
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
987163 2024-06-07 23:29:22 tobisatistobisatis No.2780 The Bottle Imp C# TLE - 7,954 bytes
987157 2024-06-07 23:24:51 tobisatistobisatis No.2780 The Bottle Imp C# TLE - 7,954 bytes
986721 2024-06-07 21:57:13 tobisatistobisatis No.2773 Wake up Record 1 C# AC 60 ms 1,715 bytes
986698 2024-06-07 21:54:36 tobisatistobisatis No.2775 Nuisance Balls C# AC 49 ms 1,759 bytes
986656 2024-06-07 21:50:43 tobisatistobisatis No.2774 Wake up Record 2 C# AC 92 ms 2,139 bytes
986533 2024-06-07 21:42:26 tobisatistobisatis No.2779 Don't make Pair C# AC 111 ms 2,203 bytes
986327 2024-06-07 21:31:31 tobisatistobisatis No.2776 Bigger image C# AC 53 ms 1,731 bytes
986209 2024-06-07 21:25:53 tobisatistobisatis No.2777 Wild Flush C# AC 101 ms 1,867 bytes
986185 2024-06-07 21:24:28 tobisatistobisatis No.2777 Wild Flush C# RE - 1,833 bytes
986123 2024-06-07 21:22:09 tobisatistobisatis No.2778 Is there Same letter? C# AC 55 ms 1,532 bytes
986106 2024-06-07 21:21:26 tobisatistobisatis No.2778 Is there Same letter? C# WA - 1,532 bytes