問題 | No.2785 四乗足す四の末尾の0 |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2024-06-14 21:39:41 |
言語 | C++23 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 18 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 11,414 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,173 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 193,500 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 6,944 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-06-14 21:39:44 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 3,223 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge2 / judge1 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
other | AC * 20 |
#include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <bitset> #include <cassert> #include <chrono> #include <cmath> #include <complex> #include <deque> #include <forward_list> #include <fstream> #include <functional> #include <iomanip> #include <ios> #include <iostream> #include <limits> #include <list> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <numeric> #include <optional> #include <queue> #include <random> #include <set> #include <sstream> #include <stack> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <type_traits> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include <utility> #include <vector> using namespace std; using lint = long long; using pint = pair<int, int>; using plint = pair<lint, lint>; struct fast_ios { fast_ios(){ cin.tie(nullptr), ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cout << fixed << setprecision(20); }; } fast_ios_; #define ALL(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #define FOR(i, begin, end) for(int i=(begin),i##_end_=(end);i<i##_end_;i++) #define IFOR(i, begin, end) for(int i=(end)-1,i##_begin_=(begin);i>=i##_begin_;i--) #define REP(i, n) FOR(i,0,n) #define IREP(i, n) IFOR(i,0,n) template <typename T> bool chmax(T &m, const T q) { return m < q ? (m = q, true) : false; } template <typename T> bool chmin(T &m, const T q) { return m > q ? (m = q, true) : false; } const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> grid_dxs{{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}}; int floor_lg(long long x) { return x <= 0 ? -1 : 63 - __builtin_clzll(x); } template <class T1, class T2> T1 floor_div(T1 num, T2 den) { return (num > 0 ? num / den : -((-num + den - 1) / den)); } template <class T1, class T2> std::pair<T1, T2> operator+(const std::pair<T1, T2> &l, const std::pair<T1, T2> &r) { return std::make_pair(l.first + r.first, l.second + r.second); } template <class T1, class T2> std::pair<T1, T2> operator-(const std::pair<T1, T2> &l, const std::pair<T1, T2> &r) { return std::make_pair(l.first - r.first, l.second - r.second); } template <class T> std::vector<T> sort_unique(std::vector<T> vec) { sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()), vec.erase(unique(vec.begin(), vec.end()), vec.end()); return vec; } template <class T> int arglb(const std::vector<T> &v, const T &x) { return std::distance(v.begin(), std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), x)); } template <class T> int argub(const std::vector<T> &v, const T &x) { return std::distance(v.begin(), std::upper_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), x)); } template <class IStream, class T> IStream &operator>>(IStream &is, std::vector<T> &vec) { for (auto &v : vec) is >> v; return is; } template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::vector<T> &vec); template <class OStream, class T, size_t sz> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::array<T, sz> &arr); template <class OStream, class T, class TH> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::unordered_set<T, TH> &vec); template <class OStream, class T, class U> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const pair<T, U> &pa); template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::deque<T> &vec); template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::set<T> &vec); template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::multiset<T> &vec); template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::unordered_multiset<T> &vec); template <class OStream, class T, class U> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::pair<T, U> &pa); template <class OStream, class TK, class TV> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::map<TK, TV> &mp); template <class OStream, class TK, class TV, class TH> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::unordered_map<TK, TV, TH> &mp); template <class OStream, class... T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::tuple<T...> &tpl); template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::vector<T> &vec) { os << '['; for (auto v : vec) os << v << ','; os << ']'; return os; } template <class OStream, class T, size_t sz> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::array<T, sz> &arr) { os << '['; for (auto v : arr) os << v << ','; os << ']'; return os; } template <class... T> std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, std::tuple<T...> &tpl) { std::apply([&is](auto &&... args) { ((is >> args), ...);}, tpl); return is; } template <class OStream, class... T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::tuple<T...> &tpl) { os << '('; std::apply([&os](auto &&... args) { ((os << args << ','), ...);}, tpl); return os << ')'; } template <class OStream, class T, class TH> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::unordered_set<T, TH> &vec) { os << '{'; for (auto v : vec) os << v << ','; os << '}'; return os; } template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::deque<T> &vec) { os << "deq["; for (auto v : vec) os << v << ','; os << ']'; return os; } template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::set<T> &vec) { os << '{'; for (auto v : vec) os << v << ','; os << '}'; return os; } template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::multiset<T> &vec) { os << '{'; for (auto v : vec) os << v << ','; os << '}'; return os; } template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::unordered_multiset<T> &vec) { os << '{'; for (auto v : vec) os << v << ','; os << '}'; return os; } template <class OStream, class T, class U> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::pair<T, U> &pa) { return os << '(' << pa.first << ',' << pa.second << ')'; } template <class OStream, class TK, class TV> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::map<TK, TV> &mp) { os << '{'; for (auto v : mp) os << v.first << "=>" << v.second << ','; os << '}'; return os; } template <class OStream, class TK, class TV, class TH> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::unordered_map<TK, TV, TH> &mp) { os << '{'; for (auto v : mp) os << v.first << "=>" << v.second << ','; os << '}'; return os; } #ifdef HITONANODE_LOCAL const string COLOR_RESET = "\033[0m", BRIGHT_GREEN = "\033[1;32m", BRIGHT_RED = "\033[1;31m", BRIGHT_CYAN = "\033[1;36m", NORMAL_CROSSED = "\033[0;9;37m", RED_BACKGROUND = "\033[1;41m", NORMAL_FAINT = "\033[0;2m"; #define dbg(x) std::cerr << BRIGHT_CYAN << #x << COLOR_RESET << " = " << (x) << NORMAL_FAINT << " (L" << __LINE__ << ") " << __FILE__ << COLOR_RESET << std::endl #define dbgif(cond, x) ((cond) ? std::cerr << BRIGHT_CYAN << #x << COLOR_RESET << " = " << (x) << NORMAL_FAINT << " (L" << __LINE__ << ") " << __FILE__ << COLOR_RESET << std::endl : std::cerr) #else #define dbg(x) ((void)0) #define dbgif(cond, x) ((void)0) #endif uint32_t rand_int() // XorShift random integer generator { static uint32_t x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629, w = 88675123; uint32_t t = x ^ (x << 11); x = y; y = z; z = w; return w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)); } double rand_double() { return (double)rand_int() / UINT32_MAX; } #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <cassert> #include <numeric> #include <vector> namespace SPRP { // http://miller-rabin.appspot.com/ const std::vector<std::vector<__int128>> bases{ {126401071349994536}, // < 291831 {336781006125, 9639812373923155}, // < 1050535501 (1e9) {2, 2570940, 211991001, 3749873356}, // < 47636622961201 (4e13) {2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775, 9780504, 1795265022} // <= 2^64 }; inline int get_id(long long n) { if (n < 291831) { return 0; } else if (n < 1050535501) { return 1; } else if (n < 47636622961201) return 2; else { return 3; } } } // namespace SPRP // Miller-Rabin primality test // https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9F%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E2%80%93%E3%83%A9%E3%83%93%E3%83%B3%E7%B4%A0%E6%95%B0%E5%88%A4%E5%AE%9A%E6%B3%95 // Complexity: O(lg n) per query struct { long long modpow(__int128 x, __int128 n, long long mod) noexcept { __int128 ret = 1; for (x %= mod; n; x = x * x % mod, n >>= 1) ret = (n & 1) ? ret * x % mod : ret; return ret; } bool operator()(long long n) noexcept { if (n < 2) return false; if (n % 2 == 0) return n == 2; int s = __builtin_ctzll(n - 1); for (__int128 a : SPRP::bases[SPRP::get_id(n)]) { if (a % n == 0) continue; a = modpow(a, (n - 1) >> s, n); bool may_composite = true; if (a == 1) continue; for (int r = s; r--; a = a * a % n) { if (a == n - 1) may_composite = false; } if (may_composite) return false; } return true; } } is_prime; struct { // Pollard's rho algorithm: find factor greater than 1 long long find_factor(long long n) { assert(n > 1); if (n % 2 == 0) return 2; if (is_prime(n)) return n; long long c = 1; auto f = [&](__int128 x) -> long long { return (x * x + c) % n; }; for (int t = 1;; t++) { for (c = 0; c == 0 or c + 2 == n;) c = rand_int() % n; long long x0 = t, m = std::max(n >> 3, 1LL), x, ys, y = x0, r = 1, g, q = 1; do { x = y; for (int i = r; i--;) y = f(y); long long k = 0; do { ys = y; for (int i = std::min(m, r - k); i--;) y = f(y), q = __int128(q) * std::abs(x - y) % n; g = std::__gcd<long long>(q, n); k += m; } while (k < r and g <= 1); r <<= 1; } while (g <= 1); if (g == n) { do { ys = f(ys); g = std::__gcd(std::abs(x - ys), n); } while (g <= 1); } if (g != n) return g; } } std::vector<long long> operator()(long long n) { std::vector<long long> ret; while (n > 1) { long long f = find_factor(n); if (f < n) { auto tmp = operator()(f); ret.insert(ret.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } else ret.push_back(n); n /= f; } std::sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); return ret; } long long euler_phi(long long n) { long long ret = 1, last = -1; for (auto p : this->operator()(n)) ret *= p - (last != p), last = p; return ret; } } FactorizeLonglong; int solve(lint n) { lint x = n * n * n * n + 4; if (is_prime(x)) { return -1; } else { int ret = 0; while (x % 10 == 0) ++ret, x /= 10; return ret; } } int solvef(lint N) { // dbg(N); const int d = N % 50; if (N == 1) { cout << "Yes\n0\n"; return -1; } else if (d == 6 or d == 8 or d == 42 or d == 44) { cout << "No\n2\n"; return 2; } else if (N % 2 == 0 and N % 10 != 0) { cout << "No\n1\n"; return 1; } else { cout << "No\n0\n"; return 0; } } int main() { // FOR(n, 0, 1000) { // if (solve(n) != solvef(n)) { // dbg(n); // assert(false); // } // int f = solve(n); // dbg(make_tuple(n, n % 50, f)); // } int T; cin >> T; while (T--) { lint X; cin >> X; solvef(abs(X)); } }