
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
915337 2023-09-23 02:09:32 rin204rin204 No.2485 Add to Variables (Another) C++23 AC 26 ms 38,582 bytes
915336 2023-09-23 02:03:25 rin204rin204 No.2479 Sum of Squares PyPy3 AC 77 ms 196 bytes
915335 2023-09-23 02:02:07 rin204rin204 No.2480 Sequence Sum PyPy3 AC 76 ms 1,859 bytes
915334 2023-09-23 01:58:59 rin204rin204 No.2481 Shiritori PyPy3 AC 73 ms 158 bytes
915333 2023-09-23 01:54:57 rin204rin204 No.2482 Sandglasses PyPy3 AC 464 ms 449 bytes
915332 2023-09-23 01:47:12 rin204rin204 No.2483 Yet Another Increasing XOR Problem C++23 AC 2 ms 18,731 bytes
915310 2023-09-23 00:52:08 rin204rin204 No.2484 Add to Variables C++23 AC 39 ms 38,582 bytes
915308 2023-09-23 00:50:36 rin204rin204 No.2484 Add to Variables C++23 WA - 38,528 bytes
915306 2023-09-23 00:49:48 rin204rin204 No.2485 Add to Variables (Another) C++23 AC 27 ms 38,528 bytes
915305 2023-09-23 00:45:45 rin204rin204 No.2485 Add to Variables (Another) C++23 WA - 38,848 bytes