
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
706278 2021-10-08 23:48:37 inksamuraiinksamurai No.1703 Much Matching C++14 AC 240 ms 1,329 bytes
706277 2021-10-08 23:46:59 SidewaysOwlSidewaysOwl No.1703 Much Matching PyPy3 WA - 610 bytes
706276 2021-10-08 23:46:43 hamamuhamamu No.1699 Unfair RPS C++17 AC 2 ms 36,275 bytes
706275 2021-10-08 23:46:33 みーすけみーすけ No.1701 half price Java21 MLE - 929 bytes
706274 2021-10-08 23:46:24 👑Zack Ni👑Zack Ni No.1705 Mode of long array C++14 AC 42 ms 5,369 bytes
706273 2021-10-08 23:46:14 unyon_maru65536unyon_maru65536 No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++14 AC 20 ms 13,953 bytes
706272 2021-10-08 23:46:05 AnkitAnkit No.1700 floor X C++14 WA - 6,813 bytes
706271 2021-10-08 23:46:04 KudeKude No.1703 Much Matching C++17 WA - 1,550 bytes
706270 2021-10-08 23:45:08 H3PO4H3PO4 No.1705 Mode of long array PyPy3 AC 444 ms 1,335 bytes
706269 2021-10-08 23:44:50 umezoumezo No.1704 Many Bus Stops (easy) C++17 AC 542 ms 1,204 bytes
706268 2021-10-08 23:44:27 prd_xxxprd_xxx No.1701 half price Python3 WA - 468 bytes
706267 2021-10-08 23:44:16 tassei903tassei903 No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) PyPy3 AC 52 ms 1,183 bytes
706266 2021-10-08 23:43:56 nullnull No.1705 Mode of long array C++17 AC 75 ms 6,972 bytes
706265 2021-10-08 23:43:37 recososorecososo No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17 WA - 60,418 bytes
706264 2021-10-08 23:43:19 nullnull No.1705 Mode of long array C++17 WA - 6,965 bytes
706263 2021-10-08 23:42:31 NanashimaNanashima No.1703 Much Matching C++14 WA - 825 bytes
706262 2021-10-08 23:42:08 hitonanodehitonanode No.1701 half price C++23 AC 39 ms 558 bytes
706261 2021-10-08 23:41:51 hitonanodehitonanode No.1701 half price C++23 WA - 558 bytes
706260 2021-10-08 23:41:45 👑 kmjpkmjp No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17 AC 2 ms 1,838 bytes
706259 2021-10-08 23:41:37 vwxyzvwxyz No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) Python3 WA - 19,076 bytes
706258 2021-10-08 23:41:12 tabae326tabae326 No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17 WA - 3,152 bytes
706257 2021-10-08 23:41:10 koba-e964koba-e964 No.1704 Many Bus Stops (easy) Rust AC 146 ms 5,217 bytes
706256 2021-10-08 23:40:44 H20H20 No.1703 Much Matching PyPy3 TLE - 551 bytes
706255 2021-10-08 23:40:26 koba-e964koba-e964 No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) Rust AC 1 ms 4,891 bytes
706254 2021-10-08 23:40:24 vwxyzvwxyz No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) Python3 WA - 19,076 bytes
706253 2021-10-08 23:40:02 hitonanodehitonanode No.1701 half price C++23 WA - 544 bytes
706252 2021-10-08 23:39:58 mkawa2mkawa2 No.1705 Mode of long array PyPy3 AC 319 ms 4,327 bytes
706251 2021-10-08 23:39:40 hitonanodehitonanode No.1701 half price C++23 WA - 538 bytes
706250 2021-10-08 23:39:35 箱星箱星 No.1703 Much Matching C++17 AC 202 ms 2,688 bytes
706249 2021-10-08 23:39:28 koba-e964koba-e964 No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) Rust AC 1 ms 5,914 bytes
706248 2021-10-08 23:39:25 ygd.ygd. No.1699 Unfair RPS C++17 AC 2 ms 241 bytes
706247 2021-10-08 23:39:15 KudeKude No.1703 Much Matching C++17 WA - 1,550 bytes
706246 2021-10-08 23:39:14 miscalcmiscalc No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17 AC 2 ms 2,115 bytes
706245 2021-10-08 23:39:05 tonyu0tonyu0 No.1702 count good string C++17 WA - 2,018 bytes
706244 2021-10-08 23:37:57 AnkitAnkit No.1700 floor X C++14 WA - 7,157 bytes
706243 2021-10-08 23:37:56 AnkitAnkit No.1700 floor X C++14 WA - 7,157 bytes
706242 2021-10-08 23:37:18 hamamuhamamu No.1702 count good string C++17 AC 200 ms 38,139 bytes
706241 2021-10-08 23:37:16 👑 kmjpkmjp No.1704 Many Bus Stops (easy) C++17 AC 189 ms 1,909 bytes
706240 2021-10-08 23:36:55 U SU S No.1703 Much Matching PyPy3 WA - 986 bytes
706239 2021-10-08 23:36:38 H20H20 No.1703 Much Matching PyPy3 TLE - 631 bytes
706238 2021-10-08 23:36:29 hayatenhayaten No.1703 Much Matching C++17 WA - 2,876 bytes
706237 2021-10-08 23:36:26 daut-dlangdaut-dlang No.1705 Mode of long array D AC 109 ms 3,473 bytes
706236 2021-10-08 23:36:04 kkishikkishi No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17(clang) AC 4 ms 12,018 bytes
706235 2021-10-08 23:35:34 SidewaysOwlSidewaysOwl No.1703 Much Matching PyPy3 WA - 575 bytes
706234 2021-10-08 23:35:26 vwxyzvwxyz No.1703 Much Matching PyPy3 AC 618 ms 603 bytes
706233 2021-10-08 23:35:12 bayashikobayashiko No.1703 Much Matching C++17 AC 312 ms 2,605 bytes
706232 2021-10-08 23:35:09 vwxyzvwxyz No.1703 Much Matching Python3 AC 1948 ms 603 bytes
706231 2021-10-08 23:35:08 mesame3993mesame3993 No.1701 half price Python3 WA - 481 bytes
706230 2021-10-08 23:35:08 kyon2326kyon2326 No.1703 Much Matching C++17 WA - 21,568 bytes
706229 2021-10-08 23:34:58 fumofumofunifumofumofuni No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17 AC 2 ms 2,257 bytes