
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
606604 2021-01-17 14:19:50 noimi No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17(gcc12) AC 147 ms 18,297 bytes
606603 2021-01-17 14:19:44 kaede2020 No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 WA - 1,725 bytes
606602 2021-01-17 14:19:21 kaede2020 No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 CE - 1,788 bytes
606601 2021-01-17 14:18:58 NatsubiSogan No.1350 2019-6problem Python3 WA - 171 bytes
606600 2021-01-17 14:18:55 noimi No.1355 AND OR GAME C++17(gcc12) WA - 18,296 bytes
606599 2021-01-17 14:18:11 NatsubiSogan No.1350 2019-6problem Python3 WA - 167 bytes
606598 2021-01-17 14:17:47 👑 hos.lyric No.1355 AND OR GAME D AC 144 ms 2,108 bytes
606597 2021-01-17 14:17:28 αmusement No.1352 Three Coins C++17(gcc12) WA
- 4,090 bytes
606596 2021-01-17 14:17:25 kiyoshi0205 No.1352 Three Coins C++14 CE
- 3,297 bytes
606595 2021-01-17 14:16:47 👑 hos.lyric No.1355 AND OR GAME D WA - 2,099 bytes
606594 2021-01-17 14:16:09 souta-1326 No.1352 Three Coins C++14 RE - 7,561 bytes
606593 2021-01-17 14:15:56 SSRS No.1355 AND OR GAME C++14 AC 365 ms 1,315 bytes
606592 2021-01-17 14:15:29 NatsubiSogan No.1350 2019-6problem Python3 WA - 105 bytes
606591 2021-01-17 14:14:01 KKT89 No.1350 2019-6problem C++17 AC 2 ms 597 bytes
606590 2021-01-17 14:12:39 LayCurse No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++17 AC 3 ms 1,924 bytes
606589 2021-01-17 14:12:04 uwi No.1354 Sambo's Treasure Java AC 471 ms 13,339 bytes
606588 2021-01-17 14:11:55 LayCurse No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++17 WA - 1,909 bytes
606587 2021-01-17 14:11:36 hir355 No.1350 2019-6problem PyPy3 AC 36 ms 169 bytes
606586 2021-01-17 14:10:44 souta-1326 No.1352 Three Coins C++14 WA - 7,613 bytes
606585 2021-01-17 14:09:58 LayCurse No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++17 WA - 1,922 bytes
606584 2021-01-17 14:09:57 penguinman No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++17 AC 3 ms 18,397 bytes
606583 2021-01-17 14:08:51 penguinman No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++17 WA - 18,397 bytes
606582 2021-01-17 14:08:50 hir355 No.1350 2019-6problem PyPy3 WA - 138 bytes
606581 2021-01-17 14:08:45 どらら No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 AC 2 ms 723 bytes
606580 2021-01-17 14:08:12 👑 hos.lyric No.1356 Split Tile2 C++14 AC 126 ms 8,727 bytes
606579 2021-01-17 14:07:48 kotatsugame No.1354 Sambo's Treasure C++14 AC 127 ms 4,535 bytes
606578 2021-01-17 14:07:11 LayCurse No.1350 2019-6problem C++17 AC 3 ms 2,461 bytes
606577 2021-01-17 14:07:04 kyoprouno No.1352 Three Coins C++17 WA
- 6,413 bytes
606576 2021-01-17 14:07:04 penguinman No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 AC 2 ms 18,558 bytes
606575 2021-01-17 14:06:49 kyoprouno No.1352 Three Coins C++14 CE - 6,413 bytes
606574 2021-01-17 14:06:44 kotatsugame No.1354 Sambo's Treasure C++14 RE - 4,535 bytes
606573 2021-01-17 14:06:01 αmusement No.1352 Three Coins C++17(gcc12) WA - 4,062 bytes
606572 2021-01-17 14:05:45 SSRS No.1354 Sambo's Treasure C++14 AC 737 ms 2,994 bytes
606571 2021-01-17 14:05:31 firiexp No.1356 Split Tile2 C++17 AC 96 ms 8,082 bytes
606570 2021-01-17 14:04:54 Example0911 No.1352 Three Coins C++17 AC 214 ms 680 bytes
606569 2021-01-17 14:04:39 sushitoruna No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 MLE - 1,825 bytes
606568 2021-01-17 14:03:27 hirono999 No.1351 Sum of GCD Equals LCM C++17(gcc12) AC 3 ms 5,532 bytes
606567 2021-01-17 14:03:21 uwi No.1354 Sambo's Treasure Java WA - 13,409 bytes
606566 2021-01-17 14:02:56 shiomusubi496 No.1353 Limited Sequence C++14 AC 170 ms 697 bytes
606565 2021-01-17 14:02:27 sushitoruna No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 MLE - 1,827 bytes
606564 2021-01-17 14:02:02 αmusement No.1352 Three Coins C++17(gcc12) WA - 4,055 bytes
606563 2021-01-17 14:01:31 ぷら No.1352 Three Coins C++14 AC 16 ms 731 bytes
606562 2021-01-17 14:01:01 sushitoruna No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 MLE - 1,825 bytes
606561 2021-01-17 14:00:01 Konton7 No.1350 2019-6problem C++17 AC 2 ms 13,158 bytes
606560 2021-01-17 13:59:47 sushitoruna No.1350 2019-6problem C++14 WA - 1,817 bytes
606559 2021-01-17 13:59:41 👑 tute7627 No.1353 Limited Sequence C++17 AC 116 ms 5,314 bytes
606558 2021-01-17 13:59:40 kyoprouno No.1352 Three Coins C++17 WA - 6,518 bytes
606556 2021-01-17 13:58:30 pockyny No.1353 Limited Sequence C++17 TLE - 766 bytes
606554 2021-01-17 13:57:53 MZKi No.1352 Three Coins C++11(廃止可能性あり) WA - 645 bytes
606553 2021-01-17 13:57:21 kiyoshi0205 No.1352 Three Coins C++14 AC 3 ms 3,217 bytes