yukicoder contest 444 統計


No. 2870 Dice Making
  • AC / 提出人数 : 122 / 126 ( 96.83 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 4
  • Try Average : 1.16
  • First Accepted Time : 43s
No. 2871 Universal Serial Bus
  • AC / 提出人数 : 81 / 87 ( 93.10 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 12
  • Try Average : 2.51
  • First Accepted Time : 7m24s
No. 2872 Depth of the Parentheses
  • AC / 提出人数 : 84 / 84 ( 100.00 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 2
  • Try Average : 1.04
  • First Accepted Time : 5m4s
No. 2873 Kendall's Tau
  • AC / 提出人数 : 75 / 76 ( 98.68 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 9
  • Try Average : 1.92
  • First Accepted Time : 10m26s
No. 2874 Gunegune Tree
  • AC / 提出人数 : 60 / 60 ( 100.00 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 4
  • Try Average : 1.10
  • First Accepted Time : 16m18s
No. 2875 What is My Rank?
  • AC / 提出人数 : 40 / 44 ( 90.91 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 8
  • Try Average : 2.34
  • First Accepted Time : 23m24s
No. 2876 Infection
  • AC / 提出人数 : 23 / 24 ( 95.83 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 4
  • Try Average : 1.62
  • First Accepted Time : 36m18s
No. 2877 Gunegune Hyperion
  • AC / 提出人数 : 19 / 20 ( 95.00 %)
  • 最小Try : 1
  • 最大Try : 5
  • Try Average : 1.45
  • First Accepted Time : 17m11s

First Accepted

# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
1007322 2024-09-06 21:20:43 RubikunRubikun No.2870 Dice Making C++17 AC 2 ms 1,149 bytes
1007384 2024-09-06 21:27:24 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2871 Universal Serial Bus C++14 AC 2 ms 650 bytes
1007370 2024-09-06 21:25:04 RubikunRubikun No.2872 Depth of the Parentheses C++17 AC 4 ms 21,227 bytes
1007404 2024-09-06 21:30:26 RubikunRubikun No.2873 Kendall's Tau C++17 AC 230 ms 13,667 bytes
1007436 2024-09-06 21:36:18 RubikunRubikun No.2874 Gunegune Tree C++17 AC 412 ms 21,433 bytes
1007486 2024-09-06 21:43:24 RubikunRubikun No.2875 What is My Rank? C++17 AC 82 ms 21,415 bytes
1007588 2024-09-06 21:56:18 hos.lyrichos.lyric No.2876 Infection C++14 AC 72 ms 11,022 bytes
1007444 2024-09-06 21:37:11 hos.lyrichos.lyric No.2877 Gunegune Hyperion C++14 AC 4701 ms 38,020 bytes


# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
1008646 2024-09-08 22:01:56 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2870 Dice Making cLay AC 2 ms 45 bytes
1008656 2024-09-08 22:40:08 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2871 Universal Serial Bus cLay AC 3 ms 155 bytes
1008747 2024-09-09 07:18:09 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2872 Depth of the Parentheses cLay AC 30 ms 136 bytes
1008618 2024-09-08 20:52:16 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2873 Kendall's Tau Python3 AC 3520 ms 123 bytes
1008630 2024-09-08 21:21:48 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2874 Gunegune Tree cLay AC 156 ms 160 bytes
1008641 2024-09-08 21:49:01 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2875 What is My Rank? cLay AC 58 ms 177 bytes
992843 2024-07-06 00:55:27 寝癖寝癖 No.2876 Infection PyPy3 AC 666 ms 672 bytes
1007891 2024-09-06 23:04:35 karinohitokarinohito No.2877 Gunegune Hyperion C++17 AC 1963 ms 1,396 bytes


# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
1008646 2024-09-08 22:01:56 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2870 Dice Making cLay AC 2 ms 45 bytes
1008656 2024-09-08 22:40:08 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2871 Universal Serial Bus cLay AC 3 ms 155 bytes
1008747 2024-09-09 07:18:09 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2872 Depth of the Parentheses cLay AC 30 ms 136 bytes
1007879 2024-09-06 23:01:34 tailstails No.2873 Kendall's Tau cLay AC 54 ms 395 bytes
1008630 2024-09-08 21:21:48 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2874 Gunegune Tree cLay AC 156 ms 160 bytes
1008641 2024-09-08 21:49:01 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2875 What is My Rank? cLay AC 58 ms 177 bytes
992843 2024-07-06 00:55:27 寝癖寝癖 No.2876 Infection PyPy3 AC 666 ms 672 bytes
1007891 2024-09-06 23:04:35 karinohitokarinohito No.2877 Gunegune Hyperion C++17 AC 1963 ms 1,396 bytes


# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
1007348 2024-09-06 21:22:59 Moss_LocalMoss_Local No.2870 Dice Making Rust AC 1 ms 4,830 bytes
1007539 2024-09-06 21:49:42 Moss_LocalMoss_Local No.2871 Universal Serial Bus Rust AC 1 ms 5,958 bytes
1007889 2024-09-06 23:04:23 👑 MizarMizar No.2872 Depth of the Parentheses Rust AC 1 ms 63,386 bytes
1007879 2024-09-06 23:01:34 tailstails No.2873 Kendall's Tau cLay AC 54 ms 395 bytes
1007642 2024-09-06 22:06:49 hos.lyrichos.lyric No.2874 Gunegune Tree C++14 AC 2 ms 5,669 bytes
1008641 2024-09-08 21:49:01 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2875 What is My Rank? cLay AC 58 ms 177 bytes
1007850 2024-09-06 22:53:34 hos.lyrichos.lyric No.2876 Infection C++14 AC 24 ms 37,206 bytes
1008006 2024-09-06 23:52:17 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2877 Gunegune Hyperion C++23 AC 238 ms 40,039 bytes