_profit(const vector<int> &xs, COST P) {
        assert(P >= 0);
        int y = (int)list.size();
        list.resize(y + 1);
        OFFSET -= P;
        add_edge(y, T, P);
        for (auto xi : xs) {
            assert(xi >= 0 && xi < N);
            add_edge(xi, y, INF);
    // solve
    COST solve() {
        return dinic() + OFFSET;
    // reconstrcut the optimal assignment
    vector<bool> reconstruct() {
        vector<bool> res(N, false), seen(list.size(), false);
        queue<int> que;
        seen[S] = true;
        while (!que.empty()) {
            int v = que.front();
            for (const auto &e : list[v]) {
                if (e.cap && !seen[e.to]) {
                    if (e.to < N) res[e.to] = true;
                    seen[e.to] = true;
        return res;
    // debug
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const TwoVariableSubmodularOpt &G) {
        const auto &edges = G.get_edges();
        for (const auto &e : edges) s << e << endl;
        return s;
    // edge class
    struct Edge {
        // core members
        int rev, from, to;
        COST cap, icap, flow;
        // constructor
        Edge(int r, int f, int t, COST c)
        : rev(r), from(f), to(t), cap(c), icap(c), flow(0) {}
        void reset() { cap = icap, flow = 0; }
        // debug
        friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Edge& E) {
            return s << E.from << "->" << E.to << '(' << E.flow << '/' << E.icap << ')';
    // inner data
    int N, S, T;
    vector<vector<Edge>> list;
    vector<pair<int,int>> pos;
    // add edge
    Edge &get_rev_edge(const Edge &e) {
        if (e.from != e.to) return list[e.to][e.rev];
        else return list[e.to][e.rev + 1];
    Edge &get_edge(int i) {
        return list[pos[i].first][pos[i].second];
    const Edge &get_edge(int i) const {
        return list[pos[i].first][pos[i].second];
    vector<Edge> get_edges() const {
        vector<Edge> edges;
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)pos.size(); ++i) {
        return edges;
    void add_edge(int from, int to, COST cap) {
        if (!cap) return;
        pos.emplace_back(from, (int)list[from].size());
        list[from].push_back(Edge((int)list[to].size(), from, to, cap));
        list[to].push_back(Edge((int)list[from].size() - 1, to, from, 0));
    // Dinic's algorithm
    COST dinic(COST limit_flow) {
        COST current_flow = 0;
        vector<int> level((int)list.size(), -1), iter((int)list.size(), 0);
        // Dinic BFS
        auto bfs = [&]() -> void {
            level.assign((int)list.size(), -1);
            level[S] = 0;
            queue<int> que;
            while (!que.empty()) {
                int v = que.front();
                for (const Edge &e : list[v]) {
                    if (level[e.to] < 0 && e.cap > 0) {
                        level[e.to] = level[v] + 1;
                        if (e.to == T) return;
        // Dinic DFS
        auto dfs = [&](auto self, int v, COST up_flow) {
            if (v == T) return up_flow;
            COST res_flow = 0;
            for (int &i = iter[v]; i < (int)list[v].size(); ++i) {
                Edge &e = list[v][i], &re = get_rev_edge(e);
                if (level[v] >= level[e.to] || e.cap == 0) continue;
                COST flow = self(self, e.to, min(up_flow - res_flow, e.cap));
                if (flow <= 0) continue;
                res_flow += flow;
                e.cap -= flow, e.flow += flow;
                re.cap += flow, re.flow -= flow;
                if (res_flow == up_flow) break;
            return res_flow;
        // flow
        while (current_flow < limit_flow) {
            if (level[T] < 0) break;
            iter.assign((int)iter.size(), 0);
            while (current_flow < limit_flow) {
                COST flow = dfs(dfs, S, limit_flow - current_flow);
                if (!flow) break;
                current_flow += flow;
        return current_flow;
    COST dinic() {
        return dinic(numeric_limits<COST>::max());

const int MOD = 998244353;
using mint = Fp<MOD>;

int main() {
    int N, M;
    cin >> N >> M;
    vector<long long> A(N), B(M);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cin >> A[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) cin >> B[i];
    vector<vector<int>> C(M);
    for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
        int K;
        cin >> K;
        for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
            cin >> C[i][j];
    // 家 i に入らない: F, 家 i に入る: T
    const long long INF = 1LL<<50;
    TwoVariableSubmodularOpt<long long> tvs(N+M, INF);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        tvs.add_single_cost(i, 0, A[i]);
    for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
        tvs.add_single_cost(j+N, 0, -B[j]);
    for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
        for (auto c : C[j]) {
            tvs.add_psp_constraint(j+N, c);
    cout << -tvs.solve() << endl;