# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
560141 2020-09-29 19:43:05 %20 No.180 美しいWhitespace (2) C++17 AC 45 ms 13,927 bytes
558362 2020-09-25 22:39:40 %20 No.1239 Multiplication -2 C++17 AC 19 ms 13,253 bytes
558225 2020-09-25 22:19:40 %20 No.1238 選抜クラス C++17 AC 6 ms 13,133 bytes
558105 2020-09-25 21:52:58 %20 No.1237 EXP Multiple! C++17 AC 23 ms 13,046 bytes
557948 2020-09-25 21:33:36 %20 No.1236 長針と短針 Perl AC 8 ms 97 bytes
557731 2020-09-25 07:09:21 %20 No.1233 割り切れない気持ち C++17 AC 27 ms 13,141 bytes
557715 2020-09-25 04:33:44 %20 No.1233 割り切れない気持ち C++17 AC 198 ms 13,166 bytes
557714 2020-09-25 04:23:18 %20 No.1233 割り切れない気持ち C++17 AC 659 ms 13,087 bytes
556485 2020-09-21 16:00:26 %20 No.1235 ζ関数 Perl AC 4 ms 31 bytes
556425 2020-09-21 15:14:34 %20 No.1235 ζ関数 Perl AC 3 ms 247 bytes
555135 2020-09-18 22:21:16 %20 No.1234 典型RMQ C++17 AC 137 ms 13,785 bytes
555084 2020-09-18 22:13:30 %20 No.1232 2^x = x Perl AC 5 ms 30 bytes
554996 2020-09-18 22:02:54 %20 No.1230 Hall_and_me Perl AC 8 ms 66 bytes
554563 2020-09-18 21:29:34 %20 No.1231 Make a Multiple of Ten Perl AC 1118 ms 117 bytes
554439 2020-09-18 21:23:19 %20 No.1229 ラグビーの得点パターン Perl AC 3 ms 106 bytes
553922 2020-09-17 16:45:48 %20 No.1224 I hate Sqrt Inequality Ruby AC 82 ms 46 bytes
553921 2020-09-17 16:42:27 %20 No.1224 I hate Sqrt Inequality Ruby AC 82 ms 47 bytes
553919 2020-09-17 16:41:14 %20 No.1224 I hate Sqrt Inequality Ruby WA - 43 bytes
552494 2020-09-12 17:21:48 %20 No.1227 I hate ThREE C++17 AC 24 ms 14,074 bytes
552485 2020-09-12 17:01:31 %20 No.1227 I hate ThREE C++17 AC 28 ms 14,082 bytes
552065 2020-09-12 00:33:18 %20 No.1227 I hate ThREE C++17 AC 60 ms 13,380 bytes
552017 2020-09-12 00:05:10 %20 No.1227 I hate ThREE C++17 WA - 13,469 bytes
551682 2020-09-11 22:34:53 %20 No.1225 I hate I hate Matrix Construction C++17 AC 14 ms 13,137 bytes
551488 2020-09-11 22:02:53 %20 No.1224 I hate Sqrt Inequality C++17 AC 2 ms 12,948 bytes
551463 2020-09-11 22:00:05 %20 No.1223 I hate Golf Bash AC 4 ms 21 bytes
550662 2020-09-11 09:27:42 %20 No.180 美しいWhitespace (2) C++17 RE - 13,973 bytes
550588 2020-09-11 02:33:16 %20 No.1150 シュークリームゲーム(Easy) C++17 AC 22 ms 13,233 bytes
550401 2020-09-10 08:44:04 %20 No.453 製薬会社 C++17 AC 3 ms 13,060 bytes
550384 2020-09-10 06:58:40 %20 No.498 ワープクリスタル (給料日編) C++17 AC 19 ms 13,247 bytes
550299 2020-09-09 22:31:39 %20 No.1078 I love Matrix Construction C++17 AC 357 ms 13,218 bytes
550065 2020-09-09 05:53:23 %20 No.425 ジャンケンの必勝法 C++17 AC 32 ms 13,111 bytes
549881 2020-09-08 15:18:03 %20 No.8033 Test of Russian Bash AC 4 ms 22 bytes
549879 2020-09-08 15:12:28 %20 No.8033 Test of Russian Perl AC 4 ms 29 bytes
549874 2020-09-08 14:52:30 %20 No.8000 enuemu暗号 Perl AC 4 ms 40 bytes
549871 2020-09-08 14:49:19 %20 No.8000 enuemu暗号 Perl AC 4 ms 42 bytes
549856 2020-09-08 11:27:28 %20 No.470 Inverse S+T Problem C++17 AC 28 ms 13,605 bytes
549851 2020-09-08 11:02:13 %20 No.470 Inverse S+T Problem C++17 AC 38 ms 13,735 bytes
549023 2020-09-06 13:18:32 %20 No.8030 ミラー・ラビン素数判定法のテスト C++17 MLE - 13,072 bytes
549006 2020-09-06 12:43:37 %20 No.8030 ミラー・ラビン素数判定法のテスト C++17 WA - 12,898 bytes
549002 2020-09-06 12:38:50 %20 No.8030 ミラー・ラビン素数判定法のテスト C++17 MLE - 12,868 bytes
548996 2020-09-06 12:28:47 %20 No.8030 ミラー・ラビン素数判定法のテスト C++17 WA - 12,877 bytes
548995 2020-09-06 12:28:47 %20 No.8030 ミラー・ラビン素数判定法のテスト C++17 WA - 12,877 bytes
548986 2020-09-06 12:02:14 %20 No.8030 ミラー・ラビン素数判定法のテスト Bash AC 9632 ms 38 bytes
548984 2020-09-06 11:48:47 %20 No.9006 マルチバイト文字テスト(テスト用) Bash RE
- 39 bytes
548952 2020-09-06 10:39:49 %20 No.507 ゲーム大会(チーム決め) C++17 AC 23 ms 12,831 bytes
548949 2020-09-06 10:35:54 %20 No.507 ゲーム大会(チーム決め) C++17 WA - 12,822 bytes
548944 2020-09-06 10:15:18 %20 No.1134 Deviation Score Ⅱ C++17 AC 15 ms 12,642 bytes
548937 2020-09-06 09:46:30 %20 No.1134 Deviation Score Ⅱ C++17 WA - 12,633 bytes
548933 2020-09-06 09:20:03 %20 No.217 魔方陣を作ろう C++17 AC 2 ms 13,260 bytes
548930 2020-09-06 09:04:07 %20 No.217 魔方陣を作ろう C++17 WA - 13,152 bytes