# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
988802 2024-06-14 22:43:00 Rustiebeats No.2781 A%B問題 C++14 WA - 1,134 bytes
918812 2023-10-06 23:24:25 Rustiebeats No.2494 Sum within Components C++14 AC 61 ms 1,539 bytes
918284 2023-10-06 21:33:43 Rustiebeats No.2494 Sum within Components C++14 WA - 1,518 bytes
918266 2023-10-06 21:31:11 Rustiebeats No.2494 Sum within Components C++14 WA - 1,500 bytes
918259 2023-10-06 21:30:34 Rustiebeats No.2494 Sum within Components C++14 WA - 1,505 bytes
918156 2023-10-06 21:22:10 Rustiebeats No.2492 Knapsack Problem? C++14 AC 2 ms 1,054 bytes
901904 2023-08-12 13:44:12 Rustiebeats No.2415 偶数判定!Nafmoくん C++14 AC 3 ms 970 bytes
901841 2023-08-12 13:41:46 Rustiebeats No.2414 2 KA 3 KA C++14 AC 2 ms 975 bytes
830588 2023-01-06 21:21:18 Rustiebeats No.2175 Exciting Combo C++14 AC 2 ms 905 bytes
822336 2022-12-03 23:19:34 Rustiebeats No.2138 Add Bacon C++17 AC 2 ms 613 bytes
821623 2022-12-02 21:47:49 Rustiebeats No.2140 Triangle C++14 AC 2 ms 533 bytes
817677 2022-11-18 21:37:27 Rustiebeats No.2124 Guess the Permutation C++14 WA - 1,346 bytes
817674 2022-11-18 21:35:22 Rustiebeats No.2124 Guess the Permutation C++14 WA - 1,288 bytes
817647 2022-11-18 21:32:32 Rustiebeats No.2124 Guess the Permutation C++14 TLE - 1,285 bytes
817623 2022-11-18 21:28:56 Rustiebeats No.2124 Guess the Permutation C++14 WA - 1,306 bytes
811942 2022-10-28 22:00:40 Rustiebeats No.2110 012 Matching C++14 WA - 726 bytes
811868 2022-10-28 21:51:21 Rustiebeats No.2109 Special Week C++14 AC 2 ms 1,281 bytes