yukicoder contest 436 ('09 Contest 002 day1) 統計


No. 2803 Bocching Star
  • AC / 提出人数 : 153 / 158 ( 96.84 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 17
  • Try Average : 1.39
  • First Accepted Time : 1m32s
No. 2804 Fixer And Ratism
  • AC / 提出人数 : 96 / 109 ( 88.07 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 21
  • Try Average : 2.51
  • First Accepted Time : 7m49s
No. 2805 Go to School
  • AC / 提出人数 : 97 / 101 ( 96.04 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 7
  • Try Average : 1.48
  • First Accepted Time : 7m55s
No. 2806 Cornflake Man
  • AC / 提出人数 : 85 / 90 ( 94.44 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 11
  • Try Average : 1.42
  • First Accepted Time : 12m40s
No. 2807 Have Another Go (Easy)
  • AC / 提出人数 : 67 / 68 ( 98.53 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 3
  • Try Average : 1.15
  • First Accepted Time : 13m8s
No. 2808 Concentration
  • AC / 提出人数 : 36 / 45 ( 80.00 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 18
  • Try Average : 2.53
  • First Accepted Time : 31m2s
No. 2809 Sort Query
  • AC / 提出人数 : 52 / 61 ( 85.25 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 14
  • Try Average : 3.61
  • First Accepted Time : 17m1s
No. 2810 Have Another Go (Hard)
  • AC / 提出人数 : 27 / 29 ( 93.10 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 14
  • Try Average : 2.07
  • First Accepted Time : 19m13s

First Accepted

# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
993855 2024-07-12 21:01:32 hitonanodehitonanode No.2803 Bocching Star C++23 AC 83 ms 7,121 bytes
993900 2024-07-12 21:07:49 TKTYITKTYI No.2804 Fixer And Ratism C++17 AC 171 ms 3,555 bytes
993901 2024-07-12 21:07:55 👑 potato167potato167 No.2805 Go to School C++17 AC 264 ms 3,077 bytes
993927 2024-07-12 21:12:40 hitonanodehitonanode No.2806 Cornflake Man C++23 AC 140 ms 7,336 bytes
993928 2024-07-12 21:13:08 ぷらぷら No.2807 Have Another Go (Easy) C++17 AC 34 ms 4,060 bytes
994050 2024-07-12 21:31:02 NachiaNachia No.2808 Concentration C++17 AC 189 ms 9,121 bytes
993957 2024-07-12 21:17:01 NachiaNachia No.2809 Sort Query C++17 AC 1156 ms 14,937 bytes
993967 2024-07-12 21:19:13 akakimidoriakakimidori No.2810 Have Another Go (Hard) Rust AC 1548 ms 22,773 bytes


# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
995287 2024-07-16 16:25:51 tailstails No.2803 Bocching Star cLay AC 21 ms 137 bytes
994750 2024-07-13 01:51:34 tailstails No.2804 Fixer And Ratism cLay AC 27 ms 546 bytes
995582 2024-07-17 10:59:49 tailstails No.2805 Go to School cLay AC 97 ms 393 bytes
995853 2024-07-19 10:26:41 tailstails No.2806 Cornflake Man cLay AC 750 ms 187 bytes
995854 2024-07-19 10:59:49 tailstails No.2807 Have Another Go (Easy) cLay AC 11 ms 208 bytes
994182 2024-07-12 21:50:25 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2808 Concentration C++14 AC 83 ms 777 bytes
998211 2024-07-27 18:03:57 cho435cho435 No.2809 Sort Query C++17 AC 1832 ms 1,266 bytes
994359 2024-07-12 22:18:55 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2810 Have Another Go (Hard) C++14 AC 1771 ms 1,866 bytes


# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
995287 2024-07-16 16:25:51 tailstails No.2803 Bocching Star cLay AC 21 ms 137 bytes
994750 2024-07-13 01:51:34 tailstails No.2804 Fixer And Ratism cLay AC 27 ms 546 bytes
995582 2024-07-17 10:59:49 tailstails No.2805 Go to School cLay AC 97 ms 393 bytes
995853 2024-07-19 10:26:41 tailstails No.2806 Cornflake Man cLay AC 750 ms 187 bytes
995854 2024-07-19 10:59:49 tailstails No.2807 Have Another Go (Easy) cLay AC 11 ms 208 bytes
994182 2024-07-12 21:50:25 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2808 Concentration C++14 AC 83 ms 777 bytes
998211 2024-07-27 18:03:57 cho435cho435 No.2809 Sort Query C++17 AC 1832 ms 1,266 bytes
994359 2024-07-12 22:18:55 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2810 Have Another Go (Hard) C++14 AC 1771 ms 1,866 bytes


# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
995286 2024-07-16 16:00:47 tailstails No.2803 Bocching Star C90 AC 13 ms 1,242 bytes
995283 2024-07-16 15:22:59 tailstails No.2804 Fixer And Ratism C90 AC 8 ms 1,741 bytes
995582 2024-07-17 10:59:49 tailstails No.2805 Go to School cLay AC 97 ms 393 bytes
995610 2024-07-17 13:39:06 tailstails No.2806 Cornflake Man cLay AC 18 ms 415 bytes
995854 2024-07-19 10:59:49 tailstails No.2807 Have Another Go (Easy) cLay AC 11 ms 208 bytes
995867 2024-07-19 13:50:53 tailstails No.2808 Concentration C90 AC 15 ms 1,030 bytes
976549 2024-04-21 20:19:50 hirayuu_ychirayuu_yc No.2809 Sort Query C++23 AC 372 ms 2,667 bytes
994235 2024-07-12 21:58:17 NachiaNachia No.2810 Have Another Go (Hard) C++17 AC 34 ms 11,670 bytes