
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
743670 2022-03-04 23:30:05 SSRSSSRS No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 AC 2 ms 1,162 bytes
743669 2022-03-04 23:29:31 H20H20 No.1861 Required Number PyPy3 AC 88 ms 1,242 bytes
743668 2022-03-04 23:28:41 ecotteaecottea No.1861 Required Number C++14 AC 330 ms 24,347 bytes
743667 2022-03-04 23:27:45 sanao10000sanao10000 No.1860 Magnets Haskell AC 2 ms 65 bytes
743666 2022-03-04 23:27:44 pockynypockyny No.1864 Shortest Paths Counting C++17 AC 330 ms 2,328 bytes
743665 2022-03-04 23:27:09 👑 emthrmemthrm No.1863 Xor Sum 2...? C++17 AC 18 ms 1,213 bytes
743664 2022-03-04 23:25:27 Konton7Konton7 No.1865 Make Cycle C++17 AC 1274 ms 32,132 bytes
743663 2022-03-04 23:24:51 shojin_proshojin_pro No.1863 Xor Sum 2...? Java21 AC 285 ms 3,808 bytes
743662 2022-03-04 23:24:36 Carpenters-CatCarpenters-Cat No.1865 Make Cycle C++17 AC 211 ms 7,756 bytes
743661 2022-03-04 23:23:46 yuto1115yuto1115 No.1863 Xor Sum 2...? C++17 AC 20 ms 7,158 bytes
743660 2022-03-04 23:23:37 pockynypockyny No.1864 Shortest Paths Counting C++17 WA - 2,190 bytes
743659 2022-03-04 23:22:56 H20H20 No.1861 Required Number PyPy3 WA - 1,147 bytes
743658 2022-03-04 23:22:53 SSRSSSRS No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 WA - 1,053 bytes
743657 2022-03-04 23:22:36 tnakao0123tnakao0123 No.1861 Required Number C++14 AC 32 ms 1,131 bytes
743656 2022-03-04 23:22:19 kmjpkmjp No.1864 Shortest Paths Counting C++17 AC 103 ms 1,873 bytes
743655 2022-03-04 23:21:49 mkawa2mkawa2 No.1865 Make Cycle PyPy3 AC 204 ms 1,458 bytes
743654 2022-03-04 23:21:38 H20H20 No.1861 Required Number PyPy3 WA - 1,147 bytes
743653 2022-03-04 23:21:24 SSRSSSRS No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 WA - 1,049 bytes
743652 2022-03-04 23:20:01 shobonvipshobonvip No.1865 Make Cycle PyPy3 WA - 2,714 bytes
743651 2022-03-04 23:19:58 SSRSSSRS No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 WA - 1,055 bytes
743650 2022-03-04 23:19:54 daut-dlangdaut-dlang No.1863 Xor Sum 2...? D TLE - 3,907 bytes
743649 2022-03-04 23:19:51 ayataka5ayataka5 No.1865 Make Cycle C++17 WA - 1,297 bytes
743648 2022-03-04 23:19:27 milanis48663220milanis48663220 No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 AC 2 ms 2,564 bytes
743647 2022-03-04 23:19:27 risujirohrisujiroh No.1864 Shortest Paths Counting C++17 CE
- 31,735 bytes
743646 2022-03-04 23:18:28 fuppy_kyoprofuppy_kyopro No.1866 Unfair Tournament C++17 TLE - 20,203 bytes
743645 2022-03-04 23:18:22 yuto1115yuto1115 No.1861 Required Number C++17 AC 106 ms 7,588 bytes
743644 2022-03-04 23:17:10 fumofumofunifumofumofuni No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 AC 2 ms 430 bytes
743643 2022-03-04 23:16:58 hamamuhamamu No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 AC 2 ms 37,695 bytes
743642 2022-03-04 23:15:31 👑 tute7627tute7627 No.1861 Required Number C++17 AC 28 ms 7,477 bytes
743641 2022-03-04 23:15:07 ForestedForested No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 AC 3 ms 2,364 bytes
743640 2022-03-04 23:14:56 H20H20 No.1861 Required Number PyPy3 WA - 2,001 bytes
743639 2022-03-04 23:14:32 colognecologne No.1861 Required Number C++17(clang) AC 5 ms 872 bytes
743638 2022-03-04 23:14:00 otoshigootoshigo No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 AC 3 ms 1,220 bytes
743637 2022-03-04 23:13:56 ruthen71ruthen71 No.1861 Required Number C++14 AC 127 ms 1,677 bytes
743636 2022-03-04 23:13:22 SSRSSSRS No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 WA - 945 bytes
743635 2022-03-04 23:12:53 heno239heno239 No.1867 Partitions and Inversions C++17 TLE - 5,621 bytes
743634 2022-03-04 23:12:42 colognecologne No.1861 Required Number C++17(clang) TLE - 647 bytes
743633 2022-03-04 23:12:04 Carpenters-CatCarpenters-Cat No.1864 Shortest Paths Counting C++17 AC 237 ms 8,148 bytes
743632 2022-03-04 23:12:00 anmichianmichi No.1866 Unfair Tournament C++17 WA - 3,607 bytes
743631 2022-03-04 23:11:51 ikomaikoma No.1865 Make Cycle PyPy3 AC 1797 ms 901 bytes
743630 2022-03-04 23:11:49 H20H20 No.1861 Required Number PyPy3 WA - 1,153 bytes
743629 2022-03-04 23:11:46 kmjpkmjp No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 AC 3 ms 1,110 bytes
743628 2022-03-04 23:11:24 kakel-sankakel-san No.1861 Required Number C#(csc) AC 172 ms 1,745 bytes
743627 2022-03-04 23:11:10 kmjpkmjp No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 WA - 1,106 bytes
743626 2022-03-04 23:10:31 otoshigootoshigo No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 TLE - 1,180 bytes
743625 2022-03-04 23:10:27 👑 tute7627tute7627 No.1860 Magnets C++17 AC 2 ms 7,104 bytes
743624 2022-03-04 23:10:03 kmjpkmjp No.1862 Copy and Paste C++17 WA - 1,089 bytes
743622 2022-03-04 23:09:48 だれだれ No.1863 Xor Sum 2...? C++17 AC 60 ms 2,147 bytes
743621 2022-03-04 23:09:02 SSRSSSRS No.1867 Partitions and Inversions C++17 WA - 2,840 bytes
743620 2022-03-04 23:08:47 yuto1115yuto1115 No.1860 Magnets C++17 AC 2 ms 6,987 bytes