
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
606780 2021-01-17 15:57:31 aaaaaaaaaa2230 No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM PyPy3 WA - 51 bytes
606779 2021-01-17 15:56:27 Drice No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++14 AC 2 ms 151 bytes
606778 2021-01-17 15:54:56 chocorusk No.1352 Three Coins C++17 AC 5 ms 1,548 bytes
606777 2021-01-17 15:54:40 Drice No.1355 AND OR GAME C++14 AC 81 ms 1,556 bytes
606776 2021-01-17 15:53:44 pockyny No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 MLE - 942 bytes
606775 2021-01-17 15:53:06 aaaaaaaaaa2230 No.1350 2019-6problem PyPy3 AC 42 ms 193 bytes
606773 2021-01-17 15:52:33 DaYuanChi No.1350 2019-6problem C++17 AC 2 ms 331 bytes
606772 2021-01-17 15:52:30 hotman78 No.1357 Nada junior high school entrance examination 3rd day C++17 CE - 45,328 bytes
606770 2021-01-17 15:51:51 DaYuanChi No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 CE - 331 bytes
606769 2021-01-17 15:51:05 👑 emthrm No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 TLE
- 3,646 bytes
606768 2021-01-17 15:50:20 ningenMe No.1354 Sambo's Treasure C++17 AC 256 ms 9,185 bytes
606767 2021-01-17 15:49:55 Ultimate_Tea_04 No.1350 2019-6problem Python3 AC 31 ms 576 bytes
606766 2021-01-17 15:49:39 Cyanmond No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 AC 2 ms 6,078 bytes
606765 2021-01-17 15:48:56 QCFium No.1354 Sambo's Treasure C++14 AC 90 ms 5,570 bytes
606763 2021-01-17 15:47:52 jell No.1353 Limited Sequence C++17 AC 154 ms 60,736 bytes
606762 2021-01-17 15:47:00 👑 emthrm No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 TLE - 3,315 bytes
606761 2021-01-17 15:46:10 👑 emthrm No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 WA - 3,316 bytes
606760 2021-01-17 15:46:00 hotman78 No.1357 Nada junior high school entrance examination 3rd day C++17 CE - 45,431 bytes
606759 2021-01-17 15:45:20 QCFium No.1354 Sambo's Treasure C++14 WA - 5,586 bytes
606758 2021-01-17 15:45:09 chocorusk No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++17 AC 3 ms 689 bytes
606756 2021-01-17 15:44:04 SSRS No.1356 Split Tile2 C++14 WA - 690 bytes
606754 2021-01-17 15:43:28 LayCurse No.1357 Nada junior high school entrance examination 3rd day C++17 WA - 15,568 bytes
606753 2021-01-17 15:43:02 hotman78 No.1357 Nada junior high school entrance examination 3rd day C++17(gcc12) WA - 45,420 bytes
606752 2021-01-17 15:42:00 QCFium No.1354 Sambo's Treasure C++14 WA - 5,742 bytes
606748 2021-01-17 15:40:39 chocorusk No.1350 2019-6problem C++17 AC 4 ms 756 bytes
606747 2021-01-17 15:39:17 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 AC 99 ms 1,824 bytes
606746 2021-01-17 15:38:59 hayaten No.1352 Three Coins C++17 WA - 698 bytes
606745 2021-01-17 15:37:34 chocorusk No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 AC 177 ms 1,920 bytes
606744 2021-01-17 15:37:26 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 MLE - 1,772 bytes
606743 2021-01-17 15:37:16 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17(gcc12) MLE - 1,772 bytes
606742 2021-01-17 15:35:34 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 RE - 1,764 bytes
606741 2021-01-17 15:33:14 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 RE - 1,764 bytes
606740 2021-01-17 15:32:59 Ultimate_Tea_04 No.1350 2019-6problem PyPy3 TLE - 361 bytes
606739 2021-01-17 15:32:36 Ultimate_Tea_04 No.1350 2019-6problem Python3 TLE - 361 bytes
606738 2021-01-17 15:31:26 tonyu0 No.1352 Three Coins Rust AC 2 ms 938 bytes
606735 2021-01-17 15:28:42 👑 emthrm No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 TLE - 3,337 bytes
606734 2021-01-17 15:23:29 jell No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 AC 63 ms 49,470 bytes
606732 2021-01-17 15:22:28 👑 tute7627 No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 AC 79 ms 3,844 bytes
606730 2021-01-17 15:21:09 👑 emthrm No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 TLE - 2,825 bytes
606728 2021-01-17 15:20:57 ibylog No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++14 WA - 8,248 bytes
606727 2021-01-17 15:20:26 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 WA - 1,735 bytes
606726 2021-01-17 15:20:21 kiyoshi0205 No.1353 Limited Sequence C++14 TLE - 3,163 bytes
606725 2021-01-17 15:17:23 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 WA - 1,735 bytes
606723 2021-01-17 15:16:21 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 WA - 1,717 bytes
606722 2021-01-17 15:16:04 αmusement No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17(gcc12) AC 81 ms 3,570 bytes
606721 2021-01-17 15:15:45 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 CE - 1,714 bytes
606717 2021-01-17 15:14:30 chocorusk No.1356 Split Tile2 C++17 AC 95 ms 14,411 bytes
606716 2021-01-17 15:14:21 kmjp No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 WA - 1,654 bytes
606714 2021-01-17 15:13:57 tokusakurai No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17 AC 53 ms 1,950 bytes
606713 2021-01-17 15:13:50 first_vil No.1352 Three Coins C++17 AC 96 ms 3,396 bytes