
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
903520 2023-08-13 00:44:02 tailstails No.2417 Div Count cLay AC 15 ms 59 bytes
901226 2023-08-12 01:50:04 tailstails No.2411 Reverse Directions cLay AC 13 ms 1,323 bytes
901225 2023-08-12 01:46:24 tailstails No.2411 Reverse Directions cLay AC 12 ms 1,272 bytes
901154 2023-08-11 23:59:01 tailstails No.2409 Strange Werewolves cLay AC 12 ms 93 bytes
901145 2023-08-11 23:55:49 tailstails No.2409 Strange Werewolves cLay AC 11 ms 94 bytes
901048 2023-08-11 23:31:54 tailstails No.2411 Reverse Directions cLay RE - 1,532 bytes
901037 2023-08-11 23:28:34 tailstails No.2411 Reverse Directions cLay RE - 1,524 bytes
901030 2023-08-11 23:26:44 tailstails No.2411 Reverse Directions cLay RE - 1,524 bytes
900961 2023-08-11 23:08:15 tailstails No.2411 Reverse Directions cLay TLE - 1,515 bytes
900776 2023-08-11 22:32:23 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2409 Strange Werewolves cLay AC 16 ms 101 bytes
900497 2023-08-11 21:47:49 tailstails No.2409 Strange Werewolves cLay AC 12 ms 119 bytes
900415 2023-08-11 21:37:53 tailstails No.2408 Lakes and Fish cLay AC 26 ms 167 bytes
900216 2023-08-11 21:22:13 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2407 Bouns 2.0 cLay AC 2 ms 41 bytes
900192 2023-08-11 21:21:23 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2407 Bouns 2.0 cLay CE - 38 bytes
900134 2023-08-11 18:19:51 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2389 Cheating Code Golf cLay WA - 471 bytes
900123 2023-08-11 18:02:31 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2389 Cheating Code Golf cLay WA - 467 bytes
900024 2023-08-10 22:03:22 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2542 Yokan for Two cLay AC 8 ms 112 bytes
899943 2023-08-10 15:11:28 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2541 Divide 01 String cLay AC 4 ms 84 bytes
899208 2023-08-06 03:28:29 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2443 特殊線形群の標準表現 cLay AC 39 ms 383 bytes
898465 2023-08-04 22:10:30 tailstails No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg cLay AC 11 ms 275 bytes
898276 2023-08-04 21:46:18 tailstails No.2402 Dirty Stairs and Shoes cLay AC 8 ms 221 bytes
898116 2023-08-04 21:34:59 tailstails No.2401 Dirty Shoes and Stairs cLay AC 4 ms 113 bytes
898004 2023-08-04 21:28:17 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2400 Product of Gaussian Integer cLay AC 2 ms 93 bytes
897998 2023-08-04 21:27:34 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2400 Product of Gaussian Integer cLay CE - 68 bytes
897978 2023-08-04 21:27:03 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2400 Product of Gaussian Integer cLay CE - 72 bytes
897966 2023-08-04 21:26:32 tailstails No.2400 Product of Gaussian Integer cLay AC 2 ms 34 bytes
897827 2023-08-04 21:22:31 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2400 Product of Gaussian Integer cLay CE - 77 bytes
897685 2023-08-04 17:57:51 tailstails No.813 ユキちゃんの冒険 cLay AC 2 ms 53 bytes
897680 2023-08-04 17:31:28 tailstails No.1201 お菓子配り-4 cLay AC 2285 ms 75 bytes
896932 2023-07-31 16:18:19 tailstails No.2394 部分和乗総和 cLay AC 17 ms 274 bytes
896930 2023-07-31 16:16:43 tailstails No.2394 部分和乗総和 cLay AC 19 ms 259 bytes
896926 2023-07-31 16:12:58 tailstails No.2394 部分和乗総和 cLay AC 17 ms 286 bytes
896924 2023-07-31 16:05:00 tailstails No.2394 部分和乗総和 cLay AC 39 ms 215 bytes
896920 2023-07-31 15:54:38 tailstails No.2394 部分和乗総和 cLay AC 68 ms 106 bytes
896678 2023-07-29 23:31:16 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2540 同値性判定 cLay TLE - 1,203 bytes
896668 2023-07-29 22:16:24 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2540 同値性判定 cLay AC 30 ms 862 bytes
896667 2023-07-29 22:15:51 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2540 同値性判定 cLay AC 30 ms 825 bytes
896317 2023-07-28 22:46:45 tailstails No.2393 Bit Grid Connected Component cLay AC 16 ms 50 bytes
896267 2023-07-28 22:31:51 tailstails No.2396 等差二項展開 cLay AC 1352 ms 154 bytes
896258 2023-07-28 22:28:38 tailstails No.2396 等差二項展開 cLay WA - 160 bytes
896256 2023-07-28 22:27:28 tailstails No.2396 等差二項展開 cLay WA - 154 bytes
896243 2023-07-28 22:22:08 tailstails No.2396 等差二項展開 cLay WA - 166 bytes
896132 2023-07-28 21:57:38 tailstails No.2395 区間二次変換一点取得 cLay AC 31 ms 205 bytes
896118 2023-07-28 21:54:41 tailstails No.2395 区間二次変換一点取得 cLay AC 35 ms 221 bytes
896022 2023-07-28 21:40:04 tailstails No.2394 部分和乗総和 cLay AC 107 ms 71 bytes
896005 2023-07-28 21:37:22 tailstails No.2394 部分和乗総和 cLay WA - 65 bytes
895891 2023-07-28 21:27:29 tailstails No.2393 Bit Grid Connected Component cLay AC 15 ms 70 bytes
895841 2023-07-28 21:23:56 tailstails No.2392 二平方和 cLay AC 2 ms 27 bytes
895766 2023-07-28 21:07:33 CleyLCleyL No.2247 01 ZigZag cLay WA - 247 bytes
895763 2023-07-28 20:59:08 CleyLCleyL No.2247 01 ZigZag cLay WA - 215 bytes